Saxon’s Distortion by C.A. Rene


I’ve been a fucking mess and I’m really starting to feel sorry for myself. I’m in and out of these depressive funks as often as I change my underwear. But it needs to be pushed down today, decorations for Ivy’s bachelorette party tomorrow night need to be bought. I refuse to be a sad blob while all the other girls are partying it up.

Cordelia hasn’t even tried to contact me, and I can’t help but feel like she really did use me. Now, I’m discarded aside, no longer useful, and still so fucking lonely. I have my family, my friends, and yet, no one. None of them are enough to fill this void inside of me and the pain is overwhelming.

I haul out my phone and call Saxon, if I have to shop for his sister, he’s fucking helping me.

“Baby Jones.” He coos into the phone.

“Wanna help me shop for dick stuff?”

“Look,” he chuckles, “I get my magical love stick unlocked a secret level in that lesbian mind of yours, but I’ll have to pass. Have fun though.”

“Asshole,” I snort, “I’m not a fucking video game, and it’s for your sister’s bachelorette.”

“Bachelorette? They have stores for that shit?”

“Yeah, the sex shop.” I roll my eyes.

“I’m in,” the sound of clinking keys fill my ears, “I’ll be there in half an hour.” He hangs up the phone and I begin to regret calling him. I hope he doesn’t think he can buy shit for us. I may be enticed by his particular magical love stick, but I’m still firmly on team pussy.

Twenty-five minutes later, he pulls into the dorm's parking lot, and I snort at the look of excitement on his face. This could be my worst decision yet and I’ve had a lot of those lately. So, that’s saying something.

“Get in, baby Jones,” he hollers out of his window, “there’s a ten inch dildo calling my name.”

Yep, the worst.

A few snickers sound around me as I try my best not to look. Not only will it show the embarrassment currently heating my cheeks, but it’ll give the sick fuck in the car some enjoyment.

The car shakes with the force of my slamming the door, and I wrestle to get the seatbelt over my chest.

“You look ravishing, Melly.” He leans in and kisses my cheek.

“I look like utter shit.” I retort and push him away.

“Still ravishing.” He pulls out onto the road, and I can see his frequent looks my way.

“What?” I huff and look at him.

“She still hasn't called?”

“No.” My gaze moves to the window, “she won’t. She was caught in her own game.”

“Maybe not.”

“Have you spoken to her?” I swing my head so quickly, a vibration skates up my neck.

“I have.” He nods, and I slap his head before even registering the thought.

“And you didn’t think to tell me?” I scream into the interior of the car.

“Will you calm down?” He screams back, “this isn’t my problem.” He glances at me briefly, “whatever love spat you’re having has no bearing on the information pertaining my aunt and their connection.”


“And it’s not my story to tell.” He shrugs, angering me further.

“Saxon! This isn’t a fucking game! This is my life!” I scream, and he swerves violently to the side of the road, slamming the car into park.

“Exactly, Melly.” Calm as a cucumber, as always, “it’s your fucking life. Do something about it. Call her, fuck her, slap her in the fucking face, but you do it. Don’t expect me to fix your problems because I have enough of my own.”

My chest is moving rapidly as I try to breathe through the pain and anger, and my lips flatten together to keep from spewing words to try and cause him pain. I just want someone else to hurt as much as I do. So, my sudden outburst is one I hope is redeemable later. I slap him across the face, hard.

His head snaps to the side and his jaw flexes, his brows lowering over his eyes. Shit.

“Sax-” I’m cut off by his hand wrapping around my throat and dragging me into his face. I can see the red mark in the shape of my hand rising on his cheek.

“Oh, don’t take it back yet, Amelia.” His breath is hot on my face, “don’t become a coward just yet.” His fingers tighten. “You want something to fight with?” He leans in, baring his teeth, “make it my fucking cock.”

The other hand lowers his black track pants, his cock springing forward, hard, and angry looking. Then he releases my throat, and my hand replaces it, feeling the heat his palm left behind, but my eyes stay trained on his cock.

“What happened to that fire?” His voice is taunting, “you thought you could slap me in my fucking face and that would be it?” His fingers sink into the curls on top of my head, and he’s yanking me down to his lap, “go on, fight my fucking cock.”

I do.

I wrap my lips around it and suck it down my fucking throat, gagging violently. Saxon curses under his breath but I’m not done yet, there’s still more fight left inside of me, anger welling up to the surface. I pump my hand around his girth roughly, gripping the skin, and making him hiss. I bet it hurts but I don’t fucking care, he asked for it.

