Pretty Falling Pieces by Isabelle Culpo

Chapter Eleven

It feels like I’ve only put my head down for ten minutes when my alarm goes off the next morning.

It’s still hard to believe only a few hours ago Theo had invited me to his home where I’d experienced my very first, first date. A concept my adolescent self would’ve struggled to come to grips with.

While I accepted being alone forever a long time ago, I’d be lying to myself if I didn’t admit that a part of me had always secretly wished to be desired by someone.

Never in my wildest dreams did I think it would be someone like Theo.

* * *

Before I get started with work, I decide to pop round to see Jess, knowing today’s one of her work from home days. I text her just to give her a heads up and she greets me at the door. “Hey Girl, what are you up to?”

“I have a bone to pick with you.”

Her brows draw up in confusion. “What? Why?”

“You’re trying to play matchmaker,” I accuse.

She folds her arms. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

I scoff. “Jess, you know exactly what I’m talking about. Don’t think that Theo and I don’t realise what you’re trying to do here.”

“Ohhh…so you guys have been talking to each other.” Her eyes light up as she glazes over my accusation like the expert negotiator that she is.

“Yes, we have, I actually went to his place last night—” I’m interrupted by her squeal but persist, “It was only one date, we’re still taking things slow, and we don’t need you hitting the fast forward button.”

Rolling her eyes she concedes, “Okay, I’ll stop interfering. My work here is done anyway. You two are talking and have been on a date. Things are all going to plan.”

“Hold on a sec, there’s no plan.” I laugh, “You better not go saying anything to Theo again about me. He needs to make those judgements himself, not with you interfering. It makes me look like an idiot that I can’t speak for myself.”

“You’re right, I’ll back off, but only if you promise to be more vocal about how you feel with him. I’m worried because it’s your first relationship and you’ll end up losing yourself in him.”

I sigh. God she’s good at spinning things round. “And I appreciate that, Jess, but if anything, that makes me even more likely to go into this with my eyes open. I know what people can be like. My expectations can’t get any lower.”

She offers me a cup of tea, but I decline needing to head back to my apartment to work.

* * *

I’m thankful I never got the opportunity to show Theo my designs when I was in his office the other day. While I was pleased with the initial concepts, after seeing his beautiful home I wanted to step everything up a notch. He’d always seemed rather ambivalent about the interiors of the waterfront, but he clearly has exceptional taste, so I don’t want the first thing I show him to be anything less than perfection.

Once I’m at my desk, I switch my phone to silent, ensuring there will be no distractions to interrupt my workflow. I reach for my planner which is essentially my work bible containing all of my important events, suppliers, and contacts, when I suddenly realise I must’ve left it at Theo’s office. I must remember to collect it from him the next time I stop by. I can do without it for a little while, but I’ll definitely need it back soon.

By 11:30 a.m. the designs are coming along well, but my creativity has run dry.

I decide to take a short break and then venture out into the trade for inspiration. As much as I enjoy crafting designs using solely my imagination, there’s something to seeing fabrics, colours, and materials in person.

When I created my Instagram, I noticed a few new stores that must have opened while I was away that specialise in locally produced sustainable products. Even before my time in Kenya, I’d always supported businesses that were committed to minimising their impact on the environment.

Luckily, I’ve been able to work for clients who had the means to buy sustainably. However for many people those options are out of reach.

I unplug my phone from the charger and the screen lights up to reveal three messages from Theo and a missed call.

THEO:I want to see you today. Are you coming by the office?

THEO:Let me know if you need a ride.

THEO:Is everything okay?

Shoot. I wish I had seen those messages earlier. Given my track record he probably suspects I’m ignoring him. I type out a quick reply.

IMOGEN:Hey, think I might head to a few stores this afternoon. I might swing by tomorrow.

His reply comes immediately.

THEO:What store?

IMOGEN:Red Bone in Ponsonby

The reply feels a little cold when I hit send, but I have no idea what I’m doing here. I’ve never really texted with guys beyond a professional capacity before. Jess has always said it’s important not to come on too strong. Claiming they lose interest if there’s no chase.

Grabbing my keys and handbag, I head out the door. I still don’t have a car yet, but I will probably need to get one soon for work. Most of my day is spent back and forth between client homes and sourcing decor for said homes.

I take the bus and head into Ponsonby, my destination being another twenty-minute walk away. The only complaint I have about this city is the public transport.

It can get you from A to B but then you’ll need to find something else to take you to C.

When I reach my stop, I jump off and thank the driver. Being the middle of the day, the streets are bustling with workers on their lunch break. I take out my phone to navigate to my destination. You’d think after living here my entire life I’d have a better bearing on my whereabouts. Nevertheless I still need to pull out my phone and follow Google maps, trying to dodge the busy pedestrian traffic.

After a few unplanned detours, I finally arrive at my destination.

I really am shit at navigating and spending a year in Africa has only made me worse.

The exterior of the store is sleek and white with chrome signage out the front. Instantly I can tell I’m going to come away with something good from here. Almost like a sixth sense you get from shopping for a living.

As soon as I step inside, I’m greeted by an older gentleman in his late forties.

“Can I help you with anything?” he offers, showing off his gleaming white veneers.

“I’m just looking, thanks.” I head in the opposite direction.

Much like the outside, the interior is incredibly sleek and minimalistic, offering the perfect canvas to showcase the architectural hardware. It’s refreshing to see a store embrace this sort of aesthetic since it allows customers to picture the product in their own homes without distraction. I take a few snaps of some matte black tapware I know Jess would love. She’s obsessed with the colour and these will look great in her apartment. Luckily, she has the means to afford it too.

