Neanderthal by Avery Flynn


Thinking up a book is the easy part. The hard part is yanking it word by word out of your head and onto the page. It would be pretty unbearable if I wasn’t surrounded by amazing people who make that process seem like fun. A huge thank you to the entire Entangled team, my editor Liz, Stacy the copyediting genius and a million other folks who make this all happen (special shout outs to Jessica, Rikki, Amy and Bree). Thank you!!! Another huge thank you goes to my family who are used to me mumbling to myself and speed typing while holding conversations with people who don’t exist off the page. I’m sure they’ll have lots of “you think your mom is weird” stories to tell their friends at parties. And, of course, none of this would happen if it wasn’t for the readers who have fallen in love with the people of Harbor City right there with me. Thank you for reading. Thank you for leaving your honest reviews. Thank you for being a part of Romancelandia where happy endings are guaranteed.

