You Are Mine by Lucy Darling



Kennedy sleeps with her whole body wrapped around me. When I slipped into bed after making my phone calls, she migrated toward me immediately. She might not remember me yet, but her body does.

Last night was the first time in months that I actually slept more than a few hours. I know one thing. My team better find answers for me real fucking soon. I’m going to end up losing my mind.

“Dane.” Kennedy sighs my name in her sleep. She slides even closer to me. My shirt she’s wearing slides up to expose more of her toned leg as she straddles my thigh.

I close my eyes, gritting my teeth. She lets out a low moan that I know is the sound she makes when she’s turned on. My cock strains against my boxers. I almost come out of my skin and all over myself like a teenage boy having a wet dream. She is the only one that has ever caused my body to have this reaction. A primal need always comes out of me when she’s near, making me want to have her in all ways. It’s always there simmering under the surface. It often makes me feel more animal than man.

It’s fitting that the only person who could ever calm me is also the only one that can send me over the edge into madness. This small woman has me wrapped around her finger, and she managed it without even trying.

Little mewling sounds come from her as she starts to move her hips back and forth. It’s been too long since I heard that sound coming from her. There wasn't one thing I didn’t miss about her.

“More,” she begs, sounding more desperate. I grip her hips, pulling her up so that she’s completely on top of me. She lets out a whimper of need when her pussy grinds down on my cock. “Yes!” She starts to move her hips fast, dry fucking me. Only she’s the furthest thing from dry. Her panties are so soaked I can feel the wetness on my boxers. My cock begs me to take her. It takes every ounce of self-control I have not to flip her over onto her back and drive into her until she’s coming on my cock.

“Kennedy.” I slip my hands under her shirt, needing to touch her bare skin. She presses her mouth against my neck as her breathing grows heavy. She’s going to get me off like this. I’ve spent way too many nights without her. I didn’t even allow myself to get off with my own hand. It was her or nothing.

“I’ve missed you,” she whispers.

I groan, jerking against her as I start to come. She moans my name as her orgasm hits her too. I ride it out for both of us. I take over her movements by dragging her back and forth on my cock until she goes lax and sprawls out on top of me.

“You’re with me, baby.” She nods her head in my neck but doesn't say anything. I don’t need to see her face to know her shyness has taken over. “It never takes much for you to get me going,” I reassure her. She relaxes more against me. I run my hands up and down her back. I could lie like this all day.

“I dreamt of you,” she says after a few minutes. “I could never see your face, but I could feel you. I knew I was missing something. My chest always ached with it. The ache is gone now that you’re here.”

“You’ll never have to miss me again.” I roll us, pinning her under me. I brush her dark hair out of her face. Her cheeks are flushed from both her orgasm and blush. “You’re so damn beautiful.”

A smile pulls at her lips. “You’re not so bad yourself.” This time it's her that leans in for the kiss first. I quickly take over, dominating her mouth. My cock starts to harden all over again wanting inside of her. I break the kiss before it gets out of control.

“I’m going to get us breakfast.”

“Mm-kay,” she agrees with a dreamy look in her eyes that makes me feel like a king. I give her one last kiss before I get out of the bed. She licks her lips, watching me as I go into the bathroom. When I come back out, she’s sitting up on the side of the bed chewing on her bottom lip.

“You can ask me anything you want, sweetheart.” She releases her bottom lip from between her teeth.

“It’s so crazy how well you know me.” She smiles as she says it, letting me know she enjoys the fact that I know every detail about her. “Can we go to Healing Homes today? I want to check in. Show you around.”

“If that is what you want to do, we can, but first you need to eat, and we have a doctor appointment.”

“We do?”

“I’m going to enjoy seeing our little one for the first time. I’ve already missed so much.” Her eyes fill with tears. Her hormones are going to kill me by the end of this pregnancy. Her tears are my kryptonite.

