Saxon’s Distortion by C.A. Rene


It’s beginning to drizzle, the tiny droplets hitting my face and hair, causing the beginnings of chaos. My hair will frizz, my makeup will run, and I’ll look worse than I already feel. Which is impossible.

The Greene estate—there’s no way this is just a house—is bustling with activity. People are going in and out, I can hear laughing all the way out here on the sidewalk. It’s nearing four in the afternoon and the wedding ceremony is done, now they’re starting the reception. Saxon texted me the itinerary with the message not to fuck up this time. Amelia is here, and he assures me she still wants me, but I need to make a grand statement. Like in those horrendous eighty’s movies. He had said. Get a boombox, Cordelia.

I know what type of movies he’s talking about, and no, I didn’t bring a boombox. Making a grand statement feels way out of my element, but I’m ready to put a label on us, if she’ll still have me. I smooth down the front of my white, lace dress. It’s modest, hitting my knee, and sleeveless. The inside layer is a peach colour which brings out the undertones in my skin. I want to look nice; I want her to still want me. The white six-inch peep toe heels that adorn my feet are already making my feet burn as I begin the trek up the driveway. I’m betting Saxon is watching me too, I didn’t miss the cameras installed on top of the fence.

Just as I reach the front door, it’s opened wide, and out walks my every dream come to life. Amelia looks ethereal in a long, creamy peach gown and her hair up in an intricate updo, peppered with daisies. There’s a slit stopping at mid-thigh and just the sight of her rich, tanned skin makes my mouth water. She has on white strappy heels, and her makeup is peach tones, making her unique eyes flare. Her arms cross over her chest, accentuating the sweetheart neckline of her dress, and pushing her cleavage together.

“What are you doing here, Cory?”

“Saxon told me today is his sister’s wedding.” I clear my throat, “and that you would be here. You look stunning.”

“He told me,” She nods. “But I’m asking you, what are you doing here?”

Not only can I hear the anger fresh in her tone, but also the pain riding just underneath, I hurt her.

“I’m sorry,” my throat begins to seal up, “I should’ve told you about Adrianna, but I wasn’t even sure myself yet.”

“It’s not just that,” she shakes her head and steps down from the stoop. “The whole getting to know me, being with me, fucking me, felt like an act. Like I was only there for you to get closer to your sister.”

“No.” I hold my hands out, just as the drops become heavier, “I didn’t know you were in any way connected to her. I didn’t even know who she was until that day you came over. I had just learnt her name.”

“Saxon said.” She says quietly and looks to the ground.


“Someone followed me the night I left your house, a lipstick was stolen from my purse, and I just don’t know.” She pierces me with her eyes.

“Someone was following you?” My heart stalls in my chest, fear clawing its way upward, “are you sure?”

“Yes,” her eyes narrow on me, “it wasn’t the only time. Cory, I need to know everything, because right now, I’m having a hard time believing you.”

“I never lied to you,” I shake my head, feeling the strands of my hair spraying with rain, “I didn’t tell you some things, but never lied.”

“Did you go through my bag? Did you take my lipstick?” I don’t understand what she’s asking, and she must see the confusion on my face. “The last place I had it was with you.”

“Maybe it fell out?” I don’t know why she’s accusing me of stealing a lipstick, “I wouldn’t take a lipstick from you, Amelia.”

“It was used to write a message on Saxon’s car.” She admits, and I gasp.

“You think I’ve been stalking you? That I’m the one writing those terrible things you told me about?”

“Can you two come inside?” Saxon appears at the door, “you both look like drowned rats, and Amelia, you have a speech to make.”

“Shit.” She mumbles and heads inside.

“Let’s go, Librarian,” he grins.

Amelia goes straight upstairs and Saxon motions for me to follow him into the kitchen. I can hear the string band outside, the laughter of happy guests, and the clinking of wine glasses. I really feel like I shouldn’t be here.

“You have that panicked look again,” he says as he comes out of the small washroom, tossing me a towel.

“She thinks I’m stalking you two.” I reveal as I pull my hair out of the twist and pat it dry.

“No,” he leans on the counter and for the first time, I notice he’s wearing a suit. Black with a peach dress shirt and a black tie. His hair is glistening, and the curls are defined, no frizz. Even his facial hair is groomed to perfection, he looks really nice. “I don’t think she really believes that. Stop looking at me like that, Librarian. Or else I’ll bend you over this counter and convert another lesbian.”

