Falling for Your Boss by Emma St. Clair

From: [email protected]

To: [email protected]

Dear Dr. Love,

My boyfriend and I recently sent off one of those DNA tests. He’s excited, but I’m terrified we’re actually related. People always say we look alike, and we were both adopted.

If we are related, how related do we have to be to cut things off? I really love him. Even if he is my cousin.

-Possibly my mister’s sister

* * *

From: [email protected]

To: [email protected]

Dear Possibly,

I’m not sure what the chances are that you’re related, but I hope for your sake that you find no evidence of that.

If you are, there are some legal considerations. If you’re second cousins (or beyond), everything is A-OK! If you’re first cousins, it’s legal to get married in half of the US states, so you might consider a relocation and more genetic tests if you want to have kids.

If you’re actually your mister’s sister? I’d suggest moving out of state alone. Not to get married, but to get some space, get over the feelings you have for your brother (yikes), and move on.

Hoping you win the genetic lottery,

Dr. Love

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