Foul Pole by Tina Gallagher

Chapter Three


“See,I told you it’d get easier,” Clay said then took a big bite of his burger.

“I don’t know about that, but my back does feel better. It’s definitely looser and so are my hamstrings.” I shoved a handful of fries into my mouth and looked around the diner. “This place hasn’t changed a bit.” I held up a fry. “And the food tastes exactly like I remember it.”

“I’ve lived in Scranton my whole life. Not much changes here.”

After he tortured me, Clay and I decided to grab a bite to eat. Besides the fact I enjoy his company, I figured it would also give me a chance to pump him for information about the sexy redhead renting the studio on the first floor of his building. I’m just waiting for a good time to slip it into the conversation.

“My hometown is the same. I guess that’s why I’ve always felt so comfortable here.”

Clay nodded and shoved the last bite of burger into his mouth. He rested his elbows on the table as he chewed and swallowed.

“How are you feeling? Any pain?” he asked, then took a quick drink of water.

“Only when I’m in your studio,” I said around a chuckle. “But seriously, no. Not like I had during the season. Now it’s just routine aches and pains from catching, and I don’t think any amount of yoga will help with that.”

“I’ll do my best to get you where you need to be for the season.”

“I appreciate that.”

“Remember you’re paying me an obscene amount of money. The least I can do is get you into playing shape.”

“I’m just giving you the going MLB rate for a private trainer.”

I had pain and tightness in my lower back and hamstrings all last season. The Waves’ trainer, Max Rigsbee, managed to keep me in the game with stretching and massages, but it was obvious I needed to do something through the winter to help fix my issue. He recommended yoga and since I was moving to Scranton and Clay has a studio, booking sessions was easy. What wasn’t easy was convincing Clay to accept my money.

He wanted to give me a discount and I refused to pay him any less than what I’d give a private trainer. It was only after I threatened to take my business somewhere else that he conceded. There’s no doubt in my mind he knew I was bluffing, but I still got what I wanted.

“Whatever you say.” Clay shrugged. “But it did allow me to finish the floors in Anjannette’s studio sooner than planned. Plus I’ll be able to add a salt room to my studio. I didn’t think I’d be able to do that for another couple years. So I thank you, my friend.”

I nodded and finished my drink, trying to hide my smile. I’ve been trying to figure out how to bring up Clay’s sexy tenant and he’s just given me an opening.

“So what’s Anjannette’s story?” I asked.

“Her story?”

“You know, where’s she from, what’s she do…”

My lame gesture finished the sentence then Clay added the question I really wanted answered.

“Is she seeing anyone?”

“Well sure. I mean, if that’s what you want to talk about.”

He rolled his eyes.

“You know she’s my tenant, not my best friend.”

“Don’t tell me you don’t know anything about her.”

“I didn’t say that.” Clay leaned back and rested his arm against the back of the booth. “She grew up locally and she used to work full-time as a web designer. That’s actually how I met her. A friend referred her and she created the site for my studio.”

“A web designer?” He nodded. “I guess I can see that.”


“It can be kind of artsy. I mean, you’d have to have some sense of design to make things look decent, right?”

“What makes you think she’s artsy?”

“Just her whole look.” I shrugged. “The way she dresses, the tattoos and piercings. Her whole vibe.”

“I didn’t realize you spent enough time with her to pick up on her vibe.”

“Are you gonna bust my balls through this whole conversation?”



He shifted forward and leaned his elbow on the table.

“But seriously, are you interested in her?”

“Yeah, I am.”


“What do you mean why?”

He shook his head.

“Never mind the question. It’s really none of my business. But I just want to remind you that you’re going to be coming to the studio regularly for the next five months.”


“You might want to think twice about going there if you’re just looking for a one-night thing.”

“I’m not that much of a manwhore.”

I’ll admit that I haven’t lived like a monk, but the women I’ve casually spent time with weren’t looking for anything serious. But I don’t need to discuss that with Clay.

He held his hands up in a gesture of surrender.

“Just pointing it out.”

“I appreciate that,” I said. “And I’m not saying I plan on proposing marriage immediately, but I am interested in getting to know her.”

“Well, good luck.”

“Why do you say it like that?”

“Anjannette is great. She’s just…” He tilted his head from side to side. “She’s friendly but closed off too. Even after five years, I don’t know a whole lot about her.”

“But she’s not married or anything, right?”

That’s a line I never cross. Not only does it go against my morals, I don’t need that kind of drama in my life. Besides, my mom would kill me. And yes, even at thirty-two years old, I still worry about disappointing her.

“Definitely not married, and I don’t think she’s involved with anyone. But like I said, there’s a lot I’m not privy to. She maintains my website and rents space in my building. That’s about it.”

Clay opened his mouth to say something, then closed it again.


“I’ve gotten the impression that her last relationship didn’t end well. But that’s just based on things she’s said and conversations I’ve overheard.” He chuckled. “It’s amazing what women talk about when they’re together.”

“You don’t have to tell me about that. I have three sisters and too many female cousins to count, remember?”

“So you speak their language.”