My teeth scrape along the soft skin, and my nails sink into the flesh, wanting to cause damage while I provide pleasure. I’m angry, so fucking angry, and I feel left out, pushed to the side. I’m a fucking nobody. My grip tightens as I sink back down, his tip hitting my throat, and then move my hand to his balls. They tighten, whether in fear or anticipation, I’m not sure, nor does it make me falter. I give them one firm massage, feeling them rotate in my palm, and then grip them.

“Fuck, Amelia,” he growls, grabbing the top of my head and holding me steady as he fucks my mouth, “you better swallow every fucking drop.”

And I do.

I swallow down his bitter cum and even though it’s not terrible, it’s not something I want to do often. He pulls me up from his cock and groans when he looks into my face.

“Looks like the anger was put to good use.” His fingers glide along my mouth, “so swollen and abused.” He smiles and I shake my head, “those cheeks wet with tears,” he collects some on his finger and pops it in his mouth.

“I feel like I’m being pushed out of my own life.” My fear slowly takes over the anger, “I’m losing the people I care about the most.”

“I’m here,” he says quietly.

“Are you, Sax?” I stare at him and his brows crinkle in the center. “How are you here?”

“Tell me something, Melly,” his elbow rests on the console, his chin on his palm, “how have you lost me, when I see all the new ways you’ve gained me?”

“I don’t know what we are,” I exclaim, “I just sucked your dick! You took my virginity!”

“And what do you want from that? An exclusive relationship? Are you willing to drop Cordelia completely?”

He must see the indecision on my face because he chuckles, “you have me exclusively, no one else is sucking my dick.” He shrugs, and I want to punch his smug face, “but answer me this, if you feel like you’re losing the people you care about most, why aren’t you fighting to keep them?”

“I’m going to lose you, too.” My voice shakes, “There’s nothing solidifying us, and for now, I’m good at angry sucking your dick.”

His eyes flash with anger and he grabs my chin, “the fuck? Why are you saying this shit? Have I ever done or said anything that would suggest you’re a pastime?”

“No,” my lip begins to tremble with emotion, “but you haven’t suggested otherwise, either.”

“I refuse to make promises I can’t keep, but let me make you the ones I can, okay?” He’s still angry, and the grip he has on my chin is almost bruising, “I promise when I need any type of dick sucking, I’ll come to you. I promise your pussy will be the first one I seek. I promise to kill for you, promise to protect you, and promise you will always be my best friend.”

None of that should be romantic, but it’s the most I’ve ever heard Saxon profess and my tears roll down my cheeks.

“Okay.” I nod.

“But I’m not the real problem. Cordelia cares about you, too. You need to swallow your pride and talk to her. If that’s what you really want.”

“You’re right,” I nod. “I think I’m in love with her, Sax.”

“I’m really going to enjoy that, I have plans for you two.” His grin is contagious and soon enough I’m giggling.

“What plans?”

“I’m betting this sex shop has a few things.” He winks and my cheeks heat, my thighs clenching.

The bell rings over the store’s door as we step inside, and Saxon whistles as his wide eyes roam over the place.

“You’ve never been to a sex store before?” I snort at him.

“Bitch, I am a walking sex store.” He retorts and then he’s off, walking down the dildo aisle. That should scare me more than it’s turning me on.

I grab a basket and move through the aisles, grabbing novelty items that’ll have the girls cracking up. Dick cups and straws, dick ice molds, inflatable dick stands, and of course a Bride to Be sash. I can’t believe Ivy is getting married to my brother. I know now they were always meant to be, but without a doubt there was a time I thought she was meant for me. My feelings for her were so strong, and looking back at it now, it was puppy love. But I still feel it sometimes when I hear the deep huskiness of her laugh, or the raspiness of her voice, she still affects me.

Then there’s Saxon and how I feel when I’m around him. It’s a hundred-fold more, my body literally vibrates when he’s around, and I can’t think straight. Just like Cordelia. She’s become so important to me in such a short period of time. I’m afraid to lose her. I want to fall asleep every night with her and wake up to her beautiful face. I want to touch her whenever I want, to sink my fingers into her hair, and drag her against me. Feel how soft her lips are against mine, her flowery scent, and smooth skin.

I near the register and hear Saxon talking to the cashier.

“Can this all be delivered tonight?”

“Yeah,” she smiles at him, her eyes twinkling as she checks him out, “there will be a delivery charge.”

“No problem,” he pulls out his credit card and gives her his usual bored look.

