Corrupt by Aubree Valentine

Chapter 5

Maybe the next time you walk out on someone, you should make sure you haven’t given them your number.- I text the number on the card that Angelo handed me Friday night in the bar.

If he thought he would be off the hook that easily, well he’s dead wrong. I don’t bottom for just anyone and I’m damn sure not about to let New York’s biggest Mob Boss slip away. Not after getting this goddamn close to stopping the Bellini family from smuggling even more forgein goods into this city.

Ah. I knew you wouldn’t be able to resist reaching out. - He responds and I can practically hear the cockiness in his voice. I’d bet good money he has a smirk on his face right now too.

I thought we hit it off last night. Why the fuck did you go running scared?

Running scared? Oh little boy, you know nothing about me. Do you?

Hmpfh. I know a whole lot more than you think Mr. Bellini. I’ve learned more about Angelo Bellini and how deep his lies and deceit run in the last twenty-four hours than any other Mob Boss in this city.

Destined to take over his father’s role in the family business, Bellini is suspected of trafficking drugs and diamonds through my city. But that’s all going to end, real soon if I have it my way.

Oh. Is this where you tell me about how you had some huge emergency that just couldn’t wait five more minutes until I returned from taking a piss?

The anger and hurt in my words are not for show. I am pissed that Angelo walked out with out a word. Probably a bad sign that my feelings are getting the best of me. But maybe it’s because I have a sinking feeling that Bellini isn’t as dirty as everyone thinks he is. Somewhere deep down, I feel like Angelo only pretends to be the hardened man everyone else wants him to be. There’s a vulnerability that came out two nights ago.

Have you forgotten your place already? Nothing more than a fuck, Jay. I owe you no explanation.

It was more than just a fuck and you know it. - I immediately counter. There was a connection there. I know it and you know it. It’s why you disappeared the moment you were done.

What I wouldn’t give to punish that mouth of yours.

Prove it. - I push back, poking the bear. Tonight. Same hotel. Punish me the way I deserve to be punished.

My mouth is already watering at the thought. I can’t help it that Angelo’s cock has that effect. The memory of how he choked me with his girthy length is still fresh in my mind.

Three little dots pop up and disappear half a dozen times before his next message finally comes through.

Can’t. Previous engagement. I promise you this, I will punish you. All in due time.

I look forward to it.- I reply before pocketing my phone. This time around, I will have my way with Angelo and get him to open up.

Sex with a mark may be bending the rules, a little, but Captain did say - whatever it takes.

Someone knocks on my door, three times then two. Knowing it’s likely someone from the team, I double check the doorbell camera before opening the door and letting Vincent Rabotini inside.


“Jay. Looks like Bellini is pulling out all the stops on his campaign to take over the family business.”

“How so?” I ask as he follows me to the kitchen table where we both kick back. “What’s the latest?”

“The other night, before he met up with you, he was spotted having dinner with Aria Pagano. I did some digging around and have been keeping tabs on the two of them. Looks like Angelo is ring shopping as we speak. The rumor mill says that wedding bells are in the very near future.”

Christ. “You’re kidding.”

“Nope.” To confirm what he’s saying, Vinny pulls out his phone and shows me some candid shots of Angelo and Aria in one of the area’s premier jewelers. “Now, we need to get you an invite to that wedding.”

“I really have no desire to go to some fancy Italian wedding that will cost more than five years worth of my salary, Vin. Besides, don’t you think that will complicate things even more? You know, having his side piece hanging around.”

I’ve got no problem shooting it straight with Vinny. He knows me well and knows how I operate.

“Oh it will complicate things alright. That’s exactly why Cap wants you there. To throw Bellini off his game.”


“You should probably get him to meet up with you again before the wedding too. Dig your hands in a little further, ya know.”

“Don’t you think I’m working on it? Not the first time I’ve worked undercover, Vin.”

“Yeah, I know man. But once he's married, it’s likely going to be even harder to get close to him.”

“Yeah, Vin. I know this. I’m doing what I can. Angelo isn't exactly the type of guy that hangs around longer than he needs to.”

“Oh, we all know,” Vinny snickers.

He doesn’t know all the details but he does know that Angelo walked off after our little meeting at the hotel since I had to keep the team in the loop.

“Tell me something, Vin. How have you worked on the inside for so long without anyone questioning you?”

Vinny pauses for a moment then runs his hands across his face. “You’ve never looked me up, have you?”

I’ve known Vin almost the whole time I’ve worked for the NYPD so of course I haven’t looked him up. “Didn’t have a reason to.”

“My family worked really close with the Bellini’s for years. And if I told you anything more, I’d have to kill you.”

I laugh out loud. “Famous last words Vin. Famous last words.”

“Listen, I gotta get going, but wanted to stop by to give you a quick update. Good luck.”

“Yeah thanks,” I tell him as we walk to the door and I see him out.

Sounds like I’m going to need a whole lot of luck.