“Oh my God,” I roll my eyes. “I’m not the one stalking her.”

“I know.” He smiles.

Laughter grows outside and anxiety pools in my stomach, my sister is out there. “How was the wedding?”

“It was great.” He gives me a pointed look, “you were invited.’

“I know.” My hands wring together, “it’s a bit much. To go from no family to a huge family. I didn’t just gain a sister.”

“I get it.” He nods. “She’s been waiting for you, though.”


“Her, too.” He winks just as Amelia comes into the kitchen.

“I’m ready.”

She’s more than ready, she’s radiant. Her hair put perfectly back in place, her makeup touched up, and her body in that gorgeous dress, she’s the epitome of my every desire.

“Will you join us?” Saxon asks me, breaking me out of my thoughts.

“Okay,” my voice squeaks and I clear my throat. I’m so nervous.

He gives me a nod and looks from Amelia back to me, seeing the stare down. He walks away and out to the backyard, leaving us alone in the kitchen.

“I’m so sorry.” I croak as my throat tightens with fear, the thought of losing her becoming too much.

“I know,” she steps closer, her hand settling against my cheek, “I can see the sincerity in your eyes. But Cory,” she bites into her bottom lip, “why did you wait so long?”

“I’m scared of literally everything,” I admit. “After meeting Adrianna and this family,” I motion my hand around the house, “I was feeling so overwhelmed. I’ve always been alone.”

My eyes fill with tears and her face blurs as my vision succumbs to the watery haze. Just because I became so accustomed to being alone, didn’t mean I wanted to stay that way. It feels good to finally have people who care, and one of them is standing in front of me, her love shining through those amber eyes.

“If your need to escape people becomes too much, make sure you take me with you next time. Because Cory, this is real for me, you and me. It’s so real and I can’t take you crushing me again.”

“Okay,” my voice breaks just as the door to the backyard opens.

“Amelia?” A woman who resembles Amelia stands there, looking at us both curiously. “They’re ready for speeches.”

“Okay, Mom.” Amelia says but her eyes don’t leave mine. The woman gives us another curious perusal and steps back out.

“They’ll think I’m too old for you.” I whisper.

“Too bad.” She grins and finally leans in, pressing her soft lips to mine. She pulls back just as my lips part. “Will you come outside with me?” Her fingers link through mine and I swallow back the fear.


This is it. A proclamation of our relationship, a statement. Maybe even a grand one. I twist my hair back up and secure it with a clip, making myself a bit more presentable.

“You look beautiful, Cory.” She breathes and I can feel my cheeks heat. I can’t believe there was ever a time I hated her calling me that.

I link our fingers back together and give her a gentle squeeze, “I’m ready.” It means so much more than how she takes it. I’m ready for this, and I’m ready for her. I’m ready to finally belong to someone without it being literal.

I’m dragged outside and into the backyard, the sight stealing my breath. It’s decorated with large, white rose garlands, two huge white tents, and twinkling white string lights, making everything look magical. The rain has stopped, and everyone is standing around, drinks in hand. Ivy looks like an angel glowing in pure white, her long dark hair hanging to her mid back, and her ocean eyes shining with happiness. Her dress is a strapless mermaid gown, wrapped with chiffon and satin.

Neil looks content as he sits in his seat, pulling his wife onto his lap, nuzzling her neck. Ember and Vin both look elated as they watch their children and when I rove my eyes over their table, my eyes land on Adrianna. Her near identical looks to my father give me pause, and when her eyes find mine, the smile is blinding.

“Cordelia!” She stands and waves, “come sit with us.” Her eyes travel until they see my hand securely in Amelia’s and her brows come together. This is it.

Amelia leans in and kisses my cheek, her lips grazing the corner of mine. Saxon is standing at the podium and taps the mic, “Melly, let the girlfriend go and get up here.”

“Of course, he would.” She growls, and a blush steals across her cheeks. “Are you going to sit with Adri?”

“I think so.” I whisper and look back to my sister. Her face is once again filled with happiness as she watches us.

“I’ll come get you afterward, and Cory?” I rotate to look into those glowing reddish-brown eyes, “you’re mine later.”

Then she releases my hand and heads to the podium with Saxon. I make my way to Adrianna, and she pulls out a chair to her right. “This was Emmett’s, but he disappeared when Nana Jenna’s punch made an appearance.” She chuckles.

