Falling for Your Boss by Emma St. Clair

From: [email protected]

To: [email protected]

Dear Dr. Love,

I've found that all the book boyfriends I adore far outshine any real men I date. I am constantly disappointed, but desperately desire true, heart-soaring love. What do I do?


I Wish I Had a Real Book Boyfriend

* * *

To: From: [email protected]

From: [email protected]

Dear Wishing for a BB,

Ain’t that the truth! Book boyfriends can do no wrong. Except for the whole not-living-and-breathing-and-actually-kissing-you thing.

Just know that probably if the author wrote one more chapter, that happy couple would be fighting over toothpaste. That’s reality.

And book boyfriends are born out of reality. The reality that we’d all LIKE to see. Real men have flaws.

But they can also kiss you enough to curl your toes.

Don’t let fake men’s perfection (swoonworthy though they may be) stop you from having a real-life relationship.

Real guys can’t hold up to that standard. Enjoy the BBs for what they are: an escape from reality, not a standard for it.

Ever a Mrs. Darcy Wannabe,

Dr. Love

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