“Looks like you’re going to be having a fun weekend,” she tries small talk as she runs his card.

“Sure does.” His voice is monotone.

“And this you want to take with you today?” Her hand rests on a few objects on the counter.

“That’s what I said.”

I cover my mouth as the girl tries her hardest to gain his attention, “would you like a bag?”

“Obviously,” he retorts, “that shouldn’t even be a question asked in this place.”

Her cheeks redden as she grabs a black bag and stuffs a few boxes inside. I try to squint to see what he purchased but can’t see a thing from this far away.

“Thank you, Mr. Greene.” She coos as she hands back his credit card. Whore.

“Melly!” He exclaims, and I jump at the sound of his voice, “we don’t have all day, baby girl.”

Now I’m blushing as I come out of my hiding spot and head for the cashier. She gives me a thorough once over and rolls her eyes. I may look a fucking mess, bitch, but it was me choking on his big ass dick earlier.

“Get everything you need?” He asks me, “see?” he turns to the chick, “that’s a great question to ask in here.”

“Yeah,” I snort and watch as the girl angrily drops my things into bags. I get it, Saxon is like the force of the sun. If you stand too close, you’re likely to get burned, but fuck if it doesn’t feel good.

We leave the store and I keep glancing down to the bag in his hand, curiosity overwhelming me.

“Don’t ask,” he tsks. “You’ll find out soon enough.”

My core heats and my cheeks bunch as I smile. “Are you going back home?”

“Yeah, when are you coming over?”

“I was wondering if you could give me a ride? I could get these decorations up and hang out with the girls tonight.”

“Sounds good.” He nods. “Now tell me, what’s the average dick size do you think? Eight inches?”

“No fucking way,” I cackle, “more like five.”

“No way!” He exclaims, “five? No wonder I unlocked that secret level.”

“Oh my God,” I groan, “shut up.”

“What the fuck?” The anger in his tone has my head popping up quickly. He’s standing in front of the driver’s side door and his jaw is tight. My eyes land on a familiar object sitting on the hood and my mouth goes dry. It’s a MAC lipstick tube. I go and snatch it up, tipping it over and seeing it’s the exact shade I love.

My fingers tighten around the straps of my bag and my breathing increases, it can’t be mine. I drop my bag to the hood of the car, ripping it open and digging into its depths.

“Melly, we need to leave.”

My chest is heaving as my fingers search along the bottom of the purse, but I know it’s not going to be there.

“It’s mine.” My voice booms in my ears.

“What?” He’s seething.

“The lipstick, it’s mine.” How the fuck did they get it out of my purse? The last time I wore it was…

Was with Cordelia.

I stride over to him, as he continues to stare at the side of his car and stand beside him. The bright red of the lipstick shining vibrant against the black of the car.

“Is that a dick ice cube mold?” Ember exclaims as she rifles through the bags I brought from Saxon’s car. I’m still trying to let go of the lingering fear and anger.

We stopped at a gas station and Saxon washed the car, and I held the tube in my hand all the way here, asking myself, how?

“Yeah,” I chuckle, forcing myself to let it go. Saxon promised to take care of it.

“They should make pierced ones and then I could make Vin a personalized drink.” She winks at me.

“Ma!” Saxon screams from the backyard, “stop talking about Dad’s junk.”

“Wait,” I grin, “Vin has that, too?”

“What do you mean, ‘too’?” Her eyes narrow and she looks hella scary.

“Nothing.” I squeak but it’s too late, she’s already striding outside.

“Did you pierce your dick?” She screams to her son.

“Fuck,” I groan and grab the bags.

“Ma!” Saxon claps his hands, “will you lay off the junk questions?”

“Saxon Emmett Greene!” I cringe at her use of his full name, “what the fuck were you thinking? That could’ve gotten infected!”

“Nah,” Vin says as he comes out to the backyard, “he came to me about it, I showed him how to clean his little guy right.”

“Oh my God,” I cover my mouth with my hand to try and hold in the laugh. The look of pure horror on Saxon’s face is about to send me into hysterics.

“That’s not true,” he shakes his head and looks at me, “I know how to clean my little guy.”

“He had the worst case of ball-rot; do you remember, baby?” Vin turns to Ember with a wink Saxon can’t see.

“The stench was out of this world.” She nods.

I know they’re playing him, but he doesn’t know I know. His face is shockingly pale, and it makes the freckles along his cheeks and nose stand out. He’s really so heart-achingly gorgeous.

