Almost a Countess by Jenna Jaxon

Chapter 28

As Dora had suspected, the six weeks wore on interminably. More than once, she wished with all her heart that she and Finn had eloped to Scotland, where they would have been married by now and blissfully sharing pleasures every night—every day, too, if she had her way. It was unbelievably unfair to them that they would have to continue to wait to be together. Everyone, according to Larkin, who did indeed seem to know everything, anticipated their wedding night. Now that Finn was no longer a wanted man, there seemed no reason at all for them not to indulge in conjugal bliss. Each evening she went to bed brooding over their missed opportunity at The Red Lion, her hunger for Finn’s touch growing as she tossed and turned until she fell asleep from exhaustion that was anything but satisfying.

Ever since her aunt had extended the wedding date, Dora had tried time and again to arrange a tryst for them, but so far, they had been thwarted at every turn.

She’d visited Judith and broached the subject to her of providing a haven for them to enjoy a few hours together alone. Her sister-in-law was completely understanding. In fact, she arranged a tea for Dora and Finn with the intent that they could meet in an outwardly respectable manner and then slip away to one of the guest rooms for a private rendezvous.

The plan went off famously—until Aunt Mimi arrived unannounced and uninvited. Dora had been on the brink of excusing herself to lie down as she had been “overcome” with the stress of planning her wedding trousseau, when the butler announced her aunt.

Determined to outwait the woman, Dora had drunk an ocean of tea and eaten two stone of biscuits and cakes waiting for the duchess to leave. But when at last her aunt rose, it was to demand Dora go home with her. She tried her best to demur, but the writing was on the wall. She managed one chaste kiss from Finn before her aunt took her arm and led her from the room.

They had attempted the same strategy on other days, even going so far as to put out false claims of Dora going shopping or driving in the park, but the duchess must have had spies following Dora for whenever she managed to get to Judith’s home, Aunt Mimi was never far behind.

I’m not even certain why she’s doing this, Judith.” Dora took up her second cup of tea and sipped, the warm beverage soothing her like a comfortable rest before a fire. She’d come here today without any expectations save companionship with Judith. Finn would not be present, so she hadn’t even dressed in her best, wearing instead her comfortable old red gown. “We will be married within weeks. Finn is no longer in danger from the law, so we may assume the wedding will take place. After all our travail with Lieutenant Scarlet and my father, I truly think we deserve an afternoon together.”

I quite agree with you, my dear.” Judith sipped her tea and smiled, cutting her gaze toward the door for the second time in a quarter of an hour. “I think it has been so unfortunate that you and Lord Aberfoyle have not been able to spend more time together. Young couples need to get to know one another better.”

Exactly.” Her sister-in-law had ever been her champion at home. “Even a little time together before the wedding would be heavenly. For once we are married, we will have so much else to consider. I will be running a strange household. Finn will be running his estates and all that entails. We will not have the leisure time we do now, if only we could use it to be together and simply enjoy one another’s company.”

I so agree. It wasn’t like that for me when I married Simon, for I wasn’t going to be mistress of the house for some time to come. Now, though, I do have, exactly as you say, much to keep me busy.” Judith’s eyes twinkled. “But I will admit, John and I will always find a way to make time for one another.”

You seem so very happy, Judith. I cannot tell you how glad I am that you married John.” After the horror of her marriage to Dora’s brother, Judith deserved the loving and steadfast man she had married just this summer.

I do wish our bower would stay in bloom the entire year. It was a wonderful place for us to go whenever we wished to be private.” Her sister-in-law sighed. “You and Lord Aberfoyle would have found it quite an oasis from all the hubbub of the wedding plans. Such a pity its blooms are gone.” She wrinkled her nose. “It is scarcely private at all now.” Again, her gaze strayed to the door.

Are you expecting someone, Judith? Is Aunt Mimi coming today as well? Her spies should have told her that Finn is on some errand with his uncle.” Truly, her aunt seemed to know every move either she or Finn made. “Our marriage will account for a rise in unemployed workers once my aunt no longer has to pay people to follow us.”

Judith cocked her head, as if listening for something, then laughed, her eyes suddenly bright. “I think we may have a chance to speed your happiness, my dear.”

The door opened, and Barr announced, “Lord Aberfoyle, my lady.”

