Twisted Fate by Summer Cooper



“My hormones will be the death of me,” Keily said to Rosa two weeks later, her feet up on the coffee table at her place.

“Logan’s hotness getting to you?” Rosa smirked a knowing grin.

“Why does he have to be so hot?” Keily moaned and faked a sob. “It’s killing me.”

“I’ve heard about these pregnancy hormones, how your body just takes over and decides what it wants and how it, um...” Rosa trailed off, her eyes wide as Keily looked at her with narrowed eyes.

“I know. We’re all supposed to be crazy and monsters. I think that’s partially true lately.”

“At least you don’t have to go to court anymore.” Rosa changed the subject quickly, wisely.

“I know! I’m so glad it’s over.” Keily sighed. “I can’t believe Joe’s lawyer had a heart attack.”

“I can’t either. But the man’s a trooper, he got back to work two weeks later.”

“Yeah, just in time to see his client go to prison,” Keily smirked with glee. “Which is exactly where Joe deserves to be.”

“He does.” Rosa agreed and leaned over to get her glass of wine from the coffee table. “Sorry I can’t share the wine with you.”

“It’s fine, we’re celebrating Joe going to prison. One of us should have a drink, at least.”

“You’re meeting Logan later?” Rosa broached the subject, her eyes on the cheap wood panel across from the couch.

“Yes, for dinner.” Keily moaned and let her head fall against Rosa’s. They were sprawled, their heads touching, in the middle of the couch. “I don’t want to go but we have to go over some paperwork he wants me to sign.”

“What paperwork?” Rosa looked over at Keily, concerned.

“Just a trust fund for the kids or something like that. I told him we should wait for all of that, but he’s insisting.” Keily rolled her eyes before she went on. “I think he just wants to make sure they’re taken care of, but I also think he just wants to see me.”

“And that’s hard on you because you just want to jump his bones.” Rosa grinned, a laugh escaping even though she covered her mouth.

“I so want to jump his bones.” Keily agreed and laughed with her friend. “I know I shouldn’t, that it’s actually the very last thing I should do, but I can’t help it. He’s just so very good at it and I can’t forget that. Especially when he looks at me like he wants to fling me over his shoulder and carry me off to his bed. Or the backseat of his - whatever he wants to fling me over.”

“I bet you know exactly what the back of that car is like too.” Rosa’s grin was wicked this time and Keily lifted an eyebrow at her.

“I do indeed.” Keily let her eyes go wide as she remembered that last time in his car. It had been wild, edgy, and a little scary, but she’d been so turned on she could barely stand it. Which only made how much she wanted to get Logan naked now even worse. “I’m going to embarrass myself and do something stupid like attack him in my parking spot. The two old ladies are going to die from shock if they’re out walking their dogs this evening.”

“You know they will as soon as they see his car. Both of them will suddenly need to take their babies out for one more walk to get an eyeful of Logan.”

“I can’t blame them. He’s good eye candy.” Keily smiled with satisfaction, even if she was totally unsatisfied.

She’d told him she wanted to think about the babies right now, to just get through that part, when he’d almost hinted that he wanted her back. She’d done it to save herself some heartache and doubt that would come later. He’d left her once, he might do it again, her brain told her. Her heart wanted to love him while other parts wanted to love him. In a slow grinding way that lasted for hours as they…

“Stop that, you’re making me feel all hot and bothered now.” Rosa interrupted her train of thought and Keily blushed.

“Sorry.” She said quickly.

“It’s alright. I could just tell what you were thinking, it was written all over your face you dirty girl.” Rosa laughed.

“I really can’t help it. My hormones are just raging.” It was all she could find to blame. Sure, she’d lusted after Logan before, but this was different. This felt like she’d die if she didn’t get him to scratch her itch.

“You’re not going to last, I can see it now,” Rosa said doubtfully.

“I don’t know why he’d want me though, I’m as big as a house.”

