Lucky Bounce: Game On, Part 2 by Jennifer Lazaris


"Yo, where's Fally?" Eli asked as he and Caleb Steele walked down the corridor. "We need to celebrate this shit with some alcohol!"

Tristan Mattisson came out of the locker room holding two bottles of champagne above his head. "Let's fucking go, boys!" He peered past Eli and Caleb. "Wait, who's got the Cup?"

"Londs is giving Fal another spin around the ice with it," Ryder called from the end of the tunnel. "When he's done, it's time to party."

"Fucking right!" Eli raised his fist in the air. "Bring 'em in, Cap!"

Shaw came down the hall, laughing and clutching his stomach.

"What's so funny, Castle?" Eli cocked an eyebrow.

"Halonen is out on the ice dancing to our goal song with Klassy. Come on, you've got to see this. Christ, they're really horrible."

"Pass," Caleb said, waving his hands in front of him.

"Hally's dancing?" Eli followed Shaw back down the tunnel. "I gotta fucking see this."

Sure enough, Jere Halonen and Gunnar Klasson were entertaining the crowd with their hideous dance moves. They were awful, but their enthusiasm made up for it. The fans cheered and beat their fists on the glass, encouraging them to keep going.

"They're not even drunk yet," Shaw told him, snickering. "I can't wait to see what happens when they get a few beers in them."

Eli grinned. "Liquor isn't going to make them any better at dancing, I'll tell you that much."

Further down the ice, Sam London, wearing his Las Vegas Kingsnakes Cup Champions hat backward over his blond mop of hair, pushed Fally around in his wheelchair.

Fally pumped the Cup over his head, yelling and laughing as they went past the glass. Sam had his phone out and filmed the entire thing, pointing at Fally and mouthing his name. Soon enough, the crowd began to chant it.

Eli couldn't stop smiling as his teammates celebrated. He glanced over at Nic, who held baby Luke in one arm and her phone in the other as she filmed Fally and Sam's victory spin. Tears streamed down her face, but her smile was wide.

"Fal has no idea he was the driving force that pushed us to this moment." Ryder slung an arm around Eli and Shaw's shoulders. "Now he can go out on top, like the champion he is."

"You're gonna get D bawling like a fucking baby, Cap," Shaw joked. "Knock it off."

Ryder gave Eli a playful shove. "Good point. I'll stop. No one wants to see you blubbering, Donnelley."

Snorting with laughter, he shook his head as the captain waved Sam and Fally over to the tunnel. He fist bumped them both as they headed back to the locker room.

Holly stood with Nic, Zoe, and Penn, chatting. He caught her eye and winked. She gave him an exaggerated wink back, grinning.

Fuck, he was crazy about her. Having her here tonight, along with his sisters, and even his father, was more than he could ever have hoped for. When they started this run, he didn't think he'd have any family to celebrate with him if they won.

It still hurt that his mother wasn't here, but he knew that she would be proud of him if she could grasp what was going on, even for a few fleeting minutes. That gave him comfort.

He glanced over toward center ice, where Jere and Gunn were still dancing. They had their phones out, filming their shenanigans, and were trying to outdo each other with crazy moves.

"Jesus, would you look at those idiots," Ryder said, laughing. "I love 'em, though." He caught Jere's eye and motioned for them to come over. "Stop shaking your asses and come drink, you two!"

John Cohan headed for the tunnel, an amused look on his usually serious face. He fist-bumped Eli, Ryder, and Shaw.

"I need a fucking drink," Co told them. "See you guys in there."

Eli and Shaw walked back toward the locker room as Ryder stood at the entrance of the tunnel and fist bumped each player as they came off of the ice. "I'm so fucking ready to start this party," Shaw told Eli. "The sooner, the better."

"Me, too."

Once everyone was in the room, Fally handed the Cup to Ryder. "It's time for you to kick start this party, Ry."

Ryder paused in the doorway, a huge grin on his face as the team started singing "We are the Champions" by Queen at the top of their lungs.

