A Demon’s Touch by Ella Jade

Chapter 4


I plopped down on the couch, kicked off my heels, and stressed over what I’d gotten myself into. I wasn’t sure Angelo St. Christian was the right client for me. I had a ton of notes from day one. They were supposed to help organize me with all his deals and contracts, but instead, they were mainly on how and what he wanted. Mr. Meticulous had many requests and demands. How was I ever going to keep up? I’d gotten so flustered that I reached for my phone to call Duke for his advice three times before realizing he wouldn’t answer. I wouldn’t dare call Calvin. He’d assume I couldn’t do the job.

Propping my feet up on the sleek, black coffee table, I rested my head on the back of the cool, leather sofa. Taking a few cleansing breaths, I promised myself I’d stick with this opportunity.

As I settled down, my phone rang to the tune of “Dancing Queen.” Seriously, Kiki? I laughed because my sister always changed the ringtone on my phone to seventies songs without me knowing.


“Are you having the time of your life?”


“Well, how did it go with Mr. Hottie?”

“It was interesting.” How else could I explain it?

“Interesting how?”

“Well, let’s see.” I removed my bracelets and dropped them on the end table. “He has a sexy right-hand man, a sweet cook named Greta, and five women living with him. It’s a big house.”

“Wait, back the hell up. He has harem?”

“He refers to them as house guests, but they all look like bikini models.”

“Is it like Sister Wives? Does he have a ton of kids too?”

“No, I don’t think so. I don’t know who they are, but the main one didn’t like me being there at all.”

“Screw her,” she huffed. “She better not give you any trouble, or I’ll come there and kick her ass. Does she know you have a law degree from Yale?”

“I love you.”

“Tell me about the sexy right-hand man.”

“David, he’s extremely sweet and made me feel very comfortable. He liked Uncle Duke.”

“Take pictures tomorrow and send them to me.”

“I can’t do that.”

“Why not? Tell Mr. Hottie you want a selfie with him and his harem.”

“Oh, he has a Mustang in his garage. I think it’s a ‘65.”

“Are you kidding me? What color?”


“What?” she screamed. “Take a picture of that.”

“I’m not even sure I want to go back.” Why did I have to overthink this?

“Why? Was it that bad?”

“I got so nervous, I passed out right into Angelo’s arms after being in his presence for less than five minutes.”

“What the hell, Harper? Get your anxiety under control.”

“It was the strangest thing. One minute, I was standing in front of him, and the next, I was having some weird memory of him.”

“What kind of memory? You just met him the one time before.”

“I know, but what I saw felt so real.” I went to the kitchen and poured myself a glass of wine. “I zoned out or something. I have no idea why it manifested, especially in that moment.”

“You have to go back.”

“I know.” I sipped my wine. “I’ll lose my job if I don’t.”

“You can find another job, but this one, this client, could be everything Duke wanted for you.”

“I wish I could ask him what I should do.”

“He’d tell you not to back down.”

“I don’t want to back down, but I may be in over my head.” I took my time on the stairs as I made my way to my bedroom. I had a horrible habit of talking myself out of stuff before I fully put in the time to know if it was the right thing for me. “You’re right.”

“Of course, I am. I’m always right.”

I wished I had half of my baby sister’s confidence. As close as we were, we couldn’t be more opposite. From the time we were young, she could make friends easier than I could. She could talk to anyone. She didn’t care what people thought about her. If they liked her, great. If not, she would say, “the hell with it”. She approached most aspects of her life with that attitude.

“Do you want to meet for dinner? You can tell me more about Mr. Hottie.”

“We had a late lunch. I’m going to take a bath and call it a night. I have to be at his house by eight tomorrow.”

“You had lunch with him?”

“He also suggested I should spend the night when we work late.”

“Like be part of his harem?” She teased me.

“Like be his on-call attorney. The firm said to give him whatever he wants.” Calvin was crazy if he thought I would have a slumber party with my new client.

“What do you think he wants?”

“He has enough women in his house for that.”

“Get a solid night’s sleep. You’ll feel better in the morning. I’m sure you did great today.”

“Thank you.”

“Remember, you’re a dancing queen.”

“Good night, Kiki.” My mind wasn’t as heavy now that I’d spoken to my sister.

Tomorrow, I would conquer my new job, one contract at a time. Mr. Hottie wouldn’t even recognize me. I finished my wine, energized and ready to drop a vanilla cupcake bath bomb into the tub. I’m living it up tonight!

* * *

Hadn’t I taken my periwinkle dress off before I took a bath? I gazed around the room, trying to figure out where I was. The mirror. The one with the gold trim. Where am I? His hot breath ghosted the back of my neck, creating goosebumps along my flesh. With one hand on my hip, he trailed the other up my back and to my hair, gathering it into a makeshift ponytail. I froze when his lips grazed the nape of my neck.