“Hello, Cordelia,” her other husband Travis nods at me. I still can’t believe she has two.

“Hello.” I smile.

“How are you?” Adrianna leans in and covers my hand with her own.

“I’m good, thank you.”

“You and Amelia?” She questions just as Amelia’s voice comes through the mic.

“I knew this day would come the night my brother saw Ivy Greene down at the strip. He was angry, filled with hate, and yet, it was clear as day, he loved her. I was jealous.” She shrugs, and the crowd chuckles, “Ivy was my high school crush, and I was disappointed when she picked my stinky brother who chugs milk from the carton and belches instead of me.”

“He still does!” Ivy calls out.

“I bet,” Amelia says, and everyone is laughing again. “It was meant to be though, it really was, there isn’t another two people in this world that fit each other this perfectly, not yet anyway.” Her eyes search for me, “love barrels in and it consumes you, forcing you under its heavy spell. I have been lucky enough to witness its effects for the past eight years. I love you both and I wish you nothing but pure happiness.” She holds up her wineglass as everyone ooh’s and ah’s. We lift ours with the toast, and again, my chest is feeling heavy with emotion.

“My turn.” Saxon declares and shoves Amelia out of the way. “This single moment is the one and only reason I accepted being the best man.”

“Asshole.” Neil calls out.

“The bride looks stunning today,” Saxon begins, and a chorus of agreement circles the yard, “you too, Ivy.” Everyone erupts into laughter, and Neil’s face looks thunderous, “I remember being twelve years old and seeing my sister change. She had come home from boarding school a shell of the girl I remembered.” A hush settles over the guests, and I lean forward, completely sucked in by his words. “She was broken and sad, and I was afraid for her. But then one day, she had this light in her eyes I hadn’t seen in a long time. Something close to excitement and I wanted to know what put it there. Well guys, it wasn’t a what, it was a who. He showed up at our house a few times, looking like a lost puppy and begging for my friendship.”

“That’s not how it happened.” Neil yells. But Saxon continues as if he never spoke, making everyone chuckle.

“He was needy and clingy, whining all the time. I don’t even know how Ivy puts up with him.” He chuckles, “even through all that, he’s a great friend, and my only brother.” More awes. “Neil, I’m glad you never gave up, I’m glad you let your heart lead and not your head, and most of all, I’m glad you’re officially one of us now. Mi kitchen table es su kitchen table.” He holds up his glass as Neil’s face reddens and Ivy hoots with laughter, “to the couple I plan on growing old with.” More laughter, “now, can we get rid of the string songs and get the DJ bumping? These feet are itching to cut a floor the fuck up.”


We throw rice on my brother and his new bride, laughing as they run to their limo. They’re off to Jamaica for two weeks and I pray with every fibre of my being they conceive there. Maybe a bit of time away from the pressures of the real world will relax them and their bodies will take over.

Cory is off to the side speaking with Adri and her husbands as they also get ready to leave. They really don’t look anything alike, and the thought sends something close to doubt trickling down my spine. They had a DNA test, it was done at the Greene’s private clinic, I know it’s legit. It’s just looking at them, there’s no resemblance.

“Are you staying the night?” Saxon’s mouth touches my neck and I gasp. He’s been drinking and he’s been touchy with me all evening. Thankfully, this whole family is used to polyamory relationships because no one batted an eye to me kissing Cory and then Saxon touching me.

“Can Cory stay, too?” I want to be with him, but I also want to spend the night with her.

“I was hoping you’d ask that.” He chuckles.

Cory looks our way and whatever she sees in my eyes causes her to blush. Adri hugs her and they say their goodbyes. Just as Ember and Vin brush by us, both with suitcases.

“Where the fuck are you going?” Saxon growls, and his father turns with a grin, so similar to his son’s.

“Your mother and I are finally taking a vacation, too. You can handle shit, I’m sure.” Saxon gets a pointed look.

“Yeah,” Saxon’s voice is softer. “Yeah, everything will be fine.”

“Dahlia is staying at Travis’.” Vin says just as Gabe and Dahlia come outside.

I was shocked when the playboy of Precious Blood showed up without a date. I was sure he’d show up with two girls on his arms and show off to everyone. Instead, he came solo, remained quiet when people questioned his lack of a date, and was pretty reserved the rest of the night.

“Take care of her.” Saxon says as he drags Dahlia into his chest for a hug.

“You know I will.” Gabe nods.

