You Are Mine by Lucy Darling



Istare out the window as we drive to the obstetrician’s office. A weight has been lifted off of me now that Dane has come back into my life. I no longer feel lost. For the last few months I’ve struggled with thoughts of how I was going to raise my little jelly bean all by myself. But with Dane here, I know I no longer have to worry about any of that. I may not remember a whole lot, but I know I can trust him to take care of us.

“You’re awfully quiet,” Dane says, breaking me from my thoughts. I turn to face him. The man is so handsome that I’m surprised I was able to forget him at all.

“I’m happy,” I admit. He reaches over with one of his hands, tangling our fingers together.

I know Dane is worried about some threat, but to me this is the most relaxed I’ve ever felt. My life is stable at the moment to some degree. I’m also about to get to see my little jelly bean.

Dane pulls into a parking lot a few minutes later. When we enter the clinic there is no one else in the waiting room. He leads me up to the front, letting the woman behind the counter know we’re here. She stands immediately, seeing us back into a room.

“When you go to a restaurant and it’s dead inside it’s a bit of a clue that the food might suck,” I point out. “No one is here.”

“That’s because I booked all the time slots.” I snort a laugh. When he doesn't join me, I realize he’s serious. “I want all the doctor's attention on you.”

“You’re nuts.” I shake my head, getting changed into the gown they left for me. Dane’s eyes never leave me as I change in front of him. My body starts to heat thinking about the orgasm he gave me this morning. My body wants more. I know Dane is holding back, but it’s not his nature. I know that deep down. He’s pushy and demanding, and there is something about that I love.

A knock on the door has me getting up onto the table and pushing the dirty thoughts out of my head. This is so not the time. It’s not my fault. I swear I have no control over my body anymore.

“Mr. and Mrs. Osborne,” the doctor says as she enters the room. I should probably tell her we’re not married, but I find I don’t want to. “I’m Doctor Morandi.” She holds her hand out, taking mine and then Dane’s. “I’ve been going over your records this morning.”

“My records?” I ask.

“Yes.” She flicks her gaze to Dane and then back to me. “Your husband had them sent over.” She flips through a few pages. “I have the one from your hospital visit from a few months ago and then your primary doctor from back home.”

“Oh” is all I can say.

“You’re still not remembering anything?” she asks.

“Not really. I have dreams. I’m not sure if they’re real or not. I also seem to know or sense things about the people that were in my life before. When I saw Dane for the first time after the accident, I had a rush of emotions.”

“That can often happen. The brain often hides things from us thinking it’s protecting us. I’m sure when you saw your husband your brain must have known he was a safe place, and it let you know that. Head trauma can be tricky. The brain is a powerful thing.”

I nod in agreement, thinking over her words. Why did I so badly want to forget what happened to me?

She asks me a bunch of standard questions and starts her exam before she has me lie back on the table and starts setting up for the sonogram. Dane stands, coming to my side. His hand takes mine as he leans down and gives me a kiss on my forehead. My gentle giant.

I jerk my eyes away from Dane when the sound of the baby's heartbeat fills the room.

“It’s so fast.”

“That’s normal,” Dane answers me before the doctor can. I give him a look of surprise. He shrugs. “I might have thumbed through a baby book last night.” My eyes start to fill with tears. “None of that.” He narrows his eyes on me like his hard gaze will get me to stop crying. It actually does work because I laugh. I’m sure others would jump. But that face doesn't work on me.

“Everything is looking great so far.” She keeps moving the little wand around, taking pictures. I stare at the screen watching. “Do you want to know the sex?” A rush of excitement fills me.

“You can tell already? I thought twenty weeks.”

“Years ago, sure. Not these days. We have better equipment,” she says.

“What do you think? Do we want to know?” I ask Dane.

“That’s up to you, sweetheart. Whichever you want is fine with me.” I only think about it for a few seconds.

“I want to know. We’ve had enough surprises lately.”

“Well, I hope you like the color blue,” she tells us. My chest fills with warmth.

“We’re having a baby boy.” This time I can’t stop the tears. Dane leans down and kisses me.

“Thank you,” he says softly.

“He’s a little on the big side size-wise, but judging from his father, that’s to be expected.” She hands us a bunch of sonogram pictures.

A tiny Dane. How will I ever handle two of them? I sit back up as she goes over more stuff with us before setting up our next appointment.

“I’m not sure we’ll be here then but let's set the appointment to be safe,” Dane tells her. A reminder that New Hope isn't my home.

Dane takes my hand, leading me back out to the car and opening the door for me. When he gets in on the other side, he starts the car but doesn't go anywhere.

“What’s wrong? You went from excited to worried. If you don’t tell me these things, I can’t fix them.”

“Do you always fix everything for me?”

“Yes, unless you hide something from me, because you know I’ll insert myself.” That is not surprising in the least. “Please tell me, Kennedy.”

“You keep mentioning us leaving here. To me this place is all I know. I love the shelter and the girls there. I was even offered a job.”

“I hate thinking about you being in a shelter.” His knuckles start to turn white as he grips the steering wheel in a death-hold.

“Don’t be upset. I’ve met a lot of great people there. I wish I could have introduced you to Faith.” I drop my head, sadness filling me. Dane starts the car.

“We’ll go to the shelter now. I want to see it. You said you wanted to show me.”

“Yes! The ladies are going to love seeing the pictures of the baby.” Dane pulls out of the parking lot headed for the shelter.