“What the fuck are you two playing at?” He growls, “Amelia had her face close up to said balls earlier, she doesn’t believe a fucking word you’re saying.”

Both Vin and Ember look at me with shock lining their features, and I groan loudly.

“I guess it cleared up nicely then.” Ember snorts.

“Thank you so much for this, Amelia,” Ivy squeezes me in a tight hug, and I inhale her scent, it’s so uniquely her. She’s also drunk off the bowl of punch Ember laid out. Nana Jenna left behind a legacy of rum punch that makes your toes curl and opens your ovaries apparently.

We’ve been in the backyard since early afternoon and most of us are pickled already, save for Cat who’s beginning to show. I’ve been watching Ivy toss her envious looks all evening and it’s making me feel worse for my brother and his future wife. I know how badly they want a child and Ivy admitted to me today, they’re starting the in-vitro process after the wedding.

“She’s glowing.” Ivy whispers, her words soaked in pain. “She looks absolutely beautiful.”

I follow her sight to Cat and swallow hard, “yeah.” My hold tightens on her, “you will too one day.”

“Do you think so?”

“I know so.”

“Ladies,” Vin steps into the backyard, “how about you guys hop in this limo bus with us and crash the guys’ bachelor party?”


I left the decorating up to Carmelo and Cameron, and if those two have fucked it up, I will castrate them as the main event for the evening. This needs to go exactly as planned.

“Nice, we’re having my party at General Grady’s?” Neil gives me a pointed look and a raised brow. It’s an adult only place, given it’s a bar, so some of my cousins had to stay home. Gabe moaned about it for hours.

“I thought it would be more fun than the fucking community center, unless you really were looking forward to Loretta?”

“Fuck off,” he mutters.

“I rented out that big ass room in the back, although tonight is karaoke night if we want to give that a go later.”

The line for General Grady’s is around the fucking block and even though I teased the girls about a strip joint, I wasn’t too far off with how some of these ladies are dressed.

“Damn,” Neil whistles under his breath when he sees the same thing.

We head around back where the rented room has its own entrance and I stop Neil with a hand to his chest.

“Listen, I know we don’t do drugs, but I thought tonight might be an exception.”

“I’m not doing blow.” He tips his head back with a groan.

“No, not coke,” I pull the baggy of pills out of my pocket, “Molly.”

“You want to take fucking Molly? At my bachelor party?” His eyes are wide.

“Sure,” I shrug, “if we’re feeling it.”

“Nah,” he chuckles, “I’m good, I’ll stick to shots.”

“Alright,” I grab the handle of the door, “let’s get this night started.”

The door opens and we step inside; the room is pitch-black, and we can hear the muffled sounds of karaoke in the main bar area. The door behind us shuts with a resounding thud and then someone turns on the lights, the bright fluorescents making me blink.

“Happy last day of freedom,” all the guys scream, and I finally blink my vision clear.


They’re everywhere.

Now, I’ll admit, I might’ve gone a bit far, but no expense was spared for my boy. There are large inflatable penises in the corners, penis cups with penis straws next to a large bowl of Nana Jenna’s punch—I asked Mom to make it. There’s a large banner across the far wall that says Neil’s Bachelorette Party and the whole place is littered with penis balloons and confetti. The boys did good.

“What the fuck is this?” Neil looks at me aghast.

One of his buddies from when they went to university approaches and drapes a sash over his head with a chuckle, Bride to be. A few flashes go off as his friends from work and school take pictures of him in his sash with a look of shock on his face. Carmelo and Cameron approach, both of them sporting shit-eating grins.

“I know you two had something to do with this,” Neil flicks the sash against his chest and then points around the room. I’m honestly surprised he hasn’t ripped it off yet.

“Not our idea,” they both say at the same time. Fucking incestuous cunts throwing me under the bus.

“I need a drink,” Neil grumbles as he storms off to the small bar in the corner, ripping the sash over his head.

“You two dick rubbing assholes sold me out.” I snap at them, and Carmelo snorts.

“Bro, he’s going to know this was all you.”

“Whatever,” I huff and head for Nana Jenna’s punch. “I’m getting fucked up.”

Two hours later and some of the guys are drunk enough to chase each other around with dick balloons. But Neil? Still a broody little bitch in the corner. Him acting like this, is the exact reason why he got a bachelorette instead of a bachelor party. I pull the baggy out of my pocket and head for Nana Jenna’s punch, I’m about to spice this shit up a bit.

