Antidote by LC Lehesaho


"I love you enough for the two of us. I don't care if you think you can protect me by denying us, but trust me, worm." Tiger looks at me with unshakable confidence, "One day, you and I are going to be together. I don't care how long it will take, but we're meant to be."

I blink at his words, hoping that he’s right. But I know better, he isn't. "Tiger, we’ve been doomed from the beginning, far from meant to be. There's no happy endings for people like us."

He slides his hand to my neck and pulls me closer, leaning to my ear. "You are so fucking wrong, and I'll prove it to you." Then his lips brush my cheek as he pulls back, giving me a wicked grin. "I can't wait to see you in a dress tonight."

"Maybe I'll wear pants just so you won't get us both killed by looking at me like that," I retort and swing my legs over the railing to the bike's side. I hate my traitorous brain and body for craving him so much that even now, when I just told him that we're never going to happen, my core is pulsing from wanting him there. Maybe Tiger should hit me harder so my brain would start to work right.

He gives me a gaze full of sin as he jumps over the railing and walks to the bike, but he won't say a word. Tiger is a master at speaking with his eyes. I shouldn't be thinking about him like this, but that's one thing I love about him. We can have a full conversation without saying a word to each other.

I sit behind him and take hold of his sides, but the moment he twists the throttle, I need to wrap my arms tightly around him, so I won't fall off, and I feel it when he laughs at me even though I can't hear it because of the roaring engine. I fucking hate his bike. It's the devil's invention straight from Hell.

It will get him killed one day.

The drive to the college campus takes only five minutes with Tiger driving, but in those minutes, I have time to realize what the fuck happened between us today. I'm a hundred percent sure that all of this love confessions shit wouldn't have happened if he wouldn't have licked my goddamn blood straight from my lips. He took this to the next level between us, but I guarantee that it's not happening. I love him way too much to be selfish and make him mine.

There's no salvation from our family if we would do this.

Dad isn't bad, but he is... Unpredictable. Strict. You could even say a little bit old-fashioned in some things. He's harsh when something doesn't go his way, and there's no way of explaining anything when he feels like someone has overstepped his boundaries. I've witnessed it many times before, watching him with his allies and employees, but also with our family.

Falcon's mother was an excellent example of what happens when someone crosses the line with Dad. We were just kids at the time, but he told us what he did and why—not sugarcoating anything. She messed up, big time, and ended up six feet under because of what she did.

So, when it comes to Tiger?

I can't take the risk.

I love Dad, but I don't trust him with this. There's no way I could put Tiger in the line of fire like that.

No. Way.

When he rolls us to the parking lot, I see Puma's yellow Camaro parked to the side. The top of the convertible is open, and I see Puma in it, lounging casually and smoking something. When Tiger stops the Yamaha next to it, my brother lifts his head a bit and peeks over his Ray-Bans.

"I thought your first class was at nine," he states to Tiger when we take off our helmets. I get off of the bike and hand him my helmet, his eyes lingering on me a bit too long before turning to Puma.

"Yeah, it was, but I wasn't there." He cocks an eyebrow. "And I remember you saying that you're not coming at all."

Puma takes a drag off his cigarette, which I was sure was weed, but I'm pleasantly surprised it isn't. Almost a proud-sister moment. "Yeah, duh, Dad was banging on my door at eight a.m. and threatened me, so I had to come. So, here I am."

"How long have you been sitting here?" I ask him, incredulously.

"What time is it?"

"Almost twelve," Tiger tells him while getting off his bike. I have to keep my eyes on a leash because I catch myself watching him all the fucking time.

"Hmph." Puma blows rings of smoke in the air. "Three hours or so."

"My gawd, you're such a loser," I huff, shaking my head and spin around to leave. "See you guys later."

"Wait, I'm coming with you," Tiger calls out and catches me with a couple of strides, but turns to walk backward to talk to Puma. "Dude, remember the Snow case, so don't smoke anything else before it."

"Yea, I know. Dad generously reminded me about that, too," he murmurs, annoyed. Like he always is when something comes between him and his activities.

