Alicia’s Vengeance by Lila Fox

Chapter Eighteen


Alicia wiped up the spilled booze and food from the party the night before. Goddamn men, she thought. They were all pigs.

“Hey, bitch.”

Alicia turned and rolled her eyes. Out of all the sluts in the club, Betsy was her least favorite.

“What do you want?” Alicia asked. She tried to be nice to the woman, but it was next to impossible because the bitch was a selfish skank who thought she was better than all the other whores.

Betsy grinned and handed her a folded-up piece of paper.

Alicia’s mouth fell open, and she gasped as she read.


You’ve taken a lot from me, bitch, and you will pay. I will find you, whore. Wherever you go.

Sweet dreams, Rock


The whore smirked at her over her shoulder as she headed toward the door to leave the club, and she knew this would be her only chance to get her.

“I’ll be seeing you, cunt,” Betsy said.

Alicia had enough. She screamed and took off for the woman. She dove at her and caught the slut’s lower legs before she could get to the door, and tackled her to the ground. Betsy turned to fight, but Alicia sat on the woman’s stomach and slammed her fist into the woman’s face over and over again.

“You fucking whore. Are you really stupid enough to think Rock won’t torture your ass?” Alicia yelled.

“Hey! What the hell is going on?” Striker said as he pushed the crowd away. “Stone, come here and get your woman!” he bellowed.

Alicia was lifted off the whore within a minute, but she’d done some damage to the slut, so she felt better. The woman’s nose was bleeding, and one eye was already swelling.

“Keep her,” Alicia yelled as two men helped the woman to stand. “She gave me a note from Rock and was going to leave to go to him.”

The room immediately went cold and silent.

“You fucking slut. You have no idea what the hell I was going to do,” Betsy shrieked. “She’s lying.”

Alicia looked up at Stone when he cleared his throat and saw his expression. “Fuck, babe, I thought we were going to try to be less violent?”

Alicia wiped her palms off on her jeans. “Yeah, but I couldn’t let her leave.”

One of Stone’s eyebrows rose. “You could have just yelled for someone.”

“There wasn’t time.”

“Do you have control over your woman, Stone?” Striker said as he came to stand in front of them.

She almost snorted. Did they think she was going to attack the prez?

Stone wrapped his arms around her and pressed her back against his chest.

Striker crossed his arms over his chest. “Tell me everything.”

Alicia cleared her throat. She never felt comfortable around the prez. Hell, most of the guys scared her when they got angry or got a look in their eyes, but a few of them were worse than the others, and he was one of them.

“That bitch walked up to me as I was cleaning the top of the bar and handed me a folded piece of paper. When I opened it, it said You’ve taken a lot from me bitch, and you will pay. I will find you, whore. Wherever you go. Sweet dreams, Rock.

“Where’s the note?” Striker asked.

She jerked her head to the side. “Look on top of the bar.”

The paper was handed to Striker, and she waited until he read it.

“And you’re saying Betsy is the one who gave it to you?”

Alicia nodded.

“Hey, boss, I saw her hand it to Alicia,” Taz said.

A few other people attested to it that happening in the room.

Striker sighed and pressed the bridge of his nose. “Fuck, take her to the shed.”

“Wait! What! I didn’t do anything. Striker, please don’t do this,” Betsy cried. “Please.”

Striker looked at the slut. “Let’s see how you do with truthfully answering my questions.”

“You’d let me go?” Betsy asked.

“I wish I could, slut, but the last time I let a woman go, I regretted it.” Striker looked at the men and tipped his head. “Go.”

Alicia went limp when it became apparent that the woman would be dead soon. She never thought of the bitch dying. She just wanted to get to her. But she also didn’t think she’d do things differently. Betsy made her bed when she switched sides and went to the enemy.

“I’m going to take her upstairs and take care of her cuts.”

Striker nodded to Stone, turned, and walked off.

Stone picked her up.

“You know I can walk,” she said.


She rolled her eyes and circled his neck with her arms.

He took her into the bathroom and sat her on the counter.

“You need to shower, babe. When you dove for her, you skidded along the floor, so I’ve got a pretty good idea what’s all over your shirt.”

She looked down and just about gagged at what she thought was vomit, a bit of blood, and she didn’t want to think about how many men’s cum was mixed together. “Get it off.”

He chuckled and pulled the neck of the shirt away from her face before he lifted it off her head and threw it in the sink. Then he pulled every piece of clothing off her before he inspected her front for injuries.

“I really am okay,” she said. “My knuckles hurt a bit, but some ice will make them feel better.”

His eyes locked with hers. “Let’s get you in the shower.” He started the water and made sure it wasn’t too hot before lifting her into it.

She watched as he shed his own clothes and stepped in behind her.

“One thing I’d like us to have is a bathtub big enough for both of us and the shower separate,” she said when his elbow hit the wall of the shower.

He chuckled and then started washing her from top to bottom.

It didn’t take long, and she wasn’t surprised when he made her face the side of the shower and lifted her a bit before she felt his cock push into her. She braced herself, knowing what was coming. When Stone got scared of something happening to her, he fucked her for hours until neither of them could move.

“Oh, God,” she screamed as he pistoned into her.

“Fuck, woman. You’re always so tight.”

She nodded, but her focus was on the way he was making her feel.

He slammed into her several times before he reached around with both hands. One to her breast and the other pressing against her clit.

She screamed when she was thrown over so quickly it startled her, and she lost her footing.

“I’ve got you,” he said. “That’s it, keep going. I want to feel your cunt suck every bit of cum out of my cock.”

She felt her pussy pulse with her orgasm, and it seemed to go on forever. When it finally settled for her, she felt him pound his cock into her cunt as he came.

“Jesus,” he yelled.

She felt his cum fill her cunt and slide down her legs to mix with the warm shower water. There was no way he’d be able to fuck her again so soon because she guessed he already emptied his balls.

“Let’s get you cleaned up again and then get dressed. I’ll need to get downstairs. I’m thinking the prez is going to want to talk to the men.”

“What should I do?”

“Either be in the kitchen with K or up here in our room.”

“I’d like to go back down.”

“If you start to get stiff from the fight, send someone for me.”

She smiled. “I think I’ll be okay.”

He lifted her out onto the bath mat and dried her off, and then used the towel on himself. He wrapped that around his waist and handed her one for her hair.

“Let’s get to our room, babe. Just wrap the towel around you.”

He grabbed their clothes and followed her down the hallway.

She quickly got dressed and combed her hair.

Stone waited by the door with his hand out. “Let’s go.”

She grabbed his hand.

He stopped them at the top of the stairs and turned to her. “Now, let’s see if we can’t go the rest of the day without hurting anyone.”

She snorted at his sarcasm. “I’ll try my best.”

He cupped her face. “I don’t want anything to happen to you. Promise me you’ll be safe and do what I tell you to.”

“I will do it to the best of my ability.”

He grunted and frowned. “That doesn’t make me feel better.”

She bit back a smile and patted his cheek. “I’ll be fine, babe.”

He snorted and led her down the stairs.

She didn’t want to do anything that would jeopardize her relationship with Stone, and she certainly didn’t want to get hurt, so she’d do her best to behave.