A Demon’s Touch by Ella Jade

Chapter 23


After I finished my call, David joined me in the kitchen. He’d been distant when he came into my study earlier, and I didn’t press him on it.

“Harper and I are having dinner by the pool if you’d like to join us.”

“Thank you, but I’m going to check out The Swanky Cauldron tonight.”

“Really? How come?”

“Does there have to be a reason?” He glanced at his phone. “Maybe I want to see how your investment’s going.”

“Will Kiki be joining you?”

“You’re awfully intrusive.” He smirked. “For a guy who doesn’t want to tell me anything.”

“What’s that supposed to mean? I tell you everything.” Well, almost everything.

“Was it successful?” He sat at the counter. “The New York call, I mean.”

“I believe so.”

“I’m glad to hear that.”

“Something on your mind?” I didn’t have to ask.

“Harper mentioned you were researching the sword, and for the life of me, I can’t imagine why.”

“Research isn’t a bad thing.”

“I guess it depends on why you would research something you have no use for.”

I sat across from him, clasping my fingers together.

“Unless you’ve taken Koradon up on his offer, and you didn’t tell me that.”

“I don’t know what to be offended over more, the fact that you think I’d work with Koradon or that I wouldn’t tell you.”

“Why are you researching the sword?”

“I’m not sure. It called to me, so I started digging.” If Koradon and his cohorts wanted it, I needed to know why. “It’s a powerful weapon to possess. In the wrong hands, it could be dreadful.”

“And in your hands?”

“It could be leverage.”

“Leverage for what?”

“I’m not sure.” I stood and paced the kitchen. “Something feels off to me. I haven’t felt the same since…”

“You spread your wings and unleashed all of that power?”

“Yes.” That incident couldn’t have come at a worse time in my life. “I’m finally in a place where I want to be. For the first time in this miserable world, I’ve found my niche.”

“With Harper.” It wasn’t a question.

“Yes, and I want more than anything to be the man that she perceives me to be, but we both know that’s not who I am.”

“Who says you can’t be him?”

“Because I’m a fucking demon, who is being pursued by more powerful demons, and if she got caught in the crossfire, I don’t know what I’d do.” I rested the back of my head against the wall. “I want to give her the life she deserves, but it’s all based on a lie. Do you have any idea how difficult it is to hide from her when she stares into my eyes with nothing but trust?” I ran my fingers through my hair. “I didn’t think it would be this hard. I thought I could put the past behind me and pretend to be human for her.”

“Now you don’t want that?”

“No, that’s what I’m trying to tell you. I want more than anything to be the man she wants me to be. I want to be Angelo St. Christian for real.”

“Then be him.” He slammed his fist against the counter. “Fuck your father, fuck the underworld. We’ll fight them, and we will win, if the time comes. For now, enjoy what you’re building with Harper.”

“Even if I can’t tell her what I am?”

“She wouldn’t even care.”

“I doubt that. A woman would have to be insane to not care that the man she decided to move in with and trust isn’t a man at all. I’m a demon.”

“You’re also an angel.”

“Yeah.” I laughed because that statement was funny. “Right.”

“What? You are.”

“What angel traits have I kept?”

“More than you think.”

Before I could argue with him, a shot of fear pulsed through my body. A sensation of terror surrounded me, blocking everything else out.

“What’s wrong?” David stood in front of me. “Is someone here?”


I darted out the back door and down the path. The faster I ran, the harder Harper’s anxiety pushed into me. I detected her heartbeat a few feet away, but she wasn’t alone. David kept pace with me as I sped up.

I made an abrupt stop once I reached Harper and that wretched vampire. She was cornered between him and a tree and paralyzed by fear. His wild gaze followed her every move, and I could taste his hunger.

“Get away from her.” I advanced on him.

“Angelo.” Harper ran to me, pressing into my side. My girl had smart instincts. She might not have known what kind of predator Ralph was, but she knew to be afraid of him.

“Are you okay?” I hugged her before looking her over, checking her neck for any signs of a bite. “You’re shaking.”

“No, I’m fine.” She glanced at Ralph. “I was just startled by your friend’s presence. I didn’t expect anyone to be out here, and it took me by surprise.”

“I’m sorry, ma’am.” When Ralph came closer, Harper gripped my hand. I gave him a warning glare, which stopped him in his tracks. “I didn’t mean to intrude.”

“Harper,” I said. “David and Kiki are going to The Swanky Cauldron tonight. Shall we join them?”

“Yes, that sounds like a great idea.” She smiled at David. “If you don’t mind us tagging along.”

“Not at all.”David motioned toward the house. “I’ll walk you back down the path.”

“You’re not coming?” She held onto my hand, willing me to go with her.

“I’ll be there in a few minutes.” I kissed her cheek. “You get ready. I need to speak with Ralph.”

“I’ll walk you back,” David offered again.

“I’m fine, David.” She let go of my hand and patted his shoulder. “The house is twenty feet from here. I’ll make it.”

