Doctor Daddy’s Holiday Little by Scott Wylder













"Can I buy that from you?" asked the man in first class sitting next to me.  I frowned as I looked up at him.

"You really want to buy this from me?" I asked, and he nodded, which confused me all the more.  "Really?"  He looked as confused as I felt, but I already knew it was for a completely different reason.

"Yes, I want to buy it from you," he told me.  "What about that didn't you get?"  I cleared my throat and looked around for the flight attendant, desperately hoping she was nowhere near the two of us.

The item in question was an airline napkin with a phone number written on it next to a perfect lipstick impression.  The flight attendant had given it to me as she motioned for me to call her as we prepared for our descent.  As soon as she disappeared, the man next to me had started bothering me.

"I'll give you a hundred dollars for it," he told me, and I stared at him in disbelief.  "Come on, I need this.  I've been flirting with her all this time, but she chose you…  Please?"  Sympathy for the man rose briefly until I thought back at his version of flirting, which had been catcalls and inappropriate gestures that likely counted as sexual harassment based on the way the flight attendant didn't seem to appreciate it.  Instead of taking him up on his offer, I decided to pocket the napkin, keeping it safe from the man.

"I'm sorry, but she gave me the number, not you," I reminded him as we pulled up to the gate.  "If you are so desperate for her number, you should get the number from her, not some stranger on the plane."  He was about to protest, but, the moment he opened his mouth, the seatbelt light turned off, and we were allowed to leave the plane.

Without giving the guy a chance to talk, I leaped up from my seat, grabbed my carry-on from the top cabinet, and made my way down the aisle towards the door.  I was eager to get away, and luck was on my side as I left.  The flight attendant was at the end of the aisle, and I raced to catch up to her.  When she saw me, she smiled and waved, but I shook my head as I stopped to talk to her.

“Excuse me, ma’am,” I said politely as I looked nervously over my shoulder.  “Is it possible to talk to you in private for a moment?”  She look intrigued and nervous as she nodded, and I noticed that the air marshal was watching us carefully.  As soon as we were alone, I pulled the napkin from my pocket and handed it over to her.  “I wanted to thank you for your gesture, but I must decline this.”  She looked confused and hurt as she took the napkin.

“Why didn’t you just throw it away?” she asked as tears welled up in her eyes.  “You could have just thrown it away.  Why did you have to embarrass me like this?”  I winced and shook my head.

“I’m not doing this to embarrass you, miss,” I informed her.  “I thought I had better give this back to you because the man that was sitting next to me was trying to buy it off me, and I didn’t want him to dig it out of the trash and harass you any further.”  As if to prove my point, the man I had just sat next to for nearly two hours passed us, and he gave me a dark, venomous look before disappearing through the door.  After seeing the man, the flight attendant looked panicked and disgusted.

“You mean that man?” she asked, and I nodded.  The tears dried up, which made me feel better, and she gave me a sad smile.  “Well, I am sad that you wouldn’t take my number, but I am thankful for your gesture.  I had already reported him to the air marshal, and the air marshal said that he would deal with it.”  I gave her a comforting smile.

“I only did what any decent man would do in my shoes,” I told her.  “I do wish you luck finding someone to spend your life with.”  With that, she led me back towards the door, and I made my way into the airport.

Ignoring the ruckus that ensued at the gate as the man who had sat next to me was arrested by the air marshal and airport security, I checked my phone to see if Nathan had arrived yet or not.  Seeing no messages, I called him as I arrived at the main lobby of the airport.  He answered by the third ring.

"Hey there, big brother," he said in a cheery voice.  "How was the flight?"  I shrugged as I looked around everywhere for him.

"It was okay," I told him.  "Where are you?  I don't see you anywhere."  He gave an exasperated sigh.

"I just barely pulled up to the parking garage," he informed me.  "Go ahead and head out to the main doors.  I'll be right by the door."  Hanging up the phone, I did exactly as he said, and there he was, standing by the doors.  He smiled when he saw me approach.  "It's good to see you."  I chuckled as I followed him to the car.

"It's good to see you, too," I told him.  "How's Cynthia?"  He shrugged as he walked along.

"She's doing good," he told me.  "She's been a bit of a handful, but her sister has been helping a lot."  I paused for the briefest moment when he mentioned the sister.

Nathan's Little had a sister who was single and looking for a Daddy, and Nathan, trying to be the good Daddy he is to his Little, had taken the sister in and convinced me to get to know her.  Honestly, I hated it when he played matchmaker, but, thanks to me having already arranged to move out here after Christmas, he told me there was no harm in at least meeting her, especially after Annie cheated on me.  I wasn't sure that I was ready for a relationship again, but we were going to be spending Christmas together, so I agreed that there wasn't much that could go wrong.  As soon as he mentioned that the sister was helping, I grew skeptical.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked, and he chuckled.

"The sister keeps her from acting bratty," he explained.  "Honestly, if she can't find anyone, I'm probably going to keep her around.  She's a great friend to her sister."  I took this into consideration, intrigued by the idea of a Little who wasn't bratty.  Maybe this might be a great holiday.