“You smell like cake.” His low voice vibrated along my skin.

“Where are we?” I gasped when he tugged my hair back to look into my eyes.

“In your dream.”

“It doesn’t feel like any dream I’ve ever had.”

“I’m like none you’ve ever known.”

“What do you want?”

“I’ve already told you.” He released my hair and took my hand, leading me to a gold trimmed chair with a red satin cushion. “I want you.” He took a seat, guiding me into his lap. “I shouldn’t, but I do.”

“This is just a dream?”

“Your dream.” He slipped his hand under my dress, circling his fingers inside my upper thigh. “You’re in control.”

“It seems like you’re in control.”

“All you have to do is wake up.”

I didn’t want to wake up. I wanted to be close to him. Having his hands and his lips on my heated flesh aroused me.

“You did so well today.” He inched his fingers closer to my panties, causing me to squirm in his lap. “It impressed me how you handled the London office.”

“I was tense. I could have been more articulate.”

“That will come in time.” He brushed his lips along my jaw, stopping just before my mouth. “You’ll get over those nerves.” He twisted his fingers in my hair. “You’re not nervous now.”

“Because this isn’t real. You’re not really here.”

“Are you sure?” He tightened his hold on my locks, kissing the corner of my bottom lip. “Do I feel real?”

I nodded when he gripped my thigh. The hold he had on my hair stopped me from turning toward his lips.

“This is such a pretty dress. I couldn’t stop staring at you today.”

“Your attention can be daunting.”

“Don’t be afraid of me. I won’t hurt you.” He glided his fingers along the elastic of my panties. “I’m going to turn you into a formidable attorney, one whom people will respect and seek out.”

I spread my legs, encouraging him to touch more of me. All of me.

“Wear a red dress for me tomorrow.” He kissed my neck, sucking and biting below my ear. “I want to witness the color of desire on you. It will make your innocence even more tempting.”

He turned my head toward him, his stubble grazing my cheek as he ran his tongue across my lips. I parted my mouth for him and then…

The blaring sound of my alarm jolted me awake. “No!” I yelled. “Not now!”

I shot up into a seated position and glanced around my room, trying to shake off the vivid dream. I pressed my fingers to my mouth, noting the warmth on them. Darting my tongue out, I took my time to move it along my lips, just as he had done a few moments ago. My body craved more.

The sun wasn’t up, but if I wanted to be on time, I had to get started. Part of me was tempted to fall back asleep and pick up where we left off.

What was wrong with me? Angelo is your client. No matter how attractive he was or how wet he made my panties, I had to remain ethical.

Although, I could wear a red dress today and still be professional. Couldn’t I?

* * *


“Look into setting the angels up with their own apartments, please. You can have them help you make the choice on where they’d like to live.”

“Ahh, okay.” David typed notes into his tablet.

“You’re surprised.” I didn’t have to ask as I checked my email.


“Their presence makes Harper uncomfortable.” My new lawyer had enough obstacles in her own head with her new duties. She didn’t need any stress while she was here.

“Terra too?”

“I haven’t decided about Terra.” I looked at the time on the computer screen. Five minutes to eight. I couldn’t remember the last time excitement filled me over someone’s arrival, especially a mortal. “She’s become conceited here. She’s always been at the top of the tier where the others are concerned, but I may be losing my craving for so many house guests.”

“You’re a sex demon.”

“I know what I am, but my tastes can change.”

I often went through phases. Tiring of certain things wasn’t uncommon for me. While living with Terra for a decade might seem like a long time to some, for someone who could live forever, it had barely been any time at all.

“Duke asked me to help his niece. He did a lot for us over the years. Harper should be my primary focus.”

“I’ll do whatever you ask.”

“I appreciate that.”

“Is everything else all right?”

David and I had been friends for a long time. He didn’t have my ability to detect emotions, but he was often aware of mine. He’d learned to read me years ago.

“I’ve been dreaming the past few nights.” I shrugged. “It’s probably nothing.”

“But it could be something?”

“I’m not sure. It’s all very cryptic.”

“Isn’t it always?”

“With them, yes. They could be playing with my head. It could be a manifestation of my mind.”

“You’ll keep me in the loop?”

“I don’t think I’ll be needing my demon bodyguard today.” I sensed Harper’s presence before her car appeared in the driveway. I appreciated her punctuality. “Will you greet Ms. Whitmore for me?”

“Do you want me to bring her to you?”

“Have her go to her office. I’ll be with her shortly.” I wanted to give her time to settle in. I didn’t need her passing out again.

“Angelo.” His tone held more concern than I would have liked. “You’ll keep me informed, right?”

“You’ll be the first to know if there’s a threat.”

“I won’t let anything happen to you.”

“I know.”