When we're far enough from Puma, I hiss at Tiger. "Stop following me. You're supposed to go there." I throw my hand toward the campus's art department. His major is graphic design, and mine is business management, so he's not supposed to come here. "I'm not kidding. Leave."

"Nope. I'm walking you to your class," he says cheerily and stuffs his hands in his jeans pockets, walking by my side. "I'm coming to get you too. Four p.m., was it?"

What the actual fuck?

I give him a lethal glare. "Don't you dare, or I'll shoot you. Nothing has changed between us, so you're not going to make this something that it isn't. Get it?"

Clearly, Tiger has other opinions because he wiggles his eyebrows at me with a smug smirk. "Worm, I'm going to make your life a living hell until you give up."

"Jeez." I roll my eyes, grab the door handle before him, and help myself. When inside, I quickly turn around and pull it almost shut, so he's left outside. I glare at his dark eyes, but he just chuckles at me. "Cut it. Seriously. This is not happening. Never. You know it, and nothing you do will make me change my mind. We're best friends, and nothing more, Tiger."

"See you at Purgatory, baby girl." He winks before leaving, and I watch his broad back for a second before I catch myself doing so. I know he meant our new nightclub, but somehow it sounded like a threat. He is really making my life hell.

I just know he is.

"I'm already giving up on today's possible hookups based on this damn horoscope." Falcon sighs and takes a sip of her latte. It's all she ever drinks. "Listen to this, expect a little or a lotta confusion this weekend." She looks at me over her phone. "This is hexing our whole night. Neither of us is getting laid. Because." She glances at her phone again and chirps up her voice. "Clear communicating is the key for navigating this Astro-weather. Like what the fuckery? Clear communicating?"

I bark out a laugh. "You can try this: put your penis in my vagina. Clear enough?"

"That's one way to get the message through." An amused, vibrating sound comes behind me, and I spin around on my side of the booth to meet Tiger's eyes. They are flickering at me as he leans over my backrest, all casually.

"What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be like drawing cartoons or something right now?" I growl at him while he sits beside me. The campus cafeteria is almost empty because most people are in classes—like he should be too. Falcon and I have an hour off, so we're spending it by caffeinating ourselves.

"We're not drawing cartoons, and you know it. I'm having an inspirational break and saw you two lolling around here." He places his hand casually over the backrest, over my fucking shoulders. It's not unusual, we are always sitting like this, but now I feel cornered. Because I know it's not casual right now. I hope Falcon doesn't read it on my face.

Her middle name should be fucking Gossip.

Falcon waves her phone at Tiger. "This horoscope is messing with our opening night. You heard me, none of us is getting laid because of this communicating shit. Uh, but you're not a Leo like the rest of us. Let me check how lucky you are." Falcon eyes the text and whistles. "Holy shit, boy. This actually says that you have the opportunity to have some kickass sex tonight, Aquarius. You lucky bastard."

Tiger's smirk is so wide that I can't even. "Oh, really? Kickass sex?" He shamelessly turns his eyes on me. "I'm starting to believe in astrology. Even the stars are on my side."

I keep my face blank. "Well, fortunate son, I am happy for you and wish you all the best at finding a partner for the kickass sex."

Actually, fuck no, but I'm not going to say it.

Falcon giggles. "I don't think he’ll need to look long." My eyes practically bulge out when I fear that she might know something, but she continues. "The last time we were at the club, he had three chicks circling him without him doing anything."

I wasn't on board at the time, and I hate that I get mad while thinking of him fucking someone else. Not that he is fucking me, but… why am I like this?

I rub my bruised throat, anxiousness piling up like Lego's inside me. Then I see that he's looking at my hand on my neck, with a little too heated of an expression. I jerk my hand down and gulp my coffee instead.

"Apparently my face says that I know how to have a good time," Tiger drawls and turns to Falcon. "And let me correct you, it was four."

She snaps her fingers. "Ah, I forgot the redhead. They were all pretty nice packages. I left early, so who was the one?"

Is it hot in here? I drink down the glass of water and find a better position on the seat. It's so hot in here. I fan my face with my hand, hoping that it will chill me out.