“Why don’t you tell me all about Faith on the way?”

Dane reaches out, putting his hand on my leg while I tell him about the little girl that stole my heart. We connected so easily from the very start. I think because we were both lost. Faith doesn't think she really belongs anywhere. It’s heartbreaking for such a young child to think that. To not have the love and support they deserve. Even though I hate how I came into her life, I’m glad that I did. At least she has me and everyone at the shelter as a steady in her life.

“I’m really worried about her. I don’t trust her mother. One time I gave Faith books, and her mother tried to toss them out. Another time I found all the pictures Faith had made for her crumpled up in the trash. She’d been hoping to put them on the walls of their rooms.”

Tears start to run down my cheeks thinking about her out there with her horrible mother. “It’s a miracle something worse hasn’t happened to her. They are at Healing Homes because Lisa and her ex got into a fist fight from my understanding.” I swipe a few tears from my cheeks. I know Dane hates seeing them. “Which is crazy! He’s shown up looking for her and he’s giant. Nothing compared to how giant you are, but pretty dang big.”

We pull into the parking lot of Healing Homes. Dane unclips my seatbelt, pulling me over easily onto his lap as he pushes his seat back.

“You want me to find them? See what’s going on?” My mouth opens in surprise, but no words come out. I think I’m shocked by his question. “All you have to do is say the word.”


“Consider it done.” He finishes brushing the tears off my cheeks before placing a soft kiss on my lips. “Come show me the place that took care of you. Last time I was here I couldn’t get past the door.”

“Don’t take it personally. No men are allowed in unless they work here. Taylor takes that very seriously.” She can be like a Pitbull. I think the reason she hadn’t told me about Dane is because she wanted to check into it before I got my hopes up.

“It’s a good rule, but I was fucking pissed that night. I had this gut feeling you were in there. The woman at the front wouldn't tell me shit. Even when I showed her your picture.”

“I heard you that night. I was so sure I knew you. Your voice was so familiar, but I was scared I was reaching for something that wasn't there,” I say as I lead him inside.

“So you found her,” Taylor says as we enter.

“It was only a matter of time,” Dane says.

“Thank you for the donation. It was quite generous of you, but that still wouldn't have gotten you any information.” Taylor gives him a pointed look.

“Consider it a thank you for taking care of my Kennedy.” He pulls me into his side, wrapping his arm around me.

“Heard you all but kidnapped her.” Taylor keeps pushing.

“As I’ve said before and I’ll keep on saying, I can’t steal what already belongs to me.”

I can tell by the glare Taylor is giving Dane she doesn't much care for his answer. My body however heats, desire pooling deep in my stomach. That possessive demanding man I know he has inside of him comes peeking out when he’s challenged over me.

“It’s my understanding you’re not married.” Dane’s body goes rock solid.

“Merely paperwork.” His words come out growly.

“Faith hasn’t been back?” I ask, cutting into their stare-off and changing the subject. Taylor's face softens.

“No, sweetheart. I’m sorry.”

“Will you give her your number so she can call if she does show up?” I ask Dane. He reaches into his pocket, pulling out his wallet and handing over a card. Taylor takes it.

“We need to get you a phone of your own. I don’t really care for you not having one on you at all times.”

“Why do I need it if you’re not letting me out of your sight ever again?” I tease him.

“You need a phone, Winn—” Taylor corrects herself. “Kennedy. I’m with your brute of a boyfriend.” I snort a laugh. Not at her calling him a brute but saying he’s my boyfriend. There is not one inch of Dane that could ever be considered to be a boy,

“Okay, fine. You can get me a phone. Now can we go in?” Taylor hits the button unlocking the door for us to enter the shelter.

“Did you really make a donation?” I ask Dane.


“How much?” I ask out of curiosity.

“A million.” I gape at him. “I donate a lot each year. If you want you can take over where it’s allocated in the future.” He says it so casually. As if a million dollars is a drop in the bucket.

“I’m still trying to wrap my mind around a million dollars.”

“I know. Money has always made you uncomfortable. You’ll get used to it over time. I’m sure you could do some good with it. Besides, when we get married it’ll be half yours anyways.”

I stop walking. This man is freaking nuts! “I don’t want your money.”

“I didn’t say that you did,” he responds.

“Winnie!” A few of the kids shout when they see me. They come rushing over toward me, ending my conversation with Dane for now.

I introduce Dane to everyone before showing off the sonogram pictures. My face is starting to hurt from smiling so much. It doesn't help when I see Dane down on one knee helping a group of boys build a bridge for their Lego castle. I want to laugh when he starts to tell them how bridges are made and their use. They all listen as if it’s the coolest thing in the world.

“I guess I like him.” Taylor comes to stand next to me.

“Really?” I give her a smile.

“Yeah. He’s protective of you, and the background check on him is solid.” I’m not surprised in the least that she ran one. “With as rich as he is, I could google him too.”

“I’m happy.” In love too, I think, but I keep that to myself.

Dane stands, coming our way. “I think it’s time we go. You’ve been on your feet for hours, and you need to eat.” My feet are starting to hurt. This man notices everything,

“Okay.” I agree. I want nothing more than to go back to the hotel with him, but my heart aches that I might be leaving this place soon.

“We’ll come back. I promise.” I wrap my arms around him, resting my head on his chest. He reads me so easily.

There is no thinking I’m in love. I’m definitely there.