Pain and Pleasure by Callie Vincent



It'sSunday night and I'm at the nightclub with just Sergio.

Dante had a phone call that he was waiting on from his brother and Ricky had to go to bed early for his first fashion week that starts tomorrow. His flight for New York leaves at 6:00 AM with Marianne and they won't be back for an entire week.

I've gotten spoiled having him there at the house with me, and I feel really sad about his departure, but not sad enough to not feel immense pride for all of his most recent accomplishments. My best friend is participating in New York fashion week. He gets to meet all of his dream designers and even debut an outfit that both he and Marianne have been working on. His very own debut piece.

The car ride to club Rio with Sergio is quite intense and I am having none of it. I thought about what he said to me last night as I laid in bed with Dante. We made love off and on for two hours and it wasn't until the last time where I lay in his arms in his bed staring at the ceiling in silence as he slept, that Sergio's words repeated in my head on a loop like a vinyl record.

"I want him dead just as bad as you do, you know." I say into the silence of the car. His eyes meet mine in the rearview mirror and I can tell he's narrowed them slightly.

"I know my father has damaged your lives beyond compare, and I know that your relationship with Dante's father was close. I also know certain things about Dante that I'm sure not many other people know. And I also know that I will keep those things safe inside of me like I have with everything else."

He nods slowly at me and it's the best response he's giving me yet. He's giving me a small bit of understanding.

"I've done everything you both have asked me to do. I've kept quiet, I've kept my head down, I've been where you've needed me to be when you needed me to be there. I lied to my best friend for you. If that doesn't show any sense of loyalty to you then I don't know what will, but I do know this…" I say.

"My father has both damaged my mother and myself as well as our futures. He's a selfish and dark man and if you want my honest opinion, I don't see the point of him taking up any more space on this Earth." I stare at my hands, twisting them nervously in my lap.

I don't know why I'm seeking his trust so much. Maybe because he doesn't trust me when I've given him no reason not to.

"I have no problem helping you along the way of taking him out, but I do want a little bit of respect from you in doing so."

I meet his eyes before looking out the window, seeing that we are now approaching Rio. He comes to a stop and I go to take off my seat belt, my hand on the door as he finally speaks to me.

"Okay," is all he says. I nod at him as we leave the car and walk to the entrance. Okay is enough.

The inside of the club is not nearly as packed as it has been before, but there are still a swarm of bodies both across the dance floor and leaning against the bar. Sergio guides me through the dance floor to a door by the bar on the main floor, a guard trailing behind us. He ushers us inside a room that looks like an office that needs to be in a business suite and not a nightclub.

The desk and bookshelves are all made of very rich wood, similar to the furniture in Dante's mansion. The leather chair looks comfy enough to lay in even. There's a small conference table with about six or seven chairs and a few staff members sit at them, staring at us as we walk into the room. Sergio stops before the conference table and gestures for me to sit down at the head of the table. I take my seat awkwardly as he speaks.

"Everyone, I would like to introduce you to Emmie." They all wave at me, but none of them say hi. I feel nervous, but try to hide it as best as I can. Trying my best to seem intimidating.

"Emmie is the new Creative Director for Rio and she will be in charge of event planning, creative roll outs and development changes. She's a business intern and has just as much service experience as most of you do, if not all of you, so don't try to cross her."

I feel confused by the way Sergio is talking about me. He says these things about me like he's protecting me, like I'm an authority or force in this business. I've helped manage the cafe down at the campus, but never a nightclub. I've been a waitress for nearly six years, but I never would have dreamed I would have this much authority in creative freedom in a business. A very expensive and lucrative business, nonetheless.

Everyone eyes me suspiciously, but nobody says anything. I don't like the vibe that they give off or the way they are physically scrutinizing me, so I decide to stand, straightening my burgundy bodycon dress as I do so. I finally perfected walking in taller heels, and they add a couple inches to my height, giving me a boost of confidence as well. My hair is curled and my lips are painted red. I feel more like a grown up, I feel like a woman. A woman that doesn't deserve to be scrutinized or intimidated any longer.

"I'm excited to start working on some changes with everyone. Though most of you don't seem too excited about my presence, I trust that if you have any issues you will confront me directly."

I pick up my purse and lock eyes with everyone, their eyes widening a little as I try my best at sounding intimidating and confident.

"Though I will be in charge of overseeing all future projects, I am always open to suggestions and new ideas. My office will be on the fourth floor. You can find me there."

I turn and walk out of the office, making my way to the elevator as both Sergio and the guard follow behind me. Once we stop at the elevator and wait for it, I notice a pair of eyes watching me from the bar. I look over and notice an older man, most likely in his thirties eyeing me carefully. He's in a dark suit and has a thick mustache over his small lips.