We watch everyone slowly leave and Cory comes to stand beside me, her hand slipping into mine. She’s not affected by Saxon pressed to my back and for the first time I feel hopeful. Will I be able to have them both?

About thirty minutes later, all the guests have left, Carmelo, Cameron, and Cat being the last ones. They’re on their way back to New York, taking their jet. I watched the exchange between them and Saxon, and it looked a bit tense. Saxon closes the gates, and we go back inside, the relief of having the both of them here is making me feel lighter and stress-free.

“There’s a guest bedroom across from mine,” Saxon says as he climbs the stairs. “And Ivy’s room has some clothes you can raid.” He stops at the top of the stairs and looks down at us, slowly undoing the buttons on his dress shirt. “Be in my room in twenty minutes.”

I look at Cory and find a slight panic there, the look making my stomach flip. I don’t want to force her into anything, but I don’t think I could choose between her and Saxon. I don’t want to choose between my heart and my soul. She searches my face and I watch as hers morphs into determination.

“See you then,” she answers him, while her eyes never leave mine.

Saxon walks off to his bedroom but we don’t move, “we don’t have to.”

“I know,” she grabs my hand and pulls me up the stairs behind her. “But I can’t make you choose, not when he’s been your rock while I’ve stayed away.”

I lead her to the guestroom I’ve stayed in plenty of times and point out the washroom.

“You can go first,” I’m suddenly feeling nervous.

“Come with me,” she breathes as she undoes her dress and lets it drop. The lacey material gathers around her feet.

She’s wearing a white lace bra and panties, she’s always matching. I reach behind me and yank down the zipper on my dress, letting it also pool around my feet. I didn’t wear a bra today and I feel the weight of my breasts as the dress falls.

“You’re so beautiful.” She sighs and takes a step toward me, “like an angel, so pure and perfect. I don’t want to sully you with the filth that coats my soul.”

“There’s no filth,” I grab her upper arms and bring her into me, our chests touching, “I can see your soul, Cory. And it shines brilliantly with every colour.”

Her hands find my hips, and she pulls on me, closing the remaining gap between us. Her mouth is a breadth’s width from mine, and the corners sink with her grin. My eyes travel up until I’m looking into her icy irises, and what I find takes my breath away.

“Yeah,” she nods slightly, the movement brushing her lips with mine, “I love you, Amelia Jones.”

“Really?” My voice shakes with disbelief. I feel like this is all a dream, the moment I give in and accept the love I’m being offered, it’ll all disappear.

“Completely.” She nods, her nose touching mine, “regardless of how we are perceived by anyone. I will love you forever, Amelia.”

“I love you, too.” It comes out choppy and coarse, tears hitting my cheeks. But I mean it, I am in love with Cordelia Edwards.

Her lips finally press to mine, and I moan, her taste so familiar and yet brand new. It’s different because this time, she’s all mine. Her tongue slips between my teeth to tangle with mine and her hands glide up my sides, then she’s palming my breasts. My hands fall to her waist, dragging her in closer. Then circling around to grip the globes of her ass, my fingers biting into her flesh. She moans into my mouth, and I nip at her bottom lip.

“Shower,” she whispers, “he’ll come looking for us.”

I chuckle and nod. Yeah, Saxon will have no problem coming in here and dragging us both out. He takes what he wants and tonight, it’s the both of us.

I drag us into the washroom, Cory giggling as I swat her ass. I bend to turn on the shower, and the corner of my eye catches her shimming out of her underwear, her delicate, white painted toes kicking them aside. The steam begins to collect, and its residue coats my skin, the heat only ramping higher as she throws her bra to the side. Her body is shimmering in the low washroom lighting, and as the steam billows around us, her chest heaving with anticipation.

Then her body is colliding with mine, her lips fighting mine, and her tongue thrashing into my mouth. It’s feral and smeared in lust, but this is our love. I’m shoved into the shower stall, my back hitting the tile and I suck in a breath when Cory drops to her knees. Her fingers hook into my soaking wet thong, and she drags it down my thighs, leaning in to kiss my protruding pubic bone. Her tongue swipes out and starts descending as she pulls my thong all the way down and off.

She grabs my calf, her nails sinking into my wet flesh and forces my knee to bend, opening my core to her eager tongue. She sucks as much of me as she can into her mouth, her tongue dragging over my folds, collecting my juices, and groaning when my taste hits her. My head hits the wall with a loud whimper, and when she latches onto my clit, my thighs squeeze of their own accord.