Hoisting the Cup over his head, Ryder howled with happiness.

"We did it, boys!" he yelled, pumping the Cup over his head. "This trophy is right where it belongs!

"Fucking right!" Eli cried, shaking a bottle of champagne. The guys let loose with celebratory hoots and hollers, shaking their bottles and spraying their captain with alcohol.

Eli stepped forward and poured champagne into the Cup, and Ryder turned to Fally, who sat in his chair nearby, grinning from ear-to-ear.

"We did it, Fal," Ryder told him, tears streaming down his face. "We fucking did it."

He tipped the Cup so Fally could drink from it, and Fally guzzled the alcohol and shot his fists into the air. "Fucking right we did. We earned this, boys! And now, we drink!"

More celebratory yells echoed off of the locker room walls as everyone lined up for their turn to drink from the Cup.

Eli stood in the middle of the crazy scene as the guys laughed and carried on, filming the celebration with their phones.

But his phone remained untouched. He wanted to stay in the moment, not see it through a screen.

He'd remember tonight for the rest of his life. No one would ever be able to erase these memories, or the feelings he felt right now.

They were forever.

* * *

"I can't even imagine how much this bill is going to be at the end of the night," Penn yelled in Holly's ear over the loud, bass-heavy music of the Palisades Hotel & Casino nightclub. "Glad I don't have to pay for it."

Holly sipped a mocktail and glanced around. "It's going to be obscene."

Somehow, the Kingsnakes had managed to procure the entire club for their staff, friends, family, and more. She imagined there was lots of dough involved with that deal as well, since it hadn't been planned.

"I'm so glad Nic had the forethought to bring trash bags to the locker room to keep our purses safe from flying alcohol."

Holly smiled, thinking about how they'd all gotten doused with champagne. Seeing Eli drinking from the Cup had been worth it. He'd been so excited, grinning widely as West had held the trophy up for him to drink.

"They're going to be wasted for days," Hannah said, shaking her head. "I'm worried about their livers."

Penn started laughing. "I know. They deserve to let loose and have fun though. It's going to be a big, long party, for sure. I'm probably going to be pretty happy myself. What about you, Hol?"

Holly made a face. Pregnancy kind of killed the whole drinking thing. "Nope. I can't drink with my medicine, and it's bad for Myasthenia anyway. Mocktails and soda it is." She took another sip. "I'm not missing out. These are fantastic."

Tonight, her anxiety over the pregnancy was getting shoved to the back burner. She wanted to enjoy this, and if all she did was worry, she'd miss out.

The liquor was flowing, and the team was taking full advantage of it. Eli, West, and Shaw were doing shots at the bar, while some players hit the dance floor.

Bella chatted with Eli's twin sisters at a table nearby, and a few of the other guys and WAGs kicked back in the VIP rooms.

"West just texted me. He wants to know where we are. Apparently, Eli's looking for you."

Holly smirked. "Oh, really?"

"What's going on between you guys, Hol?" Hannah asked. "I saw the kiss he gave you tonight."

"No idea. When I figure it out, I'll let you know."

Penn gave her a pointed look as Eli pushed his way through a throng of people and stopped at their table. "You better."

"Hey ladies." He grinned down at them. "Having a good time?"

"Fantastic," Penn assured him. "Where's my man?"

"I think he's still talking to John Cohan over at the bar. I thought he was behind me." He tugged on Holly's sleeve. "Can I steal you for a few, Wilkes?"

"I guess so."

"Fireball shot," Gunnar hollered, walking by with a tray of shots. "Grab one, D."

Eli snatched a glass and downed it.

"How much have you had to drink?" Holly asked, amused.

"I'm buzzing, but not drunk yet." He held out his hand. "Come with me, kitten."

Penn gaped at her. "Kitten?" she mouthed.

Holly waved a hand. "See you guys in a bit. I have to see what my landlord wants."

Her best friend giggled. "Okay. I'm going to find my boyfriend."

Hannah stood. "Yeah, I better track down Brandon, too. Later, guys!"

