Pretty Falling Pieces by Isabelle Culpo

Chapter Ten

“Ithought you said you had a meeting now?”

“You really have no idea, do you?” Theo says, putting his hands on his hips.

Did I just make a fool of myself in that meeting? Or rather, did Andrew make a fool out of me in that meeting?

Theo must have finally realised I’m not cut out for this.

“I told you I’d never worked on a project of this scale before. I’ve never been expected to know things like that as an interior designer. Especially not asked to perform calculations on the spot, I mean why should he even need to ask me something like that? If you’ve changed your mind about me then that’s fine, but I will give this project my best, Theo.”

“This has nothing to do with your work, Imogen! It’s the fact that he was intentionally trying to undermine you to make him feel better about himself.”

So I didn’t come across as an idiot, just a coward.

He looks down at his desk and sighs, as if debating whether or not to say this next part. “And there’s also the fact that he was practically eye-fucking you right in front of me.”

“Are you kidding me? Why on earth would he do that when we’re in the middle of a meeting?” I ask, surprising myself with the tone of my voice.

I can’t remember the last time I spoke this loudly towards someone.

With a resigned sigh he stands up from behind his desk and moves closer to me. “Because he’s a guy Imogen, he was intimidated by you and attracted to you, and made himself look like a dick as a result. You honestly didn’t notice that?”

“No, I didn’t,” I say.

He sits on top of his desk, just in front of me. His leg grazes my knee.

“I knew from the second you walked in that bar you were going to ruin me, Imogen.”

Theo has more strength in his pinky finger than I do in my entire body. Not just physically, but mentally and emotionally too. How on earth could I ruin a man like him?

He smirks, when he realises I’m not going to respond to that statement.

“You’re coming to my place for dinner tonight… If you’d like to, that is,” he adds, suddenly remembering his manners.

“I might be able to squeeze you in. I’ll have to check my schedule though.”

He laughs, and I love the fact that I’m the reason for that charming sound. Especially since he’s laughing with me, not at me.

“I’ll pick you up at six.”

“Looking forward to it,” I reply.

“Oh and Imogen, you won’t need this. Any questions can come straight to me.” He deftly pulls Andrew’s card from out of my hand and throws it in the trash.

I never would’ve called Andrew, especially after the stunt he pulled today, but why the hell would Theo care if he did?

* * *

At 5:05 I’ve already showered, re-done my hair, re-applied my makeup, and changed my outfit about seven times. Although he didn’t put a label on it, I can’t help but feel like this is a date.

My first ever date.

I didn’t want to be in my work clothes, but I also didn’t feel like it was appropriate to dress up if we’re only going to his home. In the end, I decided to pair a short black skirt with a nude embellished top and low strappy heels. If it looks like I’m trying too hard, it’s because I am.

At 5:50, I’m in the foyer waiting. My palms are sweating so I flap them up and down to cool off.

Sarah walks in as I’m waving my hands about and I guess the motion catches her eye because she looks to me straight away. Like the past few times I’ve run into her recently, she looks defeated.

“Hi, Sarah, is everything okay?” Theo will be here at any moment, but I couldn’t just let her walk by without checking if she was alright first.

“No, not really. Where are you off to?” she asks with a shrewd gaze.

“Just meeting up with a colleague.” I keep my answer vague as I’m sensing the same sort of passive-aggressive hostility like when we met up in the elevator.

“Oh…that wasn’t what you were wearing this morning for work. Why did you change if you’re just meeting a colleague?”

What the hell? I don’t remember crossing paths with her this morning. She must have seen me from a distance, or maybe she’s just incredibly observant.

“I just felt like freshening up.” It’s then I notice Theo’s car outside. “Actually my ride’s here so I have to go. Have a nice evening!” I’m disappointed I didn’t get the chance to ask her more about what’s made her so upset, but I don’t want to keep Theo waiting.

Theo must have seen me too because before I’m out the building, he’s holding the car door open for me. “Hi,” I greet him, unable to hide my nerves.

As I get ready to climb into his car, he pulls my arm so I fall into his chest and presses his lips to mine. A brief yet intense kiss that makes my legs feel like Jell-O.

“You took my breath away when I saw you.”


The feeling is most definitely mutual. I can see he’s just come from work, but he still looks as fresh as he did this morning.