“I’ll go meet Harper.” David left my study more alert than when he arrived. It wouldn’t surprise me if he reevaluated the security system by noon.

We hadn’t had a confrontation in years with the underworld. They only bothered me when they wanted something. I made it clear I would never do their bidding. When they banished me, they may have thought it was temporary, but as miserable as the human world made me, I’d found my place here. Like it or not, this is where I was doomed to stay.

“You’re not doomed.” Koradon’s voice vibrated around the study like some weak surround sound system. I searched the room, but his physical form wasn’t visible.

“Get out of my head.” This was a first. He’d never come to me while I was awake.

“This won’t take long. I would have summoned you last night, but you were busy invading the dreams of that beautiful attorney.”

“What do you want?”

“We have a situation, and I believe it’s a perfect opportunity for you to prove what you really are.”

“I don’t have to prove anything to you.” I closed my eyes and tried to evict him from my mind. “I know who I am.”

“I admire your strength and determination. I know where you get it from.”

I wouldn’t let him take credit for anything. “You have nothing to do with the man I’ve become.”

“But I can take credit for the demon you’ve become.” When he laughed, I pictured his rotting teeth and snarled lips. “We’ve let you play human long enough. It’s time for you to come home.”

“I am home.”

“You don’t believe that. As successful as you are in this sad, little world, you can become so much more in the realm you were born to.”

“Except, I wasn’t born in your realm. My mother made sure of that. She protected me for the first ten years of my life.” I had to stop this conversation. I couldn’t stay in control if I let what they had done to my mother creep into my mind.

“She implanted too many bad habits in that decade. It took us years to help you realize who you were meant to be.”

“Then I learned the truth.”

“Your version of the truth.”

“I know what you did. How you took her from me.”

“So, you’re willing to admit who I am and what you did to me. Your resolve may be weakening.”

“Leave me alone!” I shouted. “I’ll never give you that satisfaction.”

“You’re not going to have a choice.”

“Get out!” I slammed my fist on my desk, the force knocking my pen to the floor.

“Tough morning?” Her soft voice calmed my rage.

“Harper.” I raised my head to find her standing in the doorway of my study in the most enticing red dress. It was sleeveless, revealing her toned shoulders and arms. She had granted my request. “I thought you were in your office.”

“I was, but I heard you shouting.”

I got out of my chair, listening for any stray thoughts Koradon may have left behind. I no longer picked up on his presence, but I couldn’t deny he had been here. Our encounters were more than dreams.

“Telemarketer.” I tossed my phone on the desk. “They annoy me.”

“I get it.” She wasn’t as anxious as she had been yesterday, but why was she still in the doorway? Her hesitation puzzled me. Most women were drawn to me with very little effort on my part.

She had her hair in a low, sleek ponytail. While I preferred her long locks down, this style accentuated her high cheekbones and full, pink lips. I could get used to it. My fingers twitched to stroke the back of her alluring neck.

“Do you want me to go back to my office?”

“You can work in here if you’d like.” I pointed to the table by the bookshelves. “I want you to be at ease.” Especially when you’re around me.

“Here is fine.” She stepped into the study, taking her time to set up her laptop and to retrieve a few items out of her bag. She placed a pen, a notepad, and a bottle of water in a neat line on the table. “Have you heard back from London?”

“They have agreed to my terms. We shouldn’t have any problem with the sale.”

“That’s wonderful news.” Her expression beamed with genuine excitement. She’d never been more at ease in my presence. See, I’m not so scary after all. We could build on these emotions. If I could get this kind of response from her more often.

“But I guess you knew you were going to get what you wanted out of the deal.”

“I did but your response was quite refreshing. Contracts and real estate deals can get boring no matter how lucrative they are. I’m used to getting what I want or walking away. Having your perspective might liven things up a bit.”

“I’ve already had more of a thrill working here in one day than I have in all the years at the firm. They kind of stuck me in a corner and gave me things to read.”

“What a waste of resources.”

“I learned a lot.”

“You learn by doing.” When I sat across from her, she shifted in her seat. “You’ve already proven yourself by getting your law degree. Now you have to apply what you know. You’ll have every opportunity to do that here.”

She cracked her knuckles before clasping her hands in front of her.

“You’re going to have to lose the apprehension.”

“I don’t doubt…” She bit down on her pretty, manicured nail. “You’re superb at reading people.”

“I’ve been told.”

“It’s almost like you know what I’m feeling.”

“I’m observant.” I reached across the table and took her wrist in my hand, removing her thumb from her mouth. Her quirks only enhanced her skittish energy.

She hunched her shoulders, trying to shrink away, but recovered by giving me a small smile. “It’s a nervous habit.”

I ran my fingers along her wrist because I wanted to prolong the connection. “Don’t be afraid of me.”

“You said that to me last night.” When her eyes widened, I realized my mistake. “In a dream.”

“Did I?”