A Demon’s Touch by Ella Jade

Chapter 15


After dinner, we took a walk on the beach. As promised, the restaurant had been quiet and cozy, and while I had initially thought it was odd for just the two of us to occupy the entire dining room, it was quite nice. We drank wine and ate pasta. The conversation was light and uninterrupted. Angelo didn’t give away much, but the more time I spent with him, the more I collected pieces of his personality. Still, those were more like a complicated puzzle that could be frustrating to solve, and I hadn’t come close yet. However, I found I didn’t want to give up. I wanted more pieces and enough time to figure out who he was. Would he let me solve his puzzle?

As we walked along the path that led to the house, Angelo took hold of my hand. I had grown accustomed to his feverish body temperature. The ocean breeze chilled the air, but being close to him created a comforting warmth.

“Do we have an early morning tomorrow?” I asked. “Are we meeting with the seller?”

“I don’t think that’s going to be necessary.”

“Why not? Don’t you want the property anymore?”

“I want it, but I can negotiate it and have you look over the contract after I get what I want.” He opened the gate and guided me onto the patio. “It’s not as complex as I initially thought.”

“We didn’t need to come here?”

“I didn’t say that.” He turned to face me, tracing his finger down my cheek. “I told you, we have much to explore.”

“Between us?”

“We’re past the attorney and client stage, wouldn’t you say?”

“Especially after this afternoon.” My insides pulsated when I thought about what we’d done on the lounge chair behind us. “We may have gotten carried away.”

“I’d say we were just getting started.”

“Where does that leave us?”

“I’m sure you’re tired after the long day you’ve had.” He glanced at his watch. “You’re still on Connecticut time. You should probably go to bed.”

Seriously? Why are you making me wait?

“Don’t be disappointed,” he added as if reading my thoughts or maybe just the expression on my face.

“I’m not.”

Why did he look like he didn’t believe me? “I have some business to take care of and some calls to make. I want to clear my schedule for tomorrow, so I can give you my full attention.”

“I’m going to take a bath.” Maybe, then he’ll think about me naked and wet. “The hot water helps me sleep.”

“Do you need anything from me?”

You could join me.“No, I can figure out how to take a bath all on my own.” I headed for the patio doors. “I can even undress myself.”

He grabbed my hand and tugged me back to him. “Undressing you would be an honor.” Angelo brushed his lips along my jaw and to my ear. “But if I did that, you’d never make it into the bathtub.”

A savage shiver coursed through me when he pressed his lips to mine, forcing his tongue inside my mouth before I had time to react. The kiss was relentless like him, and desperate like me. When he released me, I stumbled back, but he caught me before I could fall.

“Are my kisses so excellent that I cause you to lose your footing?”

“No.” I smirked. “Not at all.”

“Enjoy your bath, Ms. Whitmore. Maybe you’ll find me in your dreams.”

“Maybe I’ll invade yours.”

I opened the door and walked into the house, trying not to lose my balance or look back into his eyes. Once I reached the foyer, I ran up the stairs and to my room, plopping on the bed to catch my breath. His kiss was that good.

I dangled my feet off the edge of the bed, trying not to think about our afternoon encounter by the pool. It had been front and center in my thoughts throughout dinner. I thought for sure we would pick up where we left off when we got back here. I had to learn not to expect anything with Angelo. Another piece of his intricate puzzle.

I took my phone from my pocket and called my sister. What else could I do? As I waited for her to answer, I went to the bathroom and drew a bath.

“Come on, Kiki. Answer the phone!”

As it rang, I went to my suitcase and took out a chocolate chip bath bomb because smelling like dessert was serene to me, and I needed to calm down. After a few more rings, the call went to voicemail.

My sister’s bubbly voice said, “This is Kiki, and you know what to do.”

No, I didn’t know what to do. That was why I was calling. “Hey, Keeks, it’s your sister. Nothing important. I made it to Cali, and the place is amazing. Wish you could see it. Going to take a bath and go to bed. I’ll call you tomorrow.”

I set the phone down, disappointed that I couldn’t vent my frustrations to my sister. Heading back to the tub, I dropped the bomb into the steamy water and inhaled the comforting scent while it fizzed. This wasn’t how I saw my evening ending. Nothing that had happened between Angelo and me was expected. I was hired to be his attorney.

How had we ended up here?

* * *

After my bath,I fell into a deep slumber. Between the jet lag and the confusion over my relationship with my client, it was a relief to clear my mind and sleep.

If only…

I sat up in the bed, gazing at the curtains flowing in the breeze. Had I left the balcony doors open? I dragged myself out of bed and wandered to the doors. The crashing of the waves as they hit the surf surrounded me when I stepped out onto the balcony. The salt air swept across my face, and the night breeze caressed my flesh. Aside from the sound of the sea, it was eerily quiet, and the property was dark. Not a light could be found.

“There you are.” I jumped when Angelo came up from behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. “I couldn’t find you.”

“What?” I twisted in his embrace to face him. “I was sleeping? Am I still?”

He nodded before pressing his nose to my hair and inhaling. “You smell of chocolate.”

“What are we doing?” I smoothed my hands along his bare chest, over the ink I couldn’t make out because I still hadn’t seen his tattoos.

“Whatever you want.”

“I want this to be real.”

“I know.” He sighed. “But I’m not sure that’s what you really want.”


He stared out into the darkness, his expression lost in the distance. “It isn’t what I want for you.”

“It’s not your decision.”

“There are things about me you’ll never understand. Things I could never share with you.” He cupped the side of my face. “That isn’t fair.”

“I can decide what’s fair.” I placed my hand over his. “If you don’t give me the chance, how will you know what I want?”

“Are you trying to negotiate with me?”

“Is it working?” I tilted my head, focusing on his mouth. “How about we make a deal?”

“No.” He laughed. “You don’t want to make a deal with a devil.”

“Are you the devil?” I ran my tongue along his lips.

“Close enough.” He gripped my upper arms and pulled me against him. “What if I’m your worst nightmare?”

“What if you’re my savior?”

“You’re so naïve.” He released me from his hold. “I’m no one’s savior.”

“I just want you to be you.”

“Be careful what you wish for.” He took my hand and led me back to the bed. “You may not like who I am. What I am.”

“I already do.” I climbed into the bed and got up on my knees, resting my hands on his chest. “I know what I want.”

“Then come to me.” His eyes gleamed a reddish tinge as he stared into mine. “Come to me now.”

When I was jarred awake into a seated position, I noted the curtains weren’t moving. The balcony doors were shut, but the smell of his fiery scent lingered on my skin. I could taste his lips on my tongue.

“God!” I pushed the hair from my face. “It was a dream.”

Screw it!I got out of bed because it was time to get what I wanted.

I crept out of my room, stopping when I got into the hall. His door was a few feet from mine. I willed my unsteady feet to move, while trying to control the shaking in my legs. Demons, devils, red eyes…why did he manifest that way in my dreams? That wasn’t how I saw him in reality.

When I reached his door, I placed my hand on the solid wood frame. My hand trembled against it. In that moment, I made the bold decision to change the dynamic between us. I glided my hand down the wooden structure and to the brass doorknob. After taking a deep breath, I turned the knob and entered his frigid and dark bedroom.

No turning back now.