Jingle Bell Wolf by Terry Spear

Chapter 20

The morning finally came when Gabrielle had to leave, and Landon wanted to spend the rest of the time in bed with her until she had to fly out tonight. He was totally hooked on her. She was still sleeping, one arm draped over his chest, her cheek snuggled against his shoulder. She was his. She had to be. He wanted to give her time to decide that she wanted the same as he. All he knew was he adored her—every waking moment and in his dreams. The only nightmare he had was if she didn’t return to him.

His sisters had breakfast before they left the house, but he was just enjoying these few precious moments to lie with Gabrielle before the busy day ahead of them. He wouldn’t have any more time to do this with her until she moved here permanently.

She finally opened her eyes, kissed his chest, and looked up at him. “I think we missed swimming.”

“We can still swim.”

“No way. The pool is open by now.”

“Breakfast, then?”

She stretched next to him like a happy she-wolf, her hand caressing his chest. “Let’s have breakfast. My friends said they’d eat on their own. That it was more important that we enjoy our time together before I leave.”

“What would you like to eat?”


“Okay.” But he didn’t make a move to get out of bed, and she didn’t make a move to get off him either.

And then they fell asleep again.

When they woke, it was time for lunch. So much for going skiing. Or having breakfast. Or going swimming. Being with Gabrielle was all that mattered.

“Oh, Landon, I can’t believe we’ve spent all morning in bed together.”

“We needed it.”

“We did, but we need to go to the lodge and have lunch with your family and my friends before we drive to the airport.”

“I don’t want you to go.”

She smiled at him. “I never thought I would be saying this, but I don’t want to either. Still, I’ll be back before you know it. Hopefully.”

Then they got their lazy selves out of bed, dressed, and he went to make them some coffee and hot tea while she packed her bag. Gabrielle left the clothes she’d bought to go skiing on top of the dresser. She wouldn’t need them in Florida, and she couldn’t wait to wear them here when she returned.

She went into the kitchen to drink her tea, but he pulled her into his arms and kissed her. “I’ll put your bags in my car, and we’ll drive over to the lodge so we can load Odette and Zelda’s luggage in my vehicle.”

“Okay, that sounds good. You’re not disappointed we didn’t have time to ski, are you?”

“No way! I couldn’t have spent the day with you in any better way.” He finished his coffee and then loaded her bags in the car.

Then Gabrielle joined him. “I got a text from the sisters. They said we don’t have to join them for lunch if we want to spend more time with each other. We’ll be together waiting for the plane and all the time of the flight. But I told them we would have lunch with them. Besides, your family is meeting us at the bar and grill to say goodbye.”

Landon agreed. “Though I would keep you to myself always if I could, everyone wants to wish you a safe journey back to Daytona Beach.”

“I promise I’ll see you soon.”

They headed over to the lodge, and the first thing they had to do was greet Rosco before they went to the bar and grill. “I will so miss you, Rosco,” Gabrielle said, giving him a hug. He greeted her with big tail wags and licks. And she said goodbye to Princess Buttercup. The other kittens had already gone to their homes this morning.

Smiling, Landon petted Rosco on the head. “You are so going to miss Gabrielle when she’s gone.” Like Landon would. He petted Princess Buttercup too.

Then Landon and Gabrielle joined her friends and the rest of the family for lunch at the bar and grill.

“I can’t believe it’s only been a little over a week that you’ve been with us,” Roxie said at the long table for groups that they had reserved for the send-off. “But boy, will we miss you.”

Nicole agreed. “We’re so glad you came and are returning as soon as you are able to.”

Blake agreed to that and they all ordered their lunches—everything from crispy salmon to beef tips. Wolves and jaguars both loved their meat. Not a vegetarian among them.

Kayla was smiling and saluted the jaguar sisters with her glass of water. “And we can’t wait to see you both again too. Nicole was telling us how she played with you when you went for a run. We want to do that, too, so you’ll have to time a visit with us when there’s not a new moon.”

“Definitely,” Odette said.

“Yeah, that’s in the works,” Zelda agreed.

They talked about Gabrielle settling into the vet’s house and how Doc Mitchell was already moving his belongings to his new home so that he could paint her house and get it ready for her.

“Wow, he is the sweetest,” Gabrielle said.

“He thinks the same of you,” Roxie said. “He couldn’t be more excited about you returning to take over the clinic.”

After they finished a lovely lunch with the family, Landon helped the sisters load their luggage into his car. Then he drove the jaguar sisters and Gabrielle to the airport in Green Valley.

Once he’d parked, he helped them take their luggage into the airport and then the sisters waited nearby with their bags while he said his goodbyes to Gabrielle.

“Can you return here and spend Christmas with me and my family?” Landon asked her. He couldn’t imagine anything worse than being alone at Christmastime, especially since he and his whole family would love her to be here with them. The jaguar sisters had already said they had a mission and would be out of town. He wondered if they really did or if it was a way for him to be together with Gabrielle.

“I’m not sure. I might need to be on call.”

He really didn’t want her to be all alone in Daytona Beach without him. Which meant if she couldn’t return to Silver Town by then, he was going to spend it with her in Florida, no matter whether they were going to be mated or not.

