Twisted Fate by Summer Cooper



Aweek later Logan put down the telephone in his office and almost wished he was still in the hospital. Keily had banned his phone the first full week he was awake, and life had been rather peaceful, even when Rosa and Violet brought in his baby girls to see him. He was released from the hospital after that and today was the first day he’d ventured out on his crutches.

“Sorry about that.” He said as Keily came into his home office, her eyebrows knitted together in a death glare. “I missed dinner, I know. One of the machines broke down and I ended up having to call in the repair crew to fix it. And the main supervisor I told you about, the one I’m getting all the complaints about who had left all those safety hazards unrepaired the day I got hurt? He’s now fired.”

“I don’t blame you,” Keily answered succinctly. Logan didn’t fire employees over nothing. He gave them a chance to improve and if they didn’t, he gave them the boot. The guy wasn’t to blame for Logan’s accident, but someone else could have been hurt because of the supervisor’s lax standards.

“There were safety hazards all over the place.” Logan continued, going over it all again in his head. “I fixed what I could, but some of it needed to be blocked off until a repair crew fix it. Anyway, that guy is gone.”

It was nice just to talk to her and get this stuff off of his chest. That was one of the nice things about their relationship, they actually talked about their day together, discussed problems, and worked together to fix them. Yeah, he missed the fuck out of sex with her, but talking was important, he’d come to learn. It helped to relieve some of the stress he felt, and he slept better at night.

Especially since she’d seemed to conquer those nightmares of his and he’d managed to climb his way out of a coma. The nightmares hadn’t woken him up since that night she slipped into bed and cradled him until he went back to sleep or since he woke up from his coma. He almost worried he was in for another year of torment after the nightmare of that coma but something about her seemed to have vanquished the kid in him that was still afraid of being attacked.

“He definitely deserves to be fired then. He knows people are there on the weekends, even if he’s off at the lake or whatever it is he does. He’s always going on about fishing.” He heard Keily say with irritation. “I didn’t like the guy either when I was working there, I have to say.”

“No, you didn’t.” Logan agreed and nodded, his leg up on a chair in a soft brace to protect it. The break hadn’t been that bad and he barely felt any pain in it at all now. “Are the girls asleep?”

It was dark already, so they probably were.

“Yes, Zoe just went off at last. I didn’t think she was going to stop fighting her sleep, but she did.”

“Okay. Want to watch a movie together or something?” Logan held his breath as he waited for her answer. It had been a while since they’d had time to themselves, alone, watching movies like they used to. Maybe he’d get a chance to work up the nerve to say all the things he’d promised himself he’d say.

“Yeah, we can watch it in my room if you want? That way we can hear the girls if they need us.” Logan wasn’t sure but he thought he heard a note of hope in her voice too, as if she really wanted him to say yes and not just because of the girls.

“Let Avery do her job, Keily. Relax for a change.” He urged her, even though he knew she wouldn’t listen.

“I know, I just worry so much about them.” She let the words trail off.

“And I understand that, but they’re fine, honey. They’re okay. And we’ll be right there.”

“I know. You’re right.” She didn’t say anything else, so he let her off the hook and dropped the subject.

“I’ll join you in about ten minutes. I have one more phone call to make. Want to pick something out and I’ll join you in your room?”

“Sounds good. I’ll see if Judith is around to heat up something for you to eat, too.”

“No, that’s alright. I’m good on that front.”

“Oh, good. Okay. I’ll see you in a little while then.”

“You will, Keily.” He picked up the phone and focused on getting the call over with as quickly as possible.

By the time he joined her in her bedroom, she was dressed in a white cotton nightgown and a cotton robe with hibiscus flowers decorating it. It was something he’d bought her when they went on vacation together and did little to calm the tension that came to life the moment he walked in the door. The robe, the memories of that vacation just made him more tense, in fact.

“Hey, how are you doing with those?” Keily asked as soon as he came in on his crutches.

“I’m fine, just tired.” He had on gray pajama pants and a t-shirt, but wished he’d put on jeans that morning, they might have hidden how much he wanted her.

He rushed to sit down on the couch, hoping she hadn’t seen. He knew her body was ready for sex, but was her mind? She’d left him hanging not long ago, backed away from him like he was the worst mistake she’d ever made. Yet here he was, about to watch a movie in her bedroom. He’d behave, until and unless she made a move of her own.

“It’s been a long week. It’ll do you some good to relax for a little while.” She replied and turned the large flatscreen on to start the movie she’d chosen.

Logan kept his eyes on the TV, wanting to not be obvious about where his mind was. When he looked back over at her she’d pulled a blanket off the bed and had it wrapped around her feet. “You’ve got cold feet?”

“Not about watching the movie, no. Oh, you mean the blanket? Yeah, I should probably put some socks on, but I like having a blanket.” She bit at her bottom lip and looked up at him, almost as if she felt guilty. “Do you really want to watch a movie, Logan?”

His heart thudded to a stop before it raced back into life, awareness almost electric between them.

“I want to do whatever you want to do, Keily.” Instinct told him to shut up and do what he wanted to do, take what he wanted to take, say what he wanted to say but he held back, gave her some space. “What do you want to do?”

“I think I want to do something else, Logan. I just have to know it’ll be different this time. That you won’t run out on me, even if the reason you did was my own fault.” She looked up at him with pain and desire in her eyes.

“I only needed you to say the word, Keily.” He breathed in relief. Whatever happened, they were talking at least.