* * *

Eli led her through the dark club and down a short side hallway to a door marked "Employees Only."

"Um..." she said, glancing around. "We aren't employees."

"It's okay. I've got connections."

Holly rolled her eyes and walked inside. "Of course you do."

He closed the door behind them, turning the lock.

"Eli, this is a laundry room." An expensive-looking washer and dryer took up most of the small room, and a heavy-looking table sat next to a deep sink. The only thing out of place was a plush lounge chair in the opposite corner. "Last I checked, I don't have anything that needs fluffing and folding."

"They use this place to wash all the hand towels and napkins for the VIP area," he explained, pulling her close to him. "We can be alone here. And I really, really want to be alone with you, even if it's just for a bit."

She swallowed and glanced around the room. "Is this... have you been here before?"

"What? Oh, fuck." He shook his head. "No. I haven't been here. I just asked my buddy if there was a place I could duck into."

"Are there cameras?"

"Absolutely not," he assured her. "I wouldn't ever put you at risk like that. I just really wanted to kiss you, and I know how you feel about PDA."

"Eli, you kissed me on the ice in front of a dozen cameras and eighteen thousand cell phones." She tenderly brushed a lock of hair out of his eyes. "I think that ship has sailed."

"Are you mad at me?" he asked softly. "I wish I could apologize for it, but I'm not sorry."

Holly wrapped her arms around his neck, toying with the back of his hair. "No. I'm not mad. I'm so proud of you. And very happy for you. I couldn't be mad at you. Not tonight."

He went still, then swallowed hard. "You're proud of me?"

"I'm really, really proud. You did it, Eli. You worked so hard. You guys deserve this. I can't be happier for you than I am right now."

Eli moved closer, leaning his forehead against hers as he closed his eyes. "You don't know what that means to me. You have no idea."

"I think I do." She smiled at him. "Are you sure you aren't drunk?"

"I'm buzzing pretty good," he admitted. "But I think I’m wearing more champagne and beer than I've consumed. At least so far. Pretty sure I'll be plastered by the end of the night. Everyone will be."

Eli cupped her face, brushing his thumb along her cheek. "Can I kiss you?" Heat lit his heavy-lidded eyes. "I want to kiss you so fucking bad."

"I'd like that."

When his tongue swept against hers, she closed her eyes and shivered as he groaned into her mouth. It didn't take more than a few seconds for his kisses to turn demanding and deep, turning her knees to mush.

Eli lifted her onto the folding table, not missing a beat. "I want you, Holly." His voice was deep and gruff in her ear as his hands slid down along her back. "No, fuck that. I need you. Now."

He kissed her again, and when he pulled away, they were both breathless.

"It won't take long," he murmured. "I'm too keyed up."

"I want you, too."

He pushed her skirt up her thighs until it bunched around her waist while she unzipped his shorts and fumbled with the snap.

She shoved her satin panties down her legs, intoxicated by how he was looking at her. His eyes were dark with desire, and when he brushed his fingers against her pussy, she gasped.

"You're ready for me," he said gruffly. "Wet for me."

She wasn't sure if it was the high of the win tonight or hiding away from the rest of the crowd in the laundry room that had made her so horny. "More than ready."

His mouth came down on hers again as he thrust inside of her with a groan.

She wrapped her legs around his back, desperate for more as he pulled her tightly against him.

"I'm so fucking crazy about you," he whispered, slowly rocking into her. "I can't stop thinking about you. You make me insane with wanting you."

Eli lifted her chin up with his hand, his gaze locked on hers. "When are you going to let me in, Holly?"

Her eyelids fluttered closed. "You are. You're inside of me."

"No." He went deep, making her gasp. "I want more. I want your heart. I want your fucking soul. This can't..." He paused, breathing hard, his breath warm against her ear. "This can't be all that we are."

Holly froze, then pushed him away, scrambling off the table. She yanked her skirt down. "Why, Eli? Why are you doing this now?"

He hung his head, then zipped up his pants before turning toward her. "I'm sorry," he said quietly.