“Then I’ll come out there to be with you.”

She smiled, gave him a hug and kiss, and smiled again. “You are sure trying to win brownie points.”

“I’m going to miss you. You haven’t even left and I’m already missing you, knowing what it will be like this afternoon—no skiing with you, or swimming, running as a wolf when I can, or sharing meals and conversation, or playing.” And making love to her and snuggling with her the whole night through.

“Your family will be glad to get you back to work.”

He laughed. “I’m sure they will. I know you’ll be super busy at work during clinic hours. Having lost two of your vets, you’ll be even more swamped, but I’ll keep in touch as much as I can. When I email you or call or text you, just let me know if you’re busy and I’ll try not be too much of a nuisance.”

She kissed him again and gave him another heartfelt hug. “If I’m in surgery or seeing a client, I’ll just text you back later. Otherwise, I won’t ever be too busy.”

He was sure glad Gabrielle felt that way.

“But she has to make her flight,” Odette said, waiting for Landon to give Gabrielle up.

Zelda was smiling at them, looking as though she didn’t care as long as she got to see the love scene going on.

“All right. I’ll let you go. Text me when you get there safely,” he said to Gabrielle.

“I will.” Gabrielle kissed him again, then went through the security checkpoint with the jaguar sisters. She waved at him one last time, and then she and her friends were out of sight.

As soon as Landon saw Gabrielle and her friends off at the airport, he felt like his whole world went with her. He couldn’t believe he would ever feel that connected, that attached to someone. Much like he was with his sisters and brother, and Nicole now, but he felt something even deeper for Gabrielle. And he knew he wanted her for his mate, now and forever.

Yet he felt compelled to give her time to get used to the whole idea of moving to Silver Town, to settle in—though he would help her get set up. Then he would date her—not for every minute of the day and night the way he’d done when she was all by herself on vacation, but in a courtship way while they both had jobs to do.

Once he returned to the lodge, he tried to concentrate on guests’ issues, but he kept thinking about Gabrielle, glancing at the clock in the lobby, knowing she had hardly started home on her flight but already wanting to get her text saying she was safely back home.

Roxie came over and patted Landon on the back. “Why don’t you check on Kayla and see how she’s coming along with the plans for the refreshments for the Christmas carolers when they come tonight.”

He knew Kayla didn’t need his help, and he was sure she would feel he was in the way. But Roxie was right. He couldn’t concentrate on what the guests’ issues were so Roxie stepped right in to take care of them. Man, was this what it felt like to be lovesick?

He texted Gabrielle: Miss you already.

Landon knew she wouldn’t get his message for about three hours, but he had to tell her how he felt. He went into the office and found Princess Buttercup curled up in her favorite chair. She loved the family, but she was just as happy to sleep when they weren’t playing with her.

Kayla was working away at the plans for the refreshments. “Do you need me to help you with anything?” he asked her.

Kayla’s eyes widened to see him standing there. “I thought you were… Uh, no, thanks, Landon. Would you take Rosco for a walk though? He seems to be missing someone, and he’s been in here looking for her five times already.”

Hell, Landon knew just how Rosco felt. Just then, he felt a nose bumping his hand. He looked down to see Rosco trying to get his attention and Landon chuckled.

“See? What did I tell you? That makes six times.” Kayla smiled at the two of them.

“I’ll take him for a walk.” Maybe Landon would stop thinking about Gabrielle for a while then. But as soon as he bundled up and took Rosco outside, waved at Blake who was talking to some of their pack mates out front, and headed for the path through the woods, all he could think of was how he wished Gabrielle was with him and Rosco, taking a walk in the snowy woods. He had to get back on track, keep busy, and quit thinking about her every second she was gone. She would be back here before he knew it, and then he would have all the time in the world to see her after they both finished their workdays.

“You miss her too, don’t you, buddy?” Landon asked Rosco, as if the dog knew what he was saying.

Rosco looked up at him, his tongue panting, his eyes bright and his tail wagging frantically.

“Yeah, me too.”

* * *

On the flight to Florida, Gabrielle was thinking about how she had so much to do when she returned home and feeling overwhelmed. Odette was sitting next to the window, Gabrielle in between, and Zelda in the aisle seat.

“You have a whole new life ahead of you,” Odette said, glancing from the window to Gabrielle.

“There’s just so much to do.” She had already begun making lists so that she would stop worrying about all the up-in-the-air stuff.

Zelda patted her knee. “You know we’ll help you out when we can. You told us the wolf pack of Silver Town would help you move, too, so don’t worry about it so much. Your Colorado state veterinarian license will come through just fine. You’ll get a couple more vets to work for the clinic before you know it. I mean, who wouldn’t want to be living in beautiful Daytona Beach? You’re only leaving because you have a much better offer, being the wolf that you are. Just sell your place before it’s hurricane season.”

Gabrielle chuckled. Her friends always knew how she was feeling.

“We’re thinking of moving to the Houston or Dallas area with the JAG agency so we can be closer to where you are,” Zelda said.

“Yep, so we can visit more often,” Odette said. “You’ll have a guest room just for us, right?”

