Jingle Bell Wolf by Terry Spear

Chapter 19

When Gabrielle, Nicole, and the jaguar sisters arrived at Doc Mitchell’s house, he gave them a warm welcome. “You can use any of the rooms to change clothes and shift. The back door has a wolf door, perfect for jaguars too.”

“Thanks, Doc,” Gabrielle said.

“Thank you. Oh, here’s a map of the property.” He showed her the map while the other ladies went into one of the guest rooms and stripped off their clothes. “I can’t tell you how much I appreciate you for taking over the clinic for me.”

“I’m glad to. I can’t wait to move here and get started.” After she looked at the boundary lines to the property, she went to the guest room to remove her clothes. The ladies had already shifted, so she said, “Doc Mitchell has the map if you ladies want to look at it and make sure we don’t stray too far.”

Nicole barked in agreement and the ladies all left the room. Gabrielle hurried to strip out of her clothes, shifted, and joined them. She was so excited to be running with Nicole and the jaguars.

They all dashed out through the wolf door and ran through the woods, past the lake, all the way to a river bordering the property, startling white-tailed deer that bounded back into the forest.

It would be so much fun doing this again in the spring or summer when they could swim in the lake, too, but Gabrielle was having a blast running through the snow for now.

The jaguars suddenly pounced on each other in play, and Nicole and Gabrielle watched in fascination. Now Nicole could see where Gabrielle had gotten some of her wilder moves that weren’t quite wolfish.

Then Zelda broke off to play with the other two shifters and went after Gabrielle. The jaguar sisters weren’t going to let her get out of playtime with them.

Gabrielle played with Zelda, but wasn’t sure Nicole would be game. Nicole had been watching the jaguars’ maneuvers, and she came in to attack Zelda in fun as if she were protecting her wolf sister.

They all got into a grand game of it, mouthing each other’s muzzles rather than biting, the jaguars’ claws sheathed, until they’d had enough and were heaving with exertion. Then they ran off again to explore more of the property. If Gabrielle hadn’t already decided she wanted to move here for good, this would have decided it. The land was beautiful, and she could imagine the fun she could have out here whenever she was free.

When they returned to the lodge, Nicole left to walk to her own house. The jaguar sisters headed into the lodge, and Gabrielle went back to Landon’s house, eager to join him.

He quickly opened the door for her as if he’d been standing there half the night waiting for her return. It was late and his sisters had gone to bed.

But Rosco was there eagerly waiting for her too and had to be greeted first before Landon got his turn. Once she’d petted Rosco, and then greeted the kittens that were late in coming for some attention, Landon pulled Gabrielle into his arms and kissed her. “You’re cold.”

“You’re so hot.”

He was. She was cloaked in the cold out-of-doors. He was nice and toasty warm. He must have been sitting in front of the fireplace.

“While you were out running, we ended up finding homes for all the kittens. Princess Buttercup, too, if we had wanted to rehome her,” Landon said.

“No. You couldn’t.”

He smiled. “No, she’s ours. But the rest will be picked up tomorrow. Do you want to go swimming?” He waited to hear what she would like to do.

She pulled off her gloves and her ski hat. “It’s late. I would rather just hop in bed with you.”

He unzipped her ski jacket and helped her out of it. “That’s just what I was hoping to hear.”

“I’m glad you’re so agreeable.”

“When it comes to you, it’s easy. Let me turn things off here and we can retire to the guest room.”

“I’ll help.”

He hung her ski jacket on the coat-tree and went to turn off the gas fireplace, while she switched off the Christmas tree lights.

She headed for the bedroom and he caught up with her. “Did you have fun?” He shut the bedroom door.

“Yeah.” She pulled off her snow boots. “The jaguars are fun to watch while they play and run in the snow, and Nicole enjoyed playing with them too.”

“Next time they visit, we’ll have to all go out with them.”

“I agree. You know, I was thinking about the first time I saw you. You had come into the bar and grill and were talking to your brother, though I didn’t know you were brothers at the time. You were wearing a wet bathing suit and had been dripping water all over. You were quite intriguing.”