Dora jumped to her feet, nearly overturning the tea tray, ran to Finn and threw her arms around his neck. “Finn! I thought you were engaged with your uncle today.”

I thought sae as well, but he was suddenly called away tae some business in the Lords.” He kissed her lips, his closeness like a balm to her frazzled nerves. “Isn’t yer aunt here?”

She has been invited to tea by the wife of a friend of mine and John.” Judith rose and came toward them. “She will take the opportunity to beg your aunt’s patronage for a newfound charity for fallen women, called The House of Hope. I believe Lady Matthews is most passionate about the cause, so your aunt will likely be detained for some time.” Judith went to the door and peered into the corridor. “Come with me.”

Excitement making her toes curl in her silk slippers, Dora took Finn’s hand and followed Judith up the front staircase and down a dim corridor to a small but comfortable room, done in pretty blues and greens. A cozy fire blazed in the grate while a wide four-poster mahogany bed took up most of the room, its blue and green plaid comforter and crisp white sheets turned down invitingly.

I believe you will be undisturbed for at least two hours if you care to avail yourself of the peaceful atmosphere of our guest room.” Judith smiled as she shut the door, leaving Dora and Finn alone for the first time in weeks.

The door had scarcely clicked shut when Dora grasped Finn’s face and covered it with kisses. “Oh, my love, I’ve missed you so. Missed doing this.” She punctuated each word with a kiss, wanting to do more. Finally able to do everything she wanted with the man she loved.

Two hours will fly by, lass.” He kissed her long and hard then let her go to peel off his jacket. “We must take advantage o’ every moment, mustn’t we?” He paused, peering into her face. “Are ye certain ye wish tae dae this now? ’Tis only a few more weeks—”

No, Finn, we will not wait another momente.” She stood on tiptoe and kissed him firmly. “Not unless you do not wish it until we are married. You had said that before, and I will abide by it.” She barely grazed his lips with hers. “Even though I think we have waited long enough.”

Then by all means, mo chridhe.” He seized her mouth, his hunger for her more insistent than ever before. Pressing his tongue deep into her mouth, Finn pulled her so close his stiff member eagerly prodded the folds of her gown.

For the first time, a trickle of doubt assailed her, and she shivered.

There is nothing tae fear, my love.”

I know.” Still, she’d heard enough about the first time a woman lay with her husband from her sisters and Judith to make her tremble. She rubbed her arms, a sudden chill setting the hairs on end. No. She wanted this.

Finn jerked at the knot of his cravat, sending the scrap of silk fluttering to the floor. His hands working impossibly fast, he doffed his jacket, unbuttoned his waistcoat, and began on his fall as Dora stood rooted to the spot, staring as he stripped before her. He gazed into her face, his eyes glinting darkly in the candlelight. “Fair’s fair, mo leannan,” he smiled and reached for her, “now let me see ye disrobe. Ye’ve had all the fun sae far.”

Heat flooded her cheeks, but Dora told herself she could do this. It wasn’t that she didn’t wish to make love to her almost-husband, but she’d never undressed in front of a man before. Still, there must be a first time for everything. With unsteady hands, she began to unhook her bodice, which closed in the front. The old red gown had always been easy to put on and take off, the perfect thing for when she’d not had Larkin and had to shift for herself. Today, however, every finger was a thumb.

Allow me, love.” Finn had dropped his breeches to the floor and stood before her in nothing but a thin linen shirt.

She stared at him and swallowed hard. The chemise fit him tightly across the shoulders and chest, displaying every muscle. A dark shadow in the center ran straight down his stomach, until the material dropped away. Only it didn’t. Something was poking the fabric out. She didn’t have to guess what that was. Dora dragged her gaze back up to Finn’s face to find him grinning widely.

Ye can look yer fill, lass. I dinna mind at all.” He reached for the line of hooks and eyes where she’d stopped, too entranced by him to continue. “But I’d like tae dae the same.”

Dora nodded, and let him finish the job until her bodice lay open, revealing her cream corset. Shrugging, she worked her arms out of the sleeves and the garment went tumbling to the floor. She then started at the top of the corset, unlacing in long hand-over-hand strokes, as she’d done a thousand times before. This time, however, was different.

