Claiming Them by Rosa Mink

Chapter 7


Heat surrounds me as I’m wrapped up against Luca’s chest.  I’ve never felt so good and relaxed, so tired and wired all at the same time.  Half of me wants to sink into sleep right here while the other half just wants to look at him, bask in what just happened.

“I meant it, all of it, Rylee,” he says, drawing my eyes up to his.  The heat in them makes me smile and I snuggle deeper against him.  “You’re mine now.  I’m not giving you up or letting you go.  That makes this baby mine.  We can love it and raise it together.  Maybe find a house instead of the apartments, somewhere that will have room for us and the baby, and Tyler.”

“I’ve been looking at some online, just didn’t find anything I really wanted.  I didn’t even mean to come here today,” I admit, smiling when his hand tightens slightly against my head.  It’s sexy and sweet the way he’s holding it. As though he wants to grab me, throw me down and take me again, while also wanting to keep me safe.  “I’d been thinking of getting a puppy, to try and keep my mind off of how much I wanted you.”

“What kind of house would you want?” he asks, his lips brushing over my forehead making me sigh happily.

“Something that would be a home, not just a house.  I’d love a big backyard, somewhere for a swing set for the baby, room for some dogs to run around it.  My parents never let me have a pet and Mark didn’t want the mess.  Kids need pets though, a couple dogs, a cat…”

“Some rabbits, pigs and goats,” he teases making me giggle.

Good god, I’m a thirty-five-year-old woman giggling like a teenage girl all because of this man.  “I wouldn’t say no but it doesn’t have to be huge.  I’d love a porch swing though.  Julia always said they were tacky, and Mark refused to let us put one up there or under the pergola.  I’d love to have one, sit on it with the baby, watching it nap.”

“A couple dogs running around the yard chasing this one,” he states, cupping my stomach and shit, my heart flips.  A shiver slides through me and I press into him further.  “I want that too, mama.  I’ll give it to you too.  Right now, though, I have to get back to work.  I have a client coming in thirty minutes and if I don’t get this paperwork done, I’m going to be here all night.  When what I’d kill for is to be inside you all night.  I hate bookkeeping but someone has to do it and since I own the place, it falls on me.”

“What program do you use?” I ask, smiling up at him.  “I don’t have a degree or anything, but I’ve helped out some non-profits with basic bookkeeping until they were able to hire someone on over the years.  I told Mark I was volunteering at them just not exactly how.”

“Dress first, you stay bare in my arms any longer and all I’m going to want is your tight pussy coming on my cock again,” he replies, putting me on my feet before searching for our clothes.  His slipping my underwear up my legs is sexy as hell, but the way he sits back, biting his fist when I stand in front of him in just them and my bra is even sexier.  “Shit, mama, you’re so fucking gorgeous and all mine now.  Aren’t you?”

“Yes, I’m yours,” I whisper, unable to stop myself.  I haven’t given a damn what people thought of me in years, and I won’t start now with them being snide.  Luca’s not some boy.  He’s a man.  He’s more of a man than Mark ever has been, and I want to be with him.

“We’re yours,” I add moving his hand to my growing belly.

“Fuck yeah you are,” he states, smiling fully before putting me back into my clothes then dresses himself.  He flips on the computer and the program he’s using is one I used at home even for keeping track of our bills.

“Show me what you need entered and then hopefully we’ll be able to go home a little earlier than you planned.”

He walks me through their setup, pressing a kiss to my forehead when someone knocks on the door, telling him his appointment is there.

“Go, I’ve got this.”

“If you have any problems, just come find me,” he says, giving me a soft kiss before slipping out of the room, leaving the door half open.

It’s nice hearing the chatter outside while I enter the invoices into the program, comparing them against the checks he’s written, and mark which ones are outstanding.  When that’s finished, I run a report, before pulling out one of the invoices that popped up as being a variant.  It’s from one of his normal suppliers but the amount on it is huge compared to the others.  I dig up a few others from them seeing the normal order is only fifty units while this one he paid was for five hundred.

“Alright, that’s it,” I hear Luca state as I turn the corner, seeing him next to a younger girl, likely about Olivia’s age laying on the chair, her ass half bare, with a little sheet over the rest of her.  “I can’t do the tat if you keep moving lady.  You’ve barely let me get a single line done in almost forty minutes.”

