A Demon’s Touch by Ella Jade

Chapter 5


God! Why am I telling him about my dreams?

“I’m sorry.” I tried to laugh it off but all that came out was a strained, desperate giggle.

“For what?” When he released me from his gentle hold, my flesh burned from his hot touch. As he waited for a response, all I wanted to do was crawl under the table and hide.


“You dreamt about me?”

“After spending the day with you yesterday, you were on my mind. I guess you seeped into my subconscious.”


“It’s a beautiful day.” I stood from the chair and gazed out the window because I couldn’t look him in the eyes after telling him about our nighttime encounter.

“Warmer than usual for this time of year.”

“Why don’t we get to work?” I could recover from this odd morning. “Where would you like me to start today?”

“I’d like you to go for a walk. Familiarize yourself with the property since you’ll be spending plenty of time here. You’ll need to take occasional breaks, so you should find spaces you enjoy. There are plenty of unique spots here. Perhaps, we could take a walk one afternoon, and I could show you the best ones.”

“You want me to leave?”

“I want you to get some fresh air.” He stood and opened the study door. “You’ll feel better after you clear your head. I need you focused and ready to go today.”

“I am focused.” Or at least I was before I saw him.

He arched a brow at me. “Your focus needs work.”

“Maybe you’re right. A little air is probably a good idea.”

“Take your time. I have a few things I need to do.” He sat down at his desk. “Do you prefer anything special for lunch?”

“I’m sure whatever Greta makes will be fine.” When I made my way into the foyer, something already had him lost in his computer screen. As I stared at him, episodes of my dream played in my mind. Why hadn’t he kissed me?

When I realized I was gawking at him, I hurried down the hall before he caught me. Once I was out of his view, I slowed down and gazed out of the floor-to-ceiling windows that separated his study from my office. I had only seen a fraction of the enormous house, but like Angelo’s eyes, this home had a story to tell. What could it tell me about the puzzling owner?

As I passed the large staircase in the foyer, I glanced up to see if there were any bikini models coming down the steps. The coast was clear. The house was more tranquil today than it was yesterday, or maybe it was me who was calmer.

I peeked into the empty kitchen, hoping to find Greta. I wanted to thank her again for such an incredible lunch. I’d get the chance later. From the archway of the kitchen, I caught a glimpse into the dining room. I’d be eating lunch there in a few hours with Angelo. Now that I worked here, would we eat lunch together every day? How many routines would we create?

I exited the house through the garage so I could get a picture of the Mustang for Kiki. I might not get a selfie with the harem, but I could manage the car. I circled around the cool ride, snapping a few shots before stopping at the driver’s side door.

The cherry paint glistened under the skylights above it. This was one well-kept vehicle, not a scratch or a ding on it. I tugged on the handle, surprised that it opened. Kiki would freak if I got in and took a selfie.

Why not?I slipped inside the immaculate car. Angelo must have had the whole thing restored. It was too perfect for something over fifty years old. It was in better shape than my two-year-old Lexus.

After clicking a few pictures of me inside the car, I slid out and sent them to my sister. As I shut the door, I caught a flashing light in the ceiling in the garage’s corner.

Crap!A security system. I hoped no one monitored footage. I waved at the camera and smiled. What else could I do?

Enough pictures for one day. The one time I tried to do something covert, I was being watched. That would never have happened to Kiki! She would have checked for cameras. There was nothing I could do about it now, so I shook it off and went out for that much needed air.

When I opened the side door that led to the massive backyard, my mouth fell open. The gorgeous landscape bloomed in vibrant greens, whites, yellows, and pinks. The yard stretched for at least two acres, boasting well-maintained mulch and flower beds and neatly trimmed bushes and trees. A manicured lawn spiraled around long stone-colored pathways that led to a stunning pool area that would rival most resorts. I came from money, but this place was off the charts.

The splashing in the pool beyond the waterfall caught my attention. It was April in Connecticut. Who would even be out there? While it was an unseasonably warm day, it wasn’t ideal for swimming. I strolled down the path toward the swimmer to investigate. When I came through the bushes that surrounded the pool deck, I found Terra was doing the backstroke in a tiny, white bikini. Swimsuit model…I knew it!

As I turned to leave, trying not to be detected, she stopped swimming. “Don’t go.”

“Oh, I didn’t want to disturb you.” How many times would I get busted today?

“Did you need a break from Angelo?” She rested her hands on the wet concrete at the side of the pool.

