Unexpected Trouble by Lauren Wood



Iwas getting back from a walk when I practically ran into Steven on the back stairs. He was coming from my apartment, and he smiled. It was the sort of smile that melted me on the inside. Why was he suddenly looking at me like that?

“There you are.”

“Here I am. Did you need something?”

He paused, like he wasn’t sure of himself, and that was strange for Steven. As long as I’d known him, he’d always known exactly what he wanted to do and how he was going to do it. He always had a plan, but this time was different. If I didn’t know any better, I would have thought that he didn’t know what to do. By the way he looked, I would say that the feeling scared him to death.

“Yeah, I was wondering what you were doing tonight.”

It was about nine o clock in the morning, and I had no idea what I was going to be doing that evening. The way he was asking and that he was asking at all, told me that he wanted to know. Why though? I wasn’t sure what to think of any of it. I really wasn’t. Steven made it clear to me every time I would listen that he wasn’t looking for any kind of relationship. So, why did it feel like he was asking me out?

“I don’t know. Why?”

“I was thinking that I could help you with dinner tonight. I could get the ingredients, you know, something to help out. You make me all of those great meals, and I should pay you back somehow. I could add some shelves, hang pictures, anything that you need.”

I was a bit taken aback by his offer. It wasn’t the date that I had thought it would be. It was nothing like a date. He was wanting to trade off skills. I hadn’t made dinner last night, maybe that’s what it was.

“Are you offering because you want dinner?”

He agreed and I sighed inwardly. Of course, he didn’t want me. He just wanted something to eat. I told him that he could come over about seven and help me. I didn’t need anything else done and I told him so.

“I wouldn’t feel right, taking from you and not giving anything in return.”

I shrugged and told him that I didn’t need anything.

“We will see about that.”

I agreed, though I had no idea what he was talking about. What was it that he was getting at? I was so confused when Steven walked away. He got in his car and left me confused as all get out. I didn’t know what to think of Steven or his offer to invite himself over tonight. What was he going to give in return? That was the question, and I think I would have gone along with it, just so that I would have an answer.

* * *

I wasa bunch of nerves when the evening finally rolled around. Several times I’d wished that I’d said an earlier time because seven o clock took forever. I was a hot mess by the time I heard the knock on the door. I’d tried to keep my mind busy, but I was only thinking of Steven and what he’d said earlier.

It had been about two weeks since we’d talked about Ashley. He’d just come out of the blue and now I wanted to know why. When he knocked on the door, I opened it, and he had a bottle of wine in his hand. Was this a date? If it was, it was the strangest one that I’d ever been on. I was probably better off not thinking of it in that way. I was probably wrong anyways.

“Come on in.”

“Thanks for having me.”

I didn’t mention that it hadn’t seemed like I had a choice. I wanted him here and I knew how quickly his attitude could change. I didn’t want him to go the other way, not when he was finally here, and we were on this weird kind of date.

Steven came in and asked what he could do to help. He didn’t seem to know much about cooking, so I gave him a few easy tasks that weren’t very hard. We were making fajitas. I was paying way too much attention to him, more than I should have. I didn’t know where I stood with Steven, I never did. After everything that happened with Ashley, I was even less sure. I had toned down my actions when it came to him. I think that’s why he was here now, because he had noticed. So, what was I supposed to think of it?

I had to show Steven how to cut onions because he didn’t know how to do it.

“I don’t know if I have ever known a grown person that can’t cut an onion.”

“I buy them pre-cut or I just get it in the food I buy at the restaurant, already cooked.”

I sighed. “Well, you may have to one day.”

He scoffed and I didn’t know what to think of Steven. He was so capable in most things, but this, cooking, seemed to escape him altogether. I’d smelled his grill going a couple of times, and I was starting to think that it was the only way that he cooked.

“Yes, I didn’t think I ever would. I got married, but here I am, a single bachelor that can’t cut an onion.”

He sounded sad and almost mad at himself. I didn’t know if he was mad at himself, or the wife that was no longer there to take care of him. Was that all she was to him? No, I had heard of his love for Anna, his late wife that died while pregnant. I couldn’t believe that he was mentioning her actually.

“Well, I guess, we never really know what the world is going to give us.”

“I guess not.”

Silence permeated the air while he got used to using a knife against the vegetables. I had to show him how to cut peppers as well, but there was no need to say anything. We just moved together as a unit, and it was nice. I didn’t know what to say to him, and I think that Steven had shared a bit more than he’d bargained for. It left us in this strange new place, and I wasn’t sure what we were supposed to do now.

“I don’t know if you know this or not, but I used to be married.”

“I know.”

I didn’t want him to feel like he had to tell me about it. He didn’t. It was a subject that obviously made him upset, so there was no need to talk about it. I’d heard enough, so that I think I had the full story. Steven was a man of mystery, and everyone wanted to know more, talk about him, gossip. He was probably the one that no one could stop talking about and just being in his presence a while, I could see why.

“I see that the local gossip is still in effect. I suppose they say that I am mean and heartless now that Anna is gone?”

He was mad, and I could imagine that it was because of all of the talk about him. I had come to this conclusion myself, without gossip. He wasn’t heartless, just heartbroken. It’s sort of the same thing, sort of, but a huge difference when it came to intent.

“No, I think it is more heartbroken and never able to love again, was the image I got.”

“Ouch, I think I liked it better when they thought I was a mean bastard. At least then I wouldn’t have to worry about their pity. Is that really what they say?”

I agreed that it was, and it bothered Steven. I felt like anything I said would make him angry.

“Yeah, I don’t think anyone blames you for being a bit sharp with people.”

He chuckled a rich sound. “I think that is the nicest thing that anyone has said about me, especially now. I think I have been the sharpest to you, so why are you so nice to me?”

I could have said that it was the way he looked and the attraction that I had felt toward him. It was probably why he was here, in my kitchen now, even though he was so damn rude. The man was just so damn sexy as well.

“You’re pretty to look at, I guess.”

He about choked on the wine he was taking a sip of. Not what he thought was going to happen.

“Pretty to look at?”

“Yeah, I mean as far as landlords go, you really are a nice specimen.”

Steven shook his head. “Where did you come from?”

“The city. It was on my application.”

Steven just shook his head, like I had no idea what I was talking about.

“No, Tracy. I mean, where did you come from?”

The smile on his face was magical and I didn’t have an answer. I wish I did. He was looking at me with those dark eyes and a fathomless look.

“You’re not going to kiss me again, are you?”

He laughed and moved closer.

“Would that be so bad?”

He didn’t let me answer before his fingers were entwined in my hair, grasping me tight to him. My neck jerked, my head went back, and Steven kissed me until I couldn’t think straight. I was falling for this cantankerous man. It wasn’t going to end well, how could it? Steven wasn’t looking for the same thing as I was. He didn’t want a relationship.

I had to think though, maybe this, what he was doing to me right now, would be enough.