"The blonde. Are you okay, Cobra? You seem a little… heated." Tiger cocks his head, and I glance at him, sweat running down my back. He really is living up to his promise. It's hot as hell in here.

Falcon stares at me, confused by my sudden weirdness. "You're redder than a Ferrari. What's wrong with you? Don't tell me you're getting sick. Food poisoning?"

Oh fuck me sideways. "No, it was just… my coffee. It was hot."

She furrows her brows. "Still hot? We've been here for almost an hour."

"So what? It was scorching from the beginning." I try to shrug it off, while getting up from the table, taking my empty coffee cup with me. I direct my words to Falcon as I turn toward her. "My class is starting. Wait for me in the parking lot, will you?"

"I can give you a ride," Tiger says casually, and Falcon claps her hands together like she is actually excited about the idea.


"Yes! Perfect, 'cause I need to pick up Elena to fix your face. Now, I don't have to drive you home first, and I can go straight to her place." She cheers happily, and at the moment, I hate her two-seater sports car. This fucking day makes me hate a lot of things, and I'm not a hater. It would be best to walk home right now and stay there for like a year or so.

"Whatever." I roll my eyes and leave because I have my limits.

I don't know why Tiger can't see this clearly. We need to solve this because I need him as my friend and not like this. Fearing that someone will catch on to what's going on between us, and he will get hurt. I can't even imagine what my Dad would do. He's taken Tiger in as his own son, and my blood family sees him as our brother.

As do I on some levels, and it gives me chills. There is something deeply wrong with me to feel like this toward him.

I walk to the counter to return my coffee cup, eyes on the floor, and deep in my own fucked-up thoughts when I hit something, hard. My cup goes airborne, my already cut lip spurts blood out again when my face slams into… a chiseled and hard chest.

"Oi bloody hell!" a smooth male voice bursts out, and I see hands in the air trying to catch the cup with wings. I taste the copper in my mouth, red is my new black for sure, and when I can really take a look at this opponent, which I hit with my face, I curse under my breath.

Because there is a significant bloodstain on the white T-shirt in front of me.

"You 'kay? Oi, fuck me, you're bleeding." The guy, with a very strong Aussie accent, curses sounding incredibly ridiculous. I lift my eyes from the red spot on his shirt to his face. Oh, this guy is clearly missing his surfboard. His golden blond hair is screaming surfing on the waves. The baby blue eyes are shocked as he takes in my bloody appearance.

"I'm good, thanks. Nice catch." I grab my coffee mug from his hand and give him an apologetic smile. "Sorry about your shirt." I try to yield to him, but he steps in my way, grabbing a tissue from his jeans pocket.

"Wait, you're really bleeding." He points out, planting one hand on my shoulder and lowers himself to my level. It's a lot because even the bloodstains from my lip ended up under his pecs. Before I can say anything, he starts to tap my lip with the tissue.

"What the fuck is going on?" A familiar grunt comes behind my back, and in a second, Tiger has slapped Aussie's hands off me with a fierce look. "Get your hands off her."

The surfer dude lifts his hands in the air as a surrender. "Sorry, mate, I just wanted to help. She's bleeding, don't rip your shirt off."

Tiger doesn't even look at me; his eyes are tightly glued to the guy. "Watch it, or I'll rip your head off, mate."

"Jeez, calm the fuck down." I step between them because Tiger looks like he might actually do just that. The surfer seems surprised by the hostility he's facing and takes a step back. Smart move. I snap my fingers in front of Tiger's face to get his attention. "Tiger, walk off. It was an accident."

His dark eyes slowly lower to me, taking in the cut that opened from the crash. I can almost see the steam coming out of his nostrils as he fumes with anger. That look never ends up being something good.

"I'm really sorry that I bumped into you," the surfer says behind me, and I give him a slight smile over my shoulder while gripping Tiger by his arm.

"Really, everything is fine. Again, sorry about the shirt," I mumble at him and drag Tiger out of the cafeteria. From the corner of my eye, I see Falcon's eyes on us.

And my sick and twisted sister is laughing. At least someone is having fun during all of this.