I grab a glass bottle of water from the table and use it to grind the pills into powder. I should’ve known he would act like a little bitch when he saw everything, but I really thought he’d be over it by now. The place is filled with men, alcohol, and all things praising the male anatomy. When these little bitches were ready, I thought we could wander out into the main area, but now they’ve pissed me off. Sure, the fuckers running around trying to hump each other with dick balloons are amusing, but it’s not enough.

The powder drops into the punch, and I give it a good swirl with the ladle. It’s time to really get this party started.

“Are you dipping into Nana Jenna’s punch?” Carmelo asks as he comes up behind me.

“I think we need to distribute glasses of this around the place.” I start portioning it out into the dick cups. “Make everyone drink it, this party's boring as shit.”

“On it,” Carmelo snickers and grabs up a few cups.

“Let everyone know I’m making a fucking toast.” I snarl.

“You got it.” He chuckles and distributes the cups.

When everyone has one, he gives me a nod and I stand on a chair, holding the cup up in the air.

“Thank you everyone for coming to Neil’s celebration for the last vestiges of his freedom,” the room erupts into cheers, and I begin to see a small smile forming on his lips, “yes, I threw him a bachelorette party and decorated the place in dicks, it’s just a reminder for him to keep a firm grip on his own.” Again, loud cheers ring out and that small smile of his grows, “I asked for this punch to be made tonight because it was my Nana Jenna’s recipe. Some of you might remember her and for those of you who never knew her, this is your introduction.” I hold up the glass, “she would’ve wanted to be here, and I could think of no other way to honour her and welcome Neil into my family officially. Cheers!”

Every single person downs their cup, including my pissy future brother-in-law. Now it's just a waiting game and then this gathering of shrivelled sausages can really take off. I invited the older dudes too, but asked them to let us younger guys party a bit before they show up with their grey hairs and George Clooney charms.

Fifteen minutes later and I can feel the tips of my fingers begin to tingle, a slight electrical zip that begins to roll up over the knuckles, then consumes my hands whole. I lift one up in front of my face and grin when it vibrates. My hand is vibrating, and the electrical jolt is working its way up my arms. I finally pull my eyes away from my limb and look around the room, the guys are all looking slightly confused as they try to focus.

I jump up from my chair and head to the door that opens up into the main bar. I pull the thick soundproof door open and the sounds of screeching females trying to sing a Halsey song assaults my ears.

“Holy fuck,” the door slams shut again, “that’s torture.”

“The fuck was that?” Neil booms as he stands abruptly. “That sounded like the mating call of a hyena.”

“I don’t understand how you would know that…” I’m shaking my head, but the room’s volume skyrockets as all the guys start talking at once. Does he watch the Discovery Channel? Should I watch the Discovery Channel? Maybe a hyena’s mating call is something I’ll need to know in the future.

“Sax!” Neil plows into me, his arm landing around my shoulders. “Nana Jenna needs to be memorialized forever. This punch!” He holds up a cup, “we should make her a statue.”

Did he get another cup? “Wait,” my fingers grasp his swaying hand, “did you get more?”

“Those girls need to hear how it’s really done!” Carmelo exclaims as he grabs Cameron, hauling him over to me and Neil. “Let’s rip their hearts out!”

“Like literally?” That’s a little extreme, especially coming from Carmelo, he wants to save everyone.

“Do you guys feel weird?” Neil runs his hand down the front of my shirt, “what is this? Cashmere?”

“I think it’s a polyester blend,” my hand runs down next to his over my green shirt, it does feel nice.

“It’s got like a real smooth finish,” Cameron husks out as his hand rubs down my back, “like silky.”

“You guys look ready to hump Saxon’s shirt.” Carmelo snorts and we all pull out of our thoughts. “I’m working up from a chub to a full-blown tent rod here watching you three.”

“A tent—for one—rod.” Neil snickers and Cameron howls.

“The fuck you finding funny?” Carmelo grabs his shoulder, “he needs his nipples worked before his little guy appears.”

“This is too much,” I shake my head. “I’m so fucking thirsty.”

“Yeah, my tongue is like cardboard,” Neil exclaims as he sticks it out.

We head to the table with Nana Jenna’s punch and find many of the guys doing the same, watching as they chug down water. We each grab one and someone opens the door to the Safari, letting in the screams of a chimpanzee.

“We really should go sing something.” Cameron muses.

“We’re not a fucking boy band.” Neil sneers with a snort.

“But we fucking could be!” Carmelo hops on the balls of his feet. Is he wearing croc skin shoes? Or is it snakeskin? I bend down and grab his ankle, bringing the dark green leather to my face.

