Pain and Pleasure by Callie Vincent



He's lickingat me furiously, his tongue lashing against the swollen folds of my sex.

I arch my back from his mattress and cry out, a fifth orgasm now rushing to the surface. As soon as we got home from the club, he pulled me from the car and carried me to his bedroom. He had my dress pushed up and my panties ripped down before I could even hit the mattress, eating me with a passion that melted my bones and turned my body into a live wire.

I come around his tongue and beg for him to fuck me, my body thrashing as he licks me through yet another climax. I'm pulling at his hair and coaxing him up when he finally gives in. He pins my hands above my head with one strong hand as the other goes to his belt and zipper. Within seconds, he's pushing inside me at a pace I've never known, fully seated to the hilt and pushing against my cervix as soon as his cock is out. I cry out and he kisses my lips, stealing my sounds and eating them up.

He starts fucking me slowly, deeply. Etching himself across every surface that's inside of my body, committing this moment to memory. I look up into his eyes and am rendered speechless. There's so much emotion in their amber depths, stealing my breath and bringing tears to my eyes. I know what I see in his eyes, and I know that he feels it too. I saw it when we learned about the threat of my death earlier. I've felt it with every touch he's given me since. He loves me and we both know it.

"Just say it," I moan around his mouth.

He leans up above me, staring into my eyes and he shoves his hips deep into mine, the tip of his cock pushing against my cervix. My eyes practically cross and I trap his hips between my knees, holding him tight as he burrows into me. I feel the threat of another climax sneak up and all I can do is look into his eyes. His wild, perfect, loving eyes.

"Say it to me, Dante. Say you love me. Because I love you." I cry, tears leaking from my eyes as I shake around his cock, coming in waves.

He's right behind me as his hips slam repeatedly into mine, pausing as I feel the rush of his seed burst into my womb. He roars out and I feel him shake above me. He releases my hands to hold my face between his palms. I bring my hands up to do the same. We're staring at each other like this for a while, breathing rapidly as we come off our high.

He kisses the tears away from my eyelids, his lips traveling across my cheeks and settling on my lips.

"I love you, Esmeralda May. Even if it damns us both, I love you," he whispers across my lips.

It's the last thing I hear before sleep claims me in his arms.

* * *

It's been a week since the incident at Club Rio. Somehow, amongst all the stress, I've finished my business proposal with the help of Dante.

He surprisingly didn't micromanage me as much as I thought he would. He let me take my creative liberty as he gave me constructive criticism, allowing me to craft and complete the blueprint of my dreams. Even if my school doesn't approve of this final project, I do. Because I've created the restaurant of my dreams.

Alongside the completion of my business project, he's also taught me how to use a gun. A Glock 19 to be exact. At first, I was terrified. Somehow this small piece of metal felt as if it was larger than the world as I first held it in my hands, but after the first few rounds I sent to the target he had set up downstairs, the adrenaline began to take hold. It seems that I have an incredible aim, according to him. And I doubt that he was just being kind. I found it easy to be controlled and focused as soon as I held it up. My natural ability surprised the both of us and it made me confident enough to go back to the club.

"Not yet, Esmeralda," he says as I approach him in his office.

"You can't keep me in here forever, you need to be able to track his movements. And you know he only really moves when he sees me," I say, sitting back on his desk in front of him.

He eyes between my spread thighs, but I tilt his chin up to look at me.

"It's too dangerous," he says as he looks at me.

"It wasn't even dangerous last time, Dante. I was perfectly safe. You've taught me how to use a gun, I have several guards and club security. Plus, I'll be on the top floor. I'm literally as safe there as I am here," I say, and he shakes his head as his hands sneak out to grab the tops of my thighs before pulling me to him.

"You're safest in my bed." He growls as he kisses my stomach and trails his lips down to my covered sex. I groan in response.

"I can't stay there forever," I whisper, and he chuckles darkly.

"Oh, but how I wish you could," is all he says before he yanks my pants down and begins to eat me to an orgasm.

As soon as I come, he agrees to let me go. I thank him by sucking him deep into my mouth, smiling with love as he comes.

As soon as I leave his office, I change into a new pair of panties and fix my black dress before loading my purse up with my phone, keys and gun. Dante said I should just carry it on me and not in my bag, but it's hard to conceal a gun in a bodycon dress. Sergio drives me to Club Rio and I am greeted at the front door by Benjamin and two other guards. It is daylight and the club does not open for another two hours, but the men still follow me up to my office, guarding the outside of my door as I close it.

I drafted a new event rollout for the club at home this week in between finishing my business proposal. Dante said whatever I did here at Club Rio can be used on my resume, so I am eager to get to work on it immediately. Once I plug the flash drive into the computer, I decorate my new office as the files transfer and load onto the desktop.

Dante had some of Marianne's co-workers come in to decorate the large wall with fake grass and neon lighting, as well as paint the other walls a very soft grey. The neon lights spelled the word Dream and even though it seems cliche, I could care less. Because this was my very own office.

I moved around some of the end tables and couches and began to dress them with throw pillows and soft blankets that I ordered online. The furniture came already set up so that all I had to do was add my finishing touches. Once I added candles and a plush rug, I stood back and admired my handiwork.

I've always been good at decorating and making a place look like home. Comfort is my biggest attribute and it brings me solace. I mentioned to Dante earlier this week that I maybe wanted to continue some schooling for interior design, but of course he shot me down. Apparently knowing Marianne was all that I needed, but I'm still eager to do things my own way. Hard work is another one of my attributes and no matter what Dante provides for me, I will always stay true to working hard and building a solid foundation on my own.