“That sounds perfect.” She jumps up, standing on her tiptoes, offering her mouth in a kiss. I take it, giving her ass a squeeze. “I’m guessing you know what I want for breakfast?”

“Waffles always over pancakes every time. You order bacon but always steal the sausage off my plate.”

“My mouth is already watering.”

“Take your time. I’m sure it will be a little while before they get up here with breakfast.”

“Thanks.” I watch her walk into the bathroom before I place our order for breakfast. I pull on some clothes, making a few quick calls. I try my brother again, but it goes to voicemail. Ever since he went to college he’s hard as hell to get on the phone.

When a knock sounds at the door I open it, taking all the bags of items I requested. I drop them down on the bed, emptying some of them out. I grab her favorite shampoo and a few other bathroom items.

I hear the shower running. “I’m coming in,” I announce, not wanting to startle her.

“I’m naked.” My lips twitch at her response.

“I figured since you’re in the shower.” I tease her. “Nothing I haven't seen before.” I put everything down on the counter. “I got some stuff for you. There is more on the bed.”

I walk over to the shower, pulling open the door. She turns her head, looking at me over her shoulder. She looks fucking perfect. It takes everything in me not to get into the shower with her.

“Your shampoo and soap.” I hold it out for her. She actually turns to face me, giving me a spectacular view of her wet, naked body.

“Thanks.” She takes them from my hands. “You look like you want to eat me.”

“You have no idea.” My fingers grip the door. I want to strip off my clothes and join her, to wash every inch of her perfection, but my phone starts to ring.

“Be careful,” I tell her. “Bathrooms can be dangerous.” She gives me a smile as I close the door. Not seeing a mat in front of the shower, I quickly lay a towel down on the floor so she doesn’t slip when she gets out before I answer my phone.

“Hey,” my brother Ryan says when I answer. “Heard you found your girl.”

“Mom told you?”

“Yep. She’s not too happy about it.”

“Not surprising.” I run my hand down my face. I have no clue what I’m going to do with my mother at this point. I can only hope she’s not involved in this whole freaking mess. I know she can be cold at times, but this would be extreme even for her.

“Where are you at?”

“New Hope.”

“Damn. That’s not too far from home. What did she have to say for herself?” he asks.

I give him a quick rundown of everything that happened. He didn’t even know about Kennedy and me until she went missing. He offered to come home and help me in my search for her. While I appreciated his offer, I declined because I already had trained professionals on the search. I didn’t want to distract him from college. He needed to stay in his classes. He’s finally starting to get his head on straight, and I didn’t want to jeopardize that in any way.

“Do you really think Mom is wrapped up in this?”

“I don’t know, but right now I don’t trust anyone,” I admit.

“I don’t blame you. This is all fucking nuts. At least you found her.” Isn't that the damn truth.

“Yeah, but I don’t like the idea of someone being out there that wants to hurt her. I won’t stop until I figure this out. She’s made a few comments that have me thinking she might be remembering things. I’m sure that would help a shit ton.”

“If you need anything, let me know. I can catch a plane anytime.”

“I’m good for now, but if Mom tells you anything—"

“I’ve got you, bro,” he says before we end the call.

My phone goes off again as Kennedy walks into the living room area of the suite. She’s dressed in the clothes I laid out for her.

I check my phone to see it’s a text from Carter.

Carter: Think I found something

“I love the clothes you got me. I’m starting to think I’m a bit spoiled.” I pocket my phone for now, making my way over to her.

“I try. Sometimes you give me a hard time.” I wrap my arm around her waist, pulling her into me. She comes easily to me. I love the way her little bump feels pressed up against me.

“Is everything okay?” she asks. Her brows furrow together in concern.

“Right now everything is as it should be.” The look of concern she was wearing melts away. I don’t need her worrying about any of this. I’m going to handle it. “Let’s get you fed and go see our little one.”

Her whole face lights up with excitement, and I plan on keeping it that way.