“Is this snake?” His face is startled.

“No,” he bends to get a better look too, “I think it’s just a pattern, Cat got them.”

“Cat would totally put snakeskin on you.” Cameron laughs.

“You have such shiny curls,” Neil grabs my hair and stretches it out, letting it bounce back to my scalp, “Ivy’s is more of a messy mass of waves, but yours,” he pulls another one, “they’re so cute. Do you use shea butter?”

“With a coconut oil blend,” I nod and take a drink of water, “smell it, it’s fucking divine.”

All three tip their heads in, taking long sniffs, and then moan in unison. Kind of like a boy band, so in sync.


“✩NSYNC!” I bellow, and they jump simultaneously, we even got the moves down. “Let’s go sing ✩NSYNC.”

“Yes!” Neil snaps his fingers and heads to the door, “where’s my fucking sash!” The three of us watch in shock as he fights with the satin material, trying to pull it over his head, and wrestling it into place. “Let’s go fuckers!”

“Guys,” I grab both Cameron and Carmelo, “the punch may be spiked.”

“You can’t spike that punch bro, it’s as spiked as it can get.” Cameron shrugs me off.

“No,” I shake my head, suddenly nervous for Neil, “with Molly, and Neil’s had two cups.”

“Oh, fuck yes!” Cameron pumps his fist, “no wonder he’s fucking fun.” Then he chases after him.

“I should be pissed at you,” Carmelo gives me a goofy grin, “but all I want to do is love you.” He wraps his arms around my chest, “best cousin ever.”

“Let’s go,” I wiggle out of his grip, “I’m a little worried about Neil.” I grab his wrist and gasp at the silkiness of his skin. “You feel so soft,” then hold his hand up, “like a baby kitten.”

“I use Cat’s cocoa butter cream.” He holds his finger to his mouth but misses and the digit pushes up his nose to the first knuckle. That had to hurt, but he yanks it out and carries on, “don’t tell.”

We follow a few of the other guys through the door and out into the main area. I look around for Neil when Carmelo says, “oh, fuck.”

On the stage is a small group of girls attempting to sing a song and I find Neil and Cameron standing behind them, Neil looking real impatient as he taps his foot. I push my way through people to get to the bar, dragging my slow ass cousin behind me as he apologizes to everyone.

We bypass the line for the stage, the people standing in it are hollering out and cursing us for cutting the line, too. Fuck, we’re going to start a riot. The girls standing at the mics croon out the last tune and Neil strides forward, pushing them out of the way. He grabs the mic just as Carmelo and I get on stage, and I curse under my breath. If Ivy finds out about this, I’m fucked.

“Hey everyone!” He screams into the mic and we all cringe at the noise. “We need to sing next because see this,” he points at the fucking sash, “there’s a typo, but I’m the husband to be.” He’s beginning to win a few people over as they laugh and cheer, then he turns to the DJ, “play that shit!”

“Play what shit?” I grab Cameron just as Neil sings, “It’s tearin’ up my heart when I’m with you.”

Excitement gathers inside of me as I run to grab the next mic, while Cameron and Carmelo grab extras from the DJ. The beat picks up and all of us jump around the stage, trying our best to harmonize with Neil. He sings like a fucking donkey getting an anal exam, this shit isn’t easy.

When the next verse starts, I knock Neil out of the way and take center stage, right where my talent belongs. I’m bobbing back and forth, gyrating my hips, and then look down to see Ivy, Amelia, Cat, Mom, Aunt Adri, and even my grandma Sharla.

The words freeze in my throat as I stare down into their laughing faces and Cameron shoves me aside to take over, uncaring of his audience. But that wasn’t the shit that freaked me out the most, all of them are holding penis cups, save for Cat, obviously. Even Dad, Uncle Travis, Uncle Emmett, Uncle Tommy, and Trent are tipping back penis cups.

Penis cups filled with red punch.

Cameron is fumbling up the words because he doesn’t fucking know them, and Carmelo begins to moan into the mic like a fucking cat in heat. Neil works his way up to front and center, standing over his bride to be and grinning down at her.

“Yaaassss!” Ivy screams up at him, “who’s that sexy bride to be?”

“I’m the sexy bride to be,” Neil croons into the mic, going along with the beat, “who wants this sexy ass bride?” His hand skims down his stomach and he grabs his junk through his pants, pumping his groin out to his screaming groupies. Amelia looks like she’s going to be sick.