“I don’t know if I speak it, but unfortunately, I understand it.”

“That’s a good thing.” Clay smirked then nudged his chin toward the door. “Because she just walked in.”


Keera stopped justinside the door of the diner and I bumped into her.

“What’s wrong?” I asked and stepped back.

“Looks like it’s our lucky day.”

She glanced over her shoulder at me then shifted her eyes across the room. I followed her gaze and cursed under my breath. I’ve already interacted with Leo Marakis once today. I can’t deal with his magnetism right now. I’m too tired. In a weak moment, I may just get sucked right into his vortex.

Leo twisted in the booth and looked over at us. Even though Keera is standing in front of me, his eyes skimmed right over her and met mine. The edges of his mouth curved up into a small smile, just enough for his dimples to make an appearance. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve watched the entire Full House series and this man is making every one of my Uncle Jesse fantasies pop into my head.

“Hey Clay,” Keera said as she walked toward their booth. “Who’s your friend?”

I followed Keera over and heard Clay introduce her to Leo. She shook his hand and admitted to knowing his identity, offering a few flirty comments in the process, making it look so easy.

Leo turned his attention to me.

“Hi Anjannette.”

Heat spread up my neck and to my face. I’m sure my cheeks are bright red, but there’s nothing I can do about it.

“Hi.” The word came out as more of a croak and I cleared my throat. “Hi.”

Keera settled into the booth directly across from them and I mentally cringed as I sat opposite her. I’d hoped we could sit in the other room. At least it looks like they’re finished eating so hopefully they’ll be leaving soon.

“So Leo,” Keera said. “What brings you to our fine city?”

“I live here.”

“You live in Scranton?”

He nodded. “During the off season anyway.”

“So you could live anywhere you want and you chose here?”



“I like it here.”

“Again, I ask why?”

Leo’s laugh is as sexy as the rest of him. Deep, rich, and apparently infectious because we all joined in. Even the waitress chuckled as she walked over to take our orders. Since I get the same thing every time I come here, it’s not an issue that I’ve been too distracted to look at the menu.

Once the waitress left, Leo answered Keera’s question.

“I went to college here and played for the RailRiders for part of a season and always liked the city. It’s big enough to be interesting but small enough to keep it from being overwhelming. And the most important thing is that it’s two hours away from my family. Which is far enough to give me some space, but close enough that I can easily visit.”

“Interesting,” Keera said. “Do people know you live here?”

“I haven’t taken out a billboard ad or announced it on social media, but my friends and family know.” Leo offered a sexy smirk. “And now so do you.”

“I’m so honored.” Keera rested her hand against her ample chest. “And I promise I won’t tell anyone.”

“Since you don’t know my address, I feel pretty safe.”

“I don’t know your address yet.”

Leo let out a surprised chuckle but was saved from having to respond when the waitress returned with our food. My mouth watered as she placed my bacon cheeseburger and fries with gravy in front of me. I only had a granola bar that I found in the bottom of my purse for lunch and I’m absolutely starving.

But as excited as I am about eating, even the food can’t distract me from the uneasiness I’ve been feeling as I listened to Keera and Leo’s sexy banter. Will he be her next dick band-aid? My stomach tightened at that thought and I mentally shook it from my head.

Why do I care if he is?

I picked up my burger and took a big bite. Of course, that’s when I was spoken to.

“Anjannette, Rick just texted and said he’s available to video the recital. Do you mind if I give him your number so you can discuss the details?”

Shaking my head to answer his question, I chewed, willing the huge bite I’d taken to disintegrate. Of course it didn’t. I felt three sets of eyes on me and I placed my hand over my mouth as I continued to both shake my head and chew.

Finally. Finally. The pieces were small enough to swallow without choking. I took a drink for good measure.

“Thank you so much Clay. I’ve planned every single detail of this recital and didn’t even think about hiring someone to videotape the performances until a couple days ago.”

I’m not going to mention that I was reliving my glory days of winning the Pole Sport Association competition two years ago by rewatching the video of my performance at the time.

He looked down at his phone and his thumbs quickly tapped along the screen. A second later the phone buzzed and he smiled then looked up at me.

“He’ll give you a call tomorrow.”

“Sounds good.”

“Please eat some of these.” I slid the heaping plate of fries toward Keera then picked up my fork and speared a few. “I’ll never finish them all.”

“What’s this recital you’re talking about?” Leo asked, thankfully before I filled my mouth again.

“My students are putting on a show.”

“It’s to celebrate Anjannette’s first year in business,” Keera added.

“That’s quite an accomplishment. Congratulations,” Leo said, looking way too sincere. “Are you in the show?” I nodded. “When is it?”

When I didn’t answer, Keera did.

“A week Saturday at seven-thirty.”

He pulled out his phone and turned his attention to it for a second then looked over at me and smiled.

“I have it in my calendar. I’m looking forward to it.”

I shoved the fries into my mouth, not sure what to say. The thought of Leo watching me dance is both thrilling and terrifying. There’s something about him that throws me off balance and that’s something I definitely don’t need when I’m spinning around a pole. Or any other time.