Saved Mafia Bride by Mae Doyle


“So, what, you called me away from having my cock sucked just so you can tell me that Nick Prince is on the news?” At my brother’s insistence, I wrapped a blanket around my waist while I stood in the living room watching the TV. I still want nothing more than to go back to Audrey and fuck her.

No, not Audrey. Clara. She doesn’t want me to call her by her real name, so I won’t.

“I thought you’d want to see that the man who bought the girl you just ate out is putting out a national plea for help in finding her. He knows that she was last spotted at the strip club, but you’re lucky, nobody got a good picture of your face.”

“Good.” I exhale hard, not wanting Freddy to know just how relieved I am about that. One look at the scar on my face and it would be really fucking easy to pick me out of a line-up. “But why the national plea? If he thinks that he has any real information, why not just try to handle it on his own?”

“He must not have a lot to go on.” Freddy turns off the TV and looks at me, pinning me in place with his stare. “But that doesn’t mean that you don’t need to be careful. He’s dangerous, Gavin.”

“I know.” Grabbing my phone, I fire off a quick text to Johnny. He might be balls deep in Willa, his new wife, but I have a pretty good feeling that he’ll know any information that I might need. “There’s nothing for us to do about him right now. We just have to wait it out and see if he rears his ugly head around here.”

A phone buzzes and I reach for mine, but Freddy picks his up and frowns at the screen. “It’s Sean. He said that he’s on his way over now.” After tapping out a quick response, he drops the phone into his pocket and looks at me. “You might want to put on some closer, loverboy. I don’t think you’re getting your dick sucked anytime soon.”

“Fuck you.” Turning, I hurry back to the bedroom and pull on some clothes before leaning into the bathroom to check on Clara. It’s quiet in there, and my heart starts to beat faster until I realize that she’s still in the tub. Her eyes are closed, her head tilted back so that she can rest.

As I watch, her chest rises and falls a little, slow, like she’s sound asleep and having a very good dream. Her long hair fans out from around her face making her look a little bit like a mermaid and I suck in a breath before reaching down to caress her check.

At first, she doesn’t move, and I feel a bit of panic shoot through my body. What if something is wrong with her? Touching her again, I lightly grip her chin and lean down to whisper to her.

“Clara. Are you okay?”

Her eyes fly open and it takes her a moment to focus on me. Immediately, her breathing quickens and she forces herself to sit up, splashing water out of the tub and onto the floor.

“What happened?” She asks, grabbing my wrist and using it to brace herself as she yanks herself up and out of the water a little. A moment later she realizes that she’s still naked and her face flames as she lets go of my wrist and slowly lowers back down into the tub.

It doesn’t matter. I’ve seen everything that she has to offer and it’s seared into my mind. I’m pretty sure that I could go blind now and still remember exactly what she looks like.

“I didn’t know if you were okay,” I tell her, giving her a smile. “I thought that you were sick or had gotten hurt.”

She shakes her head hard enough to make little droplets of water fly across the bathroom. “Just sleeping.”

I hand her her warm towel and jerk my chin towards the bedroom. “Come on, I have some clothes for you to wear. My brother is on his way over here and I figured that you’d want to be decent in case you had to meet him.” Before she can answer, I walk into the bedroom.

“You have another brother?” She calls from the bathroom. I can hear her getting out and I turn to watch her, greedily eating up the sight of her. She sees me and hurries to wrap the towel around herself. “How many do you have?”

“Just the two, thank fuck, they’re both a pain in the ass,” I tell her, then dig through my closet for something to wear. She’s tiny but I’m pretty sure that I have something in here that will fit her. I always try to keep clothes on hand in case something like this happens. “Get dressed and come out,” I tell her, tossing her the clothes. “Don’t try to run, Clara, or I will find you. I’ll hunt you down and when I bring you back here next time then I won’t be nearly as kind as I am right now.”

She grabs the clothes from me and clutches them to her chest. “Why are you being so kind right now? You know that I was trying to hurt you and then run.”

“Of course I do. I know everything about you, Clara, or I will by the time I’m finished with you. You thought that you had to run to save yourself, but if you step foot outside this house, you’re fucked.”

She pales. “What do you mean?”

“I mean that Nick Prince is on the warpath looking for you. From what Freddy just showed me on the news, he’s not going to back down until he has you back in his bed. Do you really want to be wandering around out there all alone just waiting for him to come along and scoop you up?”

“And being here with you is better, huh? Is that what you’re trying to tell me?”

“Fuck yes, it’s better. I’m going to keep you safe, Clara, but what do you think that Nick will do to you? Do you really think that he’ll ride off with you into the sunset and take care of you for the rest of your life? Think about it. You made a fool of him and now he’s on national TV asking for any help that he can get to bring you back. Think hard about what someone like him will do to you when he finally gets you back.”

Turning from her, I’m ready to leave the room and this conversation, but she grabs my arm, whipping me back so that I’m looking at her. “And you? What the hell are you planning on doing with me? You act so high and mighty like you’re the best person in the world, Gavin, but you fucking kidnapped me, or have you forgotten that in your quest to rewrite history?”

She’s pissed, her nostrils flaring, and I lean closer to her so that I can speak as quietly as possible and still let her hear me.

“I took you to save you. You really wanted to strip? Fine, Clara, I’ll call you by a whore’s name and give you money every night while you take off your clothes for me if that’s what you want. But there’s no way in hell that I’m going to let some other man get to see your sweet little tits for cash. Got it? He wants to kill you. I saved you. That’s the difference and you better fucking figure out how to come to grips with it.”

Now I really need to get some space between the two of us but I grab her first, pulling her to me to kiss her. Her lips are hard and unyielding at first, but I fork my fingers through her hair and pull her head to the side so that I can run a line of kisses up her neck. As I do, I feel her melt. Her body literally relaxes into mine.

“You want this,” I tell her, wanting to remind her that I’m not doing anything to her that she wouldn’t beg me for later. “You needed to be saved, Clara, and I’m the only person around who had the balls to do it. Don’t be pissed off at me for bringing you here and protecting you. Get dressed and either come out into the living room like a civilized person or I swear to you that I will lock you in the basement and only come visit when you’re begging me to fuck you.”