He smiled at her and pulled her into his arms. “Oh, yeah?”

“Yeah. Your brother asked you if you were going to swim or keep dripping water all over the place after you couldn’t find me in the swimming pool.” She ran her hands up his sweater-covered chest.

He chuckled.

“I think Blake saw me dressing after I got out of the pool outside. He was so sweet. He didn’t tell on me.”

Smiling, Landon shook his head. “Coal in his stocking for Christmas, then.”

She laughed.

With a whisper of a kiss, Landon caressed her mouth with his, his hands running over her shoulders.

She enjoyed how he always made their lovemaking special. “Hmm, I had fun, but coming back here to be with you… This is extra special.” She licked his lips and kissed him. She was going to have to leave him way too soon. She wished she could pack him up in her suitcase and take him with her.

His kiss was exploratory, sampling her, taking his fill of her, and she was luxuriating in the feel of him, her tongue sliding over his, the way his hands were sliding down her backside and pressing her tight against his body. And what a body.

His arousal was ready for her to stroke him to climax. She really wanted to go all the way, but she knew she needed to get her affairs in order back home, move here, and get settled before she even thought about committing permanently to a relationship with him.

His hands massaged her buttocks, heating her core, and already she was feeling moist and needy for him. And hot. The new clothes she had bought to keep her warm in the cold out-of-doors had to be ditched whenever Landon made her blood sizzle with his kisses and his tender touch.

He moved his body between her legs, the action meant to increase the contact between his erection and her mons, stirring his pheromones, telling her he wanted her in the worst way. Just as much as she wanted him.

She had to remove her sweater or turn on the air conditioner! She reached down to lift it up, and when she had made a little progress and he realized she was trying to pull it off, he slid it up her arms and over her head and tossed it onto the chair. But she was still wearing the merino wool base shirt underneath that.

Instead of removing that one, he molded his hands to her breasts, the top formfitting and making her feel sexy under his ministrations. Her nipples were aroused and sensitive to his touch as her nether region ached for his penetration. It was probably a good thing she was leaving Silver Town for a while or she would just cave and mate him.

He was just too sexy for her own good. She kissed his mouth as he stroked her nipples with his thumbs in an erotic way. But she rubbed against his erection in a way that was just as stimulating. He groaned. She captured his tongue and sucked, then kissed his lips.

She swept her hands down to his sweater and began to pull it up. He quickly yanked it off, but it landed on the floor. He was too hungry for her to mind where the clothes went now. Or maybe he only worried about taking care with her things.

She was still too hot and getting hotter, though the room was comfortable. It was just the wolf who was making her burn up. Grabbing the bottom edge of her merino wool shirt, she lifted it and he quickly dispensed with it. The shirt landed on the chair. She smiled at him. He was cute.

His hands were on her bra-covered breasts. She’d brought a red lace one for Christmas, just to get in the spirit, never expecting to be showing it off to a bachelor male wolf this season!

But he seemed to approve as he ran his hands tenderly over her lace-covered breasts. He reverently kissed one, then the other. She slid her hands up his chest, eager to run her thumbs over his extended nipples. His erection strained against his pants, and he moaned a little under his breath. Then he cupped her head for a well-placed and thorough kiss, the passion running rampant between them.

Their hearts were beating wildly, their pheromones teasing each other’s, the call of the wild upon them. She slid her hands behind his back, pulled him against her body, and rubbed hers against his, sharing her scent, her desire, her need to be with him in the throes of passion.

Tell him you want to mate him, a little voice in her head said. Tell him you don’t want to lose him.

But then he was unfastening her bra, suckling one nipple then the other, teasing them with his tongue, and she lost all train of thought. Ohmigod, he did wonders to her body.

She reached for her ski pants, but he slid his hands down her waist to remove them instead. She liked how he enjoyed undressing her. Then he pulled her pants off, but this time they hit the carpeted floor with his things. With her fingers on his buckle, she began to unfasten his belt while he was sliding his fingers down her merino wool base pants and panties, cupping her bare buttocks.