A collection of modern tapware in brass, silver, and gold catches my eye from across the room. There’s a small plaque underneath and I step closer to get a better look. On it is a picture of a great white shark. I squint to try and make out the faint white text.

“That’s our new biomimicry collection. It’s inspired by the skin of sharks.”

I nearly jump out of my skin when I hear the salesman from behind me.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to give you a fright,” he chuckles.

“No, that’s okay.” Even though my heart is jumping out of my chest. “Did you say this collection is inspired by sharks?”

“Why yes, the geometric patterns of a shark’s skin are believed to be antibacterial. This collection mimics their skin so bacteria can’t stick to the surface. The range includes other pieces where germs are commonly found, like door handles etc. We’re the exclusive stockers of the range and it’s brand new. You’ll be one of the first in the country to get your hands on it.”

That sounds incredible and perfect for a multi person dwelling. I wonder why it isn’t more frequently used?

“Yes please, that would be great.”

He grins, reminiscent of a shark ironically, pleased his pitch has gone well. “I’ll be one moment.”

As he’s fetching the booklet, I decide to take a picture of the wall and send this one to Theo, excited to share this discovery with him. I take a close-up image of the plaque as well so he can read the science behind the shark skin technology, then hit send. I imagine this sort of thing will be right up his alley and serve as a unique point of difference for his firm.

“Sounds great.” I hear in a deep voice behind me.

Once again I get the fright of my life and nearly drop my phone on the shiny, white concrete floor.

I don’t know why I’m so skittish today.

Maybe it’s the sharks?

I turn to see Theo standing behind me.

“Theo? What are you doing here?” Whatever the reason, my stomach is currently doing somersaults.

Before he has a chance to answer, the salesman has returned with a catalogue in hand.

“Here you go,” he says, handing me the book. When he notices Theo in his expensive suit, he turns his attention towards the richer prey. “Hello sir, is there anything I can help you with today?”

“No, I just came to see if my girlfriend needed anything. But I think you’ve got what you came for, haven’t you, baby?” Theo walks towards me and wraps one arm around my waist.


Did he really just call me that?

“Uhh… yeah…” I respond, barely able to get a word out. “Thank you for your help today. I’ll take a look at this,” gesturing towards the booklet.

He nods leaving Theo and I to browse the rest of the store.

“I promise I’m not stalking you,” he says.

My brow lifts and he laughs, “I was in the area and thought I’d stop by and see if I could catch you. It didn’t seem creepy until I saw your face when I walked in.”

“I was just surprised to see you.” Obviously my poker face isn’t as good as I thought. “Now that you’re here I guess I could use your thoughts on some things.”

“Glad to be of service” he smirks.

For the next ten minutes I show him a few of the pieces I’ve been looking at and some ideas that I had in mind.

His feedback is invaluable. I’m in awe watching him make calculations in his head that I’d still struggle to do with a calculator.

As we head out the door, Theo asks “Do you have time to grab a coffee or is there somewhere else you need to be?”

He knows full well I don’t. “I’m sure I can fit you in.”

Truth is I’ve never been so excited for a coffee break in my life.

* * *

“What are you having, baby?”

I pull my eyes away from the caramel slice that’s calling my name and look up at the drinks board.

“Peppermint tea, please.” Just in case there’s any chance of a kiss after this date.

“A peppermint tea, long black with cream, and a caramel slice.”

He pays for the drinks then takes our table number and slice. The lunchtime rush hour crowd has dissipated, and we take a seat in the outdoor area. A cute set up with ivy covered trellis and fairy lights hang over us. This place would look lovely in the evening.

He slides the caramel slice towards me, and I give him a questioning look.

“We can share.”

I debate for a second then concede, stabbing my fork to its gooey centre and taking a bite.

It would look rude to not at least try it after he’s paid for it.

“There’s something I wanted to ask you, but it’s a bit short notice so I don’t want you to feel pressured. I’m attending an event tomorrow night at the Sky Tower and I’d love you to be my date. Trent’s bringing Jess.”

The offer completely catches me off guard and I’m not quite sure what to say.

I have nothing to wear.

I don’t want to embarrass you.

We barely know each other.

The new season of Real Housewives starts tomorrow night.

There’s also the fact that he referred to me as his girlfriend, and I’m not exactly sure whether he was serious or was just making an excuse to the salesman. Everything feels very rushed all of a sudden and I find myself searching for any remotely valid reason why I can’t attend.

Right now I’m sitting on the edge, dangling my feet in the water, ready to escape at a moment’s notice if things become difficult.

While there’s a part of me that wants to dive in and explore whatever’s happening between us, I’m petrified of drowning.

“I’m not sure, Theo, I feel like things are going a little too fast for me. Surely you have a million women on call who can take my place.” I can barely look at him when I choke the words out, but when I do glance up, Theo’s face falls and my heart sinks.

That was a cheap shot.

“There are no other women, Imogen,” he says softly, as if seeing right through my deepest insecurity.

Anyone who looks at us can tell I’m punching above my weight. For whatever reason he’s taken an interest in me but I’m not naïve enough to think this will last forever.

I go with my first excuse. “I…don’t have anything to wear.”

He grins, and I swear it’s bright enough to colour my world in sunshine. At that moment I know this man could get me to do pretty much anything. Especially if it made him smile at me like again.

“Don’t worry about that. I’ve got it covered.”