When David looked at me for approval, I nodded. I didn’t sense anyone else on the property. I stared at my undead associate as Harper hurried back to the house.

“I’m sorry I scared your human.” Ralph inhaled. “She smells superb, doesn’t she? Quite delectable.”

“Fuck,” David whispered.

“Are you fucking kidding me?” I grabbed Ralph by his cold throat. “Do you have a death wish?”

“I’m sorry.” He struggled under my firm hold. “That came out wrong. I would never…I don’t feed from live humans.”

“Why are you here?” I asked. “You’re in violation of your lease. No one comes to my home. Ever.”

“I know, but I thought maybe you’d want to hear what I have for you.”

“You could have come to me,” David said. “Angelo prefers that.”

“I was in the area.” Ralph pointed to my hand. “This is ineffective. I don’t need to breathe.”

When I opened my hand and dropped him, he hit the ground with a loud bang. He scrambled to his feet and straightened out his collar.

“You’re right. There are more effective ways to eliminate you.” I ripped a thick branch from a tree and tossed it in David’s direction. “Sharpen that.”

“Sure.” David reached into his jeans and took out his pocketknife.

“Whoa.” Ralph held up his hands. “That’s unnecessary.”

“I’ll be the judge of what I deem necessary on my property that you’re intruding on.”

“The seller from London has another property, but it isn’t on the market yet. I thought you might be interested.”

“I’m not looking for more properties in London. I have what I need.”

“It’s a lucrative deal.”

“How do you know if it isn’t on the market yet?”

“Well, I hear things.”

“Who sent you here?” I stepped toward him. “Who are you working for?”

“I don’t know what you mean.”

“I don’t have time for these games.” I cracked my neck. “Who sent you to me?”

“I came to New Haven because others told me you could help me, which you did when we bartered. I appreciate the food source, so I thought I’d give you a bonus with another tip.”

“See, the thing is, that might have been true when we first met because I detected honesty from you. But you’ve since been compromised, and those who got to you don’t give a fuck about you and your undead soul.” My red eyes burned into his lifeless gaze. “Because if they did, they wouldn’t have sent you here to tell me a made-up story, knowing I could detect your lie before you even opened your filthy mouth.”

“I don’t want any problems.” He backed away, but I advanced, “I like our arrangement.”

“Then you shouldn’t have approached Harper.” I glanced over my shoulder to check on David’s progress with the stake. “Now, you’ve gotten a taste for her and I can’t allow that to continue.”

“No.” His fangs protruded from his mouth, showing his lack of control when he thought about Harper. “I wouldn’t touch your human.”

“I don’t believe you and that’s unfortunate for you.”

“It was my mistake coming here.” Ralph backed away from me or tried to. “I won’t bother you again.”

“You’re not going to have the chance.”

“That’s what you think.”

Before I could respond, Ralph disappeared, leaving a vast cloud of smoke in his wake. The echo of his flapping departure, followed by a burst of wind gliding overhead.

“What the fuck was that?” I looked up.

“He probably turned into a bat.”

“That’s absurd.” I tore off my shirt. “But my wings are bigger.”

“What are you going to do?”

“Extermination.” I held out my hand for the stake. “He’s lying, and I can’t risk him coming back for Harper.”

“I’ll go with you.” He handed me the wooden makeshift stake.

“No, I want you to go back to the house and watch over Harper in case Ralph circles back.” I closed my eyes and expanded my wings, dropping to my knees and ignoring the excruciating pain when they broke through my flesh. “He won’t make it off this property.” Flapping my wings, I ascended to the sky. “I have a vampire to slay.”

* * *

Two hours later,Ralph was nothing but a pile of dust and an unpleasant memory. David placed a beer in front of me and took a seat across from me.

“This place is packed.” He sipped his beer as he looked around the terrace. “You should be pleased.”

“I’m extremely pleased with the door count and the booze profit, but I’m not so thrilled with Raven’s idea to open the terrace to everyone. I was hoping we’d have a quiet evening out here.”

“Can you blame her? With this extra space, she’s almost doubled her occupancy.”

“She’s a smart witch, but now I need a private room.”

“You’re unbelievable.”


“Where should I start?” David asked.

“Start with what?” Raven asked as she, Kiki, and Harper approached the table. “What do you think of the terrace?”

“Where should I start?” I echoed David’s earlier words, as I stood and pulled out a chair for Harper. “I don’t like crowds.”

“If I had known you were coming, I would have cleared the terrace, but you can bet your ass that if I have the opportunity to bring in more cash flow, I’m taking it.”

“That should make you happy.” Kiki sat on David’s lap.

When I arched a brow at him, he smirked.

“Nothing makes him happy.” Raven laughed.

“I do,” Harper declared with such confidence that I couldn’t help but smile.

“That’s true.” I took her hand and placed it on my lap, interlocking our fingers.

