Falling for Your Boss by Emma St. Clair

From: [email protected]

To: [email protected]

Dear Dr. Love,

I'm twenty-one, and I have a major crush on someone in high school. (He is eighteen! I checked.) I met him in the library, where he was reading Camus's The Stranger, which had my telltale English major heart pitter-pattering. It’s either totally impressive … or just an English 12 assignment.

We talked books, we flirted, and he asked me out. I’m afraid if I say yes, I may eventually end up at prom. What do I do?


Not That Old But Maybe Too Old For That

* * *

From: [email protected]

To: [email protected]

Dear Maybe,

Ah, the classic age-gap scenario! Having an age difference doesn’t have to be a problem, but it can be when the younger person is still in high school, even if it’s legal.

Are you ready to meet the parents of a high school boyfriend?

Are you okay getting dressed up and striking the good old prom pose again?

Are you sure that he’s not just hoping you’ll buy him beer? (Sorry to be a buzzkill, but I have to ask.)

On a more serious note, if you really do start dating, people will judge you. Can you handle it?

Is this person living at home? Will they be going to college, living on their parents’ dime … or yours? Are you prepared for being a person living independently while dating a dependent?

Personally, I would ask this question: does this person still receive an allowance? If the answer is YES, I would move on.


Dr. Love

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