Saved Mafia Bride by Mae Doyle


He can’t be serious. My body feels like it’s singing, like every part of me has been broken apart and then carefully put back together, but I’m still wobbly and my joints are still loose. All I want to do is curl up and sleep off what just happened, but Gavin is stripping in front of me and each time he removes a piece of clothing I feel my mouth go a bit drier.

HIs cock springs out between us, thick and hard, and even though I’ve never seen one in person, I know what to do with it. I’ve read books and watched movies and I’m pretty sure that I’ll be terrible at it, but I’m also pretty sure that I don’t care and I just want to taste him in my mouth.

I reach for him and grab him, enjoying the way he moans when I squeeze his dick. It’s throbbing in my hands and I look up at him, waiting for some kind of sign that I’m about to do the right thing.

“Good girl,” he tells me, resting his hand lightly on the back of my head. “I think that you know exactly what I want from you.”

I do, God help me. I do, and I feel my mouth start to water as I think about what he’ll taste like. I have to know, and I dip my head, but before I can even brush my lips against his huge cock, someone knocks on the door.

“I really hate to break up this love fest,” someone says, “but you should probably come see what’s going on, Gavin.”

Embarrassment floods through me and I glance around Gavin as he turns to look at the man. It’s the same guy I saw for a brief moment when Gavin was carrying me through the house to this room. He glances at me and throws me a wink before looking back at Gavin.

“Today, brother,” he says. “You’ll want to see this.”

“Fucking hell, you’re a bastard.” Gavin pulls away from me, his gorgeous cock slipping out of my grasp and even though I was just terrified a short while ago that he was going to kill me for trying to kill him, I honestly don’t want him to leave right now.

What the fuck is wrong with me?

“You can take a shower,” Gavin says, pointing to the bathroom off the bedroom. “But I promise you that if you ever think about trying to kill me again that you won’t be rewarded with an orgasm and a hot shower, do you understand?”

I nod, unable to speak. I saw the restraints in the basement and I have a pretty good feeling that he’d willingly strap me to the wall if he thought that it was the only way to stay safe himself.

Still naked, his muscles tight, Gavin turns and follows the man from the room. No, not the man. His brother. I shiver when I think about the way he winked at me, like he knew all along that I didn’t have a chance of escaping. Like he knew that I’d end up here in bed with his brother and he kinda finds it funny.

Slipping from the bed, I test my legs. Still a little wobbly from the orgasm, but they’ll do. Feeling a little self-conscious about being naked in Gavin’s house, I hurry across the bedroom and shut the bathroom door behind me, locking it and turning on the light. As soon as I do, I gasp.

I’ve never been in a bathroom like this. No, scratch that. I grew up in a house with a bathroom like this, but it’s been a while since I ran away and I never thought that I’d live in a house this nice again.

Not that I live here. Shaking my head, I walk over to the huge clawfoot tub and turn it on, stepping back a bit as the steam from the hot water fills the air. There’s a whole cupboard of different body washes and shampoos and I choose some that smell good, putting them on the small table by the tub before grabbing a fluffy dark gray towel and washcloth.

By now the tub is almost ready and I slip in, moaning as the hot water washes over my body.

I honestly hadn’t realized how grimy I really am, and I eyeball the shower, wondering if I should have gotten in there instead. I’m not going to feel bad about it, though, and decide that I’ll just change the water as many times as I need to be able to rinse.

While I soap up my washcloth, I look around the bathroom.

There are double sinks and a huge chandelier right over my head. I notice a warming rack in the corner for towels and I toss mine, somehow making it land on top. “Fuck yes,” I whisper to myself, then sink lower in the water.

Huge windows directly across from the tub draw my eye and I sit up, pushing myself out of the water for a better look. My heart starts to beat faster just looking at them.

But there’s no way that he would have put me in a room where I could escape. He’s much too smart for that, too cunning, too unwilling to let me go. So what gives?

I stare at them, looking for some weakness that I might be able to exploit, but it doesn’t take me very long at all to see that the windows aren’t functional. They’re huge panes of glass firmly installed in the walls.

Exhaling, I sink back down in the water. I shouldn’t be happy about that. I should be horrified that I don’t have a way out of here yet and that there isn’t anything that I can do to escape. It’s horrible that I would be happy that I don’t have that option for getting out, but I’m honestly exhausted.

I just want to rest. It’s terrible of me, and I know it, but when I lean my head back on the tub, all I want to do is sleep. I want to let it all wash over me, finally relaxing even though my life seems to be falling apart right now.

But I’m safe right now. I’m in the tub, nobody knows where I am except for Gavin and his brother, and Nick can’t get me. Even though the water is warm, just thinking about the man I’m supposed to marry makes me shiver. He’s evil, pure and simple. He loves hurting people, has a terrible reputation for it, and I just know that I wouldn’t make it out of the marriage in one piece.

I should feel the same fear about Gavin, I know that I should, but I don’t. He’s terrifying, sure, but he hasn’t hurt me.

That’s what I keep telling myself as I close my eyes. He hasn’t hurt me.

Maybe he won’t.

Maybe, after he gets this out of his system, he’ll let me go. It’s obvious to me that I’m not going to able to overpower him, that there isn’t any way that I can bully him into letting me go. But maybe there can be more.

It’s insane and I know it, but that’s what keeps running through my mind as I feel myself fall asleep.