Corrupt by Aubree Valentine

Chapter 6

Meet me. Same place. Twenty Minutes.- Angelo’s text comes through shortly after I finish up at the gym. Unfortunately for him, twenty minutes does not give me time to shower and freshen myself up. It’ll take me that long to get to the hotel.

Wiping my face off with my gym towel, I head for the water cooler to refill my bottle before I leave.

My feet pound the pavement as I jog my way through the city, dodging corporate execs coming to and from business meetings and stay at home moms with baby strollers. I make it to the hotel lobby with just minutes to spare.

The receptionist at the front desk spots me and smiles. “Mister Bellini should be here soon. He said to give you this and tell you that he would meet you in the penthouse suite,” she slips a key across the counter to me.

“Thank you…” I glance at her name tag, “Sara.”

“My pleasure, Sir.”

The elevator carries me all the way to the top floor once I’ve inserted the key card. When the doors open and I step directly into the entryway of the penthouse, my cell phone pings.

Traffic. Running a few minutes later. I expect you to be ready and waiting for me.

Oh, I’ll be ready alright.

I’m under no delusions about why I’m here tonight. Angelo’s getting married in two days, not that he’s bothered to so much as mention that to his fuck boy.

Once again, I’m letting him use me in an attempt to get even closer to him and his inner circle.

Toeing my shoes off at the door, I pad through the penthouse until I find the master suite. The bathroom is fully stocked with what I can only guess is Angelo’s favorites. Interesting. Let’s hope he doesn’t mind me using his things to wash off.

I strip out of my socks and gym shorts, fisting my cock twice before pulling the sweat soaked t-shirt over my head and dropping it on the floor. To my surprise the shower heats quickly and I find clean linens folded neatly on the counter. The hot water spraying on my body from all angles is a welcome relief on my tired muscles but it’s the scent of Angelo’s body wash that has my body revving to go and it’s exactly why he finds me in his shower fingering my own ass while jerking my cock. Not with the purpose of finishing, but warming up.

“Ah. What a little slut I have here.”

“Fuck you,” I grit out as he joins me in the shower and wraps his hand around my throat.

“Oh. Don’t you worry. I fully plan on fucking you, boy.” Angelo grips my hair before forcing me to my knees. “But first, you’ll swallow my cock and my cum.”

As he wishes, I open wide for him and allow Angelo to force his entire length in my mouth. He smirks as I gag on his length.

“You are so good at that,” he gently cups my face and wipes the water running down my cheeks. “But you know that already. Don’t you?”

Humming around his cock, I let him know I’ve never had a complaint before.

“I like this. I like you. Here. On your knees. Such a beautiful sight.” He grunts and thrusts harder. “Ah, yes. This won’t take long.”

And it doesn’t. Angelo fucks my mouth with wild abandon, holding on to the back of my head ensuring that I’m taking every inch of him. His need spurs me on as I reach up and cup his balls with one hand before using the other to slip a single digit in his ass, finding his prostate.

“Son of a bitch…” he curses before the tangy taste of his sperm explodes on my tongue and seeps down my throat. “Swallow.”

I don’t need to be told twice. I take every drop like the good boy he wants me to be.

Once he’s finished, he takes two steps back and leans back against the title. The look in his eyes is hard to decipher but for a moment, I can see the slightest air of vulnerability.

“Angelo…” I start to speak.

“Don’t,” he holds up a hand. “Do not say a word.” Composing himself, he pushes off the wall and straightens. “I’m afraid I need to leave.” He grumbles as he exits the shower.

I quickly turn off the water and follow after him, wrapping one of the towels around my waist. “Angelo. Wait.”

He pauses but doesn’t turn to face me. “You don’t listen well, do you?”

“Only in the bedroom. And only with you.”

My confession must do the trick because he spins around and locks eyes with me. “What is it Jay?”

“I’m not about to let you walk out on me again. I deserve more than that.”

“I told you once, this was nothing more than sex.” He growls.

“Keep telling yourself that, Angelo. You may start to believe it.” I inch closer to him. “Tell me something. When is the last time you truly let go? A man like you, always in charge. When have you ever let someone take care of you? Huh?”

Angelo glances down and schools his emotions before he clears his throat. “You wouldn’t understand. A man in my position must remain in control at all times. test that control.”

“We all need to lose control sometimes,” I tell him, reaching out my hand. “Let me take control. Trust me, Angelo. Let me bring you pleasure like you’ve never known before.”

Angelo closes his eyes and sighs. “I trust no one.”

“That’s a lie. I know it and you know it. You trust me, at least a little or we wouldn’t be here right now.”

“I don’t have to trust anyone to fuck them like a slut.”

“Oh but you do. Because if I walked out that door and told anyone…”

He immediately cuts me off and anger flashes before his eyes. “You would be dead before the words left your mouth.”

A smirk plays on my lips. “You think so? You really truly think so, Angelo?”

“Okay. Fine. I trust you. Doesn’t mean I’m bottom for you.”

“Care to make a bet?” This time I charge forward and tackle him, ready for the fight that will ensue.

Things heat up and get rough between us. I can tell that Angelo is enjoying every minute of it. The proof is obvious when he collapses on the bed in front of me, ass in the air and begging for me to take him.

“Whatever you did earlier, do it again. Make me see stars Jay,” his voice begins to crack. “Please.”

I quickly note the time on the clock beside the bed. There’s a delivery set to happen at the docks within the hour. I know that I can keep him here longer than that. I’ve just become Angelo Bellini’s alibi for the night.

Let’s see if he even notices that he’s missed this one.

Angelo missed the delivery alright. And never mentioned a word about it.

Thoroughly spent after I fucked his brains out, he laid exhausted and completely vulnerable across the bed. Silence consumed us until the wee hours of the morning when we both drifted off to sleep. Of course, Angelo woke and escaped before I even realized it.

An update from Vinny once I checked in, confirmed that the delivery happened and a few of Bellini’s guys got caught.