Doctor Daddy’s Holiday Little by Scott Wylder













Ever since I first saw Cynthia leap at Nathan outside in the cold snow, I was reminded why I was considering forgetting about dating altogether.  Right away, I realized that Cynthia was a classic example of a Little, and the way she threw a tantrum at dinner proved it.  As soon as she brought up her sister in her argument, I started to wonder about the sister, Peyton, who was sitting there quietly with her head down and her face concealed by her long, brown hair.  After Cynthia’s outburst, Peyton had excused herself and left the dining room, heading straight upstairs.

Cynthia’s statement had been entirely uncalled for, and the fact that Nathan didn’t turn her over his knee and give her a good spanking was even more surprising.  If Cynthia had been my Little, I would have spanked her, grounded her, and sent her to her own room for three days.  However, she was not my Little, so I held my piece as I finished my dinner.  Once my plate was clear, I looked up and gave Auntie Patty a polite smile.

“Dinner was delicious,” I told her as I rose to my feet before turning to Nathan.  “I hope you don’t mind, but I think I’m going to turn in for the night.  You know how exhausting travelling during the holidays can be.”  He raised an eyebrow at me as he stared at me for a moment.  Just when I was afraid that he was going to call me out for lying to him, but, much to my surprise, he nodded.

“No, I understand completely,” he told me, and I grew thankful that he wasn’t giving me a hard time.  If anything, I assumed he was just grateful for the fact that I didn’t say anything about Cynthia’s outburst.  “I’ll show you to your room.”  I followed him up the stairs quietly, but, as soon as we were away from Cynthia and Auntie Patty, he turned to face me.  “I’m sorry about that.  I’m not sure what possessed Cynthia to act that way.”  I shook my head.

“I’m not worried about it,” I told him.  “What goes on between you and her is your business, not mine.  I just feel bad for Peyton.  She seems really sweet.”  He nodded in agreement with a bit of urgency.

“She really is,” he reassured me.  “She hasn’t given us any problems or anything ever since I let her move in.”  I stopped ans raised an eyebrow skeptically at him.

“There’s not anything going on between the two of you is there?” I asked, and he frowned at me.

“Between me and Peyton?” he asked, and I nodded.  “Of course not.  I’m loyal to Cynthia.”  Feeling confused by the situation, I crossed my arms at him.

“So, why take Peyton in if she’s not you Little or anything?” I asked, wanting to hear his response once again.  He took a deep breath and shook his head.

“In all honesty, t’s because I feel bad for her,” he admitted.  “She’s a Little who was living in a really bad neighborhood, and her sister was always chasing off the Daddies who showed even the smallest amount of interest in her.  Cynthia actually admitted to me that, since her sister is older than her by three years, she only say it fair that she gets a Daddy first so that she doesn’t end up like Peyton.”  He shook his head as he leaned against the wall.  “I’ll admit that I know I shouldn’t care about her, especially since I had my choice between the two, but I couldn't leave her in that neighborhood after everything that happened.”  I sighed and shook my head at my younger brother, a relieved smile spreading across my face.

That was my brother, alright.  He had Mom’s kind heart and Dad’s skill as a doctor.  He couldn’t bear to see anyone suffering and liked to do everything he could to help.  That’s why I never got mad at him when he recommended dating Peyton.  I knew his intentions, though followed by strange behavior, were pure, and hearing them out loud made me believe it all over again.  We continued up the stairs, and he bid me goodnight before disappearing back downstairs to deal with Cynthia, leaving me alone in the empty guest bedroom that was chosen for me.

As soon as I was alone, I looked back down towards the hallway and saw three doors with little name plaques on them.  The first one, which was right across from mine read “Peyton.”  Realizing this was Peyton’s room, I decided to pay her a visit to confirm if my suspicions about her sudden headache were true.  As soon as I knocked, I heard her call out not to come in, and I heard someone scrambling around the room, as if trying to hurry to do something.  As soon as the door opened, I saw Peyton standing there in candy cane colored footed pajamas with her hair in a rat’s nest.  Her face was red and blotchy, and her eyes looked puffy.  Seeing her, I wasn’t sure if she had been crying or if she was truly sick, so I decided to go with the best response I could.

“Are you okay?” I asked as I looked her up and down.  “You don’t look so good.”