Almost a Countess by Jenna Jaxon


Although she’d not admit it to anyone, Dora loved being married at St. George’s. The huge church, the family gathered to share in her happiness, her groom, looking so fashionable next to his uncle, who stood a head taller than him, gave her a secret pleasure. What really stopped her heart, however, was the sight of Finn, outfitted in a black dress jacket, white cravat tied in an intricate knot, and a brilliant red and green plaid kilt.

On her father’s arm, she almost stopped in the center of the aisle, but he continued, and she had to walk or be dragged. Why would Finn risk another run in with the law by wearing that bloody kilt again? And in London, of all places? When she reached the altar and stood beside him, she couldn’t help staring pointedly at the kilt then raised an eyebrow.

Before Mr. Moss, the rector, could begin the service, Finn leaned down to whisper in her ear. “Dispensation granted by Lieutenant-General Rothes. Yer soon-tae-be husband is no’ a criminal.”

Smiling broadly, Dora raised her face to the rector as he began to intone, “Dearly beloved…”

The wedding breakfast followed immediately afterward at Judith’s townhouse, with friends and family—even Finn’s sister and her husband had been able to travel down from Scotland, thanks to the several weeks of delay. The two absent faces that Dora missed the most, however, were Tris and Violet. With her advanced pregnancy, Tris had refused to even consider such an arduous journey. They had sent Dora a lovely letter of congratulations, with hearty wishes for a blissful life for her and Finn. When she and her new husband made their way back to Scotland, they would, of course, spend time visiting their dear friends, who had helped bring them together.

To complete her happiness, Dora had received a letter from her servants at Bromley wishing them happy and assuring her all was well at the estate. As soon as Dora had arrived in London, she’d written to Hanson asking for details of Lieutenant Scarlet’s last visit. In his letter of congratulations, her butler informed her that despite the soldier’s brutal tactics, the only injury sustained by anyone had been Alfred’s wrenched shoulder, which had already mended nicely.

As the breakfast wore on, Finn kept glancing at her and smiling. When she’d visited with or at least spoken to everyone at the party, Dora took her husband’s hand. “Is something the matter, Finn? You keep smiling at me in that rather strange manner.”

I only wondered if ye’d tired yourself out, lass. I’ve never seen ye flit about, like a butterfly, sae tae speak.” He scanned the room, but Dora saw nothing she should be alarmed about.

I don’t want to be rude, husband. The bride must speak to her guests.” Why was he acting so odd?

Because if ye dae feel tired, Judith told me there’s a room upstairs where ye can lie down for a while.” The gleam in his eyes made Dora gasp and catch her breath.

You want us to go upstairs and… While our guests are—”

He took her hand and kissed it. “Ye shouldn’t neglect yer health, sweetheart. It’s been almost a week since ye’ve had a proper rest.”

Heart beginning to race, Dora glanced around the room. Everyone seemed to be preoccupied with the food or one another. No one seemed to be seeking them out at all. And they were married, everything signed and legal. She grinned at Finn and nodded. He led her quickly into the corridor then Dora picked up the skirts of her new blue silk gown, and they fled up the stairs, laughing all the way.

He led her to the cozy room, where the bed was just as inviting as last time. Finn stroked her cheek, his soft touch making her want him with every fiber of her being. This day, their love, could only get better and better.

Finn, I have a sort of wedding gift for you.”

Dae ye, my dear?” He pulled her to him and grazed a kiss across her lips. “I have one for ye as well.”

She smiled. “I believe I can guess what that one is. And I thank you from the bottom of my heart.” Turning her back to him, she leaned against him and drew his arms around her. “Would you like to see my gift to you?”

Aye, I would.” He kissed his way down her neck, making her shiver with the thought of the delights yet to come in this room. “Will ye show it tae me?”

I will, but you have to wait a little while.”

Hmm. I hope it wilna be too long, lass. My gift wilna wait for long, ye know.”

Dora giggled. “It won’t?”

Nae, ye see, ye’re going tae get tae find out firsthand what’s under a Scot’s kilt.”

She laughed loudly. “Now that will be a gift I treasure for years to come.”

Aye, we both will. But where’s this gift o’ yers?”

Right here.” She took his hands and placed them over her stomach.

Here?” The puzzlement in his voice tickled her. She couldn’t believe it either.

Yes, Finn.” She pressed his hands gently to her body.

Suddenly he went rigid, his hands frozen in place. “Dora? Are ye saying…”

She turned to face him, her smile from ear to ear. “Our trysts in this room have apparently borne fruit. At least, I believe so. My courses are very late indeed. That’s never happened before, so I think, Lord Aberfoyle, I may be carrying your child.”

Och, Dora.” Face filled with awe, Finn seemed incapable of further speech.

It’s rather lovely to think about, isn’t it?”

I love ye sae much.” He grasped her to him in a fierce hug then gasped and gingerly let her go bit by bit.

You will not hurt me or the child with hugging me. Or loving me.” She took his hand and led him to the bed. “Love me, Finn. Make me yours for all time.”

He kissed her then, all the love she’d ever longed for in his lips, in his heart, in his soul. “Ye are mine for all time, Dora. My countess, my lady, my love, my life.” He picked her up and laid her on the bed then crawled in next to her.

So you like your present?” She kissed him, holding nothing back.

Something stirred under his kilt.

I dae, mo chridhe. It is the best gift I’ve ever received, saving ye.” Finn deepened the kiss and his kilt moved again, something hard brushing against her hand.

Then I hope you don’t mind if I open my gift.” Sliding her hand under the kilt, she stroked his already rampant member until Finn groaned loudly. “And play with it.”

Gasping, Finn grabbed her hand. “Aye, lass, but let me show ye how it’s done.”