I duck into the car, attempting to compose myself, but it’s no use. The smile on my face is impossible to hide, and by the time he gets in the driver’s seat, I know he’s aware of just how much that comment affected me. “Thanks for picking me up.”

“No worries, I hope you’re hungry,” he says with a teasing smile still on his face. “I can’t cook for shit, but I’ve ordered from one of my favourite Italian restaurants just down the road from me.”

“That sounds good, I love Italian.” Probably a little too much, considering carbohydrates are my number one enemy.

I go to buckle myself in when something, or should I say someone, catches the corner of my eye.

Sarah is still standing in the exact same place I left her and is staring right at me in Theo’s car with a blank expression on her face. I give her a brief wave and her eyes narrow.

Has she been watching the whole time?

* * *

Theo lives in a rural area, just outside of the city. It’s taken us over an hour to get here, and I’m just about to ask him how he copes with this commute every day when he pulls into a gated driveway. The wrought iron gate opens when Theo presses a remote button attached to his sun visor.

Cypress trees line the driveway, and as we ascend further up the hill I notice how neatly landscaped the property is. His house isn’t even in view yet, and every inch I’ve seen so far is manicured to perfection. Neatly trimmed lawns with box hedges outlining the property.

Once he pulls to a stop, I’m genuinely astounded.

Theo’s house is magnificent.

A masterpiece overlooking Auckland City with endless views of the Pacific Ocean.

Schist stonework, zinc metal tray roofing, expressed hardwood timber posts.

I stand there in awe.

I’ve worked on some beautiful homes before, but this place is on an entirely different level.

The section alone would be worth a fortune; especially with its easy city access that’s also secluded and incredibly private.

He grabs my hand and leads me to the entrance.

“Theo, this place is incredible,” I compliment and his face lights up with pride.

“Thank you. The build took a year and a half. The longest year and a half of my life. I’m just glad it’s finished.”

He opens the door, and it leads to a decadent formal lounge area with floor to ceiling glass doors that provide immediate access to the deck and Olympic size infinity pool.

Solid oak lines the floors and ceilings creating warmth in such a vast and open space.

All of the blinds are lifted, so there’s soft light pouring through the house. The remaining sun is reflecting off the water, but in less than an hour, the sky will be pitch black, and the twinkling lights of the city will be visible.

“Have a seat. Can I get you anything to drink?” Theo heads to the kitchen, and I’m desperate to follow him and ask for a tour of the rest of the house.

“Just a glass of water, please.” I perch myself on his couch, needing to shuffle back in order to sit up properly. It’s the type of sofa you just want to curl up and have a nap on. The dove grey fabric feels incredibly soft. Since my feet can’t reach the floor, I tuck them up under me.

When Theo walks back into the lounge, holding two glasses of water, he stops and stares. “You look good on my couch.”

The comment makes me feel a little self-conscious that I made myself so comfortable right away, and I suddenly wish I’d kept both feet on the floor. He hands me a glass of iced water with a slice of lime. A nice touch from a guy that admits he can’t cook.

He takes a seat next to me, and I notice the couch fits him perfectly.

“First of all, I want to apologise for the way I acted this morning. I shouldn’t have said those things to you. I guess…” he hesitates. “I could tell he was interested in you, and I just couldn’t stand the thought of someone else getting the opportunity to be with you after I’d already blown mine.”

So I guess now’s the time we both start laying things out on the table?

“Last weekend was the first time I’d ever been kissed, Theo. I think it’s safe to say nothing would have happened between Andrew and me after a twenty minute meeting.”

He runs his hands through his hair, making it stand up in a sexy way. “Look, I’m sorry about that. The only reason I thought you hadn’t been kissed was that Jess had warned me to be careful with you. When we kissed you just seemed so taken aback, I just assumed that…” He doesn’t finish his sentence.

Why would Jess say that to him?

For a split second, a horrible thought enters my mind.

Did she ask Theo to kiss me?

My posture feels too casual now that the conversation has taken a more severe turn. I lean forward to pull myself up, but in the process, I accidentally spill my glass of water all over Theo’s expensive couch.

“Shoot, sorry!” I search desperately for something to soak it up.

“Imogen, don’t worry, it’s only water.”

