SEAL’s Command by Makenna Jameison

Chapter 14



“What do you mean you’re staying there longer?” Anna asked excitedly. “You’ve been in San Diego for two weeks already. Are you moving in with Slate? Oh my God, don’t plan a wedding until after this baby comes. I want to be there!”

Ashleigh laughed, taking a sip of her iced tea as she sat in Slate’s living room. The grey sofa was big and somewhat masculine. His entire home had clean lines and neutral, earth tones in his furnishings. The décor was minimal but suited him. His kitchen was newly remodeled and stainless steel, which made her laugh given that he didn’t even like to cook. She lived in a condo in New York and loved the space his home afforded. He seemed to have no issue with her working in his dining room and had even offered his office if she wanted to work from there instead.

“You’re getting way, way ahead of yourself,” Ashleigh said. “There’s no wedding in the works. We haven’t even known each other for a month. I came down to San Diego with Slate because some dangerous, crazy guy was after him.”

“I know, but girl, when it’s right, it’s right. You certainly aren’t complaining about your living arrangements,” she teased. “I basically moved in with Jett and then never left.”

“Yeah, well, that was a bit crazy, if we’re being honest. Most people don’t move in with their one-night-stand after just meeting. They do the walk of shame home in the morning or something, not move all their stuff in.”

“It was crazy, wasn’t it? I couldn’t wait to jump his bones every morning. Why go home, you know? And trust me, the man was not complaining.”

Shaking her head, Ashleigh couldn’t help but smile. Anna was impulsive in a way she’d never be. Coming to stay with Slate had been about as crazy as Ashleigh had ever gotten. And that was due to the circumstances they’d found themselves in. She wouldn’t have just up and driven twenty hours south with him if they weren’t forced to leave the cabin in the middle of the night. He’d insisted she was potentially in danger, and she wasn’t exactly willing to risk it.

“I’m not moving in—just seeing where things go between us. I’m extending my stay here. The missing extremists are still on the loose, so Slate’s worried about me flying home to New York and being there by myself. I’m a little worried, too, with how serious he and all of his men are about it. They’re working nonstop to track down these guys. Plus, I’m happy here. I want to see what happens between Slate and me.”

“Well, that sounds promising,” Anna teased. “Weren’t you just claiming you weren’t ever dating again? Don’t forget that Jett’s knocked me up three times now. I imagine Slate has similar prowess.”

Ashleigh giggled despite herself. “It’s not like that,” she protested.

“You’re not sleeping with him?”

“Sleeping, yes. Kissing and everything else? Yes. But having sex? Not yet. I don’t want to complicate things even more unless I’m totally sure about us.”

“Hmmm. He must be really into you then if you’ve waited this long. I assumed you’d been doing it since the cabin.”

“Anna, my God,” Ashleigh moaned. “It’s been a couple of weeks since we met, not years or something. Just because your one-night-stand with Jett worked out doesn’t mean that’s how it’ll be for me. I don’t jump into relationships the way you do.”

“Man, I wish I could come visit. Think of how much fun the four of us would have together! We could go out to dinner, hit the beach, enjoy the warm California sunshine.”

“Well, maybe someday. I have no idea what the future holds for Slate and me. I am meeting the rest of his men tonight though. I’ve met a few when they came by the house. One of the guys is having a party tonight, so we’re briefly stopping by. I guess that’s unusual since Slate’s their commanding officer, but he wants to introduce me to all of them. Plus, I have to admit I’m curious and want to meet them and their wives or girlfriends.”

“Have you met any of the other officers on base?”

“Just one. There’s another commander that works with the SEAL teams. He briefly stopped by one day, so Slate introduced us. I haven’t met any higher-ups yet. The SEALs that Slate commands have been rotating shifts at Slate’s house some days so I’m not here all alone. It’s a bit overprotective. Slate has a security system, good locks on his doors, and there have been patrol cars in the neighborhood. At first when I was hobbling around in my walking boot, it made sense. But now I’m doing much better. They haven’t been around as much since they’re working, but I wouldn’t mind meeting the rest of his teams.”

