Alien Warrior’s Second Chance by Sue Mercury

Also in the Vaxxlian Matchmakers series


(Vaxxlian Matchmakers #1)

He aches to claim her.

When Molly is rescued by a sexy Vaxxlian named Gavvin, she expects the muscle-bound warrior to carry her off and claim her as his bride—whether she's willing or not. Instead, he heals her wounds and promises not to hurt her, and his gentle but protective demeanor wins her over. But when he eventually turns cold and pushes her away, she's left confused and heartbroken. Determined to make a life for herself on planet New Vaxx, she visits Vaxxlian Matchmakers—only to receive shocking news about the identity of her soul mate.

Gavvin is an outcast among his people, and he has no plans to take a bride. But his self-control is tested when he comes across Molly, a human woman in distress. She's the sweetest, most beautiful female he's ever met, and her enticing scent calls up long-buried primal needs. Pushing her away is the hardest thing he's ever done, but it's for the best. How could any female find happiness mated to an outcast like him? But when Molly's life is threatened, he'll risk everything to save the sweet human who's stolen his heart.


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(Vaxxlian Matchmakers #2)

He promises to keep her safe.

After barely escaping Earth with her life, Macy seeks refuge on planet New Vaxx, along with her sister Skylar—even though it means they'll both be expected to mate with Vaxxlian Warriors. Haunted by the past, she fears she'll never feel ready to take a mate. But when she realizes she's holding Skylar back from her own happiness, she decides to visit Vaxxlian Matchmakers in secret, where she's matched to a huge warrior named Dakk. At first, she's terrified of the scarred warrior, but his warmth eventually starts to win her over. Could she truly find happiness with the big, muscular stranger?

Dakk is shocked when he gets a call from Vaxxlian Matchmakers. He never expected to be matched with one of the single human females living on planet New Vaxx—surely no woman could tolerate his scarred face or his unusual eye color, the latter of which marks him as cursed by the Star God. Nevertheless, he shows up to collect his bride, a small female called Macy with soft golden hair he can't seem to stop stroking. But she trembles at his touch, and he senses her deep fear, making him worry Vaxxlian Matchmakers made a mistake. What if Macy never accepts him fully as her husband? Even worse, will an old enemy endanger their mating union?


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(Vaxxlian Matchmakers #3)

Can a marriage of convenience lead to something more?

After escaping war-torn Earth, Skylar seeks refuge on planet New Vaxx, where she's expected to take a Vaxxlian warrior as a husband. Eager for a fresh start, she longs to settle down with one of the huge, protective aliens. But when Vaxxlian Matchmakers informs her that her one true soulmate has perished, she's heartbroken, even though she never actually met the male. When she's matched to a widowed Vaxxlian instead—as a marriage of convenience—she worries she'll never find happiness with the gruff, controlling warrior named Tahrin. She can't help but think she should've never visited Vaxxlian Matchmakers in the first place. What if she's made a terrible mistake?