Reconciliation by Lisa Oliver

Chapter Twenty-Three

Now he had eaten, and spent time chatting with others, Luka’s initial buzzing response to the powers Ra gave him had settled down, and now he was feeling the urge to have a super long snuggle with his mate so he could let Seth in on some secrets he wanted to share – or one major one at least. His logical brain reminded him Seth had gone through some emotional trauma himself over a very long day, facing Ra, sharing his past, meeting his new sister – sexy snuggles or more confessions probably aren’t on his mind right now.

And Luka was right if he was reading Seth’s actions correctly. When they materialized in the oasis, Seth encouraged Luka to sit on the grass, under their favorite tree, and then wandered across to the water’s edge, his hands in his pockets, staring out across the water. Luka’s wolf was keen to come out, wanting to stand by his mate, offering comfort, but Luka wanted to talk. Ra knows, and he’ll tell his mates. It’s only right Seth knows too.

“Have you ever thought about having kids?” Seth was still staring out at the water, but Luka heard him clearly and his eyes widened.

What the fuck should I say? This was not how Luka imagined their conversation would go. “Er… I never used to, you know being an omega and all, but seeing Aziza today – you were very good with her.”

“I probably should’ve told you, but Gods can have children, regardless of gender. It used to be only males who were part of the god-line could create life with another god line male, but apparently Mother Nature, or the Fates, or somebody changed it when Hades took his chipmunk as a mate. There was an announcement from Silvanus, who’s as old as Ra if not older. He said that the Fates needed more permanent threads on the tapestry of life, to help cope with the growing mortal population. Gods and their mates are the only ones who can create those permanent threads.”

“So that’s how Ra got pregnant? Because of this decree?” Luka sat forward hugging his knees.

“Apparently.” Seth turned, so Luka could see his face, but he didn’t come any closer. “Kirill, the vampire didn’t take it too well, knowing Ra could get pregnant – he was blindsided, but he’s adjusted, don’t you think?”

Luka nodded. “Despite the mess we saw this morning, I think that is a loving home and they all adore Aziza to the point of forgoing sleep, food and basic hygiene. You saw how upset Kirill was when he opened the door to us.”

“Yeah, brought to his knees by a ten-pound infant.” Seth chuckled and the trees swayed as if hit by a summer breeze. “But you, what do you think? Did you want kids?”

“Yes.” Swallowing the lump that threatened to close his throat, Luka raised his voice. “I was kinda thrilled to see you with Aziza today – really thrilled. We’ll be having our own pups in about ten weeks’ time, probably less, so hopefully you’ll be keen on them to.”

A sudden stillness hit the oasis. Everything stopped – the breeze in the trees, the ripples of the water, and Luka’s heartbeat. This is it – if he rejects us now… There was a blur, a whirlwind of sand as Seth was right in front of him, pulling Luka to his feet. “Is it true? Are you expecting? Are you absolutely sure?”

“Beloved mate, I’m a doctor, of course, I’m sure. And my wolf told me days ago. I just wasn’t sure…”

“YES!” Seth screamed. “Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.”

Pulled off his feet, Luka was swung around, his huge mate twirling like a tornado, his face transformed by the light of his smile. “I can’t believe it. The Fates.” Seth was babbling as he set Luka on his feet again, although not a breath of wind could get between them. “I wasn’t forsaken, the Fates saw me. Now we can build a family of our own. Don’t you see. I must be worthy again. The Fates didn’t forget me. They forgave me.”

“Oh Seth.” Luka couldn’t stop his tears. “My beloved mate. I love you so much and the Fates – they knew we’d be perfect for each other for all time.”

“Oh yes. So much. You’re everything. I love you too. You know that, right? I do. I love you; I’ve loved you for weeks. I just… Fuck. Osiris has got so much to answer for.”

“No.” Luka put his fingers over Seth’s lips. “No, he doesn’t have a place here. He’s nothing, okay. Nothing. What he did in the past is horrific, and you’ve suffered terribly because of it. But this is us. This is now. We have a future – you and me and our pups. That is all that counts. Yes?”

“Yes. Oh, fuck, yes, my love that’s all I need. Oh Luka, you…” Seth’s large hand cupped his cheeks as though he was precious, and then his lips were right there. Luka tilted his head up to meet them.


Seth’s heart had never been so full. As soon as Luka said the words, he understood. The impending pups were the reason his mate wanted him to resolve the situation with his own father – his mate was looking out for him, just like he had from the start.

How the hell did I get so lucky? His heart, his lungs, every part of his body felt ten pounds lighter. They didn’t forsake me. The Fates had looked past his brittle shell, ignored every comment he’d made about not believing in mates or happy ever afters and had bided their time, before creating the perfect being in the universe just for him. And now we have pups coming. Fuck, more than one?

But Seth didn’t have time to ask. Luka’s lips were under his, as he cradled Luka’s fine cheeks. His mate’s body never failed to arouse him, and today… Fuck, I could fly, I’m so high. Seth dropped his hand, cupping it around Luka’s butt, hitching him up, so their cocks bumped, covered in their respective pants. Seth could come through that alone, but he craved the closeness that came from being inside his mate’s body.