“Some men like that, and besides, couples have sex all the time while one of them is pregnant. Besides, you’re still sexy as hell, girl, don’t doubt that.” Rosa assured her.

“You have to say that you’re my best friend.” Keily reminded her.

“I don’t have to say it, but I do mean it. If you weren’t so caught up in Logan and I didn’t have my couple, well, I’d give Logan a run for his money.” Rosa was the one with the pink cheeks now.

“Really?” Keily’s voice went up loudly, her eyes bright with delight. “I might have let you if I weren’t so caught up in Logan.”

“We’ll never know now,” Rosa answered with a shrug. “And that’s fine.”

“It is. I’m just glad you’re my BFF at least.” Keily wrapped her arms around Rosa’s left arm and snuggled as close as she could with her bump. “I couldn’t have got through this without you.”

“You’re there for me when I need to cry and moan about my couple, or my ex, or my family.” Rosa paused to laugh but then went on. “The least I can do is be here for you. And these babies when you have them.”

Rosa was the only person allowed to touch Keily’s belly and she did so now.

Theirs wasn’t a sexual bond, not by any means, it was one of respect and trust, and caring, unlike anything Keily had experienced before. It was only natural she’d let Rosa trace her babies’ backs and press against her skin so she could feel their kicks.

“It’s so amazing,” Rosa whispered, as she always did when she touched Keily’s stomach. “I can’t believe there’s really babies in there, even though I know they are.”

“Weird huh?” Keily asked, almost asleep.

“Yeah, but…good too. I was never really sure about having kids and you’re having three so I’m not sure I should bother because I know I’ll be all over them like they’re mine, but, well, it’s special isn’t it?” Rosa sounded in awe and Keily moved just enough to look at her best friend.

“Yeah, I guess it is. I’m so glad I have you.”

“I’m glad to have you. Now go take a nap before that man gets here. You need one.” Rosa shooed her friend away. “I’m going to stay right here and make sure you get some rest. And let this wine wear off.”

It had only been a bottle big enough to hold two glasses, but Rosa was adamant about not drinking and driving. Keily was the same way and didn’t protest as she got up to go back to her bedroom.

An hour later Rosa woke her up and Keily rushed as much as she could to take a shower and get dressed. She deliberately put on maternity pants, harder to access, a white cotton maternity top, and slip-on shoes that were as comfortable as walking on clouds. It wasn’t a date, she reminded herself as she left off putting on makeup and tied her hair up in a bun. Not a date.

She was still repeating that mantra as Logan drove them to a restaurant a little while later. He looked good in his wool coat, and she tried to figure out why she always wanted to curl into him when he wore that thing. It was like a beacon to her, drawing her into its warmth, his scent. He wore a black shirt underneath and black slacks that hugged his perfect ass in ways that made her jealous.

Not a date.

She reminded herself again as she tried to concentrate on the menu and order something. She had no idea where they were, didn’t care, and didn’t care what she ate as long as it came quickly and without much fuss. She couldn’t drink wine with dinner, so she settled for apple juice and tried not to look at him.

He needed a haircut but his face was smoothly shaven. His eyes were on his own menu, she saw when she stole a glance at him. There were other people at the restaurant, but she didn’t hear them, didn’t know they were there, all she had eyes for was Logan.

But this was not a date, and she was not going to sleep with him, and she really needed to stop staring at him like he was the last man on the planet. Even if all she wanted to do was have sex with him at the very first opportunity that presented itself. Even if it was in the bathroom, or on the way home in his car, or once she got home, in her bed. Oh yeah, or bent over the counter in her kitchen, that might work better, he could really…

“Are you okay Keily? You’re, um, growling.” Logan looked at her, his brown eyes inquisitive and slightly amused.

“Just hungry, sorry.” She assured him, and dropped her eyes back to the menu, her cheeks on fire.

“It sounds like it.” He chuckled.

Keily glanced up to see what she suspected was a cocksure grin on his face before it quickly disappeared.