Finn slipped his hands around her waist and turned her. Her lower clothing loosened then fell next to Finn’s until she stood in her chemise, all but naked before a man. Then his lips grazed the nape of her neck. Dora gasped then arched in invitation. He continued kissing all the way down the side of her neck, and her knees would have buckled had Finn not still had his hands fastened to her waist. Chills shot down her spine each time his lips touched her flesh.

Her corset hit the floor and her chemise swung free, the thinnest of barriers between their bodies.

Finn pulled her against him, her back pressed to his chest, and she reveled in the heat that seared her all over. The prodding presence had made itself known again, an insistent force that fit all too neatly into the contours of her body.

Relax and lean intae me.”

Closing her eyes, she did as he bid her, and Finn began to rock them gently, his member sliding up between them. A strange and wonderful sensation started building at her core. She leaned her head against his shoulder, allowing herself to enjoy the sensation of his closeness.

Then his hands slid up to cup her breasts, and Dora cried out at the surge of heat that shot straight to her nether regions.

Easy, love. Just enjoy it.” He stroked around her flesh, not skin to skin, though they could have been, her gown was so sheer. Next, he encircled her nipples with his fingers, drawing them into hard points that ached with the need for his touch, with the need for something else.

Dora moaned and ground her head into his shoulder. She wanted something, needed… “I need something, Finn. I…I don’t know what, but I need it now.”

Shh, all right. ’Twill be all right.” He scooped her up, carried her to the bed, and laid her down on the cool sheets that had been turned down. “Let’s get rid o’ this, shall we?” In one fluid motion, he pulled his shirt over his head, revealing his splendid naked body.

Trying to look everywhere at once, Dora panted as though she’d been running a race. Her imaginings of what lay beneath his shirt had not done him justice. She’d seen drawings of Greek statues in books at home, but Finn put them all to shame.

And noo yers.”

Dora’s face must have turned every color of red, and she clutched the shift to her.

Dinna be afraid, love.” He kissed her, and the embarrassment lessened a little. “Trust me. Ye dinna need tae hide yer beauty from me. I sae want tae see yer glorious body, feel yer softness all over.” Raising the gown to her hips, he then skimmed his hands along her sides, dragging the cloth upward until it was suddenly pooled around her neck. Her arms had come out of the garment of their own accord and the cool air of the room kissed her all over. “Lift yer head noo.”

She complied, and her body was free.

At some point, she had no idea when, Finn had joined her on the bed. Now he sat back and gazed at her, the love and tenderness in his face melting her heart. “Ye are the most beautiful woman, Dora.” He grasped her ankles then slipped his palms gradually up to her knees, subtly pushing her legs open as he went. “Yer hair, yer face, yer breasts….” Leaning over her, he kissed first one breast then the other, making her whimper as streaks of fire shot straight to her core. “Such sweet nipples ye have, lass.” He grazed one with his teeth, and she gasped, almost coming up off the bed.

Finn. Dear God.”

Shhh.” His lips nibbled at her pebbling flesh, making her hips move upward, seeking something only he could give her. “Almost, love.”

He lay fully on top of her now, their skin touching everywhere in the most sensual moment of her life. Even his weight upon her aroused her like nothing she’d ever known. He continued kissing her breasts, laving them then sucking on her nipples until she thought she’d go mad with the pleasure of it. Still, she knew there was more, and she wanted it more than anything. “Finn?”

Aye, my love.” He rose over her and peered down into her face. “Ye know what I will dae noo, dinna ye?”

Embarrassed, she looked away, but nodded. She’d had talks with Judith when she was supposed to marry Tris. Her sister-in-law had been more forthcoming about what happened in the marriage bed than her mother had been but knowing what would happen was a far cry from experiencing it firsthand. Despite the fear, however, she was ready. Dora gazed into his dark eyes. “I know, and I want you too, Finn. I want you.”

And I ye, sweetheart.” He raised his hips and settled them between her thighs. “I’ll be quick in the beginning, tae get the pain over with.”

She nodded and braced herself as he positioned himself at the apex of her thighs. For a moment, there was the sensation of something large and hot prodding her opening then Finn thrust himself forward. Dora stifled a cry as a sharp pain filled her. A burning sensation spread inside her but was quickly consumed by the strange feeling of fullness. She let out the breath she’d been holding, hoping the dull ache would soon subside.

