Defiant Dodge by Naomi Porter



I woke up starving after not eating supper yesterday. I hadn’t even snuck out of my room to grab a piece of fruit, just to avoid Dad. We’d argued again. Same old same old.

Except for this time, I’d demanded he let me leave. Of course he wouldn’t, but I felt stronger than ever as I pointed out his unloving actions. His stunned expression pleased me so much I’d thrown out: If you love me, you’ll take me back to Minnesota.

Apparently, I’d taken it too far. Tugging on his heartstrings hadn’t worked as it used to.

His face had turned beet red as he yelled, “Don’t you fucking test me, Em. I can have Dodge wiped off the fucking planet with just one phone call.”

I’d stared at the evil man before me with my heart in my throat, clutching Dante to my chest. He was like a stranger to me. I’d stormed off to my room with Little D and stayed there.

This wash, rinse, repeat cycle may very well be the death of me.

It was after seven in the morning. Tami usually left after their sexfest, so I was sure it was safe to venture out to the kitchen.

“Good morning, little man.” I kissed his cheek.

Dante smiled brightly and kicked his legs. His excitement made changing his diaper a challenge, but I adored his morning smiles.

“Did you sleep well? Did all that noise last night disturb you like it did me?”

He cooed as if telling me he hadn’t heard a thing. Lucky. The white noise monitor did nothing for me, probably because I knew what was going on across the hallway.

I wouldn’t dare put on headphones for fear I wouldn’t hear Dante cry. I had to endure Tami screaming: “Yes, big daddy. Yes. Fuck me harder. Harder. HARDER.”

It went on for hours.

Him grunting. The bed squeaking.

Her moaning without a care in the world who might hear.

Both of them disregarding the baby in the house.

It lit a fire in my belly. If it weren’t for Dante, I would’ve burst through Dad’s bedroom door and gone nuts on her.

Alas, my sweet boy kept my fury reeled in. “Because he’s a precious baby. Momma’s precious baby.” I kissed the crook of his neck, inhaling his sweetness.

His little legs kicked, and he grabbed a fistful of my blonde locks. I wiggled my hair free, then put on the baby sling, and lifted Little D into it. Once I had him comfortable and secure, I exited my bedroom.

I stopped at the doorway to the galley kitchen. Dad was leaning against the counter, looking like death warmed over. It was a common sight.

Dammit, I wished he’d stayed in bed, so I didn’t have to see him. If I wasn’t famished, I’d turn right around and return to my room. But I was, so I went about my business.

He rubbed his hands against his face. “Good morning.”

I took out a plate and a glass from the cabinet.

“You can’t ignore me forever, Em.”

Here we go… Can’t I have one day of peace?

“I can and I will.” I dropped two frozen waffles into the toaster, grabbed a banana and the jar of peanut butter, and filled my glass with milk. It wasn’t fancy, but it would satisfy me.

“Do you really hate me this much?”

I hiked my eyebrow as if saying, really?

“I’m just doing what’s best for you. MCs are dangerous.”

I whirled on him. “It’s my life. My. Life.”

His eyes dropped to Dante, and he reached his hand out to touch him.

I stepped back. “No. Don’t touch him.”

“He’s my grandson. I have rights. You haven’t let me near him.”

“That’s my right as his mother. I’m pulling the parent card just as you’re doing with me. How does it feel, Dad? Will you be glad you ripped your grandson away from his father? Will it bother you when he hates you for it?”


“What? Do you think I won’t tell Dante the reason his daddy isn’t in his life is because of a man named Justin Sanderson?” I would sure as hell tell my son the truth.

He stared at me aghast, almost stricken with heartache. “You’d really do that?”

“You bet I will. I won’t lie to my son.”

Dad stumbled into the counter as if I’d slapped him. I wasn’t sure why he was so surprised. Had he really thought I wouldn’t tell Dante why his father wasn’t in his life? What in the hell was wrong with my dad?

My waffles popped up in the toaster. I plated them, then slathered some peanut butter on top.

He exhaled an exasperated breath. “Before you go, I need to tell you something.”

I held my plate in one hand, my glass in the other as I waited. If he was going to start in on me again, I would lose my shit on him. I was all out of patience.

“A detective came this morning.”

“What for?”

“The little boy next door is missing.”

My blood went cold. “Simon is missing?” Tears pricked my eyes. He was only two.

Dad nodded.