“I agree,” Raven said. “You aren’t as scary when you’re with Harper.”

“Don’t you have a club to run?” I asked.

“I’ll go see where Harper and Kiki’s drinks are.” She stuck her tongue out at me. “You’re lucky I like you.”

“Be nice to her,” Harper whispered into my ear. “She works so hard to please you.”

“Raven.” I squeezed Harper’s hand. “I’m really proud of everything you’ve accomplished here.”

“Thanks.” She winked at him. “I love you too.”

“See.” Harper gazed into my eyes. “She’s just seeking your approval.”

“She has it.” I brought Harper’s knuckles to my lips. “She’s done a fantastic job here.”

“You gave her the opportunity.” She pressed her palm to my cheek. “Like you did for me.”

“I’m really proud of you too.” I dropped my hand to her thigh, circling my fingers along her soft skin. “You’re doing so well.”

“I couldn’t do it without you.” She leaned in closer to me. “You’ve taught me so much.”

“Have I?” If only she knew how much I’d learned from her. “I have plenty more to teach.”

“Do you?” She parted her legs just enough to encourage me to slide my hand over where her panties met her upper thigh.

“Are you ready to order?” Kiki tossed a menu at us. “I’m starving.”

“Whatever you want, Kiki.” I handed a menu to Harper, wishing more than anything we had stayed home and played that game of hide and seek.

Harper opened the menu, taking her time to read every description. I took in her stunning profile and laughed to myself when she crinkled her nose as she analyzed each item.

“Let’s share.” I nuzzled my face against hers. “Like last time.”

“I love sharing with you.” She turned and kissed me, sliding her tongue inside my mouth. I wasn’t one for such public displays of affection, but with Harper, all my rules and routines didn’t seem to apply anymore. “I love kissing you too.”

“There’s so much I love about you.”

* * *

After dinner,Kiki and Harper went to the ladies’ room. The terrace wasn’t as crowded as when we arrived, making the night more tolerable for me.

“What’s going on with you and Kiki?” I asked.

“Nothing.” David placed his napkin on the table. “We text.”

“Anything else?”

“I haven’t slept with her if that’s what you’re asking.”

“I wasn’t, but since you brought it up, how come?”

“Well, she’s twenty-one, and I’m supposed to be forty. I don’t know how she feels about that.”

“She doesn’t seem bothered by it, and you don’t look forty.” Humans placed such emphasis on their age. I suppose it was because they only had a set number of years to live, and youth didn’t last long. “Harper’s twenty-eight, and I’m a lot older than that.”

“She doesn’t know that.”

“My point is don’t get caught up on the age thing.”

I didn’t want to encourage a relationship between my best friend and my girlfriend’s sister because if they didn’t work out, that could complicate things for me and Harper, but I also wanted David to be as happy as I was.

“We’re different from you and Harper. Kiki wants to have fun.”

“And you?”

“I definitely want to have fun with Kiki. She’s hot.”

“Make sure she knows where you stand. I don’t want you to hurt Harper’s kid sister.”

“Are you kidding me? Kiki’s the one who could do the damage.” Something caught his attention across the room, making him uneasy.

“What is it?” I followed his gaze and my eyes landed on his target. A striking figure with steel blue eyes and jet black hair. His arms were covered in tattoos and a prominent scar ran down his left cheek and along his jaw. “Is that Malki?”

“Yes.” He stood and moved next to me. “He’s headed this way.”

“Relax.” I turned my chair in Malki’s direction, he’s not here to cause trouble. “He’s not after me.”

Malki was a low-level demon who held most of his power in his strength. He’d been roaming the earth for the last fifty years, taking jobs eliminating people. He made a lucrative living working for some powerful people.

“Angelo.” Malki approached us. “It’s good to see you.”

“You as well.” I shook his hand. “It’s been a few years.”

“David.” Malki motioned between us. “You can relax. I would never be a threat to Angelo. He’s been a useful ally to me.”

“I feel the same way about you,” I said. “David is just doing his job.”

“You supported me when I made a home here all those years ago. You’ve sent business my way and helped on more than one occasion when other wannabe demons tried to impose on my territory.”

“As far as I’m concerned, you’re the best bounty hunter around.” I motioned for David to sit back down. “What brings you to my restaurant?”

“I’m observing a mark.”

“I see.” I wasn’t comfortable with him doing business here, but if he stayed discreet, I could allow it. “How can I help you?”

“Actually, it’s me who wants to help you.”

“What makes you think I need help?” I finished my beer.

“Because my next kill is your human.”

Fuck, no! I squeezed the bottle, shattering it between my palm and fingers.

“I had no idea she was with you until I observed the two of you tonight,” Malki said. “I was here gathering intel, but as soon as I realized she was yours, I knew I had to tell you.”

The thought of him watching Harper enraged me. My jaw clenched, and the vein at my temple throbbed as I gathered my thoughts.

“Who hired you?”

“Terra Caldacot.”