Reconciliation by Lisa Oliver

Chapter Nineteen

Luka hurriedly brushed his teeth, spitting into the sink and then washing out his mouth and the basin. He could hear Seth moving around and knew he had only a few seconds to get his head straight. Today was a very important day… or not really in the grand scheme of life, but important for him and his relationship.

The business with Ra, his mates and child, had been bugging Luka since the still unopened letter arrived. He’d done his best to hide it from Seth, but after that business with Horus the night before, Luka felt it was an issue that needed to be dealt with now.

After doing some research, thanks to the Paulie app, Luka figured the only way he was going to be able to stop members of the Egyptian pantheon from abducting him and apparently trying to save him from what they perceived as a doomed relationship was to get Ra on his, or rather his and Seth’s side. Personally, he instinctively knew the likes of Horus and Osiris weren’t being good souls – they wanted to mess with Seth. Luka hated that he was the instrument they were using, and it had to stop.

There was another reason for wanting to get things worked out between his mate and his mate’s father. Luka had feelings, things he wanted to say, and a pretty big secret of his own to share. He truly believed that while Seth was carrying around a huge chip on his shoulder about his family, and in particular his relationship with Ra, he wasn’t going to be receptive to any of the important things Luka wanted to share with him. Luka wanted to move forward, and he figured it would be a lot easier if he had Ra’s support. Or if Seth had Ra’s… or…

“Today’s the day,” he told his reflection sternly.

“Luka?” Footsteps were coming towards the bathroom.

“I’m just coming.” Flick of his hair, yep, I’ll do. Opening the bathroom door, Seth had one installed after Luka complained about being walked in on while he was taking care of business, he smiled up at his mate. “Good morning, or is it afternoon already? My stomach thinks it’s well past breakfast.”

“Hmm, my sexy mate.” Seth was always in a good mood when he woke up. Luka shivered in a most delicious way as his mate’s arms came around him, hugging him close. “What would my lovely wolf like to eat?”

“Surprise me.” Luka relaxed against his mate’s body. “Did you have any plans for us today? Only I was thinking we could go and see your father in Montana if you felt like it.”

Seth froze around him, and while Luka hated the reaction he pressed on. “I have some super dooper ideas for dates for us that involve a lot less people. But frankly hon, the family members of yours I’ve met so far are a pack of interfering assholes, and while I appreciate you rushing into save me, I just thought…” Luka employed his puppy dog look, hoping it was enough to work, “I just thought if Ra could be convinced to side with us, and tell the pantheon assholes to rack off, then we could have a lot more fun.” He fluttered his eye lashes. “Sound like a good idea?”

“No.” Seth huffed out a long breath, but he didn’t move away.

“We could take a gift for the baby; you could introduce me to them properly now we’re mated. I could show off my sexy mating mark…” Luka let his voice trail off. “Would it really be that bad?”

“I’d rather lay naked in a coffin full of scorpions,” Seth said drily, but he was nuzzling Luka’s hair, so Luka knew he hadn’t pushed too hard. “I will zap us a meal, while you can read the letter my father sent me. Then we’ll make a decision as to what we’ll do today.”

“You’re amazing, and wise, and totally sexy and what’s more, you’re all mine, and I couldn’t be happier.” Luka lifted his face, knowing his mate could never resist a kiss. Step one – check.


Seth had known it was coming. Luka had been amazingly understanding about everything since they’d claimed each other. He’d never mentioned Ra’s letter – he’d accepted being taken twice by assholes who were determined to intervene in their mating. When Luka has used his power… Seth wasn’t sure if Luka even realized what he’d done. But the warmth Seth had felt from his mate the night before had been incredible and so very intimate – it was as if it was connected to his soul as well.

I love him. The revelation wasn’t new. Seth just hadn’t known how to say the words and as he zapped up a table with a canopy, and covered it with Luka’s favorite food, he realized the main thing keeping him from saying those special words is the issues with my pantheon.

Being called a murderer hurt. Having the name “murderer” attached to him, brought up repeatedly along with the sneers and insults associated with such a horrible deed, cut deep into Seth’s psyche. In all the eons of existence since that time, there were still a few of his so-called family that had never let his treatment of Osiris go. Even the tales told about Seth and Osiris on the mortal realm claimed Seth killed Osiris because the bastard had slept with his sister wife, Nephthys. It was Nephthys’s fault – she’d transformed herself, so she looked like Isis, and Osiris, who would’ve known she wasn’t really his wife, went along with the deception and slept with her anyway.

Seth hadn’t cared. Nephthys wanted children and he hadn’t wanted any with her; thanks to Osiris she got pregnant with Anubis and was happy to leave him alone. But the story worked as a cover for the real reason Seth felt compelled to do away with Osiris – a secret I never wanted Ra to know about. But now Seth was thinking maybe Ra should’ve known, should’ve known how badly he’d let Seth down when it really counted.