"What do you want from me?" She crossed her arms, unable to stop her voice from wavering. "I told you, I need time. Why can't you give me that?"

He ran a hand through his hair, then shook his head. "I know you need time to trust me. To wrap your head around the idea of a relationship with me. That's not... that's not what this is about."

"Then what?" she cried. "What is it about?"

"I want to know how you fucking feel about me," he shot back. "I've told you that I'm crazy about you, Wilkes. It's pretty damned clear."

"And I've told you how I feel about you! I told you that you're the only guy I've ever really cared about." She wrapped her arms around her middle. "That I never got over you. What else do you want?”

Eli stepped forward, threading his fingers through her hair as he gazed down at her. "I want you to love me."

Her knees nearly buckled as she sucked in a ragged breath.

She did love him. But was this the right time to tell him how she felt?

She was pregnant with his child. A child that he'd never, ever want. A child that, after much soul-searching, she'd decided to keep.

Even with her Myasthenia diagnosis, she was young and strong, and felt hopeful that the pregnancy could be managed safely. She'd considered all her options thoroughly. This child was not only hers, it was Eli's. And she wanted it.

Maybe there wasn't a right time to reveal her feelings. But after she revealed the pregnancy definitely wasn't the time. It would be too difficult, and sad. Especially since keeping this baby meant they would never be together. She was grieving the loss of a real relationship with him before they ever got to have one, and it hurt.

But could she let him walk out of her life without him knowing how she really felt about him?

"I do." She met his gaze head on. "I do love you."

"Not like a friend, Wilkes. I mean—"

"No. I'm in love with you," she said, her voice trembling. "I was in love with you in college, but this..." she paused. "It's more. And it's real."

"Holly," he murmured, tucking a lock of hair behind her ear. The expression on his face was so sweet and tender, her eyes welled up with tears. "It's always been you, Wilkes. My heart has never beat for anyone but you. The rest of it... all of it, was just noise. I love you so much, Holly."

She closed her eyes as the tears slipped down her cheeks.

How long had she waited to hear those words?

Eli brushed her tears away with the pad of his thumbs, and she opened her eyes.

"You're beautiful," he told her. "Whether you're fierce and angry, or soft and vulnerable like you are right now. You're just beautiful."

"Oh, right." She choked out a laugh. "My mascara is probably running and my panties are still on the floor."

He hauled her against him, making her gasp. "Your makeup is fine. And the panties are still on the floor because we have unfinished business. Business I'd like to finish."

"How long before someone comes in here?"

"They're done here for the night," he promised. “No one's coming in. A few hundred bucks guaranteed that."

Holly took a step back and wiggled out of her skirt and tossed it on the table. Then she pulled her top over her head and unhooked her bra. She tossed those on the table, too.

Eli's gaze grew instantly hot. "Jesus." He reached out and ran his big palm over her hip. "I could look at you all fucking night."

Holly unbuttoned his shorts and shoved them down, and he ripped his t-shirt over his head. She pushed him down onto the comfortable looking easy chair and straddled him, rubbing herself against his cock.

"Who puts an easy chair in a laundry room?" she wondered aloud.

"Who fucking cares," he said breathlessly, grabbing her ass. "I'm going to buy them a new car if I find out because it's about to come in real handy."

Holly sank down onto him, taking him as deep as she could, and they both groaned. He cupped the back of her head and kissed her hard.

"Fair warning, I don't know how long I can do this," she whispered, lifting herself up and sinking back down onto him. "You might have to take over."

"Not a problem, baby." He brushed his lips against her shoulder. "Fuck, you're sexy."

Holly closed her eyes and placed her hands on his shoulders, moving slowly, trying to pace herself so she didn't tire out too soon.

When she opened her eyes, she found Eli staring at her. It was the way he was looking at her—openly appreciative, his gaze full of lust and love—that got to her.

"Oh." Her belly coiled tight with need. She leaned forward and kissed him, moaning into his mouth. "It feels so good. I love when you're inside of me. But I need you to take over. My legs are tired."