A knock sounds at my door and I smile as I see Ricky enter. He's back from fashion week and I couldn't be any happier to see him. I rush to him, and he catches me in a long hug. He smells of rich cologne and he's dressed in a designer suit. I pull back to smile at him and walk to my desk as he sits in one of my pink, velvet lounge chairs.

"So while I've been at fashion week, you've somehow managed to become a CEO? Is that what's with the heavy security clearance outside?" He teases me and I wave him off.

"Dante's helping me with my resume. I'm just here to help with event planning," I say and he shakes his head at me.

"Has he told you he loves you yet?" he asks and I stop typing on my computer to look over at him, shocked.

"Who says we love each other?" I ask him and he rolls his eyes at me.

"Says the both of you every time you're near each other," he explains, and I can't help but smile.

"Are you being safe, Emmie?" he asks, his voice suddenly serious as he eyes me.

I know he's talking about my heart and not about using protection.

"As safe as I can, given the current situation," I say, and he quirks a perfectly manicured eyebrow at me.

"And what's the current situation?" he asks as he leans back in the armchair.

"The current situation being that I'm in love with the leader of a drug cartel," I say.

Ricky stares at me in silence for a few moments, looking worried for me but also looking empathetic. No matter what, this man supports me and he knows that somehow, we're in this fucked up situation together, so we may as well make the most of it.

"I know he's terrifying, but I will castrate him if he ever hurts you," he says suddenly and I laugh.

"I'll be sure to let him know," I say as I finish typing on my computer.

I finalized the event I had planned and send an email over to Dante, waiting for his approval. I'm trying to appeal to more of the college kids in the area by offering a ladies’ night. I've noticed that Dante hasn't really run any specials in this club, and this will be something to not only drive more revenue, but also appeal to me.

It appeals to me even more because I've created it. Ricky sits in silence as I finish up the work on my computer. I pull out my flash drive and tuck it into my purse before going to log off from my email.

"So, I was offered a position in New York after I graduate," he says and I freeze, my fingers hovering over the keyboard.

I turn to look at him, trying to look excited but failing miserably. I've never been more than fifty miles from Ricky and New York is the furthest thing from us.

"By who?" I ask.

He's smiling and I'm trying my best to be happy for him. He's worked at this his whole life. It’s his dream and it's finally coming true.

"Marianne is opening up a store there. She wants me in charge of it while she oversees the new line here in LA." He stares and my stomach drops.

"You don't seem too excited for me…" he says, and I shake my head, smiling and pushing back my own fears as I go to sit by him.

I grab his hands in mine and look at him, pride filling me even though the sadness of his future absence begins to creep in.

"No matter how many miles separate us, I will always be proud of you. I will always want the world for you, Ricky," I say, and he smiles back at me, petting my hair as he leans forward so that our foreheads touch.

Suddenly, I feel like a kid again. Like two outcasts on the playground who just found their better half. I feel like the little girl who is looking into the eyes of her very best friend, her first savior and first ever partner in crime. I look at the man before me now and feel so much pride, that it steals my breath. No matter the heartache that space would cause, I would always love this man through it all. He's my family.

"And I you, baby girl. We always have each other. No matter where, no matter what. Okay?" I nod against his forehead, and we stay like that for a minute.

We’ve always had to be the ones to grow up quicker than anybody else, but right now I feel like we're growing up at an accelerated pace. Just a month ago I felt like we had all the time in the world, and now I feel as if our time is fleeting. Now I feel the adult world coming in and separating us, and even though our hearts will always know each other, time and space will always come to stand in the way.

"Come on. I know you've been here all day and I want to go home and shower," he says as he stands up, holding out a hand for me as I take it and stand as well.

Benjamin follows us to the elevator and we ride down to the main floor. As we step outside, Benjamin goes to grab the car as a couple guards stand behind us inside, watching us closely. A few minutes pass and Ricky and I suddenly hear some shuffling noises. I turn to look and see, my head peering around the corner of the alleyway beside us. Suddenly, Ricky grabs me.

"Emmie! Do you see it?" he says excitedly, pointing over to the trashcan in the alley way.

I squint my eyes to get a better look and after seconds of staring, I see an orange cat pop out of the trashcan. It lands on the cement with a thump and begins to lick its paws, all the while staring directly at us. Ricky jumps up and down with Glee and I have to roll my eyes at him. He had an orange cat like this that ran away when we were kids and I know immediately what he is thinking.

"Emmie, it's Lasagna!" he exclaims and starts to pull on my arm.

"Ricky, Lasagna ran away when we were ten. No offense, but I highly doubt that he's still alive," I say softly, but he ignores me.

"Cats live for over twenty years and he was just a baby when we got him. At least let's go see if there's a collar on him," he says, but I shake my head.

"I'm tired, Ricky. Let's go home," I say, looking back at the guards who are busy checking wristbands for the line of people now ushering into the club.

"We will go home, as soon as we look and see if this is my cat, you heartless bitch," he playfully tells me, pulling me with him as we walk into the alleyway.

We are about ten feet away as we approach the cat and Ricky bends down to call for it. After about a minute of him clicking his tongue and beckoning it, the cat runs away and I roll my eyes.

"There's your answer. Are we done now?" I say, ready to walk back to the front.

Ricky sighs and stands, giving me an evil eye. We are walking back to the front when I hear someone whisper something. Something that sounded an awful lot like my name.

"Did you say something?" I ask him, but he shakes his head.

As soon as he opens his mouth, I see his eyes move to look at something behind me before they widen. He begins to yell out, but I already feel something cold and metal press against my back, a sweaty and large hand coming around to close over my mouth as I am pulled back against a cold and strange body.