Reconciliation by Lisa Oliver

Chapter Twenty-Two

“You want to do this now?” Luka looked up at Seth. “Didn’t you want to talk about this? I mean, we were talking just before. Are you happy with me having powers like yours? What if I do something wrong with them – I don’t want you to stop spoiling me. I really like all the sweet things you do with your powers because you do them for me. Will it stop you doing those things?”

Seth looked down at Aziza who was still sleeping soundly. Luka knew if she wasn’t on Seth’s arm, he’d be on his mate’s lap. But this was a case where Seth was going to have to use his words because Luka would not, could not take on any kind of superpower without knowing how it would impact the mate he loved.

“I can’t stop using my powers,” Seth said, tilting his head in Luka’s direction. “Using them is as natural to me as breathing and using them to make you smile has made me happy every day since we shared a roof together. You having powers means I won’t have to worry so much. When that ground opened up and you fell into the Realm of the Dead my heart fucking stopped. Knowing you can get out, protect yourself… Even if all you ever learn is to zap yourself back to me, that will mean everything to me… just like you do.”

“Oh hon. You’re my whole world. I’d always come zapping back to you.” Luka had never resented a baby in his life, and he didn’t resent Aziza either, but snuggling into Seth’s side would have to do, even if he did want to climb into his mate’s lap and kiss the stuffing out of him. He had to settle for looking up, resting his hand on the well-trimmed hair on Seth’s cheek. “Are you absolutely sure this won’t change things between us?”

“Only for the better. The only alternative that I can see is for Ra to lift the ban on me going to the Realm of the Dead and I don’t think you or he want that.”

“No, not really.” Luka searched his mate’s ruggedly handsome face. Most would see a bad attitude in the hard set of his jaw, and his resting grumpy face, but Seth’s eyes were the window of his soul, and Luka could feel the love and relief shining through them.

“I’ll accept the offer.” Luka brushed a kiss on Seth’s shoulder, and patted Aziza’s foot before he stood up. “This won’t interfere with my ability to shift, will it? Only I can’t live without my wolf.”

Ra shook his head. “Your wolf was granted to you by the Fates themselves. It’s not in my power to take him away, and I wouldn’t. These powers will just be added icing, for the want of a better term. Protective elements. Helpful elements. This is not a gift I give lightly, and it’s not something I’d do for anyone else. But you and Seth do have a unique situation and I feel responsible for that. Come closer. I do need to touch you, but it won’t hurt.”

Brushing his hands down his pants, Luka let out a long breath and covered the few steps necessary to bring him within Ra’s reach. “I still think Osiris should be punished in some way,” he said quietly as he held out his hands. “What he did to Malacai was beyond horrific.”

“Agreed.” Ra’s hands were warm and smooth against his. “However, the sad truth is nothing I could do to Osiris now would make up for what Malacai went through and unfortunately the wolf will be long dead, along with his mate. What I can tell you, through experiences I’ve heard about before, Malacai and his mate would’ve been reborn, and the Fates would’ve ensured their subsequent lives together were a lot happier.”

“Is Osiris’s job an important one?” Luka’s hands were getting warmer and there was a faint white glow covering where he and Ra were joined.

“He was responsible for the practices of mummification and the idea of rebirth. Seth actually did Osiris a favor by killing him and him coming back to life, in that respect as that one act heavily influenced Ancient Egyptian beliefs in the afterlife.” Ra was watching their hands. “However, most Egyptians now are buried or cremated, and many follow the Muslim religion so don’t adhere to the old ways.”

“Which would explain why Osiris is bored. I don’t even know how he knew I was in Seth’s life.” Luka could feel the warmth spreading through his body, quickening his lungs and heart. “He’s probably a stalker.”

“Gods can pretty much see anything they like if they apply themselves.” Ra hummed in a low tone. “Seth has lived a more varied life than Osiris ever has which would lend to Osiris’s feelings of inadequacy.” He looked up. “Osiris was always jealous of Seth.”

Luka heard Seth snort behind him, but he didn’t stop watching their hands. The feeling, like a wave of warm water was completely filling him from head to toe and everywhere in between. His lungs were tight, his heart beating twice as fast as after a shift, and somewhere in his mind, his wolf howled out a challenge.