“No, not at all. I’m just getting some air.”

“Right.” She moved onto her back, pushed off the wall and floated. “I need several breaks a day from him.”

“Have you known him long?”

“About ten years.”

“You’ve lived here all that time?” Why was I asking her these questions?


“So, you and Angelo are…” This was none of your business. “Together?”

“I wouldn’t say that.” She continued to paddle around the deep end with her arms and legs. “You’d really have to ask him what we are to one another.”

“I probably don’t want to know,” I mumbled. “Aren’t you cold?”

“The water is heated. It’s lovely.” She stopped moving and rested against the ledge. “You should bring a bathing suit. I’m sure Angelo would like that.”

“I’ll reserve my swimming for June when the weather is warmer.” I wandered around the pool deck, admiring the stone fireplace that connected to the pool house. “How come all those women live here?”

“You’re full of questions today, aren’t you, counselor? It’s almost like you’re a real lawyer.”

“I have a law degree, and I passed the bar.” And I don’t have a Sugar Daddy, I thought though I didn’t dare say that much out loud. Instead, I replied, “So, that makes me a real attorney.”

“Congratulations.” She kicked her legs as she held onto the side of the pool. “I don’t blame your curiosity. You have stumbled into a unique situation.”

“Have I?”

“I adored your uncle. We all did. He understood us.”

“Did he?”

“We didn’t have to hide from him.” She flipped on her back. “That’s a striking dress.”

“Thank you.” I smoothed my palm down the side of the fabric. “I rarely wear such bold colors.”

“Hmm…” She hoisted herself out of the pool, using the side to climb out.

As she toweled off, I admired her long legs and flat stomach. Her arms held definition, evident of the hours she must have spent in the gym. She was at least ten years older than me, but her body rivaled a twenty-year-old. Above her hip bone was an elaborate tattoo. A silhouette of a woman with a halo above her head and detached black wings behind her back.

“That’s an interesting tattoo.”

“It’s a fallen angel.” She dried off. “A symbol that no one is perfect, even if they appear to be the most angelic person you’ve ever met. We all have demons.”

What was that supposed to mean? Had I asked too many questions?

“I should probably get back.”

“That is a wise choice. Angelo doesn’t like to be kept waiting.” When she shook out her hair, the water spattered across my arms and face. “There’s a lot of things he doesn’t like.”

“I don’t get that impression of him.”

“You’ve known him all of ten minutes.” She sat on the edge of a lounge chair, crossing her legs. “You see a successful, older man, who’s rich, single, and sophisticated.”

“He’s all of those things.”

“And much more.” She twirled the end of her wet, red hair. “He’s the stuff dreams are made of, isn’t he?”

“I suppose.” She couldn’t know about the dreams but how could she be so spot on? “He’s my client. I’m his attorney.” Nothing more.

“You’re going to be whatever he wants you to be.”

“There you are.” I jumped at the sound of David’s voice.

“You startled me.” I laughed. “Were you looking for me?”

“Angelo is ready for you,” he said. “He’d like you to sit in on a call.”

“Sure.” I motioned toward Terra. “It was nice talking to you.”

“Can you find your way back?” David asked. “I need to speak with Terra.”

“Yes, I’ll be fine.” I turned toward the path. “See you later.”

“I’d run if I were you,” Terra laughed. “He doesn’t like to be kept waiting.”

I ignored Terra as I took my time trying to listen to their conversation, but the yard was eerily still. There weren’t any birds chirping or bees buzzing, and no chatter I could hear. Whatever David wanted to talk about was going to wait until I was out of earshot.

It was better that way. I probably didn’t want to know what the issue was.

* * *

“It was a fantastic call.”Angelo took the contract off the printer.

“You got what you wanted.” I shifted in my seat. “I think I may have put you in a tough spot a few times.”

“You did.” When he bit the corner of his mouth, a vision of him in the room with the brass mirror flashed before me. “We’re going to work on your poker face. You talk a little too much when you’re nervous. The less you say, the bigger the advantage we have.”

“Sorry.” I’d spent most of my days at the firm researching and filing. I’d never taken calls on my own or dealt with clients. Duke was patient with me and said there was a place for everyone.

“Don’t apologize. You’re learning.”

“I’ve learned more working with you in two days than I have in all my years of studying. You should be a professor at Yale.”

“Maybe in my next life.”

“Yesterday I didn’t know if I wanted to come back,” I admitted.

“I know.”