I’m feeling how she looks, and haven’t moved an inch from this spot, I’m just staring at them all drinking from those penis cups. Their throats working as the Molly punch is gulped down. I’m in so much shit.

“Is he masturbating to his fiancée?” Cameron says into the mic and then a loud scuff sounds as Carmelo covers it for him.

“You’re talking into the mic, you fucking idiot.” He says into his own. “His ass looks good in those jeans, are they from the Gap?”

My stomach drops when I find my dad handing his empty cup to Mom and then he’s slapping Travis’ chest, pointing to the stage. The way the light reflects off the dark golden colour of his dreads is mesmerizing; has he been using my hair products? I’m going to have to smell him to find out.

My dad, Uncle Travis, Uncle Emmett, and Uncle Tommy hop up on stage, and they each grab our mics, shoving all of us to the side.

“Hey!” My dad’s deep voice speaks into the mic and it’s like buttery velvet, putting me in a trance as I sit at the edge of the stage. “My new son-in-law really gave it a shot, but what the fuck was that?” The crowd screams as I roll my eyes, “I’m really thinking about disowning my only son after that as well.” The crowd breaks out into laughter as I turn a shocked face to my father.

He’s so tall.

Hands skim up my thighs, and I find Amelia between my legs, her laughing face making my lips curl upwards. She’s really pretty. Her exotic features are so gorgeous, and her skin is so smooth. I run my finger through her curls and then down her forehead as my dad begins to sing.

“This is how we do it.” He croons into the mic, and I turn a shocked face toward him once again, feeling something wet on the end of my finger. I love Montel Jordan.

“This is how we do it.” My uncles back him up, and I’m staring up at them singing perfectly on key, the melody sinking into my body, and their movements are like silk moving in the breeze. Who are they?

I get a swift punch to the gut and look down at Amelia, her hand is covering her eye and she’s glaring at me with the other one. I lift my brow, and she screams at me over the perfect blend of voices behind me.

“You poked me in the eye!”

I mouth sorry to her, and her arms wrap back around my waist, her fingers skimming up under my shirt. My dad is behind me singing about Friday night and my mother is looking up at him like he’s a god, there’s no going home tonight. I look back up to my dad just as his shirt wraps around my head. Is he getting naked?

Oh, he’s wearing a nice cologne, I press the material harder into my face, and the groan that leaves me is guttural, how do they make things smell like that? Scientists are like magicians. The shirt is ripped off my face and I find a laughing Amelia, jeez she’s so pretty. Her teeth are so straight, and her eye teeth are a little extra pointy, like a Cullen from Twilight. I always had a thing for the vampire mother, she was hot.

Maybe Amelia will bite me.

The crowd of women start screaming and Amelia is covering her eyes. Behind me, Neil and the guys have joined my dad and uncles on stage. They’re all quickly chucking their clothes and I groan, needing to get away from them before I’m forced into doing the same thing.

I hop down off the stage and grab Amelia’s hand, yanking her away from my musical, stripping family. We pass behind Ivy and my mother, both screaming for their men to take it off. I’m really in so much shit tomorrow when they realize what’s wrong with them. I drag her into the room we rented, and she suddenly starts laughing hysterically.

“This is what you had delivered.” She points around at the many penises and I grin at her.

“Yeah, I threw him a bachelorette.” She’s still laughing as I head to the punch bowl, finding it empty. They’re all really going to kill me tomorrow. “How are you feeling?” I spin around and find her right there, her breath fanning my neck and her golden curls framing her face.

“Like I want you to touch me in places I thought I’d only want girls to.” She admits, “why do I like your cock so much,” she palms my cock, “but no others?”

“You tried another cock?” I growl down at her, and she shakes her head, the cascade of curls moving like they’re underwater.

“No, I don’t even want to think of another cock.”

“Good girl.” I kiss the top of her head and moan into how soft her hair is, “fuck, why are you so soft everywhere?”

She giggles and continues to rub me through my pants while I rub my face into her hair.

“You guys are going to be so mad at me tomorrow.” I murmur, spitting out her hair from my mouth.

“Why?” Her grip tightens, and I jerk into her hand, ready to fucking cum in my pants.

“I spiked the punch with Molly.”

She giggles again and it sounds musical, like a wind chime in a slight breeze. “Is that your mom?”

My body freezes and my eyes quickly scan the room, I really don’t need my mom seeing Amelia shifting my gear stick. “What?” I look down at her when I don't spot my mother, is she rolling that hard?

“Singing.” She giggles again, and I listen closely.