Eli gripped her hips, then rocked up into her, making her eyes roll up into her head.

"Yes. Do it again."

He did, holding her close as he thrust up into her over and over again until she lost her breath.

"Don't stop," she pleaded, burying her face against his neck. "Give me more."

He leaned to the side and hit the switch to kick out the footrest. Propping his feet up, he used the leverage to go deeper.

"Baby, are you close?"

"Yes," she whimpered. "I'm close. I just..."

His fingers found her clit and that was all it took to send her over the edge. He followed right after, gasping her name and shaking as he came deep inside of her.

Afterward, they were a mess of tangled, sweaty bodies and limbs, but she didn't care.

"I love you, kitten."

"I love you, too." She patted him on the chest. "But if we don't get back out there soon, Penn's going to send out a search party."

"Good point."

She walked over to the laundry table and got dressed while Eli did this same.

"So, what does this mean?" he asked, pulling on his shirt. "Are we doing this, Wilkes? Are we officially together?"

Holly paused. "How about we wait until after the Cup parade to talk about everything?"

Eli gave her a slow smile, and she cocked an eyebrow. "What?

"I think you just like making me work for it."

"Trust me, that's not it."

He gave her a peck on the lips. "Uh huh. So, do we go out together, or slink out separately?"

"I'm not slinking anywhere," she declared. "Besides, you already kissed me in front of the entire world."

He grinned. "Then let's get back out to the party. I've got more things to celebrate tonight than a Cup win."

Holly bit down on her lip as she opened the door. He wouldn't be celebrating when he found out she was pregnant.

But that wasn’t going to happen tonight, so she wasn’t going to dwell on it.

* * *

An hour later, Holly sat in one of the VIP rooms with Penn and a few of the other WAGs. Sam, Fally, and Ryder were busy doing shots at another table and passing around the Cup.

John Cohan joined the men, and she caught the usually serious-looking defenseman cracking a few smiles and joining in with their toasts.

Mia, the bartender from Callahan's, was working the VIP areas. She'd dropped off some drinks at their table, then went over to talk to Sam.

It was a chill vibe up here, and Holly welcomed it, especially after the intense moment with Eli earlier. Fatigue was setting in, and she knew she'd have to call it a night soon. Whether it was the Myasthenia Gravis or the pregnancy, she didn't know. Either way, she couldn't stop yawning.

Zoe sat up in her chair, staring straight ahead. "Oh, hell no."

Holly blinked, looking around. "What?"

"Look who's trying to slink into the VIP area."

She leaned forward and whistled. "Sam's ex-girlfriend, Shay. What the hell is she doing here?"

"I don't know, but Sam doesn't need this shit from her. Tonight, especially."

"How do you know he didn't invite her here?" Bella asked. "Maybe they're back together."

Zoe groaned. "God, I hope not."

"Sammy! Sammy, I need to talk to you." Shay waved at him from the entrance of the VIP area. A security guard blocked her way. "Please, Sammy. I love you. We really need to talk."

Sam glanced over at Shay, a stunned look on his handsome face. Mia frowned, then took a step away from Sam.

Huh. What was going on between those two?

Sam caught the eye of the security guard and shook his head, which set Shay off.

"You will talk to me this minute, Sammy! Don't you act like I'm not here. I won't put up with this bullshit from you!"

John Cohan stood up and headed toward Shay.

"Jesus, he's huge," Bella murmured, studying the six-foot-seven defenseman. "And hot. How did I not notice him before?" Bella pretended to fan herself. "That's a tall tree right there. And I know how to climb."

"Down, girl," Zoe said, laughing. "Your brother would kill you."

Shay's tune changed the moment John approached her. Holly smirked as she watched Shay turn on the charm. They couldn't hear what she said to him, but when John leaned over and whispered something in her ear, she went ghastly pale.

He stared down at her, and she shook her head, fleeing back downstairs.

"What the hell just happened?" Holly peered over the railing as Shay pushed her way through the crowd toward the exit. "What did he say to her?"

