A Demon’s Touch by Ella Jade

Chapter 24


If I had taken care of Terra when she vandalized Harper’s car, we wouldn’t be in this situation. All she had to do was walk away. She couldn’t do that, and now, she’d left me no choice.

According to David, Terra was on her way home, so after leaving from The Swanky Cauldron, I helped myself to the vodka in her liquor cabinet that I paid for and took a seat in the dark living room. The evening breeze blew in from the balcony. I pulled back the curtains and took in the city's view.

I’d spend decades minding my business and making a life for myself. I dealt with demons, vampires, shifters, witches, wizards, and any other strange creature one could think of through the years. I made my living making deals and bartering services. I was at the top of the food chain for a reason. Those from the underworld as well as humans respected me. I always kept my word and repaid my debts.

Koradon and his crew had tortured me for over a century, but I never gave in. I always stood my ground. For the first time in my existence, I had a purpose with Harper. I wouldn’t let it unravel now. I would protect the human I loved with my dying breath if I had to. I’d come too far to let anyone or anything destroy what I had waited an eternity for.

The lock on the electronic keypad beeped, indicating my fallen angel was home. Too bad she wouldn’t be staying. Taking the final sip of the vodka, I set the glass on the floor next to my chair. When Terra flipped on the light in the entryway, our eyes met. She stood still, staring at me from across the room and assessing the situation.

Did she suspect I knew?

“Angelo.” She broke her silence and came toward me. “What are you doing here?”

“Visiting an old friend.”

“Is that what we are now?” She removed the wrap from her shoulders, revealing a strapless pink dress. “Old friends?”

“I’d use the word friends loosely, but I didn’t come here to make small talk.”

“What did you come for?” She dropped to her knees in front of the chair, resting her hand on my thigh.

“Definitely not that.” I removed her hand.

“Are you sure you’re not tired of that silly human?”

I took her face between my fingers, forcing that smirk from her lips. She didn’t flinch from my rough handling of her. I was about to change that.

“I knew it was only a matter of time before you grew bored with her.” She struggled out of my hold. “I’m surprised it took you this long.”

Gripping her by the throat, I stood and tossed her on the sofa. I only stunned her for a moment before she sat up and smiled.

“I’m glad to see you still like it rough.” She rose to her feet and came toward me. The desire she spewed made me sick. “I was worried that innocent attorney would make you soft.”

“You haven’t seen rough.” I grabbed her by the throat again and brought her out to the balcony. “You’ve got one chance to answer my question.”

She kicked and thrashed, but I didn’t release her from my hold.

“Don’t bother lying because I’ll know.”

“Let go of me.”

I opened my hand and dropped her to the ground. She scrambled to her feet and looked me dead in the eyes. No fear. Stupid woman.

“Get out.” She rubbed the front of her neck. “I don’t have to answer any of your questions.”

“No?” I stepped forward, forcing her back until she was flush with the railing. “I promise, I’ll have my answers before I leave here.”

“I don’t answer to you anymore.”

“All you had to do was leave me alone. Walk away. I gave you everything.”

“You threw me out on the street like garbage.”

“You couldn’t resist provoking me.” I twisted my fingers in her hair and tugged her face close to mine. “You couldn’t leave well enough alone.”

“Be careful.” She laughed in my face. “Your demon is showing.”

You haven’t seen anything yet.

“I gave you a pass when you slashed Harper’s tires. Why weren’t you smart enough to walk away then?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Liar!” The blood in my body steeped with heat. “I don’t even care about the fucking car. That’s what you didn’t get.”

Her face flushed as warmth covered her flesh. Sweat beaded on her brow and forehead.

“Why couldn’t you leave me alone?”

“Angelo.” She tried to back away from me, but I tightened my hold in her hair. She fanned her hand over her face, generating some air.

“Are you hot?” My red eyes burned into hers. “Because I’m just getting started.”

“What are you doing?” Her hair dampened under my touch. “I feel like I’m melting.”

“Welcome to my world.” I pressed my body against hers, radiating the flames from within. “It’s a new trick I learned.”

“It’s too hot.” She clawed at my chest. “Stop it.”

“Does it feel like you’re igniting from the inside? Is your throat so dry you want to cut it open?”

“Yes.” The tears spilled from her eyes. “Make it stop.”

“It’s called transference. Isn’t it cool?”

“Why?” Her scratchy voice was barely audible.

“Why am I doing this to you?” I let go of her hair, smoothing it out. “You know why.”

Her desperation slammed into me when her temperature elevated, and the sweat poured down her neck and chest. “I vandalized her car.”

