Too Hexy For Her Hat by Susan Hayes


Chad didn’t knowhow to answer her question—so he didn’t. Instead, he sat down and drew her back until she was nestled in his lap with his arms wrapped around her. Then he stole a few more seconds by taking her new pendant out of her hand and fastening it around her neck.

The moment that was done, she spoke. “This is nice, but it’s not an answer.”

“I know. How about we start with what you know and then I’ll fill you in on anything I can? I had no idea your parents were still alive. Or weren’t entirely dead. Hell, I didn’t know that was even an option.”

“Me either.” She relaxed a little. “You really didn’t know?”

He raised his hand so she could see it. “I swear on my magic, I thought they had gone on to the Next Adventure.”

More tension left her body, and she snuggled closer. “Okay. Fate’s a bitch. A big one. Possibly the bitchiest being in existence. And my mother was part of a coven whose sworn duty was to protect one of Fate’s power sources. Until a few seconds ago, I thought they’d died doing just that, and when I turned twenty-six, I was expected to give up my life to go back to Wyrding Way and continue the fight. Only… It’s not my birthday yet, and maybe they’re not dead. So… I’m equal parts confused and furious right now.”

“I thought you said they died in a boat accident?” He knew his father’s curse had doomed Luna’s parents. Frank had managed to gain momentary access to Fate’s power and used it to create a curse to take out the coven forever. It should have taken their daughters, too, but Fate had personally intervened.

“That’s the weird thing. I remember eavesdropping on their conversation. They and some bossy woman I now realize was Fate talked for hours about a battle and a curse of some kind and how they had to do something drastic to stop it. Fate was mad and kept blowing things up and my parents kept putting the kitchen back together afterward. But they died in a boating accident. Freak storm. No battle. No magic at all.” She shrugged. “It had never made sense to me, but worrying about it didn’t change the facts, so I let it go.”

Hissy had slithered over to rest in a coil at Luna’s feet. Beaker had hopped into her lap to comfort her by this point. Everyone was rapt, listening to her every word until she was done.

Then Beaker shifted his attention to Chad. “Your turn, warlock. What do you know?”

“I know Luna is important to the coming battle. Important enough that Fate and the entire coven, including her parents, hid all three of their daughters so no one would find them until the time was right.”

“Why? And why not tell us?”

The ice around him was so thin it made an eggshell look robust. How could he explain without telling her everything? She wasn’t ready for that. “Your parents were cursed by an asshole warlock named Frank Frellshingle. He wants Fate’s power source for himself.”

“What kind of name is Frellshingle?” Luna demanded.

Okay. Not the question he was expecting, but at least he could answer that one.

“One that probably got him beat up on playgrounds a lot as a kid, which likely sent him down the dark path he’s been on all these years.”

“My parents are semi-sorta-dead because he had a shitty last name?”

“Or it was his destiny, but I know how you feel about her.”

“Slightly less of a bitch than Fate, but only slightly. They’re in cahoots. Along with Baba-Yeti-breath and Goddess knows who else. It’s a conspiracy.”

She closed her eyes and made a small, sad noise that had him wishing he could kill someone for making her hurt like this. Well, he could. But if he killed his father, he’d just end up taking his place. He’d seen Star Wars. He knew how the dark side worked.

“What else? And who do you work for, anyway?” she asked. “This conspiracy is getting really crowded.”

“Who I worked for isn’t important right now. That’s over. As far as I’m concerned, I’m freelance now. I work for kisses and orgasms, and I’m on your payroll.”

“That wasn’t an answer.”

“It wasn’t not an answer.” He handed her a gooey slice of chocolate pizza. “Keep eating. The carbs will calm you.”

She arched a brow at him but took the food without complaint. “Keep talking.”

“There isn’t much more to say.” He swallowed. “Though I will confess that I was watching you before that night in the alley. I had some of my crew keeping tabs on you.”

“The musicians?” she asked.

“I told you they were shifty, even for gulls,” Beaker muttered and helped himself to some of the fudge.

