The Alpha by Jenika Snow



He was huge. Cian’s wolf body was massive, bigger than a Shire horse, as if he were plucked from a fantasy novel, a fairy tale. And all I could do was stare at the man who was my mate, a man who wasn’t human and who stood in front of me in his goliath wolf’s body, blood dripping off his fur, his eyes glowing blue as he stared at me.

And although I knew logically I should be afraid, that I’d seen him tear apart human bodies—threats to me, to us, and everyone else—all I could think about was how I wasn’t afraid at all. I was in awe, this magnificent creature in front of me slaughtering anyone who thought to get near me. And when I wasn’t as strong as I wanted to be, he was there by my side, giving me support and strength.

My body ached, and I knew I had cuts littering my body, but I still pushed myself up and ignored the pain, standing for only a second before I started to hobble over to my mate. I’d sprained my ankle, had scrapes and cuts all over me from falling, from the crash, but the closer I got to Cian, the more I felt energized.

The mating mark on my neck tingled and warmed, and when I stopped a few feet from him, inhaling his scent that—although tinged with the coppery scent of the blood from the people he killed—I could pick up, the spicy dark aroma that made Cian… Cian.

I tipped my head back so I could stare into his eyes, and he just stood there, letting me look my fill, to take in every impossible yet incredible inch of him. His fur was dark, black like onyx, so thick and soft looking that my fingers twitched to tunnel through it.

He lowered his head slightly as if he read my thoughts, and I found myself reaching out and smoothing my fingers along the side of his huge head, over one of his pointed, thickly tufted ears, the air whooshing out of me at the feeling of his coarse yet soft fur under my fingers.

I should’ve focused on my surroundings, paid attention to the fight breaking out far too close to the van still on fire yet not having exploded yet. But as I let myself sink back into reality and glance around, I could see that the only ones left standing were the vampires and Odhran as he took down the last of the human men from the Assembly.

They’d taken out everyone else, bodies littering the street, blood like dark oil spills along the road. It was a massacre.

We were safe for the time being.

“I don’t mean to be one of those douches who interrupts that special moment, but that van could blow any second, and that’ll bring the human authorities.”

I looked over at Adryan, and despite the situation, the fear and adrenaline still coursing through me, not to mention every part of my body hurting, I felt my lips twitch at hearing his arrogance—almost endearing and familiar.

“I’ve called in a crew to clean up the bodies before shit hits the human media and authority, but we still need to get the fuck out of here.” Adryan stood there, all imposing and cocky, as if he dictated to the entire world what happened next.

The air changed, this wild energy surrounding me. It had the hairs on my arm standing on end and a tickling sensation moving throughout my entire body. I looked over at Cian, his wolf staring right at me.

And then a second later there was a sharp crack through the air, as if a ripple had just moved right through me.

One minute he was a giant wolf, and the next, he stood in his human form, still imposing, intimidating, and causing so many emotions to rush out of me that I couldn’t help the tears that slid down my face. His expression softened as he stepped close to me, his body completely naked, yet this moment wasn’t about anything sexual happening.He ran one of his fingers along my cheek, collecting a tear before bringing it to his mouth and kissing it away.

He said something low and deep in Gaelic, and I didn’t stop myself from leaning into him and wrapping my arms around his narrow waist. I rested my head right over his heart, listening to the steady beat of it to reassure myself that he was here and that he was safe and alive. Nothing will take him from me.

“Also,” Adryan said, of course interrupting the moment I was having with Cian, “if you would have waited for me to tell you before tearing out of there like a bat out of hell, I could’ve explained the bracelet your mate is wearing.” He gestured to the delicate wolf chain that was wrapped around my wrist. “It’s actually mystically trackable. Figured since they were going after her to get to you, the smart thing to do would be to get her safety and location locked down in case we had to find her.”

Once again the air changed, and before I knew it was happening, Cian was standing in front of Adryan, his arm cocked back a millisecond before he swung it forward and connected with the vampire's jaw. Adryan’s head whipped to the side from the impact, and I held my breath, my eyes feeling large, fear once again rising in me.

“That’s for lavishing gifts on my mate when I kno’ it wasn’t just because of kindness in yer cold, dead heart.” He snarled. “That’s for giving her a tracking device without telling me.” Cian was growling out the words. “And it’s also for putting my mate in danger and getting her hurt, whether it was intentional or no’. It does no’ matter.”

He took a step back and scrubbed a hand over his face, the blood that had been on his jaw and chest as a wolf now covering his chin and entire upper body. “And if ye want tae clock me one, I deserve it too for no’ protecting my mate well enough.” He stared at me, and my breath caught at the anguish on his face and in his eyes.

He looked me up and down, his jaw clenching, his gaze hardening as he took in every little nick and cut. I started moving toward him, and he did the same until I was close enough I could cup his jaw.

“It's no one's fault,” I whispered. “Not Adryan’s, and certainly not yours.” I rose on my toes and kissed him, not caring about the blood or who watched.

“Damn romance novel up in here,” Adryan muttered and started chuckling.

Cian growled and turned so he was in front of me, partially blocking me from everyone's view. I looked around his arm to stare at the vampire.

Adryan smoothed his thumb over his bottom lip, pulled it back, and glanced down to see the smear of blood covering the pad of the digit. He lifted his gaze, and while he stared at Cian, he brought his thumb to his mouth and dragged his tongue along it, licking off the blood and grinning.

“That was your one and only freebie, wolf.” He shrugged. “And yeah, I may have given her the clothes and the bracelet not wholly out of the goodness of my heart.” He looked at me and winked before chuckling when Cian gave a deep growl and instantly moved back in front of me, blocking the vampire’s view of me. “I may have also done it because I’m an asshole.”

Cian made a low sound of warning. “I’m taking my mate somewhere safe for the time being, where she can heal and I can protect her.” Cian glowered at Adryan. “And it will no’ be a place of yer choosing.”

Adryan didn’t move, and I wondered if he took offense. I wanted to tell Cian it wasn’t Adryan’s fault, that he’d helped as best as he could, that sometimes this happens, but I kept my mouth shut, because the last thing I wanted to do was make matters worse.

Finally Adryan inclined his head and held his arms out, palms up to the sky. I wasn’t fooled into thinking it was an act of backing down. I felt like I knew Adryan in that regard well enough.

“I’m certainly not in a place to school you on what you do with your time and your mate, so whatever the fuck you want to do, you’re welcome to do it in my territory for however long you need.”

Cian grunted, and I knew it was going to be the only “thanks” he gave Adryan.

“But I did mean it when I said we need to get the fuck out of here before that van blows and the human authorities come barreling here, guns a’blazing.” All amusement faded from the leader of the vampires. He was once again stern and cold, arrogant and ruthless. “My soldiers have already taken out the warehouse once we realized they attacked Evie and your boy. They took the Assembly members who were inside to a holding facility we have.” He grinned slowly and cracked his knuckles. “We’re going to get some answers—that’s for fucking sure.”