“Say more than that. You know her name, so you should use it!” I shouted. “Give Harper the respect she deserves.”

“I vandalized Harper’s car.”

“That’s not why I’m here.” I grasped her chin. “What else did you do to her?”


“You can’t lie to me.” My fingers seared into her flesh. “Tell me what you did, and I’ll stop.”

“I…I did nothing to her.” The perspiration trickled down her cheeks, mixing with her tears. “Please.”

Letting go of her chin, I squeezed my palm closed and restricted her airway.

“Okay, okay,” She pulled at her neck, trying to get me to release my phantom hold. “I sent a hitman to eliminate her.”

I clenched my fist harder, until her windpipe could no longer do its job. “Did you think you were going to get away with that?”

When I opened my hand, she fell to the floor, huffing and gagging.

“What did you think I was going to do when I found out?”

“Angelo, please. You don’t understand.”

“I don’t understand? I gave you the fucking world. Ten years of my miserable existence, and this is how you repay me? You try to destroy the only thing I’ve ever…” Don’t let your emotions get in the way. You cannot feel. Not now. “You’ve crossed a line you can’t come back from.”

“I’m sorry.” She reached for my leg. “I made a mistake.”

“A mistake?” I plucked her from the ground and pushed her against the railing. “Slashing her tires was a mistake. Sending a ruthless killer after her was cruel and calculated.” I cupped her cheek in my hand, forcing her to look into my eyes. “I don’t get your motivation. We were done long before I met Harper. We were going through the motions. Your actions don’t fit the situation.”

“It’s not about her.”

“You wanted me to suffer?”

“No, not me. I wanted to leave you alone. I wanted to move on with my life but…”

“But what?” My palm scorched her face. “Tell me everything.”

“I can’t.” She shook her head. “You’re not going to hurt me. They won’t let you.” She looked around, searching for something or someone. “Don’t let him hurt me.”

“Of course.” I laughed. “You wouldn’t have the guts to betray me on your own. You needed help. Did they make you a sizable offer?”

“No.” Her eyes widened. “I acted alone.”

“It’s too late to backtrack now. I know you’re not being honest.” I lifted her up and set her on the other side of the railing.

“Stop it!” She held onto my arms, the fear rising from her gut. “Please, help me!”

“They’re not going to help you, princess.” I pressed my forehead to hers, extending my arms until her feet were on the edge of the balcony with nothing else to stop her from plummeting. “Do you know why?”

“Angelo, please. I can make this up to you. I can make this right.”

“No, you can’t. Not in this life anyway.”

“Don’t do this.”

“You did this when you chose my father.”

“You forced my hand.” The despair in her emotions fueled my fury. “You made me turn on you.”

“And now, I’m turning on you completely, finishing what you escalated when you hired that hitman.” I brushed my lips along hers, kissing her softly. The kiss of death. “You picked the wrong demon to side with.”

With one quick shove, she let go of my arms, teetered backward, and fell, screaming the whole way down.

“Do what you do best, angel.” I glanced down at the alleyway beneath me. “Fall.”

I took out my phone and sent David the text he’d been waiting for since I arrived.

Clean up the mess.

* * *


I paced the bedroom, checking my phone for a text or a call. Angelo had dropped me off hours ago. We left the restaurant abruptly when he said he had a business emergency. I offered to go with him, but he assured me it wasn’t necessary. He had been tense and cryptic. His mood put me on edge, and now I worried that I hadn’t heard from him or David. What was he up to? If it was business, why didn’t he need me?

Sitting on the edge of the bed, I chewed on my fingernail and tried not to think the worst. I was still a bit unsettled by that strange man who had shown up here earlier in the evening. Is that who Angelo was dealing with? What was Ralph doing in the backyard?

None of it sat well with me.

“Hello, angel.” He leaned against the doorframe.

“Angelo.” I jumped at the sound of his voice. I had been so lost in my own head, I didn’t hear him come in.

“I didn’t mean to startle you.” He crossed the room and stood in front of me. “You were deep in thought.”

“I…I don’t even know all I was thinking about, but I was worried about you.”

“You don’t have to worry about me.” He ran his thumb along my bottom lip. “I’ll always find my way back to you.”

“Did you take care of business?”

“Yes.” He trailed his fingers along my jaw, forcing a shiver to charge through me. “It won’t be a problem anymore.”

“I’m glad to hear that.”

“Enough business for tonight.” He knelt in front of me, spreading my knees and settling between them. “It’s time for some pleasure.”

“What did you have in mind?”

“There isn’t enough time for all that I have in mind.” He slid his hand up my legs and to the lace of my panties. “I want an eternity with you.”

