Antidote by LC Lehesaho


The leather sofa creaks underneath me as I change my position, but nothing feels right. The same unnerving tension stays, making my skin prickle and my chest ache. I focus on the painting on the wall, the one I made for Leo years ago. The jungle with animals that don't quite fit into the jungle, but there they are—all seven animals in perfect harmony.

Leo sits behind his desk, whiskey glass in his hand, and a wooden bracelet in the other, which he fiddles with using his fingers. Cobra has told me what it means. I recheck my phone, knowing that there aren't any new messages, but I still do it.

Puma sits in the armchair, arranging his cap and giving me appraising looks now and then. Bear is in the opposite chair typing on his phone with a stupid smirk on his face. There are three spots open; Wolf and Falcon are meeting with Havoc, and Cobra... fuck, I just want to snatch Leo's phone and run. Locate her with the GPS I know Leo has on Cobra's phone, and find her. Kill the Aussie and drag her back home with me. It's where she belongs, by my side and no one else's.

"Even though we have an issue with this Hunter, there are still the regular businesses we need to handle," Leo states, taking a gulp from his whiskey. "Bear, can you handle the checkout with the Russians?"

Bear lifts his eyes from the phone, nodding. "Yeah, do I make a new order?"

He speaks six different languages fluently, and Russian is one of them. That is why he handles the deals outside of the borders with Leo. I don't know much about the Russians, but I know most guns come from them.

"Yes, the usual amount," Leo tells him, still fiddling with the bracelet. Something is really eating at him, and I have a hunch. It's the uncertainty. We've faced a lot, but this? Someone is playing the game straight from the shadows, without revealing themselves. All we’ve got so far is that the name Hunter, which is clearly made up, and the fact that he is trying to mess up local businesses and burn down our clubs. And what the fuck is with the skull? Who does that?

"Anything else?" Puma asks, moving to the edge of his seat like he’s ready to leave. He's in a hurry to get high, I know that for a fact.

"You two can pay a visit to Leone tomorrow. Just check things out."

Puma claps his hands together. "Good, I'll be going then."

I keep my eyes on Leo.

I want to rage at him for letting her see that piece of shit. She wouldn't if Leo would say no, and he could. I wasn't shitting when I said that he is a risk. Not that we couldn't handle it as Leo said, but why take the risk? It's a bonus that then he wouldn't be sticking his dick into my girl.

"When is she coming back?" I can't keep my mouth shut anymore. Everyone turns to look at me, probably because I've been maintaining radio silence for an hour already.

"Cobra, I assume?" Leo tilts his head to the side, observing me.

Puma froze from the edge of his seat, no longer in a hurry to go anywhere.

"You're really bothered about this guy, aren't you, bro?" Bear snickers, enjoying the anger that leaked out of my tone.

I glare at him. "He's a fucking cocksucker, so yeah, I'm bothered, bro."

"Calm down, Tiger," Leo sighs and waves his hand toward the door. "Bear and Puma, go. I want to have a chat with this hothead."

Oh, fuck me.

Puma shoots me daggers through his eyes as he walks by, and Bear grins as if he’s won a battle. What an ass.

Leo gulps the rest of his drink when the door slams shut behind them before looking at me. "Talk."

"About what?" I ask, playing stupid.

"Don't try. Why shouldn't she see this boy?"

I lean back, crossing my arms on my chest. The rage inside me is trying to seep out of my pores. "He's older than she is."

"By a year." Leo gives me a blank look which I know I deserve. Worst explanation ever. "You can do better than that."

"What do we know about this guy anyways?"

"Almost everything. You think I would let her go out with him if I didn't know his mother's sister's dog's name." Leo pours himself another drink. "And if you want to know, it's Bubbles."

I might survive this. "Who the fuck names their dog Bubbles?" I ask, trying to catch the lighter mood he offers.

"The same woman who owns eight cats and a pony." Leo winks at me but then gets serious. "I know this is hard for you, but I want you to understand this from her side. Most girls, sorry women, have the phase when they want to settle down, the clock inside them telling them that they need to find something stable."

But that’s not it. It's not a fucking phase. I let my eyes roam around the room, reining myself in so I don't say what I’m thinking.

"Why didn't you ask her what time she's coming back?" he asks me, voice calm and collected like always.

I rub my face and run my fingers through my hair, cursing myself for not keeping my mouth shut. "We had a fight."

Might as well admit that.

"About her dating?"

"Yeah. Luke is not worthy of her, and she is dating him just so she is dating someone," I murmur under my breath, but I know he can hear me. "He is just some nobody she bumped into."

"Who do you think would be worthy of her? Be honest."

"No one."

Not even me. But that's the fact I don't give a shit about. She is mine.

Leo nods in approval. "Good answer, son. And you're right; no one is worthy of her. But I know my daughter, and even though she doesn't say it, I know she wants to have her own family. She's always been the nursing kind, and I don't want to deny her if she wants to try for something with this guy."

It takes every fucking ounce of my self-control not to destroy this entire room. Cobra doesn't fucking want anything with him. She just wants payback because I fucked that chick last night. What Puma said about her still loving me, it's obvious: she is messing with my head. And succeeding.

Yeah, I know she wants a family because she told me that years ago. Whenever we've met a baby or a tiny kiddo at the store or wherever, she goes into this aww-mode. Look at how cute the baby is, aww, so adorable and all that, but no, I'm not looking at other people's children. I'm always looking at her because she is fucking cute when she sees them.

But if someone is going to put a baby in her, it's going to be me.

Clearly, Leo senses my hidden rage because he sighs. "Listen, I know you two have grown up together basically glued to each other but let her breathe. Maybe you'll find someone too if you give it a shot."

I've already found her.

"Sure," I retort, clenching my jaw and clapping my hands to my knees, starting to make my way out, whether he is ready to stop his lecture or not. "So, you're not going to tell me?"

Leo slides the bracelet back on his wrist, without saying a word, eyes on me, his expression is unreadable like usual. I keep myself from saying fuck you and get up to leave. I jerk the office door open, but his words stop me before I step out.

"Cobra's reminder training is at eight."

I spin around to face him. "What? Why does she have—"

Leo lifts one hand, cutting me off. "She asked for it herself. Don't talk to her before then, let her focus."

My mind is spinning with questions. "When did she ask for it?"

"Yesterday, before she went on that date."

Oh, fuck me.

"Can I come? Just this once?" I ask, even though I already know the answer.

Leo leans back in his chair, cocking his head to the side. "You know better than that."

I drop my head down, staring at the checker print on my sneakers. The anger has morphed into worry, and I can't shake the bad vibe I have about this. "Can you at least tell me what you're going to make her do?"

"And why would I do that?" The sound of his voice is a straight challenge like I've been nice, but don't you fucking dare.

And I don't. I nod slowly, eyes down. "Sorry, I'm just on edge. I'll get myself together."

"That sounds good, son. I know you're a smart kid."

At that, I turn and leave. Yeah, I'm so fucking smart.