You down with OPP?” and then the crowd screams back “yeah, you know me.

“We need to leave.” I grab her hand and haul her to the side exit.

“We can’t drive if you’ve drugged us.” She huffs.

“Where do we go?” I spot a hotel sign down the street. I continue pulling her down the street behind me as she oh’s and aw’s over the colour of trees and flowers she sees along the way. She’s enjoying the Molly now, but come tomorrow, I might just be missing a set of balls.

“Are we going to a hotel?” She gasps as we walk in the lobby.

“Sweetheart, we are already at the hotel.”

“I love that,” she literally purrs into my ear as we approach the man at the desk, “sweetheart.”

“Hey,” I nod at the guy and try not to be distracted by his colourful shirt, swirls of blues and purples, mingles with gray and black. How? The design is simple yet so complex.

“Can I help you?” He looks from me to Amelia, distaste lining his features. It’s probably because Amelia is practically humping my leg and petting my chest, talking about my muscles.

“We need a room for the night.” I manage to force out as the colours on his shirt begin to move.

“We’re not a by the hour establishment.” He snarls.

“Hey!” Amelia’s palm hits the desk and both the dude and I startle, “we’re here for the night, you colourful donkey.”

Colourful donkey?

I scrutinize the man closer and see where she’s getting the comparison. He’s a bit lanky and his front teeth protrude just the slightest bit, but enough to be noticeable.

I drop my card on the desk and he talks about only having a suite available, it’s probably bullshit but whatever. Once we have our keys, I drag a glowering Amelia to the elevators, pressing the button and trying not to laugh at her continuing to growl over her shoulder.

“He thought I was a hooker.” She snarls.

“Stop being so sexist,” I tsk and bury my face in her curls, “maybe he thought I was the hooker.”

She begins to giggle and she’s right back to feeling me up, this time her tiny hand slips up under the shirt. The elevator opens and we scurry inside, hitting the floor button. Just as the doors close, Amelia has me shoved against the side of the elevator and undoing my belt. I watch her in awe of how fast her hands are working and how shiny the black polish is on each pointed nail. She never paints her nails.

“These are nice,” I hold them up and twist around her wrist.

“Ivy did them today,” she blushes, and my dick hardens. “Do you really like them?”

“I think they’re going to look marvelous wrapped around the only cock you think of.”

She snickers again and her hand dips into my pants to grab said cock just as the doors open. Luckily, it’s late and we don’t have an audience because she has me out of my pants and stroking me before we even get to the door. The feel of her satin skin gripping my hard flesh is intoxicating and I’m so close to slipping down the wall and sitting on the floor, not needing the privacy of our room.

“Give me the key,” she breathes into my neck, and I give it to her, unable to form thoughts.

She opens the door and now she’s the one hauling me behind her, her breathing sounding frenzied and shallow.

“Melly,” I sink both hands into her curls and bring her forehead into mine, “are you okay?”

“I really liked sweetheart, but you’re the only one to ever call me Melly.” She whispers. “I love that.”

She sniffles, and I pull away from her face, shocked to find tears running down her cheeks. “What did I do?”

“No,” she shakes her head, “it’s not you,” she scoffs and pulls away from me, “why doesn’t she love me back, Sax?”

“Cordelia?” I sound stupid but my brain’s processing is fucking slow right now and I’m still shocked to find Amelia crying while my cock is hanging out of my fucking pants.

“She hasn’t called me once; she hasn’t even texted me.” She lets out a sob and wraps her arms around her stomach, as if to hold herself together, “why? Why do the people I fall in love with leave me?”

My anger is hot and fast, but not for Melly. For the woman who professed her love to me for Amelia, for the woman who told me she wanted to fix everything and yet, she’s done nothing to start the process. I’ve given them both the space I thought they needed to mend what has been broken, but maybe space isn’t the answer, maybe they both need me to take the first step for them.

The thing is, as I stand here watching Amelia sob and cry into her hands, the force of her cries wracking her body, I’m at a loss for words. I can usually bring logic to people hurting, showing them how emotions cloud their thoughts, and confuses feelings. But I’m standing here and witnessing just how much pain my best friend is consumed with, and how much she kept inside. I don’t want to push it away with logic, or to find a way to make her feel better. Instead, I’m going to hold her, and show her not everyone leaves.

I grab her hand and lead her to the bed, pulling off her clothes. When she’s down to her bra and panties, I pull back the covers and get between the sheets, guiding her in with me and enveloping her in my warmth.