“You did?”

“I sensed your unease, but I’m glad you returned. You have much to learn, and you’ll gain most of your experience by jumping in and doing it.”

“Your business is fast-paced. I don’t think I’ll have a choice. I want to do it right.”

“If you didn’t make mistakes, I’d be worried but the less you make, the better for me.”

“Why are you being so kind to me?”

“Do I strike you as a kind man? Odd.” He looked over the contract. “I’m not.”

“You’re kind to me.”

“Duke had big plans for you, but I took up most of his time.” He looked up. “I owe him.”

“It seems like such a big favor to do for someone.”

“Duke was an excellent friend to me. We got to know one another well through the years. He spoke of you often. He had other nieces and nephews, but you were special to him.”

“He was special to me.”

“I remember when you received your letter of acceptance to Yale. He took me to dinner to celebrate.”

“He did?” I smiled because I could see him doing that.

“Your parents often frustrated him. He thought they should have been with you and Kiki more when you were growing up. He told me you were a strong kid and always put your sister first.”

“Duke was there for us when my parents couldn’t be.”

“I also remember when that fool broke your heart. Duke took that personally.”

“He told you about Matt?” Why would Duke discuss Matt with him? It wasn’t a subject I liked to think about or talk about. “I didn’t expect that.”

“He hurt for you.”

“That was a long time ago.”

“Matt acted like a petulant child because you got into Yale Law School, and he didn’t. If he truly cared for you, he would have been happy for you. I have little tolerance for a man like that.”

Matt had been my first and only boyfriend. We met our freshman year at Yale and stayed together all four years. We both applied to law school. We had this whole future planned. I was accepted. He wasn’t. That was enough to end our future together.

“We were young, and it doesn’t matter anymore.” It took me a while to recover from that heartache. Kiki didn’t think I was fully over Matt because, according to her, I hadn’t moved on. Law school was demanding, and then Duke hired me. In all that hustle, I hadn’t had time for a relationship.

“It did matter for a long time,” he said.

“You seem to know a lot about my life, but Duke rarely mentioned you. When he used your contracts as study tools for me, he never told me your name.”

“I’m an extremely private person. Duke understood that. He took the attorney-client privilege seriously, I suppose.”

“Terra said that Duke understood you, that you didn’t have to hide from him.”

“Did she?” His jaw tightened when I mentioned her. “Did you take extensive notes on today’s phone call?”

“Yes.” I held up my tablet. “All in here.”

“Anyone can make a mistake, but I don’t think you should make the same one twice. I might not be as forgiving.”


“Take this contract and review it. Once you understand why my terms were so specific, you’ll see how I got exactly what I needed out of this deal.”

“I’ll study it. I won’t miss anything.”

“I believe you.” He handed me the contract. “You have a law degree from Yale University. I don’t doubt your ability. Your uncle didn’t either. Now, I need you to believe in you, and I intend to do everything I can to make you see who you really are.”

“Thank you.” His high expectations intimated me, but they would make me a better lawyer. “Your confidence means so much.”

“You’re doing a wonderful job, and I don’t usually give praise generously.”

“Angelo!” Terra burst into the room. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?”

He got up from his chair, looking past her to David, who stood in the doorway. “What is this?”

“I’m sorry,” David said. “Sometimes, I can’t contain her.”

“Try harder.” He gritted his teeth.

I glanced down at my tablet, trying to look distracted, but it was difficult to ignore the tension in the room.

“Terra,” Angelo said. “Whatever this is, we’ll deal with it later. I’m working, and I don’t want to be disturbed.”

“I want to deal with it now. I can do that in front of her, but it’s your choice. It doesn’t matter to me.”

The dynamic between the two of them could be described in one word… toxic. The way they dealt with one another was disturbing. She liked to provoke him, and he seem to feed off it.

“Terra,” Angelo yelled.

His booming voice startled me, and when I looked up his eyes held a reddish tint. I’d never noticed that before. It had to be the lighting in the room, or my imagination.

“Harper.” Angelo turned away from me and faced the window. “I apologize for the intrusion.”

“Don’t you apologize for me,” Terra spat. “She’s going to see who you are soon enough. Why prolong it?”

“Will you excuse me?” Despite the commotion Terra caused, Angelo’s demeanor appeared calm and in control. That was what made him so dangerous.

“Oh, don’t have her go on my account.” Terra smirked. “She should stay and learn exactly who her new client is. She’ll thank me when I’m done.”