Antidote by LC Lehesaho


After brushing my teeth the third time already, I still taste the Grey Goose in my mouth. Not like the good kind either, nope. I taste the fucking hangover, and it's making me want to puke. That's one thing I truly hate in the world; a good old day after.

Splashing cold water on my face wakes me up enough to find the strength to drag myself to the balcony for a smoke. I need fresh air, but I also need nicotine. I grab a pair of black sweatpants and pull them on, not bothered to walk to my bedroom to find underwear. Besides, it still smells like sex in there, and it's why I need air. The smell reminds me of why I dragged the blonde chick here, or maybe she was brunette, I didn't take a very good look at her. Thinking about Cobra makes me want to shoot myself. Or her. Everyone.

Burn the fucking world down.

I manage to get myself to the balcony, skull almost ready to explode, and while lighting up my cigarette, I lean my elbows on the railing, dropping my head down. When I take the first long inhale, I get the feeling that I'm not alone. I pivot my gaze to the next balcony, and the sight feels like someone is turning the blade in my back.

Cobra is sitting in her armchair; knees pulled against her chest and coffee cup in her hand. Her hair is in a messy bun on top of her head, and she has a purple, oversized T-shirt on. I don't know why it makes my chest ache even more. Who cares if she's not wearing my shirt at night anymore?


She acts like she doesn't even see me, takes a sip from her coffee, and stares out at the garden. It pisses me off like nothing else.

"Fun date?" I ask, reining in my anger, so I don't throw my ashtray at her arrogant ass. I turn sideways, so she fucking knows I'm looking at her.

"Oh, very," Cobra purrs, still not looking at me.

I know for sure that she heard me fucking that chick last night; I made sure that she was home. Pietro confirmed that she was already sleeping, and I know my girl, she is a light sleeper. She fucking heard, and yet, there she is acting like nothing happened.

Well, not quite, but I wanted a reaction from her—an apology. I want her to beg me not to touch anyone else anymore.

I push the smoke through my nose and keep my nerve, almost. "What makes him special? The pureness of his heart? Does he go to church on Sundays?"

Cobra dares to smile when she turns her eyes to me. "Yeah, Luke actually cares about other people." She stands up and pulls her door open, before smiling so wide that her dimples appear. "And he has a big dick, and he tastes like marshmallows. You know how much I love to eat those." At that, she walks in.

My body heat turns up as the anger flares from my core, and it takes less than two seconds before I'm at her balcony and storming inside behind her. "You fucking bitch," I growl at her, but Cobra doesn't even turn to me as she walks to her bedroom.

"Heard that before. Anything more creative?" She is just far enough that I can’t reach her, but before I close the distance, she pulls the T-shirt off.

The distraction makes me stop in my tracks.

She doesn't even have a bra on. The snake's tail on her left side disappears inside her mini-shorts, and her hourglass waist makes me swallow.

I'm mad as hell, but like usual, that makes me even hornier. When she wiggles herself out of the shorts, I have a hard-on straining the sweatpants. I have never seen her naked. Never. In her bikinis, yes, but right now, she is entirely fucking naked in front of me. Back toward me, but still.

"What are you doing?" I ask, my voice so raspy that I'm not sure she can make sense of what I said.

Cobra leans forward, and only because I'm too dazed by her sudden nudeness and paralyzed staring at her ass, I don't walk to her and fuck her right now. She picks up something from her drawer and pulls on... a bikini bottom.

"As you can see, I'm getting dressed," she says calmly, and next, she pulls on super short mini-shorts with less fabric than my back pocket.

"Where the fuck are you going?" I don't like the idea that she is getting dressed like this at ten a.m.

Cobra swings a bikini top over her head and turns to face me, tying the strings at her back. My eyes drop to her chest, and for fuck's sake, the bikini she pulled on barely covers her nipples. She has never fucking ever wore this before. I would've noticed.

"What does it look like, genius?" she says with a purr, which makes me realize what's happening here.

I feel the rage in my fucking fingertips as I lift my eyes from her very well-formed tits up to her face. "I don't like to repeat myself, but I told you before. Don't play games with me." Just when I take a step closer, she pulls a gun and aims it at my face. I sneer and step closer, so it's only inches away from me. "Do you feel good now?"

Cobra tilts her head to the side. "Yeah, actually, I do."

"Answer me, baby girl, where are you going?"