"Do you know that guy?" I ask Sergio and he shakes his head, both he and the guard’s eyes now trained on the man at the bar.

"Keep an eye on him," I say as the elevator opens.

The guard and I step into the elevator, and I press the button to the fourth floor, but Sergio stays behind as another guard joins him. He speaks to me before the doors close.

"The door locks with a code and all of the security cameras are up on display inside of the office. Please text me or page your guard if you need anything brought to you. We'll leave in an hour," he says before the doors close.

The guard and I are in the elevator and it's awkwardly silent. I never really speak to the men in suits and sunglasses that follow us around everywhere. To be honest it's hard to even tell them apart but I know this guard has been in charge of following me since I've been in Dante's care.

"What's your name?" I ask him. He doesn't look at me when he speaks.

"Benjamin," is all he says, and I nod. His tone was clipped, and I can tell he's not in the mood for small talk.

The elevator doors open as we reach the fourth floor and he walks me to my office. It is in the same hallway as the private rooms and I wonder if that's going to cause an issue for the nights that I'll be here. I don't really want to hear moans and screaming while I'm trying to create event plans.

He gives me the code and opens the door to my office, allowing me to step inside as he guards the outside of it. The lighting in the room is low but there are large floor-to-ceiling windows lining the wall to my right, overseeing all of downtown LA. I walk to it and I am mesmerized by the twinkling lights and busy streets below me. This is something out of a dream and I'm living right in it.

Though I've dreamed about being in a kitchen baking most of my life, I have to admit I've often let my mind drift to a powerful setting like this. Especially when I served at such a low wage for asshole customers and even more asshole managers. I've always wondered what it felt like to be on top, to oversee something. And now I find that the view is amazing from this high up.

My desk and chair are both large and modern looking, black in color and adorned with two large, matching bookshelves on the wall to the left of it. There's a door to a bathroom by one of the bookshelves, but my eyes are locked on all of the security footage displayed on the large back wall, several expensive monitors lined side by side, showing me every view on every floor.

It's a lot to look at, but it's comforting to know there's heavy surveillance here. Each screen holds about ten camera views, covering the majority of the square footage in this entire building. It makes me think back to the night when Ricky and I came here to celebrate my birthday. Dante admitted that he knew about the boy that hit on me when I found him in my apartment that night. This is how. He's been watching me this closely since then. It should make me feel uneasy, but I feel safe with that knowledge. Safe that he's been there with me for this long, even if he stayed in the shadows.

I look around at the wide-open space. There's a whole wall that's empty and would look great as one of those grass walls with neon lighting. There could be some plants on the desk, maybe some side tables and a few armchairs. There's a lot to make this room more like me for the time that I'll spend in it. I don't mind being used as bait after all.

I take a seat at my desk, glancing at the files before looking back at the security monitors on the wall. I looked to the portion of one of the screens that oversees the bar on the first floor, spotting the man that stared at me on my way up here earlier. I look for a remote and find one on the desk. After some messing around, I find a way to zoom in on the man. I can only see the back of his head, but I get a strange feeling the longer I look at him, almost like he's familiar.

I wait silently until the man turns around and I get a good look at his face through the camera. I stare at him until for some reason, I think of my father, and the harder that I think, I start to remember where I've seen this man before.

He was the driver for Juan Carlos when he took me to my mother's house weeks ago.

My eyes widen and I rush to find my cell phone in my purse that I threw on the desk. I call out for Benjamin as I dial Sergio's number. He enters just when Sergio answers the phone.

"The man at the bar, he works for my father."

Benjamin calls for backup in his earpiece as I hear Sergio yell out to a guard and they begin making their way towards the bar. I stare at the monitor as I watch the man spot both Sergio and the guards, his hand going to his hip. I immediately feel panicked as I watch the man reach for a gun but he decides to flee instead when he realizes more guards surround him.

He runs in the direction of the exit but is immediately tackled by two guards near the door. I drop the phone in my hand as I watch the guards pull the man away, everyone's attention now centered on them. I hear my phone buzzing on the desk and look down to see Dante calling me.

"Hello?" I say and I hear Dante's sigh of relief.

"You're okay. I'll be there in twenty minutes. Keep the door locked and the cameras on. We don't know who else could be there."

"Okay. Just be careful," I say, my eyes still looking at the monitors, feeling a lot more terrified than I thought I would be.

"I'll be there soon, Emmie. Just stay put."

I nod as he hangs up the call, the phone hanging in my hand as my eyes stay glued to the bar on the first floor. After weeks of my father not showing his whereabouts, he makes his presence known when I come to the club. It's almost as if he's been tracking me, tracking me from inside of Dante's house somehow. I feel an uneasiness creep into my stomach as I realize just how unsafe I really am.

I'm being watched from all angles.