Alien Warrior’s Second Chance by Sue Mercury

Chapter 18

Karla criedout in pleasure as Zorras slowly pushed inside her. Every muscle in his body appeared tensed, as if he were physically restraining himself from rutting her like a beast possessed.

It was still late afternoon, but there was little light due to the storm, and his green eyes glowed in the dim room. Rain pounded the roof overhead and every time lightning flashed, the room was briefly flooded with brightness, which accentuated Zorras’ bulging muscles and his impressive physique.

God, he sure was something to look at.

He pushed deeper and she gasped at the fullness. It didn’t hurt as she’d imagined it might after a twenty-year dry spell. Her need for him was so great that her pussy kept pulsing and she’d grown slick between her thighs.

Finally, he was fully seated inside her. He paused and peered at her with a look so affectionate, her eyes burned with tears.

“My sweet beauty,” he said, “do you feel all right? The nanobots should help, but I still wish to ensure you do not experience any discomfort during our first mating.”

“It doesn’t hurt at all, Zorras,” she said, “but thank you for asking.” She smiled, touched by his consideration. “You, um, you can start moving, if you’d like.” She thrust her hips outward, trying to entice him to start driving in and out of her. She was burning up with need and feared she might lose her mind if he didn’t start moving soon.

He began a gradual thrusting motion, slowly building speed as he pumped his hugeness into her aching center. His cock pulsed inside her and she whimpered. Oh God. Her need increased and she felt feverish. She gasped and started moving her hips in tune with his plunges, hoping to encourage him to go faster.

“Please, Zorras,” she said, not too proud to beg. “Please move faster. And deeper. Please. You won’t hurt me. I promise. I-I need you.”

His eyes flashed with primal heat, and he immediately complied with her request. He grasped her hips and drove into her with rapid, deliciously deep thrusts. Oh yes. Yes yes yes.

Euphoric pleasure cascaded over her, and she writhed beneath him, crying out in the throes of an intense, quaking release. She struggled to catch her breath, and she moaned Zorras’ name as she ran her hands up and down his back, feeling the hard planes of his muscles.

He leaned down to kiss her, and his tongue vibrated inside her mouth, sending a blast of sensation straight to her womanly core. She’d heard Vaxxlian males could make their tongues vibrate at will, but she’d never imagined she might experience it for herself.

As he kissed her, his rhythm didn’t falter as he repeatedly slammed his cock into her depths. He was pounding her now, and his balls slapped heavily against her bottom with each rapid drive.

When he reached between their bodies and pressed a finger to her clit, she squealed into his mouth, overcome by the intensity of her increasing pleasure. She’d just orgasmed and already another release was swelling inside her.

“Zorras!” she cried, after tearing her lips away from his. She fought for air as he continued plunging in and out of her, his thumb still circling her throbbing nubbin with the perfect amount of pressure.

Oh God. She was close. So close.

Zorras’ muscles tensed and his beastly growls echoed off the walls, and she felt his cock growing larger inside her, pulsating as the first spurts of his seed filled her. He swirled his finger faster over her clit and she shattered to pieces.

They rode the waves of ecstasy as one, clinging to each other as their union reached explosive heights.

Zorras opened his eyes and grasped Karla’s chin, forcing her to hold his gaze during the final moments of their joint rapture, and her heart fluttered at the tender gleam that entered his eyes at the very end.

I think I will easily grow to love this man.

This thought entered her mind unbidden, but it didn’t scare her as it might have just a few days ago. In his arms, she felt at peace, and the ghosts of her past seemed so far away, they might as well not exist.

He withdrew from her center and immediately reached for her, drawing her onto his lap and cradling her to his chest. After their jaunt through the storm, as well as their exertions in bed, they were both a sweaty, dirty mess. But she loved that Zorras wanted to hold her now, she loved that he wasn’t pushing her away to go get cleaned up. Instead, he was giving her the affection she craved. He was letting her know that he accepted her as she was. He didn’t expect perfection from her, and God what a comfort that was.

“You are my everything,” he whispered, stroking her hair. “My mate, my wife, my love.”

She clasped his hand and smiled through her tears.

“You’re so brave,” he said, as he shifted his hand to caress her cheek. “Despite your fears and your doubts, you went to Vaxxlian Matchmakers on your own. Tell me, did you feel the spark between us before your visit to VM, before we mated? I am curious. If so, what did it feel like for you?”