He looked over at her and found himself spellbound by her. Her eyes, always so captivating, held him as he looked at her, drew him in, but they needed to talk first. Kissing could come later. For now, his beautiful, brave, and oh so strong Keily needed to know that he would always be there for her.

“I didn’t know what life was until I met you, Keily. Well, until I met you as an adult.” He laughed at the awkwardness of the situation, at himself. He had to laugh again when he struggled up off the couch and hobbled over to sit on the bed with her. “I thought I knew what life was, but you brought laughter into my world, joy, and so many other things. I was still too caught up in my anger from the past to be what you needed me to be. I was still caught up in who you had been to see what you were giving to me. I knew what I’d lost the minute I left your apartment that night, which is why I kept going back to it, even after you were gone. I wanted back what you’d given me, only I couldn’t have it. Not until I saw you again. Not until you let me back into your life and I promise you, I don’t ever plan to let that go.”

“That’s all I needed to know.” She leaned into him. “We’ve both changed, grown up, I guess, and I really don’t want to spend another second of my life without you. You gave me our daughters, but all I wanted when you left, was you. That hasn’t changed. I still want you and only you, Logan. I almost lost you, or it felt like I did, when you had that accident. Don’t make me live without you anymore.”

Rather than answering her verbally, he took her lips suddenly, too hungry to hold back, to be gentle, if only for that second. Her tongue darted out to wet his lips, telling him to take what he wanted, to hurry because she couldn’t take waiting any more than he could.

He told himself to go slow, to take it easy but Keily took that decision away from him when she pushed herself up and straddled his waist, their lips still sealed together. It had been so long since they’d kissed that Logan didn’t want to let her lips go and gently held her face to his as she moved.

He wanted to pull away, to tell her to slow down, that they had the rest of their lives but he didn’t want to break the connection, didn’t want to risk missing that chance he’d silently screamed for while he was in the coma. As soon as her lips touched his, he came to life again in a way he hadn’t realized was gone. The girls had brought something to him, given him a new purpose, but their mother? Now she gave him life unlike anything he’d ever felt before.

Eager hands brushed the robe from her shoulders as her tongue slid along his and the heat built between them, where their bodies met. He laughed deep in his throat when she groaned, not out of self-satisfied amusement but because he was so pleased she was in his arms. His hands slid up the nightgown bunched at her hips, gliding with satisfied delight over the silky expanse of her skin. She felt like home.

Where he was always supposed to be, where he should have been all those long empty months, here with her and nowhere else. But now wasn’t the time for regret, it was time to build new memories, to create new tomorrows, and he would make that all come true, as long as she let him.

Their bodies pressed together intimately, and it was no surprise when he felt his chest grow damp. He’d read about it, knew what to expect, that her milk might leak, knew that other things about her might be different but it was all hot to him. She was excited and her body, always so responsive, told him exactly what she was feeling. She tried to pull away, embarrassed when she realized how wet they both were.

“No, Keily. It’s you, it’s part of you until you wean the girls and we’ll just have to learn to enjoy it won’t we?” He told her, his fingers reaching out to stroke her nipples, coaxing them into life. There wasn’t much left in her, not after feeding the girls, so all he got for his troubles were tight peaks that needed to be touched.

He slid the nightgown over her head until she was bare, naked to his gaze. “Let me taste you, it’s been too long.”

She looked down at him, uncertain, her need to ravish him gone as her body betrayed just how human she was. “If you want to. But don’t do it just to make me feel better.”

“I would never lie to you like that, Keily.” He answered and took her breasts in his hand. Their shape was slightly different, her whole body was, but she’d exercised daily the last couple of months and was getting back some of her old shape. He liked her softer, rounder in places, but he’d never make her choose which way to be.

Besides, all he wanted at the moment was her nipple on his tongue. Keily breathed harshly as his tongue swept over her nipples, one at a time. When he pressed her breasts together and sucked, she pushed her hips down into his and groaned loudly, lost in the sensation. He felt her hips begin to move on the hard ridge hidden in his pants and though it was a little uncomfortable at first, it had been so long since she’d touched him that it started to feel good. He let her do as she pleased, so long as she let him tease her tight nipples. He sucked them in long pulls, used his teeth to hold them for the lashing his tongue gave them, and teased sounds out of her that he loved. Soon she was panting while she danced on his cock.

“I need you, Logan, I need you so much. Fuck, I need you.” She groaned almost to herself before she reached between their bodies, shifting just enough to let his length escape his pants before she slid down on him.

That pulled a groan from somewhere deep in his chest as he felt her walls enclose him, hot and wet, and all for him. “Keily.”

Her name was a ragged whisper that he repeated as she began to move on him, fast and hard, harder than he thought she should move, but she insisted when he tried to hold her still, pushed down against his hold, until he let go and let her have her way. She knew what was best.

“Fuck, this is so good.” She panted, her face a picture of lost rapture. “And the best part is, I don’t have to worry about whether I’m going to get pregnant.”

“That’s definitely a bonus.” He whispered, but wondered if it would bother her.

She didn’t seem to care and he knew she mustn’t when he felt her contract around him, a tight grip like a slick fist around his cock. For a second she hung there, mouth open, eyes wide, until the pleasure broke over her, a tidal wave that washed away all that had come before. There was only them, now, and the future.

Logan couldn’t help it, he followed with her as her nails dug into his shoulders and his cries mingled with hers. She was his again, at last. Nothing else mattered.