“How much…” Luka gasped, “How much… gods, I can barely… breathe… how much… longer?”

“And it’s done.” Ra leaned forward, pulling Luka closer and blew in his face.

Sparkles filled Luka’s vision, he saw a vision of mighty pyramids, the huge sphinx, and shooting stars filling the heavens. He saw the rise and fall of the Nile, the advance of people through the ages, and the power of storms whipping the desert sands into a frenzy. Seth on Taja, leading the wild horses of the god’s realm, scarabs, jackals, and somewhere in the wind the sound of a baby crying. The last was so real, so intense, Luka swung around, but Aziza was still cradled quietly on Seth’s arm.

“Oh, wow. Oh, my gods, oh, wow. What a rush.” Luka leaned his hand on the arm of the chair Ra was sitting in, unsure if his legs would work. “Er… my whole body’s buzzing. Is that normal?”

“It will settle down shortly. But, there may be some added side effects.” Ra looked pointedly at Luka’s middle and then met his eyes.

“You mean the power is everywhere in me?” Luka indicated with a tip of his finger to his stomach.

“Yes. I take it…?” Ra quirked an eyebrow.

“Not yet.” Luka inhaled and let out a long breath. “We’ve had more than enough things to worry about since getting together.”

Ra nodded, and then looked past Luka to Seth. Luka could feel his mate’s eyes on his back, but he wasn’t quite ready to turn around. Ra knows.

“Seth, would you and Luka please stay for dinner? I know Kirill and Arvyn would love an opportunity to get to know you and your consort better. Please.” Seth must have had his ‘no’ face on, but Luka knew he wanted to spend time around Aziza, and honestly, the visit to Ra’s was supposed to be about building bridges in the pantheon.

“We’d love to,” he said, turning to face his mate with a smile. “Wouldn’t we, my mate.”

Building bridges, building bridges. Seth managed a half smile. That was yes enough.


Food, sleep, and a clean house seemed to work wonders on tempers and while Arvyn and Kirill seemed initially hesitant to the idea of Seth and Luka staying for dinner, a glance from Ra and they smiled and made nice. Seth, worried Ra had only asked them to stay so that he could keep an eye on Luka in case he burst out with magical powers on something, took a while to relax, but Arvyn seemed friendly, even if Kirill was more of an snippy ass.

Aziza was a good icebreaker. She finally woke up just as Ra was cutting the roast, and without thinking, Seth clicked to change her clothes and diapers, and then clicked up a bottle. When Kirill muttered something about them doing things in the mortal way in case his sister didn’t have magic, Seth shook his head. “I’m not her parent,” he said quietly. “She’ll have to get used to powers sooner or later.”

Surprisingly, Kirill backed off and Seth wondered how long it would be before him and Arvyn would be convincing Ra to use his magic when tending to her. From the way the two were eating, it’d been a while since they’d had enough time to eat uninterrupted.

“Luka, how have you been coping with your new omega powers, now Seth has claimed you?” Arvyn asked while they were finishing off a hot apple pie and cream Ra zapped up for dessert.

“He stopped me killing Horus, so consider that a good thing,” Seth said drily, carefully taking the near empty bottle out of Aziza’s mouth and tilting her gently until she was on his shoulder. Yes, he’d been paying attention when Luka had done it. Rubbing in a light circular movement on her back, he added, “Luka had been abducted again, forcibly from a club we had visited. I was not impressed Horus ruined our first date, or that he’d been living as the King of Egypt when he’d cheated to get the position.”

“And you stopped Seth from killing Horus, Luka?” Arvyn seemed surprised. “I mean, male omegas were always powerfully strong when they’d mated, but I never imagined their powers working on a god. Was Horus affected too?”

“I don’t know. Horus wasn’t in a killing mood, I don’t think. That was amazing pie, thank you.” Luka scrapped his plate clean, licked the spoon and then pushed his plate aside. “The thing is, I didn’t know I had a power until I touched Seth’s arm that night. He was ready to murder Horus, and as a wolf shifter I totally understand why. But, man, you should’ve seen Horus. Yes, he bruised my arms, but he was wearing a gold outfit that came from the seventies. He even had platform shoes on. He was skinny, pale, a lot like Osiris really. It wouldn’t have been a fair fight.”