“Do you have anything I can clean it up with?” I frantically look around for some sort of cloth or tissue. The sooner I can clean it up, the less likely it is to stain. “I have a professional upholstery cleaner at home, if we can’t get the marks out, I can come back tomorrow and try to get it out.”

“Baby, slow down, it’s okay.” Theo urges.

I can’t help but smile. Why does that overused pet name make me want to melt in a puddle at his feet? I look down and notice the couch has already absorbed most of the water, only a faint outline now visible.

He covers my hands with his. “If you’ll let me, I want to try again. This time without fucking it up.”

“Okay…I guess we can see where this goes.”

He doesn’t move at first, this time waiting for me to initiate the kiss. Our lips don’t touch for the first few moments. As if he’s allowing me to get comfortable with his proximity. It feels like my face has pins and needles. Everything’s numb and tingly, like it doesn’t belong to the rest of my body.

He groans. The sound sends vibrations through my mouth.

It feels like my body’s caught fire. Burning from the inside out.

When he does eventually kiss me, I feel no more prepared than last time.

It’s simultaneously strange and perfect; terrifying and exhilarating.

He deepens the kiss, dipping his tongue into my mouth. The sensation makes me lose my breath for a second, and Theo pulls back slightly, moving his hands to just underneath my breasts.

Pausing there as if waiting for me to let him know it’s okay.

He slowly lifts his hands higher until he’s just grazing my breasts. When he squeezes them, I inhale sharply, literally feeling it down to my toes. He reaches his hands underneath my shirt, brushing my stomach with his fingers. Then he traces the edge of my lace bra, making my breasts feel heavy and tight.

When he brushes his thumb over my nipple, my entire body feels like it’s going to combust.

Shit, I’m so unprepared for this.

When I feel his hands reach to lift my shirt, I feel way out of my depth.

We need to slow down. This is going way too fast for me.

I’m not ready to be naked in front of this man…if that’s where this is going.

We’ll need to get to at least kiss number five for that.

Not noticing my inner turmoil, Theo starts inching my top higher, so my lower belly is exposed.

“Wait.” My voice is much louder than I think either of us expected and Theo pulls back. An understanding look crosses his face once he realises what I meant.

Now that I’ve spoiled the moment, I feel overly exposed and raw like Theo’s holding a magnifying glass to my insecurities.

“I’m sorry, can we stop for a second?”

I shift off his lap, which I somehow maneuvered my way onto and try to stand up.

Theo stands with me, but instead of looking annoyed, there’s only compassion in his eyes. “Whatever this is between us, Imogen. You set the pace. Always. I never want you to feel pressured into doing anything.”

I nod, appreciating he isn’t making a big deal out of this. “Thanks for understanding…”

He looks down at his jeans, and picks at an invisible piece of fluff.

“I didn’t mind it though,” I add, just to reassure him.

He brings his hand to his mouth to hide a smirk.

“What’s so funny?” I ask.

My questioning only makes his smile grow wider. “You. I don’t know how I feel about the girl I’m into, saying she doesn’t mind me kissing her—”

I lightly shove at his shoulder. “I didn’t mean it like that and you know it.”

He grabs both my hands with his, threading his long, tan fingers through mine. “I’m only teasing.”

Two can play at that game.

“Let’s get one thing straight, just because I’m inexperienced, doesn’t make me naïve. What I lack in sexual expertise, I make up for in many other areas.”

“Oh yeah, like what?” he asks.

“Well if you’re lucky enough for me to keep you around, you just might find out.”

“There’s nothing I’m looking forward to more.” His voice is still playful but the sincerity in his eyes surprises me.

He leans up to place another peck on my lips when a buzzer sounds at the door.

“Food must be here.”

* * *

We both keep ourselves occupied, me setting up the table outside while Theo prepares our plates in the kitchen. The sun has almost set, and there’s a pleasant breeze carrying the delicious scent of basil, cheese, and garlic through the air, making my stomach growl and mouth salivate.

Theo must have chosen everything available on the menu because there’s an overwhelming assortment of traditional Italian dishes to choose from.

Spooning a small portion of each on my plate, I take a seat outside, coveting the spectacular view and soft candlelight. Theo must pinch himself every morning. I couldn’t even imagine what living in a place like this permanently would feel like. To wake up in your own private oasis, away from the polluted city. It sounds like my own personal heaven.