"Who cares? At least she's gone," Zoe said.

Co nodded in Sam's direction, and his relieved expression said it all.

"Guess that's that," Penn said. "Show's over."

"Mmm," Holly agreed.

Mia, who looked slightly shaken by the scene, murmured something to Sam, then headed for the stairs.

"Do you guys think Sam's got something going on with the bartender?" Penn asked. "I thought I saw her at one of the games recently."

"I don't know, but he deserves someone who will treat him better than Shay," Zoe said. "I'm glad she's gone."

Holly took a sip of water. "Mia is cute. I hope there is something going on. Sam needs to forget about the Ice Queen."

"She is cute," Penn agreed. "And she seems sweet. Maybe we'll have a new WAG soon."

"You guys gossip more than a group of old ladies," Bella scoffed. "Maybe they're just friends. Or just hooking up."

"Maybe," Holly mused. Though from the way Sam looked at Mia, she thought there might be a lot more to it than that.

"Guys, I need to head out," Holly told the group. "I'm wearing down fast. Not sure if it's just the MG or excitement, but I'm wiped."

The pet sitter had agreed to stay with Miss until she got home, but she wanted to stop at Eli's mom's house and pick up the iPads.

Hopefully, there would be some good footage of his mother watching the game.

"It won't be long before I take off, either," Bella told her. "I've got a 10:00 am class tomorrow. No special dispensation for brothers winning the Cup, unfortunately.”

"Do you need a ride, Hol?" Penn asked.

"Nah, I've got Eli's SUV. Speaking of, where is he?"

Penn pointed down at the bar. Eli, West, Shaw, and Brandon were doing more shots. Eli's shirt was tied around his head.

"He's sauced." Holly shook her head. "Who is babysitting these guys the rest of the night? No one's driving, obviously."

"Uber for transportation, I'm sure," Penn said, laughing. "West's drunk as a skunk."

"I'm going to sneak out of here and shoot Eli a text once I'm home. He'll never let me leave without a huge production."

She stood and stretched her arms above her head. "Later, ladies. Go Kingsnakes!"

"Go Kingsnakes," they yelled, laughing.

Holly slipped down the stairs and through the club. Right before hitting the exit, she came face-to-face with Lyla.

Because of course.

Fuck, how did she even get in here?

"Well, well, well." Lyla brushed a chunk of blonde hair away from her face. "If it isn't Miss Kissy face. I saw the lip lock our favorite defenseman planted on you during the Cup celebration. Guess the jig is up." Lyla glanced at Holly's water bottle and smirked. "And now I know what your test result turned out to be."

"What the hell is your problem?" Holly asked. "Seriously, Lyla. What?"

"You're my problem. Ever since you became part of this inner circle of WAGs and players, your work has slacked off. It's a conflict of interest."

"Jesus. This jealousy is ridiculous," she said, shaking her head. “Enough, already.”

Lyla's face turned ashen, and she narrowed her eyes. "If you know what's good for you, you will shut your mouth."

Holly rolled her eyes. "And on that note, I'm leaving."

"No, you're not. You're going to take me to meet John Cohan."

She stifled a groan. John Cohan was attractive, there was little doubt about that, but he seemed to attract the wrong kind of women. First Shay and now Lyla.

"How did you get in here, Lyla?"

"I'm a guest at the hotel. They can't stop guests from entering the club," she snapped, giving her a haughty look.

"That was obviously a last minute arrangement. Look, Lyla, now is not the time, okay?"

"You will do it, or I'll tell Eli right now that you're pregnant."

"You have no proof," Holly argued.

"Does it matter? It's enough to create problems, and do you really need that, Holly?"

Oh, this fucking bitch. If she wasn't pregnant, she would be brawling in this club right now, job or not.

"Why John Cohan?"

"Why not? Are you blind? He's all man, and I want him."

"We've never had one bit of gossip on John. He's not exactly the social type, Lyla."

"Good, more for me, then."

Holly sighed. "They're in the VIP section. Go on, I'll follow."

