Foul Pole by Tina Gallagher

Chapter Thirty-Four


Every once in a while,you play one a game where everything just falls into place. This is one of those games. Sam Cherry started the on the mound tonight and his pitching was flawless. His velocity was up all the way through the seventh inning, he hit his spots, and his breaking balls were filthy. He allowed one excuse-me hit in the top of the fourth, but other than that, no one got to first base.

Ricky Parrish followed and looked just as good. His curveballs were breaking from twelve to six and guys were screwing themselves into the ground trying to hit them.

The icing on the cake is that I’m really seeing the ball and I’ve already hit two frozen ropes into the gap. I’m up again in the bottom of the eighth, this time facing a different pitcher. Let’s see if the magic is still there.

I stepped into the box and watched the first pitch come in high and outside. The second one was a strike, but it wasn’t my strike, so I let it go by. The third pitch was my idea of perfect and I saw it from the second it left the pitcher’s hand until it sailed right into the zone. I whipped my hands around, swinging the bat at just the right and hit the ball with the sweet spot.

I ran toward first base and as I rounded for second, it was still flying as the left and center fielders chased it. The ball dropped just past the two guys and took one hop to the wall then bounced back past the outfielders. I hit second base and looked to the third-base coach for direction. He was waving me toward him, much to my surprise. Thankfully I didn’t slow down at all. Running toward third base as fast as I could, I executed a perfect pop-up slide into the bag a full second before the ball arrived.

Safe at third.

I can count on one hand the number of times I’ve hit a triple.

There’s definitely a shift in the energy tonight. Or maybe the planets are aligned the right way. Whatever it is, for the first time in a month, I just feel good. Instead of questioning it, I’m just gonna enjoy the moment.

The ninth inningwent just as flawlessly as the rest and we won the game seven to one. After doing a post-game interview, I jumped into the dugout and started to go down the tunnel.


I looked back and spotted Monte.


“Could you stick around for a minute?”

“Uh sure.”

I looped my chest protector over my head as I walked back to the dugout. Monte was out on the field looking up into the stands and held his finger up, signaling for me to wait. I took the time to remove my shin guards then grab a drink.


I finished chugging my water and tossed the bottle into the recycling bin then nodded. I have no idea what I’m ready for, but I suppose it doesn’t really matter.

Climbing the steps of the dugout, I walked onto the field and turned to look at Dan, Jack, Monte, and Trey, who were standing against the wall smiling at me like four idiots.

“What’s up?”

They glanced over their shoulders, directing my attention toward the stands.

My heart stopped. It literally stopped then started pounding so hard, I’m sure it was visible through my shirt.

Anjannette stood on the steps about fifteen rows up holding a sign over her head.

Leo Marakis

I was so wrong

Please give me another chance

I love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My teammates separated,and opened the gate. I looked at them then at the gate and shook my head. Walking forward, I closed it and stepped back.


I watchedLeo close the gate and step back from the wall and called myself every kind of fool. After not talking to him for over a month, I seriously thought I could just show up here with a sign and everything would be okay. How delusional was that?

Hannah helped me set this whole thing up, complete with a cleared section and security guards ensuring fans wouldn’t interrupt us. She even got Leo’s friends to help. Now they’re all here to witness my fall.

I lowered the sign and rested it on my feet.

The field in front of me blurred as tears filled my eyes. I was about to turn and leave when something caught my eye. I blinked furiously to clear my vision just in time to see Leo jump the wall and sprint up the steps toward me just like he did in St. Pete.

He cupped my face and used his thumbs to clear the tears that had escaped and streaked down my cheeks.

“Hey, what’s this about?”

“When—When—” I took a measured breaths to calm myself before I hyperventilated. “When you closed the gate, I thought you were going to leave. I thought you hated me.”

He flashed that panty-melting, dimple-popping smile.

“I could never hate you.” Leaning down, he gave me a quick kiss then leaned his forehead against mine. “I love you too much.

Tears streamed down my face and I started blubbering.

“Leo, I’m so sorry. I love you. I never should have hurt us like that. I’m so, so sorry. Please forgive me. I swear I’ll never do anything like that again.”


He kissed my forehead then my nose, then my lips. God love him, the man must love me because I’m a tear-streaked snotty mess. And I know from experience that I’m not a pretty crier.

“I love you, I forgive you, and we’re going to do better moving forward.”

“What did I do to deserve you, Leo Marakis?”

“Part of me has known from the first time I laid eyes on you that we belonged together. Even when you slammed the door in my face, I knew you were the one.”

Keera had told me that I was the one he wanted months ago. I’d quoted Buffy at the time, but right now, I said the words that are in my heart.

“All I ever want to be is the one.”

Leo smiled and pulled me into his arms.

“It’s been a while since I’ve been featured on ESPN. How about you help a guy out?”


He placed his mouth on mine and kissed me, long, hard, wet, and deep, bending me over his arm in the process.

Have mercy.

Check out Keera’s story in my new series, Peaches & Pole. Coming early 2021