At the same time, I imagine it could get lonely if you’re here by yourself, even for an introvert like me. Prompting me to ask, “Do you live here alone?”


He seems slightly amused by my question, so I clarify, “I just thought maybe your parents lived here as well.” This place would cost a fortune and be difficult to acquire by himself, even with owning a construction firm.

“Both my parents are dead,” he reveals, with virtually no emotion in his voice.

Even though Theo didn’t seem affected by my question, it must be difficult having to explain to someone the first time that both parents are deceased.

“I’m so sorry, Theo. I’m sure they’d be very proud of you and everything you’ve achieved,” I offer.

If we weren’t both in the midst of our dinner, I’d be tempted to leave my chair to hug him.

As dinner progresses, he asks me how Jess and I met.

“We went to primary school together. Our teacher partnered us up together in a science experiment and we’ve been inseparable ever since. We’ve always sort of balanced each other out. I think I sort of calm her while she helps bring me out of my shell.

“I actually didn’t go on my first trip till I was eighteen with Jess, we travelled around Australia and it was one of the best times of my life. Then eventually when I could afford to take some time off work I went to Africa and again it was one of the best things I’ve ever done. They say, one year abroad is equivalent to three years at home and I can totally see that now. I understand why my parents were constantly away.”

“What place would you like to visit next?” he asks.

I love that question and the answer comes immediately.

“Greece and Italy. The food, the architecture, the mythology. Everything about it just calls my name.” A smile spreads across my face as I daydream about visiting those destinations.

Theo takes a sip of his wine, resting the glass on the table, then leans forward towards me.

“You deserve the fucking world, Imogen, and I’m going to show it to you. Starting with Greece and Italy. Whenever you’re ready, just say the word and we’ll go.”

A lump forms in my throat and pressure builds behind my eyes.

Obviously being left behind has always been a sore spot of mine and I think I finally just found the solvent to heal it.

I swallow, taking a few short breaths before I can find the words to speak. “That would be amazing.”

* * *

Traces of the rich chocolate gelato we had for dessert still sit on my tongue as Theo recalls memories about his friends from high school and the mischief they got up to on their rugby tours.

Each story has me in fits of laughter. The common theme I’m noticing throughout each of them is that Theo is very competitive.

He seems so happy when he talks about his friends, so I ask whether they still stay in touch.

“Yeah of course, we still play every season. We’re probably starting to get too old though. I swear I get a new injury after every game, but it’s a good excuse to catch up.”

“What position do you play?” Even though I’m not a fan of sports, my rugby knowledge is decent. I am a Kiwi after all.

“Openside flanker. I used to play full back in high school. I’d honestly play every day if I could. It beats getting up early to hit the gym anyway.”

“How do you find time to fit everything into your day? Trent mentioned when we were away you’re always working.” He’s very well-rounded and successful but I wonder at what cost to his personal life.

“To be honest, I try to think of life sort of like a game of chess. You can’t just think of your next move, or even your next two moves otherwise you’ll find yourself falling behind. In order to master it you have to continue to think ten to fifteen steps ahead. Luckily from some things that happened to me in my past, I realised that early on and was able to start building my business while most of my mates were pissing it up at uni and partying every night. To me the hardest part was those first few years, but now it’s just about maintenance. I feel like I’ve accomplished what I wanted professionally and now I’m looking towards success in other areas of my life like maybe a wife and a few kids.”

For some reason my eyes trail down on that last part.

“Speaking of rugby though, we actually have our first match in a couple of weeks if you want to come watch?”

I can’t help but say, “Yes.” I’d love to see him play.

“Good,” he replies, planting a quick kiss on my lips. “You can be my good luck charm.”

I roll my eyes. Doubt it.

He smiles at my cynicism, then reaches for my hands, intertwining our fingers. “I’m serious, baby, the second you walked into my life, it felt like everything suddenly fell into place. I knew that every messed up thing that had happened in my past was all leading me to that moment. Even if you’re not ready to see it yet.”

As the night passes and I get to see more of the real Theo, the one underneath the gorgeous, rugged exterior, I come to the terrifying conclusion that I’m completely and utterly falling for him.

Asking myself how someone so beautiful could ever feel that way about me.