The powers Ra gave Luka added a hint of electricity to their passion. Which gave Seth an idea. Pulling back from Luka’s lips wasn’t easy – his mate followed him, wanting them back. “Babe, precious, I want you to zap us to our bed.”

“Hmm… wait. Me?” Luka’s eyes were half closed in lust, his hands entangled in Seth’s hair, his whole weight heavy against Seth’s body.

“Intent, hon,” Seth urged. He ran his hand around Luka’s butt as incentive. “Just picture us in our bed and make it happen. Focus.”

“Ugh.” Luka hummed and clicked his shoes together. His shoes? But Seth’s molecules dispersed, and within a blink they were on their bed, naked and suddenly Luka’s cock against his felt a whole lot better.

Urgency was the keyword here. Seth needed his mate, and while he’d felt similar with Luka before, somehow in his own brightened vision everything felt more. Luka’s skin was always smooth, but under his hands it felt incandescent; his mate’s moans were music to his ears any day ending in ‘y’ and yet in his new-found euphoria, they were a symphony.

Luka was hot and eager, his body wiggling to gain maximum friction. If Seth didn’t move quickly, he was going to blow before he hit his goal. Using his own magic, he brushed his fingers against Luka’s hole, the loosening and lube added automatically. Rolling them, so he was on top, Seth eased off his kisses – he had to sit up for the next part. Luka’s pout and moan was adorable, but his canny mate caught on fast, grabbing his legs at the knees and pulling them towards his chest.

It was Seth’s turn to moan. Zapping up a pillow under Luka’s butt, so his sweet hole was more accessible, Seth fisted the base of his cock, rubbing the head of it where it wanted to go.

“Now,” Luka cried, “get in me now.”

A wisp of power zipped through the air, and Seth felt pressure on his butt like a hand was pushing him. Fuck, his powers. Luka wouldn’t know how to use them, but if he had strong enough intent… Determined not to have their lovemaking interrupted by whatever else Luka might be thinking during sex, Seth pressed forward, using his cockhead to push past Luka’s muscles, groaning as Luka’s body took him so easily.

“You’re made for me, precious,” he rumbled as he waited for Luka’s hole to ease its grip on him. Their physical size difference meant Seth would never just plunge in and expect Luka’s body to take him in one thrust. It was worth the patience to work his cock into his mate’s hole, and the way that sweet hole stretched around him – Seth could understand why wolf shifters were so damn possessive of their mates.

Every time he rocked forward, Luka tried to meet him halfway, which wasn’t easy with his back bowed the way it was. Seth took the hint, thrusting a bit harder, but keeping to a slow and steady pace. Now he was in, Seth wanted to savor the feeling – the tight warmth around his length, the visual which stoked the fire in his balls like nothing else, the sweet sound of Luka’s harsh breathing as his mate took all he had to offer.

“Babe, please. Harder.”

Seth noted the endearment, something Luka wasn’t known for. His mate’s face was flushed, his hair a mess on the pillow under his head. There was a deep pink blush that ran from under Luka’s neck down in between his mate’s nipples that were hard and pointed. Luka’s cock bobbed with each of Seth’s thrusts – already leaking. Seth got a quick flash – if he hadn’t been so big, and perhaps more limber he’d love to be able to suck and fuck at the same time, but he could change his angle, leaning over Luka’s body and resting his fists on the mattress on either side of Luka’s chest.

“Yes!” Luka yelled.

Realizing he’d hit the right spot, Seth sped up his thrusts. He couldn’t see his cock pushing into Luka’s hole, but Luka’s flushed face, the passion in his eyes, the way his gorgeous full lips were opened as he panted – Seth felt adored. He could feel it in Luka’s body, see it on his face, and could sense it deep in his soul which was finally free of the pain and bitterness of the past.

And damn, if that thought didn’t hit Seth’s balls with a jolt. The urge to come was already on him, his balls were tight, his harsh breaths matching his mate’s. Luka’s hand had slipped down between them, and Seth could feel knuckles on his abs as Luka tugged on his cock.

“So damn close.” His eyes closed; Luka’s teeth were showing.

In an instant, Seth remembered the claiming bite Luka had given him and he came with a roar, slamming into his mate one last time and freezing as waves of endorphins, hormones and so much pleasure flowed through his body. A split second later and Luka was there too, his beautiful face scrunched up as his mess spilled between them.

“Oh, my gods, love you so much.” Luka reached for him, one hand still messy, but Seth was too blissed to care.

Making sure he didn’t leave Luka coping with all his weight, he said, “I love you too, my mate,” knowing every syllable was true.

It was quite some time later, as they were settling into sleep, Seth thought to ask, “Luka, my precious, why did you click your shoes together when I asked you to zap us?”

“Have you never seen the Wizard of Oz?” Luka’s chuckle was filled with sleep. “I was clicking my heels and heading home, Toto. There’s no place like home.”

Seth was still no wiser. Who the fuck’s Toto? But those answers would have to wait. Luka was already asleep. I could ask Paulie, but Seth was tired too. It could wait.