He knew what was wrong with her.

He’d been so attuned to her before he left her that she was certain he could smell when she was aroused. He had some kind of intuition and it seemed he hadn’t lost that one bit. Damn him.

“And what would you like to…eat, Keily?” Logan asked, voice husky, his eyes boring into hers.

“Asshole.” She mumbled but that just made him laugh. It got harder to resist him every time she saw him, and that had been every day since the trial began. He’d been a perfect gentleman, not pushy or suggestive at all. Which made it all the harder for her, because even that respect he gave her decision made him fucking sexy as hell.

“You know, Keily, if there’s nothing on the menu that you’d like I’d always be happy to take you back to my house to…feed you.” He said as he leaned over towards her across the table, his eyes drawing her in, full of sensual promise. “Or I could do it right here. You know I can.”

“Oh.” She breathed out, her eyes glued to his. She knew he’d do it too, move his chair right next to her, run his hand up her thigh, to that part of her that ached the most for him. And she almost gave in, until her brain kicked in and made her pull away from his mesmerizing gaze. “I’ll have the chicken alfredo.”

“I see. Good choice.” His voice held a hint of disappointment, but the promise was still there in his eyes.

It was the only choice she could make if she wanted to protect her heart from him. He’d broken it once already; she didn’t dare give him another chance at it. Even if that was all she’d dreamed about since he’d left her. How could she trust he wouldn’t do it again, just walk without another word?

Well, the babies changed the situation, but still, he had hurt her once and that was enough. It would take more than her hormones to let her heart be broken like that again. She was fairly certain of that. Kind of.

It was really hard to stand her ground when he was so near, even when she was at home and he was at his place. It was really…hard.

Which set off her brain again and she decided to change the subject. “I have to work tomorrow, my boss insisted since I’ve missed so many days for the trial.”

“They can’t penalize you for a court summons,” Logan answered immediately, angry at her boss. But he hated where Keily worked now and hated her boss even more. He’d come to the diner, met the man, and immediately disliked him. Keily didn’t blame him, she hated the guy too.

“It’s fine, Lisa’s taken up enough of my slack. She needs a day off.” Keily brushed away his worries and smiled. “It’s good for me anyway.”

“I’m not so certain about that,” Logan said but didn’t push. It was one area they disagreed on; Keily working at all. He wanted her home and off her feet. She needed to stay busy, even if she was exhausted all the time.

“Well, I am, so we’ll agree to disagree,” Keily said and put her menu down, at last. She hadn’t realized she’d been clutching it like it was a raft in a stormy sea.

“At least we get the satisfaction of knowing Joe will be in prison for a while.” Logan broached the one subject they always shied away from: her ex and what he’d done.

“I’m pleased, I have to say. He deserves it after…” Keily trailed off, afraid to say it, of reminding him.

Logan’s face didn’t turn to anger or stone, it actually relaxed, and he smiled with peace and calm. “He does. Maybe I can get some rest now too.”

“What do you mean?” Keily asked quickly, she hadn’t known he wasn’t resting. He always looked as if he’d slept more than enough.

“Nothing, I just, it’s been a long time coming, putting Joe in jail. I’m glad it’s over now.”

Keily didn’t say anything, even though she wanted to ask him so many questions. Did he forgive her role in the mess? What about the other guys there that night? Did he want them to pay too? She would, she did, because she loved him and wanted justice for him. But she was too afraid of seeing that cold hate in his eyes again to ask the questions that she needed answers to.

“What may I get you this evening?” The waiter interrupted them but Keily was kind of glad he did. It meant she didn’t have to ponder those awful questions and possibilities anymore.

She told the man what she wanted and waited as Logan did the same. She put on a calm front, but inside she was in turmoil. How was this going to end up? With more heartbreak or peace for them all at last? She had no idea but hoped she’d put a big enough wall up around her heart to protect it. She wasn’t sure she could survive it breaking again.