“You did not. You just complained they couldn’t sing,” Luna argued.

“They couldn’t carry a tune in a backpack, never mind a bucket,” Beaker said.

Chad just laughed. “I hate to tell you this, but they’ve improved. They used to be worse.”

Luna poked him in the chest. “You don’t get to laugh right now. You hired people to watch me. There’s a word for that.”

“My job?”

“That’s two words, and no. Stalker. See also, creepy, unsexy, and probably illegal. Why would you do that?”

His traitorous familiar betrayed him without hesitation. “I asked him the same thing. I suggested going over and having his cards read to break the ice. Oh no, he had to hire people and make a production out of it.”

“That is enough out of you, Hissy,” he warned.

The snake flicked her tongue at him but went quiet.

“Production. Like, say, two big scary Shifters in a dark alley with a handsome hero waiting nearby?” Luna’s eyes narrowed. “Did you set me up, Chad Parker, my soon-to-be naked-and-not-in-a-fun-way warlock?”

He took heart in the fact she called him handsome and hers and aimed for the truth. “If I say yes and beg for forgiveness, will you show mercy? I’m kind of attached to my hair and a lot of other things duct tape might permanently remove from my anatomy.”

“Never do that again! Holy Goddess in ta-ta tassels, what were you thinking?” She zapped herself off his lap and back on her feet, taking the dessert with her.

“That I really wanted to make a good first impression?”

“Was seducing me always part of the plan? Was Cupid?”

“Cupid? No. Seduction? If I denied it, I’d be lying. Because you are a hella hot witch and I’m male. For us, seduction is always part of the plan.” Chad held out his hands, palms up, arms open. “The plan changed the moment that stupid sax started to play. You’re my forever and always, Luna. Nothing else matters now.”

“You lied to me.” She popped the last bit of chocolate into her mouth and then tried to speak around it. “Why shwould I twust you?”

This wasn’t how he’d planned on doing this, but when did his plans ever go the way he expected? “Because I love you.” He snapped his fingers and conjured up another velvet box. An entire orchestra started to play somewhere in the distance, and the tropical breeze carried a stream of red and white rose petals in through the windows to swirl around Luna.

“What are you doing?” she asked, wild-eyed.

“Asking you to marry me. So uh, will you?” He opened the box and held it out to her. Inside was a black diamond solitaire ring.

She stood inside the petal tornado and stared at him. “You’re crazy.”

“I am. So are you. We match. I know we do because you want to say yes.” He grinned up at her. “So do it already. If you don’t want the ring, I bet Beak Badda-Boom does.”

Her raven croaked and took to the air. “Mine?”

Luna made her decision. “Don’t you dare, feather-face! That’s my ring!” She dove for the box, snatching it out of his hand a split-second before Beaker. He caught her before she hit the floor, using both his body and his magic to cushion her.

They wound up in a tangle of limbs and junk food. He had milkshake in his hair and one of her feet was planted in the middle of the pizza.

“Was that a yes?”

Beaker flew around the room, tossing out curses and congratulations in random order. “Want the pretty rock! Fuck a flock. I’m stuck with the snake forever?”

“Thisss seems hasty,” Hissy chimed in.

He ignored everyone but the woman still partially sprawled on top of him.

Luna took the ring out of the box, admired it for a moment, and then met his gaze as she very deliberately put it on. “Fuck it. I’m already on the train to crazy-town. I might as well go first class.”

“Not the romantic yes, yes, yes I was hoping for but good enough.” He caught her chocolate-smeared fingers and kissed them. “I love you.”

She gave him a sweet, sticky kiss while holding up her hand so she could keep looking at her ring. “I shouldn’t even be thinking this. Not yet. But I’m pretty sure I love you too. Even if you are keeping secrets from me.”

“I’ll tell you everything soon, but it really doesn’t matter. I’ve made my choice.” He sat up and then drew her into his arms again. “You’re it.”

This was the chance he’d been waiting for. Cupid, Fate, and his father might have brought him here, but what he did next was entirely up to him. He was done following orders. This time, he was going to follow his heart.