“Yes, I experienced strange, intense feelings of warmth whenever I saw you. I always had the urge to sink into your arms. This scared me and it’s one reason I kept running away. Usually, I could sense your presence before I even saw you, like if you were creeping up on me in the marketplace, you stalker.” She chuckled and they exchanged a smile.

Relief flashed in his gaze. “I am glad you felt the connection of our souls just as I did. Now that we are mated, this connection feels even stronger. The affection I harbor for you is overwhelming, but not in a bad way.” He pressed a hand to his chest, directly over his heart. “I feel you here, as if you are a part of me.”

A tear escaped her eyes, but he was quick to wipe it away. She placed a hand over her own heart and nodded. “I feel it too. You’re right, it is overwhelming, but it’s not bad. It’s incredible, and for the first time in my life, I am absolutely certain that I’m where I’m meant to be.”

He tightened his arms around her and kissed her forehead as the storm continued raging outside. His embrace felt like the sweetest refuge and her sense of peace deepened.

A sudden banging on the door downstairs made her tense, but a second later she relaxed again, as she had a good idea who was responsible for the interruption.

“Axall,” she said with a laugh. “Oh, I feel like a jerk now. He was expecting me home soon and he’s probably worried I got caught in the storm.”

The knocking grew louder, and she soon heard her name being yelled over the pounding of rain on the roof.

“Karla! Karla, are you here? Zorras, open this door at once! I’m looking for Karla! She’s missing!”

Giggling like naughty school children, Karla and Zorras hurried to make themselves presentable. Since her dress was torn in half, he tossed her an oversized robe to wear, and he quickly donned his discarded warrior’s uniform. All the while, the screams and knocking continued.

They scurried downstairs, hand in hand, and Zorras flung the door open with an overly polite flourish. “Good afternoon, Axall.”

Axall didn’t appear amused. He was soaking wet and pissed as hell. He glared at Zorras, but when he noticed Karla standing beside him, wearing nothing but a robe, his eyes widened and a look of understanding crossed his face, and the anger dissipated from his gaze.

“Are you all right, Karla?” Axall asked.

“Oh yes, never been better. Thanks for asking.” She grinned and snuggled closer to Zorras, trying her best not to dissolve into a fit of laughter.

“I see that you are a mated pair now,” Axall said, his eyes growing wider as he looked back and forth between Karla and Zorras. His shoulders relaxed and he exhaled a deep breath. “Well, it is about time.”

Zorras wrapped an arm around Karla. “I will treasure this sweet beauty and take care of her until the end of my days. I will treat her with kindness, and she’ll never want for anything. I give you my word, Axall.”

“You’re an honorable warrior, Zorras,” Axall replied with a nod, “and I have no doubt that you will take care of Karla. I wish you both a happy mating union.” He started backing away from the door, an awkward look falling over him, and Karla supposed he was embarrassed to have caught them post-coitus. “I will leave you alone now to… enjoy the rest of your afternoon. Goodbye.” He turned and rushed down the walkway before Karla had a chance to ask if he wanted to come inside and wait out the storm.

“That went well,” she said with a laugh, but she grew quiet and flushed when she felt Zorras’ seed trickling down her inner thighs. Even though they’d just made love and he’d brought her to orgasm twice, a fresh wave of desire hit her, reigniting the needy ache between her thighs.

Zorras peered down at her, his nostrils flaring as he took a deep inhale. He growled and shut the door, then swept her up into his arms. He pressed a quick kiss to her lips and headed for the stairs. She leaned her head against his chest, reveling in the warmth of his embrace.

Lust blazed in his eyes and his nostrils flared wider, leaving no doubt in her mind about what would happen once he got her upstairs.

“I must have you again,” he said, placing her upon the bed. “My need for you is all-consuming, sweet beauty.”

After getting settled on the pillows, she opened the front of the borrowed robe and gave him her best come-hither look. “I’m all yours, cowboy. Come and get me.”

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Thank you for reading Alien Warrior’s Second Chance! I hope you enjoyed Karla and Zarros’ story.

Did you miss any of the Vaxxlian Matchmakers books? If so, start with Alien Warrior’s Treasure - Grab it here

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Want to read Rachel + Axall’s story?

Grab Axall (Vaxxlian Alien Mail Order Brides #4)

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