“I’ll stay with you forever.” I dropped back on the bed when he slipped my panties down my legs and took them off. “Angelo…” I moaned as he teased my clit with his tongue. I raised my hips off the bed, offering more.

He accepted the invitation by spreading my entrance with his fingers and pushing his warm tongue inside me, darting in and out and up and down. I moved my hips with his long, slow thrusts, keeping in rhythm with him. My body ached with raw desire as my arousal dripped down my legs. He gripped my hips, licking me faster and bringing me close to climax. I shook with a burning need to let go, but before I could, he stopped.

I gasped, sitting up and staring at him in shock.

“Why did you stop?”

“I want you to come on my cock.” He placed his hand on my side. “Turn around.”

I flipped over and got on my knees.

“Take this off.” He clawed at my top, tugging it over my head. “I want you naked.”

“What about you?” I looked over my shoulder. “Take your shirt off. I want to feel your skin against mine.”

He lifted the shirt over his head and tossed it on the floor, revealing his beautifully inked skin. He stepped closer to me, pushing on my back and guiding me to rest on the mattress. My chest was down, and my backside was in the air, exposing my aroused sex to him.

He unbuckled his belt and lowered his pants. Tangling his fingers in my hair, he held me still as he shoved his fingers inside me. At a furious pace, he moved them deep, making me tremble beneath him. After a few glorious minutes, he withdrew his fingers and replaced them with his hard, swollen length.

“Oh…” I cried out when he filled me, his balls pressed against the bottom of my backside.

He stilled for a moment, letting me feel all of him. I shoved my hips back, getting him to move because I couldn’t wait anymore.


“I am when you don’t give me what I want.”

“I’ll always give you what you want.” He tugged me toward him, so my back was flush with his chest. He snaked his arms around my stomach, holding me tight as he smiled into me. If not for his strong hold, I would have propelled into the headboard. “Be careful what you wish for.”

His relentless tempo sent me into a long, hard climax. The faster he thrust his hips, the deeper his cock went, torturing me from the inside. When he squeezed my breasts and kissed my neck, I slithered my hand down to my opening, touching my wet clit to try to relieve the aching. He glided his hand over mine and moved my hand in time with his quick pace inside me, stimulating me even more.

“Angelo…” I couldn’t control the tremor that ripped through me as he inspired another orgasm to rush through my aroused body. Before I could catch my breath, he flipped me onto my back and swiftly reentered me, grabbing my legs and spreading them in the air.

“Fuck!” His chest vibrated with a loud, growling sound as he released inside me, emptying all of his hot desire and connecting us forever.

He released my legs and rested his weight on me, as our hearts beat furiously against one another. The warmth of his flesh covered me as the wood-burning scent that was him surrounded us. I held onto him, wanting to be engulfed by his entire being. Aside from our erratic breathing, there was a peculiar quiet that dominated the room.

In that instant, a strange thought came over me. Angelo wasn’t just a man. There was something more to him. Something fantastic and unusual. I could see it in his physical being. His body took on an enormity in certain situations. His muscles could harden and take on a life of their own. The fascinating way people viewed him was both unique and puzzling. He drew out fear in some, but everyone respected him. The look in his intense eyes when he was angry or aroused sparked fiery embers in his dark pupils. But the most curious trait he had was how he could feel every emotion I had before I even realized what I was experiencing.

“What has you so lost in thought?” He murmured against my breasts.

“Your amazing ability to render me crazy after sex has me coming up with all sorts of outlandish thoughts.” I giggled. “I’m being silly.”

“Want to tell me what you're thinking?”

“Not now.” I rubbed his back. “I’m glad you’re home. I worried something happened to you.”

“While I appreciate your concern, everything is fine.” He inched up my body so that we were eye level with one another. “I had some business to take care of.”

“Did it have anything to do with that strange man who came here tonight?”

“I know you were frightened earlier this evening with the unfortunate intrusion of that former business associate of mine.”

“His presence startled me.”

“You were right to come and stand next to me when you realized something was off.”

“It seemed the natural thing to do.”

“I will always protect you.” He took my face between his hands. “No matter the cost or the consequences.”

“You’re being too extreme.”

“That’s my middle name.”

“Too extreme for this moment, I meant.” I licked his bottom lip before pushing my tongue inside his mouth. “I’m sure your rogue ex-business associate got the message.”

“Loud and clear.” He rolled us over so that he was on top, his erection straining against my stomach. “He won’t be a problem any longer.”

“I have a feeling that’s true.” I wrapped my legs around him. “We have more important things to concern ourselves with.”

“Such as?” He bit the corner of his sexy lip.

“Do you really have to ask?”