“What does it feel like – your power when you used it, I mean.” Kirill leaned his elbows on the table.

Aziza gave a little hiccup and a sigh, and everyone held their breath waiting to see if she would cry, but her eyes were closed, and she was completely relaxed. Oh boy, I could get used to this, Seth thought, feeling smug and protective all at the same time.

“You look good with her,” Luka said with a smile, before turning back to Kirill. “As for the power, I’d never felt anything like it before, but it was like the sun had come out in my belly and it spread over my whole body. It was like I was untouchable, and I instinctively knew I was doing the right thing. Wolves are all about honor, right, Arvyn?”

Arvyn nodded.

“There was no honor in killing Horus despite his actions. Arvyn would understand, as a fellow wolf, and I’m sorry for calling you out all the time,” Luka’s grin was confident despite the apology, “but in my head, Seth is my alpha despite us being equals in our mating. With Horus, he behaved exactly as any mated alpha wolf would, quick to want to kill him – Horus did leave bruises on my arm. My wolf was in seventh heaven, knowing our alpha wanted to avenge the harm done to us.”

Arvyn smiled. Ra and Kirill scratched their heads. “No one touched Horus, did they?” Ra asked. “Like, did Seth rough him up a bit before you stopped him?”

“I didn’t touch him.” Seth shook his head. “Luka spoke. He was touching my arm. His power filled the room, which was an incredible feeling, and while I was still angry, I was also prepared to listen.”

“In my head, Seth is an honorable wolf – an honorable man. Even when our claiming was in doubt, he still came, saved me from shooters, and has treated me well ever since. There was nothing to gain from hurting Horus – not physically, anyway. He’d have just come and complained to you, Ra, and there would’ve been a good chance Seth would be in trouble again. I knew inside,” Luka tapped his chest, “I knew Seth was so much better than Horus will ever be. He didn’t need to prove it. For all his gold, Horus has nothing…”

“Whereas I have my gorgeous mate, and I’m happy for the first time in centuries,” Seth finished. “Horus wasn’t a worthy opponent, not even close. Luka was right to stop me.”

“It seems the stories of old are right,” Arvyn agreed. “A mated omega’s power could only be used for what they perceived was the higher good. The Cloverleah pack, where the only other known omega in existence lives, have done some extensive research on omegas. Dean – that’s the omega – his mate Matthew was alive during the times omegas were killed or prevented from claiming their fated mates. In some cases, alphas believed if they forcibly bonded the omega to them, the poor young wolf would come into their powers and do their bidding. So many of them died in captivity, or in some horrific cases, took their own lives.”

“Which would be why the Fates stopped allowing omegas to be born for quite some time.” Ra nodded. “The pack at Cloverleah would still very much like to meet you, Luka, even though Wes and Cas told them you were mated to one of my own.”

“It seems they’re trying to get some understanding of why you were able to move among packs for years, and travel all over the country without being poached by power hungry alphas. You’re older than Dean, who’s only twenty-five, twenty-six now, whereas you are…?” Arvyn asked Luka.

“Fifty-nine, I’ll be sixty next year, not that that counts for anything. But that means,” Luka turned to Seth. “There’s a generation gap between me and this Dean. Is it possible there are others?”

Seth almost shrugged, but Aziza was a warm lump on his shoulder. “I’ve not really kept up with the affairs of wolves,” he said. “It’s possible there are some in Europe, South America maybe, anywhere really. The Fates clearly felt that my mate was safe enough, which perhaps is why this Dean was born.”

“I was safe for two reasons. One, I didn’t know I was omega and my dad never let me shift in front of his pack when I was living there; and two, I never had anything to do with wolf packs when I left home. I went to university, became a doctor, worked in human hospitals and shifted by myself. I don’t know how the Fates view the circumstances of my life in comparison to Dean’s…”

“His life was quite horrific before he was found by the Cloverleah alpha, Kane,” Ra said, his tone sad. “He escaped being kept captive in a basement at his home pack and when found, he was homeless and starving. It was lucky he was found when he was. After he met Matthew some five years later, he was then getting abducted by various factions, stirred up by the dark elves who all thought Dean could make theirs the most powerful packs in the land. He’s safe now. He and Matthew have adopted a young fawn shifter, after he was instrumental along with other non-alpha pack members, in helping win against the dark elves’ attack on their pack. But his safety and his happiness was a long hard road for him.”