"I'm going to the beach." She gives me a devilish smirk. "And your next question, let me guess. With who? Luke, of course." Then she bites her lip seductively. "And let me tell you, love, what I'm going to do since you like the details so much. Either I'm going to let him titty fuck me and come on my fucking face, or I'm going to suck his big dick like a fucking lollipop. He can choose 'cause I'm okay with anything since I'm such a filthy whore, right?"

My hands clench into fists at my sides, and the tension in my muscles feels uncontrollable. I look straight into Cobra's hazel eyes, which are now blazing at me. "I will kill him slowly, and I will make you watch as I do it. Even his fucking God won't recognize him after I'm done. But don't worry baby, he'll go to a better place since he's such a pure soul."

"You're not going to harm him in any way." She scowls at me.

I lean my forehead to the barrel of the gun. "Stop me, then."

"Fuck you, Tiger."

"Shoot me, baby."

Cobra narrows her eyes and grits her jaw. "Motherfucker."

"That girl I fucked last night wasn't my mother, so you're mistaken. Besides, I'm pretty sure she called me daddy at one point when I—"

The movement is way too fast for me to have time to react. A blinding pain reverberates through my skull, multiplying on its way. One second the barrel was against my forehead, and the next, the back of the gun hit my temple. She didn't hold back even a little, and I see stars for a while from the hit. I can hear her storming out of the room, but I see fucking dots as I hold my hand on the bleeding wound.

"Fuck!" I fumble my way to the door, trying to remember the route, so I don't hit every fucking wall. "Cobra, c'mon! Come back here."

"Go fuck yourself, Tiger!" she yells at me, and from the sound, I know she's already at the front door.

I manage to get myself to the front door and blink my eyes clear, just in time to see Puma coming from his apartment.

"What the hell is going—"

Cobra cuts him off by pulling her fist back and punching straight into Puma's nose. "YOU PROMISED!"

He holds his face, eyes watering from the hit. "I tried—"

She walks past him, cursing on her way, and I want to call her back right fucking now, but I know better. This situation would be hard to explain to others.

Instead of calling her, I walk to Puma and shove the guy back to his apartment, closing the door behind us. "What the fuck did you promise her?"

He spins around to the bathroom and puts his nose under the faucet. "You're just as much of a stubborn shitface as Cobra is. I tried to tell you yesterday that I arranged the date for a diversion."


Puma grabs a towel and straightens, placing it to his bleeding nose. He leans his ass on the sink, eyes on me. "I promised her I would explain it to you, but you were a SOB and wouldn’t listen." I feel the cold sweat breaking out on my neck when I try to put the pieces together. After taking a breath, Puma continues. "She didn't want to go, I had to force her. I told you that it wasn’t what it seemed, but did you listen to me? No. Don't tell me I didn't fucking try to warn you."

I shake my head. "It doesn't matter, she slept with him."

"Did she tell you that?" he asks and arranges the towel better. "'Cause I'm sure she didn't. She told me that she loves you, so I'm willing to put my left nut on the line here, Cobra didn't fuck him again."

No, no... I rewind our conversation, and when I've done that a million times, getting the same result every time, I lean my back on the wall and slide down to my ass. "Oh, fuck..."

"Yup. You pissed into your own cereal, bro, and I'm sorry, but I'm happy about it," Puma admits and sits on the closed toilet seat. "You can't be half-naked with a boner in her bed, you goddamn idiot."

"And now? Did you—" I wave my hand in the air. "Arrange that?"

"Arrange what?"

Oh, my fucking God. "She left with Luke. Just now."

Puma shakes his head. "Yeah, no, I had nothing to do with that. But you and that brunette probably did."

I bend my knees and lean over them.How the fuck did this happen?

If Cobra didn't fuck him yesterday, she ain't going to hold back today.

I messed up, big time.

"Where's your phone?" I snap my head up and jerk my hand toward Puma. "Give it to me."

He rolls his eyes but hands it over anyway. "There's no point, you two can't—"

"Shut up, or I'll return your phone by shoving it up your fucking ass." I type Cobra's number and tap my foot on the floor while waiting for her to answer.

It doesn't take long.

"I think I made myself—" Cobra says, but I stop her.

"It's me, baby, I'm so sorry," I huff out as fast as I can, so she won't hang up. Puma lets out a heavy sigh, and I hope he finds a brain back there with that eye workout.

"And for you too, I made myself perfectly clear. Don't call me again."

At that, the line dies and so does a big part of me with it. The pressure is excruciating, and before I can stop myself, I throw the phone at the wall. It cracks into pieces, the sound of it echoes in the bathroom.

"You're gonna buy me a new one, bro," Puma states. "And hey... I really am sorry. This whole situation is so fucked-up."