Saved Mafia Bride by Mae Doyle


My footsteps are silent as I work my way through the house. I have the distinct advantage of knowing my way around in here while I can tell from the way that Nick and his guys are moving that they’re lost and poking around the best that they can. They might think that they’re going to find someone in here to hurt, but I’m the only other person in here with them and I’m coming for them.

After I came in the front behind them, I locked the door behind me to make sure that nobody would be able to sneak up on me. I pause in the foyer, standing next to Freddy’s huge grandfather clock, and listen.

“I want to go upstairs.” It’s Nick’s voice, I know it. He sounds pissed, like this is a huge fucking waste of his time. “If either of you find her down here, don’t kill her. I want to be able to do that when this is all said and done. Anyone else, though, you feel free to take out. Nobody is going to walk away from this.”

There’s a murmur of assent and I watch from my hiding spot as Nick slow ascends the staircase. He can’t see me from where I am, and although I have a clean shot to hit him in the back, I want to wait and see him close up. I want to look the bastard in the eyes as I put a bullet in his brain, and that means that I need to be patient.

“I’m going this way,” one of the men announces, and I listen as his footsteps disappear.

Now’s my time to divide and conquer. Gunfire from outside makes me pause, but then I keep moving, wanting to sneak up on them before they know what’s coming.

I watch as the man in front of me wanders through the kitchen. There’s a bowl of apples on the counter and he grabs one, taking a huge bite before throwing the fruit to the floor. I’m behind him in an instant, my gun up against his temple.

He drops hard, and even though I have a silencer on my gun, the sound is loud. There’s no way in hell that Nick didn’t hear it, and I move quickly, circling back to the foyer while I wait for the second man to come.

“You okay?” The asshole calls out and I sink to my knees, lining up the shot. He runs through the foyer, obviously looking for his friend, and I drop him a few feet from me before getting up and running to the back of the house.

There’s a second staircase back here and I have no doubt that Nick won’t be able to find it. He’ll be frozen up there, calling on his radio for more men to come to him, but from the sound of what’s going on outside, I’m not so sure that he’s going to have anyone come to his aid.

I take the stairs at a full run, pausing at the door at the top to listen before pushing it open and stepping out into the hall. He’s close, I can tell. It’s honestly like I can feel him near me, feel the energy radiating off of him. He’s pissed, and getting scared, and that’s a great combination for him to do something really fucking stupid.

“Do you copy? Ethan, do you copy? Fuck.” There’s a loud thud from the bedroom down the hall and I turn in that direction, confident that I’ll find Nick in there throwing a bit of a shit fit. “Where the fuck are you?”

He’s not even trying to keep his voice low. Pressing hard against the wall, I move quickly down the hall, my eyes locked on the door. He’s in there, he’s pissed, and he’s about to get a hell of a lot more angry when he realizes that I’m going to kill him.

I reach the door and pause, my gun out in front of me as I gauge the distance between where I am and where Nick’s standing. It’s difficult to see him from here, but then he moves, walking in front of the door, his fingers pressing hard against his ear so that he can hear what’s going on out there.

Just a little bit closer.

I’m barely breathing, running mostly on adrenaline, and when he comes closer to the door, I move, slipping through it as quickly as possible and pressing my gun right up against the back of his head.

“Hey, asshole,” I say, grabbing his shoulder with my free hand. “Why don’t you put your gun down really slowly and you and I can have a talk?”

He doesn’t move at first and I’m confident that shit is about to hit the fan, but then he does what I ask, slowly bending forward a little bit so that he can drop the weapon to the ground.

“Kick it away. Hard.”

A deep breath and then he does and I grin as the gun slides away from us across the floor.

“I bet that you were the best fucking listener in your kindergarten class, am I right?” Nick doesn’t respond and I chuckle, adjusting the gun down so that it’s pressing into his back. “Get on your knees, asshole.”

As soon as he’s in the position I want him in, I walk around to his front, grinning down at him. “Do you have any idea how much of a pain in my ass you’ve been?” I ask.

For a moment, he doesn’t respond, then he spits at me, the glob landing just a few inches from my feet.

“That was the wrong answer,” I tell him. “I wanted to have a nice conversation with you about where you went wrong and how I’m going to be the one to take care of Clara, but you decided to be a cunt.”

“I will kill you,” he finally says, his eyes flashing up to mine.

This makes me laugh. “Yeah? By spitting at me? You’re fucking unreal, you know that? Before I kill you, would you like to know one awesome thing?”

He’s breathing slowly and I see his fingers twitch towards his pants. I’m sure that he has a knife or something there but I’m not going to give him the chance to grab it.

“I fucked Audrey,” I tell him, remember at the last second to use the name that Nick would know her by..“She came hard on my cock and loved every fucking second of it. In fact, would you like to hazard a guess of what I’m going to go do as soon as I leave you here? She’s waiting on me, Nick.”

Then I pull the trigger. It’s obvious from the way that his head snaps back and he crashes to the floor that he’s gone, but I kick him anyway, the toe of my shoe sinking into his stomach. Satisfied, I turn and run back out of the room and down the hall, keeping my gun at the ready in case anyone were to show up.

I just have to be prepared for whatever might happen next.

Movement downstairs makes me pause, and I press myself up against the wall as I wait to see who it is.

“Gavin?” Sean’s voice reaches me and I exhale hard, pushing away from the wall before running down the stairs to see my brother. He grins when he sees me. “Fucker, you locked the door, but you’re in one piece. Good. Freddy’s outside, so let’s loop around the house one more time and then we’ll head down the hill to the guesthouse.”

I’m about to agree with him and follow him outside when we hear the explosion.