His hands pull back quickly as the girl lifts her ass up and I move to his side.

“Hey mama, you okay?” he asks me, and I smile, giving him a little kiss as the girl turns to look at us.

“Just had a question on this invoice,” I tell him, holding it out for him to see.  “It came up as an outlier, the rest seem to show you always order fifty units but this one, shows five hundred.”

“Shit, no way would we have order five hundred, I don’t have the extra space to store it so we would have known if we received it as well.”

I brush the lock of hair that my fingers mussed up earlier away from his forehead, giving him a smile.  “I’ll call them.  You paid the invoice already for the full amount and it’s about ten times higher than what the others were.  Looks like you’d be reordering in a week or so for it anyway, I’ll see if they’ll ship them and take it against the overpayment, then refund the rest?”

“Whatever works best is fine.  Knew you’d make my life better the second I saw you mama, and that was just at home.  Now look at you, handling my paperwork the same way you handle my…”

I press a kiss to his lips seeing the look in his eyes, then pull back turning towards the girl.  “Forcing someone to touch you can still be considered sexual assault, and it’s sexual harassment to do it at someone’s workplace.  Do it again, and I’ll call our attorney, got it?”

“You can’t talk to me like that.  Who do you think you are?” she huffs, drawing the attention from the other artists our way.

“The woman that gets to touch him whenever I want.  So, if you want the tattoo, you lay there and let him do his job, which is where we are.  You entered into a business transaction for him to produce a product of work.  You choosing to have it done on your ass and then attempting to have him touch you in any intimate way, is illegal.  It’s harassment which is illegal,” I add when she rolls her eyes at me.  “I can guarantee that wasn’t the first time he told you to stop. So as I said, do it again, and I will call our attorney.  I’m certain your parents would love to know why you were arrested on top of the fact that you got a tattoo on your ass, or attempted to, at what nineteen?”

“Bitch,” she sneers my way and Luca stands, ripping off the gloves he was wearing.

“We’re done.  Get your shit and leave.  No one disrespect my girl,” he tells her, not backing down and I grin when the girl gets up, pulling her pants up as she mutters all the way out the door.  “Thanks mama.”

“Anytime, babe,” I tease, sinking into his kiss that pulls shouts from the others in the space.

“Uh boss, think you forgot to mention something to us, yeah?” one of the guys two chairs away states as the guy in the chair chuckles.

“This is Rylee, my girl, and she’s helping out with the bookkeeping, so I continue to pay your asses.  Don’t piss her off or think about touching her, and Hale,” he says, looking towards the guy at the desk, “no more damn co-eds.  Sick and tired of their shit.”

“Got it, boss,” he states.  “Your next one’s here if you want to start early.”

“Sooner it’s done, the sooner we get to go home, yeah?” I tease Luca when he looks like he wants to say no.  “Let me make that call and you get started.”

“Alright,” he says, making me smile as I move towards the front.  There’s a woman now leaning against the desk with Hale, and she gives me a wink.

“I’m next but no worries sugar, it’s just on my ankle.”

I can’t help but laugh before heading into Luca’s office to make that call.  The woman at the company promises to get back with me shortly and I run expenditures reports for Luca, noting where his suppliers have increased their costs by more than ten percent in the last year.

The phone rings as Luca heads into the space and I answer, smiling as he slips over to me, lifting me onto his lap as the woman explains the error.  “Let’s go ahead and ship fifty new units now, the credit can stay on the account.”

“Thank you so much and I apologize for the error.  I’m showing a lot of outstanding invoices and it now makes sense why,” the woman adds before we hang up and Luca presses kisses to my face making me giggle again.

I hand over the reports, letting him look through them and he shakes his head, giving me a soft, lingering kiss.  “You can name your price, but you’re definitely hired, mama.  Having you here with me at least a couple days a week sounds fucking perfect.”

“And would these days include having lunch with you?” I tease, swallowing a moan when he gives me his answer with a kiss, his fingers sliding into my pants, fingering me until I come.

“Lunch and dessert,” he states licking his fingers clean.  It makes me even wetter but I’m fairly sure it also made me fall in love with him—and not in some teenager fantasy way.

Oh no, this feels like the thing I’ve been looking for my entire life.