Once she unfastened his belt, she unzipped his zipper and ran a fingernail down the opening, stroking his erection in his boxer briefs. He quickly stepped out of his pants and kicked them aside, then pulled down her base pants clinging to her legs. After he removed them, he set her on the bed and removed her socks and yanked off his own. Before he could pull off his boxer briefs and show off his glorious arousal, she was back on her feet doing the honors, kissing him all the way down. He was definitely past ready for her.

He slid her red panties off and climbed into bed with her, but this time he moved her to lie with her back against his chest, and pulled her leg over his so he could stroke her that way. She was in heaven when he began to kiss the side of her neck, her ear, her shoulder, his breath warm against her skin, making the fine hairs at the nape stand to attention. He reached over her waist and down to stroke her clit. To be with him like this always, to enjoy the intimacy, the special touches, whisper-soft kisses, heated craving between them—that’s what she was missing from her life.

But she reminded herself that she had already impulsively made the leap to quit her job, sell her home, and move here. She needed to be more circumspect about taking a mate that would be for the rest of her life, which for them was long indeed.

He was stroking her with just the right amount of pressure, the right speed, and she was certain her scent and reactions to him were cluing him in as to just what she needed to send her over the edge. She felt as though she were melting against him, melding, becoming one, even though they weren’t joined. Which made her want to turn and join him in the worst way.

She was a sensible veterinarian, not prone to whimsical notions, always thinking things out before she made any major decisions. Her jaguar friends were much more spontaneous than she, yet at this moment, and practically every time she was in Landon’s company, she wanted to be more like her friends, let go, and just take the plunge. Turn and tell Landon she wanted to mate him. Give herself fully to him. But the peak was nearly at her fingertips and she was immersed in the pleasure of his strokes pushing her to the end. She cried out and sank happily against the mattress, not moving right away, lost in the afterglow of the climax.

Then she slowly rolled over and lay with his back against her chest as she began to kiss his neck and shoulders, her hand sweeping down his muscular arm. She teased his nipple and slid her hand down his stomach before she felt his erection, wrapped her fingers around the hard length of him, and began to stroke. Like with him being attuned to the nuances of her scent and reaction to his touch, she felt the same thing with him. His shuddery breath, the way his arousal jumped in her grip, the way his body was tensing, all guided her to pleasure him in the best manner possible.

* * *

Landon groaned as Gabrielle’s hand on his cock sent sensual electrical pulses straight to the brain. He felt like he would end up with sensory overload, her touch was so exquisite. Her musky scent and his, their pheromones all added to the mix, created a carnal pleasure that he’d only felt when he was with her. He had never expected her to turn the tables on him and have his back to her while he was locked in her erotic exploits. With all the foreplay, he was ready to come, but he fought coming too soon, wanting the sensation to last. He imagined being deep inside her, thrusting, penetrating her inner chamber, her inner muscles clamped around his cock.

He shouldn’t have envisioned being with her like that, no matter how much he longed to make love to her all the way. But the images plying his brain of her beneath him, him inside her, kissing her, body to body—man, that was all she wrote. He groaned out loud, shuddering, spent, at the pinnacle of the world.

She wrapped her arms around his body and kissed his back. “I guess we need to get some…clean sheets, unless you want to sleep on the wet spot.”

He groaned. “Tomorrow, I will have to do laundry.” He turned and smiled at her. “With you, a little extra laundry is worth it though.”

Once they’d showered and changed the sheets, they snuggled together in bed.

* * *

Dating Landon had been surreal, meeting in a winter paradise, no jobs to deter them, no chores to do, just all fun and games. Which was great, but would the magic last once he was back to helping out at the lodge and Gabrielle was busy with pet care—both returning to their regular routines?

Yet she knew from the way she craved being with him, there was more to them than just strictly friendship.

“What do you want to do tomorrow?” Gabrielle asked Landon after making love with him, wanting to spend the time as much as she could with him but still have fun with her friends before she had to fly out with them soon.

“Whatever you would love to do.” Landon kissed her head.

“If we can get up in time for swimming, we could do that.” But the way she’d been feeling mornings after waking in Landon’s arms, she hadn’t wanted to go anywhere.