SEAL’s Command by Makenna Jameison

Chapter 16



Ashleigh happily sighed as they drove home from the party. She’d laughed with the other women there, met most of the men on his SEAL teams, and had a great time. “We stayed longer than we’d planned.”

Slate glanced over at her before bringing his eyes back to the road. “Was that okay? You seemed to be having fun, so I didn’t want to rush you out of there.”

“More than okay,” she assured him. “It was nice meeting some friends here. And the wine and food were great, too. I was cooped up inside your house when I first got that walking boot. It feels good to be out in the real world again, so to speak. I’m just glad my ankle fracture wasn’t worse and I could get out and do a few things today.”

“And you’re not sore?” he asked. “Those sandals are sexy, but I doubt they’re supportive.”

She giggled. “They’re flat sandals, not stilettos or something. I’ll probably switch back to sneakers tomorrow though. And I made sure not to overdo it. I shopped for a little while and sat a lot at the party.”

Slate chuckled, and she saw his eyes heat as he looked over at her. “Well trust me—I find everything on you sexy. But I’m glad you’re not in any pain.”

She reached over, resting her hand on his thigh, and Slate stiffened slightly. A smile played on her lips. She wanted to be his completely. Slate was waiting on her to give him the word though. She knew he wouldn’t pressure her for sex, and they’d done more than enough in the bedroom to keep them both satisfied. Every day she wanted more of him though. Ashleigh trusted him. She was attracted to him physically and knew he could protect her. There was much more to it though. Things were simply easy with him. Dinners, conversations, even the situation they’d found themselves in with her living at his home. It was hard to fathom going back to her own life at some point and missing all of this.

“You guys were quite serious for a while there,” she commented. “I didn’t mind talking with the women, but when I glanced toward the kitchen, none of you looked happy.”

“Work stuff,” he admitted. “I want to get those bastards still out there so I don’t have to worry about you so much.”

“I’m with you or at your house working most of the time,” she said. “As much as I didn’t like being injured, I did get a heck of a lot of writing done once I went off those painkillers. I can’t exactly get hurt if I’m safe at your dining room table working. And if it’s really you that they want to get back at, I’m not sure I’m in as much danger as you think. You’re the one we should be worried about.”

“I want you to be safe, Ash. I love having you here with me, but I’ll feel better knowing you’re not at risk.”

“Maybe I should switch from writing romances to romantic suspense. I can have the good guy swoop in and save the heroine.”

His lips quirked. “Speaking of all the writing you’ve gotten done here…do I get to read any of it?”

“That depends. Do you like romances?”

He chuckled. “Honestly? No, but I’d love to see what you wrote. I’ll admit that’s not my usual choice of reading material. I’m more of a no-nonsense, logical guy. I’m impressed as hell though that you’re a novelist. I can write a dry report, and that’s about it. I focus on the facts.”

She glanced at him, lightly rubbing his thigh. “It works for you though.”

He snatched her hand, bringing it to his lips. “If you keep pawing at me, woman, we’ll never make it home,” he said gruffly.

“Maybe I don’t want to make it home,” she teased.

He kissed her hand again, muttering under his breath, before clasping it in his own and holding it against his thigh. Slate confidently drove with one hand on the wheel, his other hand wrapped tightly around hers, making her feel safe and secure at his side. They’d had a great night, she’d made what were hopefully new friends here in San Diego, and now they were going back to his home. Together.

“I don’t wait to wait anymore, Slate,” she suddenly said.

“You need to spell it out for me, sweetheart.”

“You. Me. Us. I love kissing and touching you and sleeping in your arms, but I don’t want to hold back tonight. I want all of you.”

He glanced over at her, his eyes blazing with intensity. “Are you sure?”

“Positive. I wanted to wait until it felt right, and after tonight? It absolutely does. I loved seeing you with your men. All of the women had nothing but great, respectful things to say about you. I know you’re their commanding officer and don’t usually attend things like that with them, but I love that you introduced me to all of them. It just made me feel like I really fit in here—that there could be an ‘us’ so to speak. That I could be part of your life for real, outside of this crazy situation.”

“There already is an us,” he said, his voice rough.

“Then let’s not wait any more. I want to feel all of you tonight, Slate. Make love to me.”

He growled in approval, speeding up slightly on the freeway as she giggled. “In a hurry?”

“You have no idea,” he quipped.

She tried to move her hand on his thigh again, but he gripped it tighter. “We’ll be home in ten minutes, Ash. Be good until then.”

She laughed, suddenly feeling giddy with excitement. Usually, she was nervous being with a man for the first time, but she trusted Slate. He’d already thoroughly explored her body, kissing every inch of her skin. But to know she’d feel this powerful man inside of her was making her pulse pound and breath catch. She’d only been with a couple of men, and none of them had compared to Slate in bed. He liked being in control but was always careful with her, making sure she was extremely satisfied.

After what felt like the longest ten minutes of her life, Slate was pulling into the garage of his house. Ashleigh didn’t wait for him to help her out of his SUV, but as he walked around the front, he was suddenly lifting her into his arms. “I’ve been wanting to take this dress off of you all night,” he said, his voice gravel as he crossed toward the door.