“Uh,” she snickers. “These stay open,” she pulls my leg over her shoulder, and she looks up at me reverently.

“Fuck, Cory,” A sob works its way up my throat.

Two fingers slip inside me, curling to the front, and her nails scrape along the small spot inside me, the spot that has me instantly on the edge. It’s been so long without her, this feeling, and her presence.

“Are you going to come for me, Amelia?” I love how she says my name. The way her tongue rolls over the lia, fucking pure bliss.

“Yes,” it’s high-pitched as my body tightens and my stomach coils. I clench around her fingers, and my back arches off the tile as light explodes behind my closed lids. My pussy pulses around her as she continues to suck my clit into her mouth.

She doesn’t stop until I’m pushing her off and sobbing from the sensitivity alone. She stands up and grips my face between her hands, forcing me to look at her. She looks content, the happiest I’ve witnessed and then she’s forcing me to taste myself as she devours my mouth. I rip my mouth from hers and wrap my hand around the delicate column of her throat, squeezing as I spin us around. I push her into the tiled wall and her eyes become hooded with desire.

“I’m still angry, my sweet Cory.” I tighten my hold on her throat and her mouth opens in surprise. “You tried to deny this, and that pisses me off.” I release her throat and grin as she sucks in a breath. “Now, let me show you just what you’ll be missing if you pull that shit again.”

My mouth skims down her throat and over her chest, making her curve outward. Her tits are perfect and begging for my mouth, so I wrap my lips around her pink nipple. I sink my teeth into her sensitive peak, and she moans through the pain. Good girl.

I continue down her stomach, dipping my tongue into her belly button, and pushing her legs open with my hand. She’s dripping down her thighs, soaked for me, and only me. I spread her open, and run my tongue along her slit, tasting her. My fingers spread her further as my mouth sucks her clit inside and my tongue circles it. She begins to tremble as I sink three fingers inside her, making her cry out my name. She’s so wet and warm, her pussy clamping around me tight, making movement hard.

“Amelia,” the way she says it has my eyes rolling back, “I’m coming.” I know she is but I’m not leaving her clit alone. She detonates around me and her pussy pulses, sucking my fingers inside her. She’s moaning my name, making it sound like a prayer, and when I finally release her, she drops to her knees in front of me.

“I gave you both twenty-six minutes,” Saxon calls out from the room, “and as much as I’m enjoying the soundtrack, I’m feeling really neglected.”

I laugh as Cordelia’s smirking mouth lands on mine, “let’s not disappoint him,” she whispers.

“Are you sure?”

“Yes.” She says it with conviction and pulls me up to standing with her. We turn off the water and step out of the stall, grabbing towels.

“We didn’t even bathe.” I point out.

She snorts as she wraps the towel around her body and shakes out her hair. “It wasn’t a priority.” She winks, and I laugh again.

“Twenty-eight minutes.” He calls out.

We step out of the washroom, Cory ahead of me, and Saxon is lying on the bed, in his boxers. He throws something at Cory, and she catches it, looking down with a startled laugh.

“What the hell?” She chokes out.

“What is it?” I finally rip my eyes away from his bunching abs.

“Something I picked up on our visit to the sex shop.” He smirks.

Cordelia holds the item up and turns to face me. “I’m wearing this.”

Shock rips through me as I stare at a large strap-on, the contraption looking complicated and if I’m being honest, scary.

“I was hoping for that,” Saxon says as he sits up, “that way we can both be inside of her,” I turn to look at his mischievous face, “at the same time.”

At the same time?

I’m not stupid, I know what that means. But I’m fucking scared. I just lost my virginity to Saxon, so he must know my ass has never been… used for that.

He sees the worry on my face, I mean how could he not? It’s pulsing through me the longer I stare at the contraption in Cory’s hands. He dumps a bag out in the bed, and I stare down at different bottles of lube.

“With this shit,” he lifts up a few bottles, “you’re going to love it.” He gives me that sexy wink of his.

Cordelia drops her towel and Saxon gives her a perfunctory glance over, but his eyes come back to me, darkening when he catches me biting into my bottom lip.

“Amelia,” his voice is stern, “stop overthinking and drop the fucking towel.”

I let the terry cloth fall from my hands and his groan is audible throughout the room. My nipples tighten under his heated gaze, and I step in front of Cory, holding out the straps.