“What happened?” I put the glass down so I could caress my son’s back.

“They don’t know. The detective is going door to door, asking if anyone saw anything.”

I set the plate on the counter as my body started to shake. I looked at my son and wrapped my arms around him.

“Angie must be going out of her mind.” I’d only spoken to the young single mom a few times, mostly when Dad was in earshot. She had her hands full with two kids. Her little girl was three and a half.

“I’m sure she is.” Compassion appeared in his expression. “When I’m not here, be careful, okay? Don’t answer the door.”

“What? You think someone is just knocking on doors and stealing kids? Besides, with the alarm and cameras you put on the doors and windows, I’m sure there’s nothing to worry about.” The simple act of him telling me to be careful made my blood pressure spike.

He sighed, dragging his hand along his cheek. “I won’t take any chances. Nobody knows what these people are capable of. The detective said Simon was the second boy to go missing this month.”

“Oh my God.” I covered my mouth as my stomach flip-flopped. Forget about breakfast.

Dad came toward me and kissed my head. “I do love you, Em. Dante too.” He kissed my son’s head, catching me by surprise.

I shook my head and stepped back. “If you want to be part of Dante’s life, take me back to Minnesota.”


“If you ever touch him again…”

He narrowed his eyes. “You’ll what, Em?”

I had no idea what I’d do.

He took a step toward me. “You can’t keep him locked away in your bedroom forever. He’ll learn to talk before you know it. He’ll ask questions.”

I gaped. “Are you admitting you’re going to keep me from ever leaving?” Jesus, had he truly lost his mind? “You’re no better than the Dirty Hunters who took me and the others.”

His face turned red. “Watch yourself.”

“My God, Dad. I was sure you’d eventually see how wrong all this is. Who in the hell are you?” I yelled, making Little D cry. “Do you actually believe Mom would be okay with this? She would be appalled. And she’d hate Tami, the skanky bitch!”

His hand flew at me fast as lightning. SLAP, it struck my cheek.

I yelped, stumbling to the side and catching myself with one hand against the counter, the other protected Dante’s head. My baby boy’s frightened cries pierced my eardrums.

“Shit, I’m sorry, Em.” Dad reached for me, but I shuffled back. “Your mouth is getting out of line, but I shouldn’t have hit you.”

Tears pooled in my eyes as I pressed my hand to my red-hot cheek. He’d never hit me before. And with the baby in my arms? Any respect I might’ve had left for him was gone the second he assaulted me.

Little D’s cries grew louder. “Shh, baby. You’re safe. Momma will protect you from the evil man.” I glared at my sperm donor and gently bounced to soothe Dante.

Dad gripped his head. “I can’t with you anymore.”

“Good. I want nothing to do with you.”

He went to leave but stopped at the doorway. “I have shit to do today, so if you think of trying to leave, don’t. The house is being watched.”

I gasped, choking on my own spit. “What?”

“That’s right. I don’t trust you after that stunt you pulled with Piper Knight.” His hatred wrapped around Piper’s name. “Think I wouldn’t find out your friend’s real name? I still have connections, even if I’m not in the MC.”

Shock must’ve been on my face, because he smirked.

“Be a good girl.” He went to his bedroom.

With my heart in my throat, I rushed to the living room window. Tears streamed down my face as I took in the heartbreaking scene. Two cop cars were parked in front of Angie’s place. News reporters were on the sidewalk. I should bolt out the front door and beg for help, accuse my father of kidnapping.

But I couldn’t.

What if they didn’t believe me?

I didn’t want him to go to jail, though he deserved to after how he treated me.

But he was my dad. I loved him. All this time, he’d been acting like a heartbroken father, misguided by the hurt I’d caused him. Most betrayals in an MC were unforgivable. I knew the severity of my actions. I just never saw this coming.

Feeling sick to my stomach, I backed away as sobs worked through me. Did he really believe he could control me for the rest of my life?

I closed the door to my bedroom and locked it. At some point, Dante had calmed. I hadn’t even noticed, so shaken by getting slapped for the first time.

Hate toward my dad burrowed in my heart as desperation rushed through my veins.

Determination spread through my soul like a deadly virus.

“I’ll find a way back home to Daddy, sweet boy. My baby mine…” I hummed the song, wiping tears away. “I promise you, Dante. We will be with your daddy soon. He’ll protect us with his life from that evil man.”