“You don’t like it?” she teased.

“I like it too damn much,” he said, his eyes raking over her. The intensity in them might’ve scared her if she didn’t already feel safe with this man. He’d never hurt her. “I’m going to try to go slowly and be gentle our first time, but hell. I’m hanging on by a thread right now, Ash.”

“I need you,” she whispered.

Slate carried her into the house, kicking the door shut behind him as he stalked toward the bedroom. She wrapped her arms around his neck, hanging on, and then his lips were feasting on hers as they moved down the hallway. They crashed onto the bed together, Slate holding himself up so he didn’t hurt her. And then his mouth and teeth were moving over her neck, down her cleavage as he pulled open her wrap dress. It was floral and not too revealing when tied closed, but she loved the way it clung to her curves. So did Slate, apparently. He’d pushed it open in no time, so her bra and panties were exposed.

Slate tugged one cup of her bra down, sucking her nipple into his mouth as she squirmed. His hand massaged her other breast, and then he pulled that cup down as well, so she spilled over the top for him to gaze upon. He nuzzled against her breasts, the slight stubble from his five-o-clock shadow abrading her skin.

“Slate,” she whimpered, tugging at his shirt. He stood and stripped down to his boxers in no time, and then he was moving over her again, his muscles bunching and flexing as he kissed his way down her body. Ashleigh’s dress still lay open, her breasts spilling from her bra. He didn’t stop to finish undressing her though, just tugged her panties down and then kissed her between her thighs.

Ashleigh gasped as his tongue moved through her drenched folds. Her fingernails dug into his short, cropped hair as Slate simply devoured her. She absolutely loved his mouth on her, and Slate seemed to revel in making her come undone.

“Oh God,” she whimpered as he brought her higher and higher toward the precipice. Two thick fingers slid inside her core, and he sucked on her clit, hard. “Slate. I need you inside me. Please.”

Slate nipped at her thigh but pulled back, helping her to sit up and pull off her dress and bra. She was flushed and gasping and fell back on the bed as Slate tugged his boxers down, his cock springing free. He was thick and hard, and although she’d put her hands and mouth on him before, she couldn’t wait to feel him inside her.

“Condom,” he muttered, reaching over to open the drawer on his nightstand.

“Let me,” she said, reaching for it.

Slate shook his head, clenching his jaw. “If I let you touch me, I’ll explode.”

She giggled, smiling at him as she lay back against his pillows. “You? The guy with the legendary control? Everyone at the party was saying how stoic and in command you normally are.”

He prowled over her body, kissing her deeply as his cock nudged against her core. Her legs spread wider, and she loved the feel of Slate’s large body covering her own. “They’ve never been tested by the likes of you before. Hell,” he said, ducking lower to nip at her neck. “I’ll never get enough of you.”

“Then take me,” she whispered.

Slate looked up and held her gaze, notching his cock against her swollen folds. His green eyes were piercing as he looked down at her, and then he slowly pushed forward, inching his way inside of her core.

Ashleigh gasped, her inner walls clamping down around him. Slate was thick and throbbing. She was already so aroused, he easily slid all the way in though, the base of his erection rubbing against her clit. He stilled for a moment, making sure she was comfortable, and then Slate bucked his hips, slowly making love to her. He slid out and back in, his lips quirking as she moaned in pleasure. How Slate had so much control, she’d never know. Ashleigh had expected him to go hard and fast with the way he’d hurriedly undone her wrap dress and gone down on her earlier, but he was gentle. Loving.

She’d been close to orgasm before, but this was different. He was so deep inside her, it was like he’d seared himself on her very soul. Twisting slightly, he ducked down and kissed her.

Slate moved his hands, twining her fingers with his as he pinned her to the bed. She bent her knees, pulling her legs further back so he could take her deeper. His mouth brushed over hers again as she whimpered, and then he was finally going faster. Harder.

Ashleigh wrapped her legs tightly around his waist, and that seemed to spur him on. Soon he was bucking into her harder, every movement causing his groin to rub against her clit as his thick cock filled her. Ashleigh squeezed his hands tightly, crying out, and then suddenly she was screaming out his name, her orgasm shocking her in its intensity.

Slate stiffened and then came as well, grunting her name. To see this powerful man practically brought to his knees from the intensity of their lovemaking was something she’d never forget. Slate kissed her, hard, rolling them to the side so he didn’t crush her. His cock was still half-hard inside her, and she clung to him, passion overwhelming her.

He kissed her again. “I love you,” he said, his voice gruff.

“I love you, too,” she said, tears smarting her eyes.

“Why are you crying?” he asked, looking alarmed.

“I’m not. I’m just overwhelmed.”

“Shhh,” he said, rolling to his back so that her body was splayed atop his. Slate’s cock slipped free from her channel, but he didn’t move yet, just held her to him as his large hand stroked her hair. “I’ve got you, baby,” he murmured.

She squeezed him tightly. “I’ve got you, too.”