“You have to step into these holes.” My voice is squeaky, but I can’t deny I’m excited to have them both, at the same time.

She takes the strap-on from me, doing as I instructed. Suddenly, Saxon’s arms circle my waist from behind and his hand skims down over my pussy.

“Well, well,” he chuckles, “looks like you’re already primed. Cordelia deserves some praise.”

“Thank you, Saxon.” She smiles at him while she’s tightening the biggest dildo I’ve ever seen to her body.

“How big is that?” I whisper. “Saxon, that’s not going anywhere near my ass.”

He groans so loud and grabs the globes of my ass, biting into the flesh, “I was hoping you’d say that, too.”

I don’t know what he’s so worked up about, I don’t want him going near my ass either. “I don’t think this is a good idea…” my voice trails off as my mouth dries. Seeing Cordelia standing there with an impressive cock jutting out from her waist has my pussy soaking further.

Saxon’s fingers run through my slit, and he laughs, feeling just how wet I am. “Lies.” He stands from the bed and moves us aside, “lie down Cordelia,” he instructs, “and rub some of that lube on your massive cock.”

As he says cock, he pushes his between my ass cheeks, making my eyes roll back into my head, “you sound like you like seeing her with that cock, too.” I moan.

“I appreciate all forms of beauty, even big, long, thick cocks.”

Fuck him and his mouth.

Cordelia squirts some lube into her hand and begins to stroke it up and down her massive cock. It’s the hottest thing I’ve ever seen, and my pussy clenches with need. I want to fucking ride her so hard.

“Go on,” Saxon coos into my ear, “go sink this tight pussy down Cordelia’s cock, and I’ll prime this ass.”

Fear strikes my gut like a hot poker, burning through my insides. “Saxon-”

“Go, Amelia.” He swats my ass, and his tone brokers no argument.

I have to trust him, I’ve been doing it for most of our lives, and I did it when he took my virginity. So, I do as he says and climb my girlfriend like a fucking tree. My girlfriend.

I position myself over the large, purple dildo, the veins prominent along the exterior.

“Watch her sink over you, Cordelia.” Saxon demands, “that’s the best part of fucking a tight pussy.”

Cordelia’s eyes drop from mine and look to where I’ve begun to slide down over her. “Holy fuck,” she moans, and I grin. It’s rare to hear her swear like that, “now I understand the hype about having a dick. I just wish I could feel her.”

“Next time, we’ll get the double ended one.” Saxon says as the bed dips behind me. “Spread your legs, Cordelia, I need access to our girl.”

Our girl.

I feel so full, so deliciously stretched, and when Saxon pushes me gently between my shoulder blades, I fall over Cordelia, my hands catching me on either side of her head.

“Tell me what it feels like,” she whispers, her icy blue eyes begging me.

“I can feel it so deep, Cory,” I pant and rotate my hips, “so thick.”

A liquid is being smeared onto my asshole and I clench with equal parts fear and anticipation. I remind myself; I trust Saxon. Cory moves her eyes back up to mine and the heat in their icy depths has more wetness coating my thighs.

“Seeing you like this,” she pants, “riding me; I could combust from the sight alone.”

Saxon grabs both my ass cheeks in his hands and spreads me open wider, groaning loudly.

“Fuck, seeing how stretched you are,” he starts as the head of his cock presses against my rear hole, “knowing I’m about to do the same back here, fuck.

“Wait.” I stop moving over Cory and look over my shoulder to Saxon, “shouldn’t you start with a finger or something?” My heart is about to thud its way out of my chest.

He pushes against me, and I feel myself opening, although there’s a resistance. “What fun would that be, Melly?” Those dimples twinkle at me, “I think you can take it.”

The burn intensifies as he works the head in and I whimper, letting my chin drop to my chest.

“Push that cock up into her, Cordelia.” He says, “there’s a reason it’s strapped to your body. Move it.”

She does.

Holy fuck, does she ever. And then he’s pushing past my ass’ point of resistance, making it burn and filling me up past the brim.

“I can’t,” I pant and try to breathe through the sensations. “It’s too much.”

“Play with her nipples,” he tells Cory, ignoring my pleas.

He’s still pushing his way inside me, inch by inch, the stretch coming from both holes has me on the brink, and I’m teetering between pain and pleasure.

Cory leans up and latches onto a nipple, her teeth scraping along the hardened nub. The stinging feeling zipping right down to my full center.