“I’m glad he’s worried about you,” Anna admitted. “You deserve someone like that—a man who will put you first and defend you no matter what.”

“I assume Jett’s that way, too. They’re both overprotective alpha males.”

“Well, yeah. Jett has to be given his line of work. He owns his own security business, so I’m sure he’s not dealing with the best of humanity.”

“I still don’t even understand exactly what he does,” Ashleigh admitted. “I just know that he has a bunch of former military guys working for him.”

“Yeah, well, that’s all we need to know. I don’t get involved in it. The less I know, the less risk to me and the kids. He’d rather keep us safe than tell me the details, and I’m fine with that.”

“That makes sense. Slate can’t talk about most of his military work either.”

Ashleigh heard the shrieks of children in the background and said goodbye to her friend. Anna was still on bedrest, but hopefully Jett was close by to assist with their little ones. Ashleigh needed to get ready for the party tonight anyway. She’d gone shopping earlier for a pretty dress given that she’d packed for the cooler weather up in Seattle. She hadn’t exactly planned on a trip down to San Diego—not that she was complaining.

A few minutes later, the front door opened, and Slate strode in after his long run. He was sweaty but grinned at her as he came inside. “You look nice,” he said, eyeing the tank top and denim shorts she had on.

“I went shopping earlier, remember?”

“I do remember, because you wouldn’t let me buy you anything,” he protested.

“I have a job,” she said with a laugh. “That’s sweet of you, but you don’t need to give me money to go shopping.”

“I only agreed not to because I plan to spoil you later,” he said with a grin. She followed him into the kitchen as he got himself a glass of water. His dry-wick shirt stretched across his broad shoulders, and even all sweaty from his run, she found him attractive. Slate was strong and virile. Maybe she didn’t want kids, but that didn’t mean she didn’t appreciate his good looks.

“How was your run?” she asked.

“Good. I got in a few miles. I need to shower and change for tonight. Both of my SEAL teams will be there. I know you’d like to meet some of the other women, even if I don’t usually spend time with the men outside of base. And I’ll feel better when you know the rest of my men, just in case.”

“You’re still worried someone would come after me?”

“Hell yes, I’m worried. I don’t like knowing you could be in danger because of me—that you’d be targeted simply because you’re mine.”

Her breath caught as she looked at him.

He took another long drink of water, his eyes heating. “You are mine, Ashleigh. Maybe we didn’t plan on it when I came out of the woods at the cabin, but you’re in my bed every night. I have to make sure that you’re safe.”

“I know,” she said.

He stalked toward her and ducked down for a quick kiss. “Of course you do,” he said with a grin. “I make sure to show you every night. And as for the party? I know the guys and their women will have about a million questions for you. I’ll make sure they stay on their best behavior.”

“I guess you don’t usually introduce them to your dates?” she teased.

“I don’t date,” he quipped. “You know that. I’ll admit the men were shocked when I said I was bringing you back to San Diego with me, but they’re good guys. The men on Raptor’s team all have wives or girlfriends. Ace’s team is a bit younger, and they’re still single.”

“I’m nervous,” she said.

“There’s no need to be. We’ll stop by the party, have some food and drinks, and then head out. I’ll feel better making sure all of my men have met you.”

“Yeah. Me too. And the FBI doesn’t have any updates on the wanted men?”

“Nothing I can share,” he said. “I’d never keep you in the dark when it comes to your safety, but the information my men and I have is all classified.”

“Yeah, I understand.”

“I better go shower and clean up. You didn’t have to bake brownies,” he said, eyeing the large pan on the counter.

She shrugged. “I didn’t want to come empty-handed. Plus, I saw Tyler eat when he was here. Those guys all have big appetites.”

Slate burst into laughter. “That they do. I’ll be quick so you can get ready.”

She watched his large frame move across the kitchen and through the doorway. Slate always seemed larger than life. She was excited to meet the men he worked with. And the women. It would be nice to have some female friends here in San Diego in case she did end up staying even longer. Would they treat her differently though because she was dating the commander? She wasn’t sure, but she hoped she could make a couple of friends here on the West Coast. Everything else would fall into place however it was supposed to.