Did that hurt badly, my love?” Finn’s brows were furrowed, his gaze riveted to her.

Although she wanted to nod—the pain was still making itself known—Dora shook her head. “Not too badly.”

Let’s see if I can make it feel better.” He eased himself out of her, another peculiar feeling, to be sure, then slowly filled her again.

The second time hurt less, and when Finn kissed her on the next thrust, there was no pain at all.

See if ye can wrap yer legs around me, sweetheart.” Finn kept the rhythm of his strokes slow as she complied. “That’s right, now raise yer bottom when I come intae ye.”

That was a little trickier, until she found the way of it. Suddenly they were moving together as though they were of one mind, one body. She rose to meet his every thrust, each one more insistent than the last. An urgency began to grow deep inside her, a different kind of ache forming at her core. She moaned, seeking to soothe that ache somehow, but it refused to be satisfied. “Oh, Finn.”

He smiled down at her, delight in his face. Then, without warning, he sped up his thrusting, until Dora panted to keep up with him. The ache began to coil tighter and tighter, as if it were a spring needing release. “Oh lord, Finn.”

With a groan, he reached down and touched her, just as they thrust together.

Dora shrieked as the coiling ache flew apart inside her. Beyond her control, her body grasped Finn’s member, and wave after glorious wave of pleasure cascaded through her.

Dora…Dora!” Suddenly Finn pushed forward inside her, his head thrown back, mouth open as he strained into her then slumped on top of her.

Gulping in air, Dora lay stunned by all the sensations bombarding her. Her body still cradled Finn within it, though his fullness was retreating. His weight on her was comforting, just because she wanted to remain close to him. “Finn?”

With a groan, he rolled off her, pulling out of her in the process. “Dora, my God. Ye’ve done for me.”

Please don’t say that, my love.” She snuggled against his shoulder. “I was hoping for a repeat performance.”

His groan turned into a growl. “Truly? I dinna hurt ye too badly?”

She shook her head. “It hurt at first, but I forgot all about it very quickly.” She raised a brow at him. “What did you do to make me shatter like that?”

Ye liked that, did ye, love?” A self-satisfied grin split his face.

You must know I did.” She slid her hand across his chest, unable to get enough of him.

I’d rather no’ tell ye.” He raised her hand and kissed it.

Why?” She rose on her elbow to frown at him.

He grinned as he pushed her gently onto her back. “Because I’d much rather show ye.”


Dora wrapped her arms around Finn, her sheath still pulsing around his already shrinking member. As her breathing slowed, he rolled off her and lay panting until finally he turned his head toward her. “I dinna know about ye, love, but for me, that was truly worth waitin’ for.”

She giggled and nodded. “We’re lucky we didn’t have to wait longer. I never thought I’d get away from Aunt Mimi.”

Finn laughed and put an arm behind his head. “If Lady Haxby had no’ come up with this plan, I was thinking about just kidnapping ye for a day, so I could finally be with ye.”

Well, thank goodness you didn’t have to resort to that. I was hoping your life of crime was behind you.” She stroked his chest, playing with the coarse auburn hairs that covered it. “I love you, Finn. I love how good you make me feel. How loved you make me feel.”

Och, Dora.” He pulled her to his side and wrapped his arms around her. “I love ye, too, lass. With my whole heart, with my entire being. I canna imagine what my life would have been like had I no’ found ye.”

I found you, if you remember.” She rubbed her face against his chest, the hairs tickling her cheek.

That’s no’ what I meant. Ye found me at the burn, but I found a new part o’ my life.” He stroked her hair, her cheek, clasping her as though he’d never let go. “Most men wait until they’re older tae marry and settle down, and I thought I’d be one o’ those. But when I met ye, almost from the beginning, I wanted only ye. I canna imagine trying tae live my life with someone else or without ye.” He gazed down at her, the love shining in his eyes making her heart thunder in her chest. “Ye are the one who makes me whole.”

The love that poured into her from this man, washed over her, and through her, was like nothing she’d ever felt before from anyone. Tears trickled down her face. She loved him as she had loved no one else in the world. He was the key to her happiness for the rest of her life. And he belonged to her.

Make me whole again, Finn. Make me part of you.”

That will be my greatest pleasure, my love.” He kissed her as he moved them to the center of the big bed. “Today and every day o’ our lives.”