“And the lake surrounded by woods and with a mountain view, yes.” When Gabrielle thought about being settled in there, she felt good. It was just the getting moved there and the settling in that had her stomach tied up in knots.

And then there was Landon. Gabrielle closed her eyes and all she could envision was him looking down at her in the swimming pool, smiling, his dark eyes gazing upon her with interest and intrigue. She sighed and thought of his hugs, his hot body wrapped around hers, telling her he wanted to continue seeing her when she returned. She hoped while she was away no she-wolf would attempt to seduce him. She would have a thing or two to say about that when she returned, if so.

When she and her friends finally arrived at the airport in Daytona Beach, she turned on her phone and found she had ten text messages from Landon. Every one of them said he missed her and he couldn’t wait to see her again.

She smiled and texted him back: I’m here and I miss you too and can’t wait to see you either.

* * *

For the twelve days after Landon and Gabrielle had parted company, he had tried to give her some space and not text or call her constantly. During the family dinner at Landon’s and his sisters’ house, he poked at his chicken wings, everyone’s favorite food, yet he wasn’t hungry. He missed Gabrielle’s cheerful smiles and warm hugs, going to bed with her at night and playing with her during the day.

“Listen,” Blake said to Landon, “you’re feeling just like I did when Nicole was still thinking of returning to Denver and her PI practice there. Except Gabrielle lives even further away and she’s got to take care of her furry patients before she can move here. She’s got a ton of things to do with getting ready to move, and you aren’t able to focus much at the lodge with her gone right now. So we all took a vote and agreed to call her on your behalf to see if you could help her out.”

Landon’s jaw dropped. He couldn’t believe his family was looking out for him like that, or that they’d noticed how distracted he’d been. Or that they would call her and see if it was all right for him to help her without talking to him about it.

“We know you didn’t want to get in her way while she’s working, and you wanted to be here for us after taking off that one week, but you’re not able to concentrate on anything that needs to be done around here,” Roxie said. “She is thrilled you want to go out and assist her. She’s been feeling overwhelmed, but after you spent so much time with her during her vacation, she didn’t want to ask you to take off any more time to be with her. Or to upset us that you would not be helping us out. We quickly assured her that’s not the case. That you’re hopelessly stuck on her and aren’t any help at all.”

Landon chuckled. He loved his family.

“We bought you a one-way ticket to Daytona Beach,” Kayla said. “All of us pitched in for it. You’re leaving tomorrow morning, and she’ll pick you up at the airport during her lunch break. She said to be sure to bring your swimsuit. Her pool is heated.”

Landon smiled. “You are the best family ever.”

Nicole scooped up a forkful of green bean casserole. “I couldn’t wait to get settled in here with Blake. I spoke with Gabrielle too. She’s swamped with work, but she’s thrilled you’re coming to be with her. She said it won’t be all about work, and I didn’t ask for clarification.”

“Besides,” Blake warned, “you had better make sure you’re mated before you return with her so you don’t have to fight off the other wolves who are trying to garner her attention. I saw Doc Mitchell today at the lodge. He came by to see how things were going with Gabrielle and hadn’t realized she had gone home already. I think he’s worried she might change her mind once she is back in Daytona Beach. He said three of our bachelor males who have trained avalanche rescue dogs have canceled their dogs’ annual physicals so they can reschedule for when Gabrielle is running the clinic.”

Everyone laughed.

“I will make every effort to convince her I’m the only wolf for her.”

Now, Landon had an appetite again and he began to eat some of his wings. “Are there any more?”

As soon as dinner was done, Landon began packing for his trip to Daytona Beach. He paused to call Gabrielle though. “Hey.”

“Hey, you. I hear you’ve been missing me.”

“Hell yeah. I think I’ve been making a total nuisance of myself at the lodge, but I don’t want to upset your work or process, if you think I’ll be more trouble than it’s worth. I’m packing and I’ll be there if you’re good with it.”

“Well, I told your family to warn you I’ve got packing boxes all over the place.”

“That’s what I want to hear. I’m really good at packing.”

“You’ve got a job, then. When I get home at night, I’m too tired to pack much and I’ll never be ready to leave when I need to.”

“I’ll get it done.” He would do it all for her so she wouldn’t have to lift a finger when she got home from a day at the clinic. He was ready to give her back rubs and any other special attention she would need.

“Oh, thank you. I’ve been wishing you could join me, but I was afraid your family would miss your help too much.”

“Ha, they’re so eager to get rid of me, they even bought the plane ticket to send me on my way.”

Gabrielle laughed. “I was planning to send you the airfare. I’m so glad you’re coming.”

“I was going to join you for Christmas no matter what, if you couldn’t get out of there by then to spend it with me and my family.”

“Oh, good, because I wasn’t sure if I could get out of here in time for Christmas. If we get a new vet or two in, they can take the Christmas on-call issues. They’ll be the newest ones on staff. But if we don’t, the rest of us will have to take turns and I won’t be able to join you in Silver Town.”

“I’ll be there, then.” He wasn’t going to leave her until she was ready to go for good. He couldn’t wait to see her tomorrow.