Lyla marched ahead of her, her tight silver mini-dress glittering under the club lights. She'd paired the outfit with four-inch heels. And while it was definitely sexy, she didn't think John Cohan would give a fuck.

She shot a text to Ryder, praying he was sober enough to decipher it.

Holly: Bringing my pain-in-the-ass bitchy boss to VIP to meet John. Couldn't get out of it. Tell John I'm sorry.

They were almost to the VIP section when her phone buzzed.

Ryder: He said it's cool.

Once they reached the top of the stairs, Lyla marched over to John Cohan, who sat alone at a table drinking a beer. Ryder, Sam, and Fally were at the railing watching the club goers dance.

"Hey, John." Holly gave him an apologetic look. "This is my boss, Lyla. She wanted to meet you, and I couldn't say no."

"Hello," Lyla purred, offering him a bright smile. "I just had to congratulate you on your win tonight. And I wanted to meet the most intriguing player on the team. Mind if I join you?"

John Cohan leaned back in his seat. Holly couldn't tell if he was drunk or not. He was a big man, with big arms, and his hands made the beer bottle he held look tiny. It probably took a lot to get him buzzed and a lot more to get him plastered.

His blue eyes shifted from Holly to Lyla. "I appreciate the compliment."

Holly raised her eyebrows. She'd never heard a voice that deep or smooth. Women probably volunteered to drop their panties the second they heard that baritone.

Lyla swooned, and she had to stifle a laugh. Her boss glanced back at her like she was a bug on the windshield. "You can leave, Holly. I don't need you anymore."

When Lyla strutted around the table to take the seat next to him, John spoke up.

"But no, you can't join me."

Lyla paused, a stunned look on her face. "What?"

"I said, you can't join me. I don't know you, and I'm not interested in getting to know you. I'm celebrating with my team. That's all I care to do tonight."

"Another night, then," Lyla said smoothly, running a hand down over her dress. "I understand."

"You need to understand there won't be another night." He studied her, then took a swig from the bottle.

Lyla bristled as Holly watched the scene with satisfaction. John Cohan did not mince words.

"Is this how you treat your fans?" Her voice dripped ice. "Rudely?"

"No, it's not," he said patiently, "but it's pretty clear you aren't a fan. I know what you want, and I'm not interested. And you're the rude one. From what I've seen, you don't treat your employees all that well."

Whoo boy. This was about to get fun.

"You know what? It's your fucking loss," Lyla spat, whirling on her heel.

"Doubtful," he called as she stomped off toward the stairs.

"I'm sorry," Holly told him. "I didn't mean to interrupt your night with her nonsense."

He waved a hand. "Don't worry about it. Ryder told me she was a pain in the ass."

"You have no idea. Thanks for busting her lady-balls. It was fun to watch."

A smirk played around his mouth, and he nodded. "It was fun to do. She's a fucking piece of work."

She waved and headed back downstairs. Lyla waited at the bottom of the staircase, shooting eye daggers at her.

"I kept my mouth shut about your spawn, and now I’m going to collect what you owe me. You have until the Cup parade to convince Eli to let me take over the feature, Holly. I'm done with all of this. If you don't comply, I'm going to out this pregnancy to your fucking boyfriend ASAP," Lyla snapped. "Don't even try to argue with me. This is over. No paycheck. No references. You’re done."

"Jesus Christ," Holly muttered. She was so over this bitch. Even losing a payday didn’t bother her, as long as she was free from her reign of terror. "Whatever, Lyla. I really don't care anymore. But I need time to figure out what to tell him, so he will let you take over. That's not going to be easy."

"Just get it fucking done! The Cup parade is your deadline. Do it by then, or you'll be sorry."

Lyla spun around and marched out of the party, blonde hair flying.

Holly glanced over at the bar where Eli sat, laughing and drinking with his friends.

Fuck, she really didn't need this right now. What in the hell was she going to say so he'd let Lyla take the feature?

All she knew was that she better figure it out, and soon.