Luka didn’t say anything verbally, but his face said it all. Seth knew he’d be really upset learning of Dean’s abuse. Leaning closer, he whispered, “Did you want a baby hug?” And Luka nodded. Taking care not to disturb her too much, Seth edged Aziza from his shoulder to Luka’s, his shoulder missing her warmth almost immediately. Then he wrapped his arm around Luka and Aziza offering his strength.

“She probably should go into her crib,” Kirill said softly. “It’s not good, her relying on laying on someone every time she needs to sleep.”

“Attachment parenting is highly thought of,” Luka said, lifting his head from where he’d been resting it against Aziza’s. “And one day won’t hurt her, especially since you’ve all had a rough three days. Back to Dean and the situation at Cloverleah, I’m happy enough to go and meet them, provided Seth doesn’t have any objection. But I don’t see how talking to me is going to help them in any way. Apart from my first eighteen years, I’ve never lived in a pack and don’t wish to.”

Thank the Fates for that. Seth couldn’t think of anything worse – having to bow to an alpha, and having every emotion sniffed at. It was fun when Luka did it, but not anyone else. “I don’t have a problem meeting them later,” he said, “but while Osiris is still a threat, I don’t think taking that trouble to an established pack is a good idea. But certainly, pass on the message we’d be willing, just not now. Does that work for you?” He looked down at Luka.

“Perfectly, thank you.” Luka sighed. “As nice as this is, we should think about going. It’s been an emotional day for all of us, and Seth and I need some time. Our bond is still new. As far as Cloverleah goes, we will meet them when Osiris is at least neutralized. I’m not sure if they’re any others like me and this Dean you talk about, but I’d like to think the outcomes for Dean and I proved happy in the end, so maybe there will be more to come. Who knows?”

“The Fates know and they aren’t telling.” Arvyn laughed as he got up, coming over and plucking Aziza from Luka’s shoulder. “Hello, my little princess,” he put Aziza on his shoulder the way Luka and Seth had done. “Hmm, maybe you prefer laying more upright instead of down in your crib, ha?”

“If she has wind, lying her flat will make her uncomfortable, so burping her after every single feed is critical,” Luka said. “I didn’t get a chance to check her gums but if they feel inflamed at all, she’ll be teething, which will make her tired and cranky for anything up to five days. The key thing is to keep calm when she’s upset. There’re three of you. Take turns in taking time out for yourselves – work in shifts so that you all get to eat, sleep and shower regularly. If one of you is getting snappy, then go for a walk. Babies are incredibly sensitive to the mood around them and honestly, guys, trying to do things the mortal way is hugely commendable, but one of you has got powers, so use them even if it’s to take care of the laundry.”

“Yeah,” Kirill looked sheepish, and Seth guessed it was him that wanted them raising Aziza the mortal way. “I guess it’s a bit like the screen debate for older kids. The magic would be hugely helpful.”

Luka laughed. “Guys, she’s going to be around magical powers – if it’s not yours, it’ll be someone else’s like us. Aziza is not a mortal child; one of her dads drinks blood, one of them turns furry and one of them can change pretty much anything with a wave of his hand. Use your talents, embrace them and show how diverse you are as individuals – Aziza will learn a lot from that as she gets older. Trust me on this, okay.”

“Yes, Doctor Luka.” Ra nodded with a smile. “And you two, if things get too bad, you just have to call…”

“We know,” Seth said gruffly as he stood up, suddenly embarrassed by the extended goodbye. “We’ll be on the realm, you know, looking after things.”

“Not all the time,” Luka said brightly. “We’ve still got a first date to finish. Thank you for dinner, kiss Aziza for us when she wakes up. Now, my mate, take us home.”

Finally. Stealing one more glance at the baby Aziza, Seth whisked them home.