Antidote by LC Lehesaho


Fuck, I don't know where to start.

I still have a hard time understanding that I actually did this. Not alone, though, fuck no, I have so many people to thank for trusting me and cheering me to go on. So, let's go!

First, I'm gonna pick the moon from the sky for my husband because he is just the most amazing human being in the world. He listened when I explained the twists like a maniac in the middle of the night and comforted me when I cried my eyes out when I felt too much. I think I've been crying more while writing this book than in my whole life altogether. You're my everything, baby, sorry I'm such a mess sometimes.

Second, Antonina and Daria, I love you. You two made me believe in myself that I could do this. I'm so grateful for having you in my life and appreciate your feedback when you read ANTIDOTE. You two are diamonds in a world full of rocks.

And my betas, Ria, Brianna, Ashley, Lauren, Bhavika, Maxine, Nicole, and Amy. I can't thank you enough for giving me your time. Thank you for staying by my side and pushing me forward when I doubted myself.

My family. Thanks for not laughing at my face when I told you I'm writing a book. I fucking love you so, so much. Please, if I die, don't let mom read this.

And my editor, ellie (My Brothers Editor), thanks for not losing your patience with my shit. You're amazing.

Thank you for reading ANTIDOTE. I poured my heart and soul into this book, and I'm so damn stoked that you read it. Whether you liked it or not, thank you for giving Tiger and Cobra your time.

Love you all.