So fucking full.

“Take a deep breath, Melly.” Saxon says into my ear, “now, Cordelia.”

Saxon pushes all the way in as Cordelia pushes all the way up, and I scream out from the pain that’s slowly bleeding into pleasure.

“Does it hurt?” Saxon asks as he pulls out, the velvet feel of his cock so different from the silicone one in my pussy.

“Yes,” I moan. “Yes!” The moan turns into a scream as he plows back in. It’s Cory’s turn to pull out a bit, then she twists a nipple as she shoves back in.

I want them to stop, it’s too much, but I want more, and there’s something buzzing just out of my reach. Something that feels all too explosive, all too different.

“Wait,” I pant, and Cory stops but Saxon doesn’t let up.

“No,” he growls, “Cordelia, don’t you dare stop, or my dick will be in your ass next.”

“She said…” Cory is looking up at me, but instead of stopping she pushes up, “you’re so wet, Amelia. It’s running down all over me.”

“That’s right,” Saxon says, sounding so fucking smug, “feel how bad she wants it.”

I do, I do want it. But this feeling...

“It’s too much…” my voice sounds different, high-pitched, and strange. “I’m… there’s…”

Saxon picks up the pace, his cock slamming over and over into my ass, and Cory is pushing up against the right spot, making the tension in my lower belly burn with pressure.

“Don’t stop…” I pant, “right there.” I don’t know which one I’m talking to, but I need them not to let up, not to stop the rhythm.

“She’s tightening up, Librarian,” Saxon sounds out of breath, “she’s almost there.”

I’m not almost there, I’m fucking there. Everything explodes and my body jerks with the force, my eyes blacken out. I’m screaming, I can feel my throat burn from the pitch, but I can’t stop as my lovers each defile a different hole, taking this orgasm to a whole new level. I’m not just wet, it’s running down over Cordelia in a steady stream, and my screams become sobs.

“Wow,” Cory whispers, awe lining her words, but I’m too lost in the darkened bliss to wonder what she’s talking about.

Saxon slowly pulls out of my ass and lifts me off Cory’s silicone cock, positioning me on all fours over her body.

“Forgive me,” he says, his voice pained, “but I want to come so deep inside her soaking pussy.”

He pushes into my pussy, causing it to clench around the lingering ripples of pleasure. Cory’s hands land on my cheeks and she guides my face down, kissing me thoroughly. Her tongue sensually glides along mine as Saxon takes everything he needs to find his release. He slams in and the sound of his groan has me looking over my shoulder.

He’s sweating profusely, his head thrown back, and his mouth gaping open. He’s so fucking beautiful. Finally, those green eyes find mine and he gives me a small grin.

“That was so much fun.” He pulls out and falls onto the bed beside Cory. I fall over to her other side and flick the dildo, slick with my release.

I help her get the thing off and we all fall into a deep sleep, my fears of abandonment assuaged with them both breathing deeply beside me.


I slept.

My eyes open and stare up at the ceiling of the spare bedroom in a bit of shock. I slept without having to crash. I turn and find my cell phone on the side table and check the time. It’s been four hours, that’s fucking amazing. I have an hour to get to the airstrip and then it’s off to New York to deal with an issue hopefully for the last time. To my right, I find Cordelia and Amelia wrapped up in each other, their soft snores sound throughout the room in a lazy rhythm.

I want more of last night, many nights like last night, and I’m hoping they do too. I don’t want to interfere in their relationship and if at some point, they want it to be just the two of them, I’ll understand. But I want more of what we did. For now, I need to get to New York, and need to leave a note for Melly. I’m hoping the both of them stay here until I get back where it’s safer.

I get up out of bed and creep out of the bedroom like I’m trying to escape the worst one-night stand, which makes me fucking snort out loud. I cross the hall and step into my bedroom, closing the door behind me. I need a fucking shower, my dick is literally stuck to my thigh, and if I look at it too long, I might hurl. It's a literal balls stuck to leg incident.

My shower is long and it’s near scalding, but I come out of it nearly fucking sparkling. No more sticking appendages and I smell like myself again, not a gyno clinic on How to treat your vaginas right day. Actually, I don’t know if they have those, but I’m thinking they should. Every girl should know how to clean her kitten, whether it’s furless or not.

I step out of the washroom and find Amelia sitting at the end of my bed. She’s wearing a towel and wringing her hands in her lap. She only does that when her anxiety is at an all-time high.