Glancing over, Seth watched Luka who was sitting on the bed reading the letter he hadn’t wanted to open. It was just like his father – make nice with a formally written letter, because the god had shied away from true and intense, totally real emotions his whole existence.

Through their bond, something Seth was learning to read better every day since he’d admitted to himself his feelings for his wolf, he could sense Luka’s surprise. Ra had stopped surprising Seth a long time ago… okay, with the exception of the mates’ issue but now Seth was mated himself, he could understand the depth of the fated bond.

“Breakfast is ready,” he said when Luka just kept staring at the single piece of paper. “I thought we could eat outside.”

“That sounds great.” Luka leaned over and put the letter on the dresser, before getting up with a smile. “Food always tastes better outside, don’t you think?”

He came over and Seth offered his mate his elbow. Two seconds later they were seated, and Luka was filling his plate. Seth let out a silent sigh of relief. His lovely wolf shifter rarely talked with his mouth full. Leaning back in his chair, enjoying the sun on his bare chest, Seth waited.


Luka piled his plate high. Seth was wonderful at zapping up steak cooked just rare enough to satisfy his wolf but cooked enough for his taste, bacon crisped to perfection, and potato hash browns that were crunchy on the outside, and soft and fluffy in the middle. The coffee Seth had chosen for the day was deep, intense, but had such a smooth flavor it reminded Luka of creamy hot chocolate.

Yeah, I’m procrastinating. Luka was amazed Seth was so controlled. He had to be wondering what Luka had read; he was probably worrying what Luka would be thinking because Seth did that a lot. But nothing in Luka’s experience as a doctor, wolf shifter, or man had prepared him for the sheer banality of Ra’s letter. Formal. Dry. With nary a hint at the relationship Seth and Ra had shared for so long. Doesn’t that god feel anything for his son?

It would be so damn easy to screw the piece of paper up, throw it away and go horseback riding or something equally fun with his mate. But then the issue of Ra would sit over their relationship for goodness knows how long, and Luka didn’t want that. He wasn’t sure if he could ever get close to someone who treated their son so callously, but he wasn’t a god. Maybe they expressed their emotions differently to others. And maybe I’m a giant purple-spotted marshmallow.

Luka couldn’t put their talk off forever. Seth hadn’t eaten – he was drinking slowly from a large mug, staring out at the divide between the desert sands and the forest area he’d zapped up especially for Luka’s wolf. Scraping off his plate and licking his fork clean, Luka put them aside and reached for his own mug.

“So, Ra’s not one for writing very emotive letters, is he?” Luka leaned back in his chair, mimicking his mate’s casual pose.

Seth shook his head and then took another sip from his mug.

“He apologized for our last meeting and by that, I mean he literally wrote the words ‘I’m sorry the way our last meeting went,’ but he didn’t elaborate or anything like that.”

“Uh huh.” Seth raised his mug again.

“You have a sister. Her name is Aziza, chosen because it apparently means precious or darling. She was born the day we met them. Ra is well.”

“That’s nice.”

Luka sighed. “Seth, mate, you’re not giving me much to go on here. Ra’s letter was polite, clearly handwritten which suggests a personal touch and I’m guessing him sharing the details of your sister was his way of connecting with you.”

“Half-sister.” Seth was still looking out across the sands. “I’m sure she’s very beautiful and behaves perfectly. Ra would insist on nothing else.”

Okay, there’s definitely shit going on between the lines there.

“Perfection’s impossible,” Luka said desperately. “Not even the God of Everything, or All, or whatever Ra is, can predict or control the intricate and complex behaviors of a newborn.But he did reach out to you. Doesn’t that mean something?”

Seth did turn to face him then, his expression bland, only his eyes holding a hint of the agitation Luka could feel through their bond. “My father did what he thought was proper. He doesn’t like being thought of as anything but perfect at all times. You want us to see him, in the hopes he’ll intercede and stop the others trying to snatch you in their bid to save you from a fate worse than death – which is being mated to me. I can tell you now, Ra won’t do it. He’s never interceded on my behalf before, and he hasn’t got any reason to now.”

Luka could see, hear and sense how much Seth believed his words and his heart panged in sympathy. “We have to try, just once more,” he said quietly, reaching across the table, hoping Seth would take his hand. “If Ra can’t, if he doesn’t help, then… then I don’t know what we’ll do to stop your brothers, nephews and whoever else might come crawling out of the woodwork after me. Perhaps you can grant me powers, so I can at least translocate, or something. But hon, this is important to me. Ra is like a giant elephant between us, and I want to move forward with our future, not dwell on the past.”

“Which is why we’ll go – face Ra and ask him to intercede. Please don’t be disappointed if he refuses.” Seth’s staunch face let Luka know how badly he didn’t want to go anywhere.

Fuck, I should’ve just screwed the letter up. At least Seth took his hand.