“What’s up?” I point to her hands, and she stops the motion, gripping them into my bedspread instead.

“I thought you had left, and I needed to speak to you.”

“I haven’t left yet.” I head into my closet, “but I do have to head to New York.”

“For how long?” She appears in the doorway.

“Not sure,” I shrug, “I’m hoping for no more than a few days. Why?” I stop to look at her.

“What’s in New York?” She crosses her arms across her chest, “why do you go there so often?”

“Family business.” I don’t like where this line of questioning is going and she’s running really close to asking shit she can never know the answers to.

“Is there another girl?”

Oh.Shit. This is one of those moments where I need to reassure her, right?

“No.” Hopefully she can see the honesty in my eyes and let this go.

“After last night,” she takes a deep breath, “I thought we were happy. Were you happy?”

“Like a fucking pig in shit.” I grin at her, and her brows crash together in annoyance. Okay, not the time to be funny. Thanks brain, a little too late on the uptake. “Yes,” I correct myself, “immensely happy.”



She must see the confusion on my face, “I don’t know what this is, Sax!” She huffs and throws out her arms. “I solidified my relationship with Cory last night. I need to know what part you’ll have in that.”

“You want to know what role I’m playing in your relationship with Cordelia?” That’s a weird question.

“I want to know what role you’re playing in my life!” She raises her voice, and the noise begins to grate on my nerves.

“You keep circling around back to this topic,” irritation coats my words, “and each time I’ve told you where I stand, so why is that not enough for you?”

“It’s just not!” She yells again, and I decide the sound of a female raising her voice is the worst sound ever.

“You want to get married, Melly? Have babies together?” I step into her, my tone now mocking, “and what role will your girlfriend play in that? Nanny to the children? She'd be a damn good tutor, no?”

Her palm cracks against my cheek and the immediate sting floods my face, “fuck you.” She chokes out as she sobs into her hands.

She begins to cry, and I try to figure out where this all went wrong, deciding it didn’t. I’ve been straight forward, honest, and told her what she would be getting out of me, it’s not my fault if it’s not enough.

“If I’m not enough for you, Melly,” my lips pull back tight against my teeth, my cheek still burning from her slap, “then just say so, I’m a big boy.”

I grab my duffle bag and push by her, giving her one final look over my shoulder. She stands there in complete shock, as if my behaviour is something to be gawked at, when in actuality, she fucking put her hands on me.

“You’re welcome to stay here, it’s safer.” Then I slam my bedroom door behind me, effectively shutting out her sobs.

I sense eyes on me, and turn my head to find Cordelia leaning against the door frame, “she’s confused and maybe a little bit of insight would’ve been better than that.”

“Don’t lecture me on shit you know nothing about. While you had your head up your ass, I was explaining to her what she meant to me. Like I told her, if it’s not enough, then that's her problem, not mine.” I head for the stairs and stop, my hand gripping the railing. “Maybe you’ll stick around this time instead of giving her whiplash. She’s expecting everyone to leave her because you did it so fucking easily.”

Harsh? Probably. Truth? Absolutely.

I leave the house, shutting the front door behind me, and a text comes through saying my driver is waiting at the end of the driveway. Yeah, those gates don’t open for just anyone. I jog down the driveway and stop when something tied around a few of the gate’s metal bars gives me pause. The light blue fabric lifts with the slight breeze and I know exactly what it is.

I open the gate and shut it behind me, ensuring it’s locked then motion to my driver to give me a minute. I get to the swaying scarf and curse under my breath. It’s the same one I saw in Amelia’s room, and it’s been dipped in what I’m hoping is a crimson paint. I untie it from the fence and hurry to the car, not wanting to miss my flight. If this wasn’t so fucking important, I’d stay here.

Once I’m in the car, I call Uncle Emmett.

“Saxon.” He picks up on the first ring.

“Someone left me a gift on the gate outside of the property. Could you go by the house to check the surveillance tape?”

“Of course.” He says quickly. “Are you off to New York?”

“Yes,” I exhale. “I need you to make sure Amelia stays inside the house. This gift I received seems to be a direct threat to her. She needs to be protected.”

“I’m on it.” He hangs up, and I pull up Amelia’s contact, wanting desperately to message her and ask her to stay put. But the second I do, she’ll bolt, just to spite me.

This is why I’ve always kept my distance from anything resembling a relationship.